• Published 17th Mar 2012
  • 13,458 Views, 437 Comments

Devil hunter among Ponies - Dusk Stalker

DMC/MLP Crossover, Dante winds up in Equestria after getting caught by a little surprise on his current job. At the same time an evil before Celestia was born starts to seethe back into Equestria.

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Mission 10: Boasters Punishment

Authors Notice: So close to the end...sooo very close till I am caught up, I appreciate all the patience you guys have shown, it is really enlightening to hear from all of you, back to the story. :)

" MASTER WHY!!!" The red sword was yelling at the top of its lungs as Dante was holding them above the city, Dante with his other hand was rubbing his forehead the familiar pain of hearing one of them talking was even enough to incite it.

" We kept our promise, we didn't talk " The blue sword was calm at this situation, but deep down it was about as afraid as his brother. Celestia gasped for two reasons, one the swords were talking fluently, the second was what Dante was about to do with them. Dante could only rub his head harder and harder.

" Brother our master is in pain ."

" Where Agni? " he asked the Red sword. Dante literally was about to slap his face so hard right now.

Well Rudra it looks like he is in pain at........ ."

"Dammit can you guys shut up for at least five seconds. five seconds!" Dante yelled to both of them. Agni and Rudra's gaze was now on Dante. “Now your making me want to drop you right now even more!"

" Wait master, we can be quiet honestly, right Rudra? ."

" Agni you are not helping this situation even a bit right now ." Rudra pointed out, Dante couldn't clap so he patted his side hard to mimic applause, “Looks like someone in that small head has a damn brain."

So are you going to drop us still ?" The twin swords asked in unison, above all the things they said this was the stupidest thing they asked. His instincts were telling him to drop them and forget and pretend like it never happened, but something booted his idea out of his head as a new started to form. Dante smirked mischievously as he pulled Agni and Rudra back in the room and threw the them to the floor, “You know... I ain't gonna throw you out."

You aren’t ?!?" They both were actually surprised at this fact, Dante nodded his head as he stuck his head out the window, " Nope ain’t gonna throw ya, but first." he turned to the outside and cupped his hands over his mouth, “Hey Pinks! I got new friends for ya!"

Agni looked confused, " Ummm master, what is-." his question was answered by the doors flying open revealing Pinkie, hopping excitedly around, " Oh Oh where, where!?" Dante moved aside as he gestured to both swords. Agni and Rudra remained motionless, Dante suddenly gestured to Celestia to leave right now, they both did on the spot as Pinkie was examining the swords, and both had sweat coming down their face.

"Do you think she noticed brother?" Agni asked, worst mistake ever, Pinkie gave an excited gasp as she hopped all over the room asking questions at top speed, " Oh my gosh you talk! What's it like being a sword? Why are you blue and red? Did you need cheering up because I know how to cheer up ponies no problem."

"Brother." Rudra whispered as Pinkie was barraging them both with unending questions.


"Kill me."

Down in the city of Canterlot

The streets were filled, but not as much for today as ponies were walking with their heads up or other ponies who are at their stalls or stores just trying to make money and have a living. Vergil and Luna were walking down the main street of Canterlot as some of the stallions and mares took notice of the two walking, some bowed immediately on the spot for Luna but got up out of curiosity of Vergil, most didn't care about as they kept walking with their heads up to the air. Vergil looked towards every building all finely crafted and polished to its extent, the reflection it was giving off was lighting the street up even though the sun was mainly doing it all. Vergil looked down towards the street to see more buildings with the same sheen that every building shared, he could also feel the wind blowing gently against his hair and skin, as if it was healing him, he could never picture this much peace, he could never picture this much freedom. The air on the other hand was different, it smelled like paper and metal, he took a whiff and his face scrunched up a bit.

