• Published 17th Mar 2012
  • 13,458 Views, 437 Comments

Devil hunter among Ponies - Dusk Stalker

DMC/MLP Crossover, Dante winds up in Equestria after getting caught by a little surprise on his current job. At the same time an evil before Celestia was born starts to seethe back into Equestria.

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Mission 5: Answers for a Scholar

Authors Notice: Woah good thing again I got two chapters out of the way. Onward to the next!.

Dante woke up groggy and somehow relaxed, his hair unkempt but still managed to maintain its shape as he combed it down with his hand. Never getting out of the bed, he stood up waiting for his vision to return, ‘Craziest dream ever, glad its over.’ Dante could only rub his eyes from a first time good night sleep, but when his vision returned, ‘Yeah... Figures.’ He could only give out a huge sigh as he saw he was in the same room, in the same world.

The rain outside was peppering the window outside like a barrage of pebbles hitting one window at the same time. Dante got up as he kneeled down to put his boots on, ‘Man, I can imagine what Lady would say right now.’ He pondered on that thought, all he could see was Lady still banging her fist on the hardwood floor, laughing her ass off.

Yeah... That's expected.’ Dante laughed a little too at that little moment, he finally got his boots on and headed out of his room. He thought of bringing Rebellion and his guns, but they were safely locked up in the armoire, but then again, he did feel naked without them, he only had his brown pants and black boots as he was walking down the dimly lighted hallway, his footsteps making the floorboards creak with every step until he reached the top of the stairs, light was issuing from downstairs and some voices, mainly Pinkies, was talking.

Dante went down the stairs to see the main room not crowded, basically just Mr and Mrs. Cake who were behind the counter, they both suddenly turned at the presence of Dante, "Bad timing, huh?" Dante asked.

Pinkie Pie slid out from the kitchen with a huge grin on her face, "Good Morning Dante!" Her hair had a few patches of flour as she ran forward to Dante, "So, how did ya sleep?!?" Dante itched his head as he gave out a loud yawn, "First decent Nap I ever had." He took a seat at the nearest chair, still, he couldn't figure out how this chair was holding him up, but his train of thought was cut asunder by a burnt smell spreading out through the room, "Something burning?" Pinkie gasped along with Mr. Cake as they left in a dash to the kitchen. They came out with a burnt cake, Pinkie Pie stamped a hoof on the ground, "Ah phooey, this was your breakfast!"

"My breakfast? A cake?" Dante tilted his head to the side in confusion, "Never expected sweets in the morning." Mr Cake could only look at Dante in utter confusion, Mrs. Cake was sorting the money they made into a little bucket as gold coins dropped down like a waterfall into it.

Pinkie Pie suddenly ran into the main room and stopped right in front of the table Dante was sitting at, "Sorry about your cake," She gave him a watery but cute stare at him, he shrugged it off as Pinkie gave her usual Pinkie grin at Dante, "So, what'll you have for breakfast?"

"I need a good pizza." Dante leaned back in his chair as the legs of the chair somehow managed to take the added weight.

"What's a pizza?" Everypony in the room asked, Dante looked at them with a disbelieving look, not even believing he just heard the most unused words come out of anyones mouth.

"You guys never heard of it?"

"Sorry, no, so... What's a pizza?" Mr. Cake asked again, Dante then got out of his chair and was pacing back and forth, trying to find the words to even describe the food of the gods, but to him, there were so many words to describe it and its mouthwatering taste.

But his thoughts were interrupted by the door opening, "Saved by the door," Dante turned to see who it was and gave a light chuckle along with his trademark smirk, "Saved by a torture method."

Twilight was taking off a yellow raincoat, dripping rainwater from it's edges, she levitated it on the coat rack which was located right near the door. "Good morning everypony." She gave a smile to everypony and Dante in the room.

"Morning Twilight!" Everypony replied except Dante, she stepped forward to Dante, "And good morning to you too, Dante."

"Sup." Dante calmly replied as he gave out a sigh of the new's that there was no pizza, he shrugged it off as Twilight sat down across from him, "So, I hope you’re ready."

"Ready for what?"

“The questions." Twilight was excited that she was almost jumping for joy, "You promised to answer my question seriously after you lost the bet."

"Oh yeah... That." Dante ruffled his hair, he wished he could have forgotten.

Twilight then gasped, "Oh shoot I forgot my scroll!"