Luna giggled at Vergil's face, knowing she had the exact same reaction when she first came here as a filly, " Yea you get use to the smell here, I wasn't much of a fan of it either." Luna giggled at his face, right at that moment she felt her stomach start to feel light, like butterflies in her stomach were flapping around wildly she shrugged it off as she kept looking at Vergil. She noticed that he was a little unkempt and still tired even though he slept for the past three days, but one thing came to her was that he was thirsty as he was licking his lips, he had water and food when Luna brought them up to him, she approached him and smiled, " Looks like your thirsty, I know a perfect shop to drink at."

Vergil was thinking of declining the offer and to return to the castle, but two reasons held him here, one of them was unknown to everypony including him, the second reason was to see if his theory was correct.

" Very well...let's go."

Twilight was pouring over book after book after book, Celestia was right over in the next isle, Twilight was remembering the name of the pony that caused them so much trouble, the look on her mentor's face when she saw that pony, it was the only thing that she could remember and when she asked her mentor she said simply, " Dreadwing." No basic information, just his name. She pulled out the next book and sighed,

"Equestrian History: Draconian Wars, don't fail me either please."

Luna and Vergil were sitting at a table outside a average coffee shop, it wasn't prominent among Canterlot but it had quality in its drinks, no shortcuts, just time and quality. The patrons at the coffee shop outside and inside weren't paying attention to Vergil and Luna, but some didn't let it go unnoticed as some of the patrons and tourist were looking towards them. Luna was enjoying the outside air and the cool breeze that swept throughout the street, Vergil, with a little bit of convincing finally took his seat as they waited for the waitress. Vergil seemed a bit tense as he felt the eyes of everypony on him, he felt surrounded and enclosed, he felt his hand itch for Yamato, as his finger's twitched to feel the handle of his sword, Luna noticed and assured him that nothing would attack her or him. Vergil had his doubts he wasn't afraid but more alert, his past was an example, that betrayal at Tema Ni Gru by Arkham was the best example.

The waitress, who was a unicorn with her brown mane tied in a bun, appeared right next to them, stammering at the fact that the Princess of the Night was out in public and visiting her shop and the fact their was a new...she didn't know what to call him so she didn't say anything, she asked Luna what she would like, Luna looked up at the waitress and smiled, " Oh just a cup of coffee thank you." The waitress nodded and turned to Vergil, still shy but regardless asked, " So ummm sir...what would you like."

" Anything." Vergil said shortly, Luna was about to speak up but the waitress spoke up, " It's alright your majesty, we get these type of...well we get those types of orders at times, we know what to do." She folded up her pad and pen and walked back in the shop. Luna looked around Canterlot, so much had changed since her last visit, it was more quiet, more equal back then. But now it was posh, more posh then it was back then and the smell still was the same even to her, but it left a bad taste in her mouth, Vergil on the other hand was looking down at his right arm where the mark was, still puzzling, still so much to know what it meant. Luna noticed as she decided to ask, " Is something wrong Vergil?"

" It is nothing."

" Vergil if something is bothering you, then it has me worried, is something wrong?" Luna repeated the question again, Vergil sighed, he might as well get it out of the way, " Are you sure it was wise to bring me out in the open?"

" The ponies here are to busy to notice, " By busy she meant stuck up, like stuck up , their were some nobles that were really kind and didn't showoff their riches to the public, but most acted like children when it came to nobility, so Luna rolled her eyes at a passing couple who were laughing heartily over a joke, their laugh was almost fake in a way, but all in all that was how they laughed, " So your fine, and I can't believe I am going to say this but them being busy has its advantages."

Vergil didn't respond but he understood as he looked down to his arm, Luna then noticed this and added," I guess that isn't the only thing that is on your mind." She reached towards Vergil's arm hoping to find out why his arm was the only thing he was looking at, she was about an inch away from finding out, that is until Vergil pulled that arm away, and he sighed," It is nothing else for you to concern yourself about." Luna looked worried, just what was he hiding, she thought he told her everything in the Dream Cell and reassured her it was everything, so something wasn't right.

Luna's train of thought was cutoff by the same waitress who was levitating the drinks on the table, " Here are your drinks, I am sorry for the long wait." Both waved her off as Luna gave her some bits and a small tip which she bowed graciously as she went back inside the shop to fulfill more orders. Luna took a sip of her drink as she looked to see what Vergil got, a cup of orange juice generously filled near to the edge. Luna took a another sip and looked at Vergil, still worried, " Vergil you know you can tell me anything, from what you told me in the Dream Cell, you were alone without your mother, but I will repeat myself, " the kindness she was showing was strong, strong enough to turn the coldest of hearts warm, " Vergil...."

He looked up to Luna whose eyes were now staring into his," You have my word as a Princess and friend, I will never tell anypony about this, even my sister." it kept going, both of them looking into each others eyes seeing who would go first, Vergil sighed in defeat as he was sipping his drink, " Fine." He reached an arm down to pull up his sleeve to reveal the mark on his arm.

But suddenly his drink exploded all over him leaving a sopping wet Vergil unphased by this, Luna gasped as did some of the other ponies, the turned to see an angry blue unicorn with a whitish mane and purple cape glaring at Vergil, her glow on her horn was furiously bright, " You!! I thought I would never bump into you here!! " She was walking towards Vergil, still a furious look on her face, Vergil was in half a mind to slay her where she was, but Luna put both her hooves on the hand with his mark on it, " Please..."
Vergil suddenly felt something hit him in the back of the head, thought not painfully it was enough to get anyponies attention but for Vergil that was strike one so he didn't do anything, " Are you listening you dirty monkey!? The Great and Powerful Trixie is demanding your attention!" She sent another rock flying towards Vergil, Vergil caught the small rock and crushed it into dust, he got up from his chair as he got Yamato from the side, he turned to Trixie whose expression changed from anger to confusion, " Wait you aren't him?"


" Well it seems you are the same as him except the way you style your hair." Trixie pointed out still having a haughty demeanor.


" If you are the same as Trixie thinks, then you may know where this Dante is-." Vergil's eyes raised a bit as he noticed Trixie start to grin.

" So you do know where he is, then Trixie demands-." Vergil leapt over the fence that separated the street from the shop's area he whipped out Yamato as he coiled his hand around the neck, everypony gasped even more and Luna was even more appalled then what she witnessed in the Dream Cell, Vergil's killing intent leaked a single drop of water, it seemed to send a shiver down Trixie's spine, " Never...demand me." He placed Yamato on Trixie's neck which caused a couple of tears to fall down, " You may think I am as forgiving as my brother, " he gently slid Yamato across Trixie's neck, not enough to kill or cause harm of course, " But I am way more lenient on how we dictate our opponents." Vergil turned to Luna who was still pleading with him not to do it, Vergil looked towards Trixie again who was crying quietly, he then threw her away as she grunted in pain, Vergil sheathed Yamato as Trixie was coughing up dirt, she looked up surprised.

" This was your second warning, the third one is your last, if you show your face before me again and demand of me whatever subject you have on your mind, I will make sure your days of entertaining are over as quick as it began...It is your only warning from me." He coated his last bit of words with a bit more killing intent, which made Trixie gallop down the street, all dignity forgotten. Vergil went over to Luna and said, " Let's leave please." Luna couldn't agree more as she finished the rest of her drink and got up to leave.

Luna looked at Vergil and smiled, " Thank you for sparing Trixie, how did you know she was an entertainer?"

Vergil answered despite the glares from the citizens or tourist, " She carried herself high above others, selfish of her to do." Luna giggled a bit, still glad that Vergil didn't cause any harm. Suddenly the butterflies returned in her stomach, "What is this feeling, this is the second time I had this around him." She kept thinking and thinking why, she never felt this before, even around other's, but why was he so different, " I just feel so safe around him, like were same...the same lives....but his was worse...yet...my imprisonment on the moon was almost the same." But Luna shrugged it thinking it was probably the drink talking, she gave Vergil a smile, " So what do you want to do next?"