"Phew." Dante smirked and he knew he would get out of it easily, but sighed as he saw a little purple dragon with green spines rush through the door and panting, "You *Pant* Forgot *Pant* this." He held out a large thick scroll which Twilight levitated towards her.

How the hell did that kid keep it dry?’ Dante asked himself, Spike was looking at Dante, eyeing only his amulet and the jewel. Twilight then grinned at this, "I am sorry about this, I forgot to introduce you two, Dante this is Spike, my assistant." Spike wasn't paying attention as his attention was still on the amulet, the light from the room was reflecting off the gem which made Spike's mouth water. Dante could only laugh and rubbed the top of his head, "Hey little guy, this isn't on the menu."

"Hey who ya callin’ little guy?" Spike puffed out his chest at that remark, Dante could only laugh more, "Yeah little guy, be more like that and you'll remind me of someone I killed before I landed in this place." This got Twilight's attention as she got out a pen and long piece of parchment as it rolled out onto the floor, the thick one was still rolled up as Twilight got her pen ready, "What did you fight before you came here?"

"Another time." Dante put it nonchalantly, he would rather be in the forest than here. He mentally measured what was better, kicking ass in the everfree without a warm bed or a warm bed with a town full of candy colored ponies, his decision was final as he leaned back in his chair staring at the ceiling.

"Please Dante." Twilight asked a little annoyed at the fact he avoided that question, Dante looked away from the ceiling to Twilight, "Fine, you really want to know?"

"Yes please." Twilight said.

A short pause graced the room as the only thing that was making noise were the dishes in the back room being put away in the cupboards. Dante took a deep breath in, Twilight leaned in closer to hear his answer.

"Prolly next time." Twilight facedesked and grumbled about something which Dante couldn't make out, the only things he could hear was 'get' and 'weapons'. Spike was laughing at Twilight getting outwitted as Dante went up the stairs, the dark hallway was still the same, the creaks in the floorboard filling the hallway with a childish eerie presence, he could hear extra footsteps from downstairs as he opened the door to his room.

Right as he entered the room, a flash of light tan went straight across, he gazed at the blur only to see a baby pegasus with a tannish colour of fur and a brown mane who stopped right in front of the armoire, at the bottom of the bed, a unicorn with light canary yellow fur and an orange mane was nibbling on the ends of Dante's trench coat, drool was leaking down the corners of the jacket after each nibble.

Dante could only scratch his head as he heard a voice from down the hallway, "Pumpkin Cake? Pound Cake?" He turned to see Mrs. Cake appear behind him, she looked around Dante, "There you are." She walked into the room and picked up both by her teeth and carried them down to their room. Dante itched his head as he grabbed his trench coat and slung it on despite the drool, he went to his armoire and grabbed his gear, he walked out of the room to see Mrs. Cake walking down the hallway, as soon as she saw Dante she gave him a friendly grin, "They always get out of their crib's, adventurous little angels, I'm sorry if they caused you any trouble." She trotted down the hallway and went back downstairs.

Dante shrugged it off and was about to go down, until he heard a new voice enter the fray and he thought it was one of the others that entered the shop, "Pinkie Pie, has he done anything suspicious or rude?" This was Twilight.

"Noppity Nope, not even a tiny thing." Pinkie answered, he could imagine her grin not leaving her face.

" But that doesn't excuse on what he did in the forest, ya'll remember what he did to those manticores, how can we be sure this isn't a ruse, that he won't do the same to all of us?" This was Applejack, a fiery voice among the others as she voiced her concern, "He so much handled them without so much as battin’ an eye."

"But he had his reasons." Pinkie Pie stated, " After all, if you five forgot, he did save us to, he did what he had to do."

"That doesn't give us reason to trust him! He insulted the princess and from what AJ told me, he fought her and beat her too!" Another voice that entered the fray was Rainbow Dash brash and a little angry.

"I agree with Rainbow Dash," The posh voice of Rarity entered the fray to, "The audacity he displayed to the Princess herself was vulgar and rude."

"Ummm... I'm sorry Pinkie," Fluttershy entered along with the others, "But I have to agree with the others... I'm sorry."

"Pinkie, why do you seem to be behind him? After the events of yesterday?" Twilight asked, "And yes, I am with the others, I don't trust him." Her thoughts returned to the defeated princess and Dante standing over her, she didn't want to remember how her mentor was close to death, how Equestria could have descended into an unending chaos.

Pinkie Pie could only look at the others in disbelief, "You girls don't see it but I do, he isn't a meany! He had to do what he had to do!"

"But why? What do you see in him that we don't?" All the girls leaned forward to hear what Pinkie Pie was about to say, she gave out a sigh and again this was rare of her to be extremely serious,
"What I saw in him was someone who just needed somepony, from what I could see in him... He was alone, so much mean stuff was burdening him... He isn't a meanie... If you girls can't see it..." A tear stared to slide down her cheek.

"Pinkie..." Fluttershy piped up, the whole gang suddenly felt bad, who knew that the party pony, the most joyous of all of the ponies in Ponyville, the one that brought a smile to everypony’s face, just made everyone feel down about their actions.

This was the time for Dante to make his move, he walked down the stair to see the whole gang around the table he was sitting at, Dante could only stand at the bottom of the stairs as Twilight cleared her throat, "So... I see you have your equipment." Spike seem to have left them for the rest day off given to him by Twilight.

"What gave it away?" Dante put out both hands, "Do I suddenly look good looking?"


"Come on, do you guys still have sticks up your asses?" Dante took his seat, "Jeez, do any of you guys have any sense of humor?"

"Of course we do!" Pinkie Pie smiled as she squished her face right next to Rainbow Dash, "Me and Dashie love a good prank."

"Well,it looks like some of you don't have sticks up your asses." He stated, everyone flinched at his swearing. Twilight cleared her throat, "Alright, can we begin?"

"Alright, shoot your first torture method." Dante leaned back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling, Twilight then unrolled the scroll as it rolled down the side of the table, they all looked at the scroll as it neatly stopped right at the frame of the door.

"One long torture method." Dante thought to himself.

Twilight levitated a quill, a flask of ink and a long parchment, "Now Dante," The gang was less enthusiastic as Applejack was giving Dante a glare along with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie was grinning, Rarity was eyeing his amulet, and Fluttershy was meekly looking at Dante. "First question, what is a demon?"

"You really want to know? Wasn’t what I showed you in the forest enough?" Dante said, Twilight gave a soft ooohhh as she crossed off that subject.

"So the amulet," Twilight was on the second item on her list, "You took it away from Rarity and said it was your mother's, why are you so protective of it?"

"I could give you a straight answer with so much detail, " He soon gestured to the gang, "But I am pretty sure it will put them in a snooze fest."

"Well can you give us a shortened story, straight to the point, please?" Twilight asked kindly.

"Well since you said please... See? Was it so hard to say it when you were asking me a question?"

"..." Twilight could only scowl a tiny bit at Dante, he put up both his arms as sarcasm dripped from his mouth,"Fine I surrender. I'll tell you." Dante then took off his amulet and put it at the center of the table, many of the ponies could only gaze at it in confusion, except for Rarity who had a twinkle in her eye dreaming on how that amulet would look marvelous with any dress, if it was alright with him to wear it, but the twinkle disappeared as she saw the look on Dante's face.

"This amulet, was the key to unlock the demon world, and seal it."

Everypony gasped as Dante continued, "This is only one half of the amulet, the other belonged to my brother."

Twilight froze and peaked up from her notes, "You have a brother, if it is alright with you, could please tell me about him." Dante felt a familiar pang in his stomach, too painful, too sad, the only gift and curse he liked, "That... Is a touchy subject."

Twilight then waved it off, "It's okay and you are always welcome to talk with any of us if you want to talk about your brother."

‘Now you suddenly trust me.’ Dante rolled his eyes as he leaned back further in his chair as it balanced on its two back legs.

"So, about that amulet..." Rainbow Dash reminded both of them, Dante rubbed his forehead, "It was a gift from my mother, and it was used by my father to seal the demon world."

"Your Pa did it?" Applejack asked, Dante nodded, "Yep... even for a devil over two thousand years old, he still kept his good looks while he did it." As he looked into Rebellion, everypony’s jaw dropped, "Your father is over two thousand years old?!?" Rarity asked now amazed, Twilight furiously was writing down every detail, the discovery in her eyes only made her more excited about it.

"Yep, and two thousand years ago, he rebelled against his kind to protect the human world," Dante now got off his chair and was now standing holding out Rebellion, "And this was one the old man's keepsakes he gave to me."