Dante was leaning on the wall of his room waiting for Pinkie to finish, Celestia had to leave to go continue studying with Twilight. Dante could only snigger to himself as some of the guards passing him had confused looks on their faces on why he was laughing to himself. About five minutes in Pinkie Pie was hopping out the room and turned to Dante, " They were so awesome! Not much talking! But it was so fun!" She waved goodbye to Dante as she hopped back to her room, Dante entered his room to see it was strewn with confetti and balloons, Agni and Rudra were leaning on the end of the bed, party hats adorning their heads.

" Sooo you learned your lesson?" Dante looked towards Agni and Rudra with a smirk.

"..." For them what Pinkie did was torture, Dante didn't want to know as he got in bed and decided to rest his eyes a bit.



"It was horrible." Dante bolted up to see both swords still quiet, he sighed at this, " You know you guys could say anything when I’m not around."

Knock Knock Knock!

Dante got up rubbing his head as each knock was banging his head like a drum, he couldn't get a moment of quiet for one day...just one day. Dante opened it up to see Rainbow Dash hovering a few feet above the floor scratching the back of her mane, " Oh hey Dante, wassup?"

" Napping." Dante said rubbing his eyes, " Was rudely interrupted, but all in all kicking it."

" I know right! I get interrupted all the-." Seeing the look on Dante's face made Rainbow Dash realize she meant she did it as she blushed from embarrassment, " Right sorry."

Dante waved the apology off and sighed, " Well what do ya need?"

" You promised you would show me how you fle-." She looked around Dante to see his Devil arms, she rushed in a flash, "Umm come in?" Dante said itching his head. Rainbow Dash looked quizzically at each of his weapons, first off was Cerberus, she could feel the chill in the air that it resonated, she went next to Nevan, she was examining it a long time, her eyes dancing around the guitar slash scythe, the next was Beowulf she noticed the oddly shaped gauntlets and the clawed feet, she turned to the swords but Dante knew what she was going to do, " Don't even ask."

" What are these?" She gestured to each weapon, she couldn't contain her excitement as she eyed each one.

" Devil Arms, I earned them from fights."

" What do they do?" Rainbow Dash asked, just then Dante popped an idea as he walked and picked up Agni and Rudra who were still quiet and Cerberus, he equipped Beowulf on his hands and feet," Well I just have to show you now do I, now a good place to try these out?"

Rainbow Dash beamed, " Well of course I know a place, just follow me!" Dante went to get Nevan as he lifted it up and cradled it in his arms following Rainbow Dash, as soon as they were outside and heading down the hallway, three pairs of pony eyes were trailing them, Applejack was looking around the corner while Pinkie and Fluttershy were right behind her.

" Come on ya'll." Applejack trotted out from her hiding spot, she knew this was wrong, but she was curious at the same time so she decided to trail Dante. Fluttershy didn't want to come, but she was curious as well, Pinkie came along for the ride when she bumped into Applejack.

They dashed to each hiding spot leaving nothing but a tiny trail of air behind them. Applejack straightened her stenson as she looked towards Dante, carrying weird looking objects on his back and waist, this sparked her curiosity even more.

"Now wha in the hay are those?"

Luna and Vergil were continuing their walk in Canterlot, Luna could only keep walking thinking what to do next with Vergil, she looked up again towards Vergil, right then and their she knew where she wanted to show Vergil. She smiled as ran ahead, " Come on Vergil I know a place we could go!" She laughed as she ran ahead, Vergil followed in a run to, this time not with a emotionless face, but with a grin, he could feel freedom, he could feel all of it, the things he had never truly experienced when his mother died, the child inside Vergil was starting to leak out a tiny bit. Luna was running still beaming, " I just hope he does enjoy this place."

She never really had this much fun running, Vergil right behind her grinning, she turned around to notice it, but she forgot one thing...his arm. She knew this place was a last resort to see what was on his arm that was worrying him.

" And it is about time I found out ."

Authors Notice; And cut! Sucks I couldn't get caught up before the Royal wedding episode:( But I watched it and it was truly awesome. Again don't be afraid to comment and I hope you enjoyed the chapter, one more to go till I was back where I was.