"Ok... So, how did he sealed the demon world?" Twilight asked.

"To put it short and sweet, he used his blood, the blood of a human priestess, his own sword, and the amulet." Dante pointed to it at the center of the table. Everypony’s eyes were now in awe, "But at that cost, he lost the true form of his sword and some of his power, but for those past two thousand years he ruled over humanity and at that time, he fell in love with a human... Eva, my mother."

Rarity could only look at the amulet as guilt was starting to overcome her, she felt a little uncomfortable about it, Fluttershy finally asked, "So... Umm... If you don't mind me asking... What happened to your mother and father?"

This... Was one of the subjects Dante didn't like to tell, but these girls... He thought they weren't as bad as the humans back where he was from, the one that could understand Dante was Lady, so he sighed and continued, "Don't know what happened to the old man, some say he died, but you know I don't give a damn, he left as soon as my brother and I were born." Some tears started to fall from some of the ponies, "As for my mother, about eight years since my dad left... She died."

This was a stab to everypony's heart, "During that time... I thought my brother was dead, I found him during a job from some demon called “The Mad Hatter” from there, I saw my brother, the reunion was more bittersweet than you think." Dante coughed into his hand and continued.

“I could see in him that he blamed himself for not being powerful enough to protect her. I could still see it in him, still blaming himself no matter how cold he was, even when I saw him that one last time."

Dante got up from his chair and looked at the mane six, "My past was hell, I swore to myself I would kill every demon that was involved with the death of my mother, and that's just putting my life short and sweet." Dante got up as he heard sniffles from some ponies as he went out the door. The room was silent for the whole time as the sun greeted the new day, it's rays pierced the windows lighting up the room.

"How... Could somepony live like that?" Fluttershy asked, she felt actually truly sorry for Dante and just wanted to comfort him, tell him that he wasn't alone.

"What did I tell you?" Pinkie said gently to everypony giving them her still warm grin, this managed to cheer everypony up as they took it all in, but Twilight broke the moment as she forgot one thing, "Oh no, Dante just left, he is in Ponyville!" Everypony gasped, not knowing what would happen if Dante was among the populace, they all got up from their seats and galloped out the door, hoping to get Dante back before anything got out of hoof.

‘I just hope nopony does anything rude in front of him.’ Twilight said to herself.

Unknown Location.

The cave moaned a sad tone, a blizzard was brewing outside, only furthering its efforts to quell the noise the cave was making, one pony decided it to make it its home as he was looking at the marble statue of Discord, the entity of Chaos.

"How could I have let this happen?" He put a hoof to the base of the statue, the cold touch of marble evaporating from under his hoof, seeing his servant, his project, sealed in disgrace.

"No more..."

He raised up a hoof and sent down a dark smoke emitted from his hoof as it made contact with the statue, at first, it did nothing... The statue was still cold and empty, but cracks started to form at the bottom, then they suddenly started to climb up to the face of Discord, white light was emanating from the cracks and dancing off the cave walls. The hooded pony could only gaze upon the statue ignoring the light emitting from the statue, all of a sudden, the statue exploded and light literally blinded the cave walls, once it disappeared it revealed the same draconequus that gave the elements of harmony trouble. He stretched out his arms and then taking off his head and holding it up above his body, as it gave a three hundred and sixty degree turn.

"Ahh it feels good to feel fresh air!" Discord then rolled his head down his arm and stopped neatly on his neck.

The hooded pony chuckled, "Ahhh your humor never rusted, isn’t it?"

Discord turned to the hooded pony, "You caught me at a disadvantage, good sir." He summoned a monocle and a top hat as he was sitting in mid air.

"It has been a long time... A long time since you were an egg." The hooded pony took off his garb in a flash, his fur was dark blue and messy, his wings were skeletal and large as it emitted a purple smoke, his horn was twisted and sharp as the a black smoke surround the horn, his eyes were yellow but emitted a purple smoke,the same shade of color that the smoke coming from his wings. His grin was toothy and demonic, all serrated and sharp to the touch. Discord then collapsed and kneeled, he never believed he would be in the presence of a infamous pony, a true evil incarnate in Equestria, the first pony to rebel against his own kind.

"Lord Dreadwing."

Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.

Authors Notice: I am sorry if the story of Sparda was short, here is a link to a more detailed versionSparda, again don't be afraid to comment, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.