• Published 17th Mar 2012
  • 13,461 Views, 437 Comments

Devil hunter among Ponies - Dusk Stalker

DMC/MLP Crossover, Dante winds up in Equestria after getting caught by a little surprise on his current job. At the same time an evil before Celestia was born starts to seethe back into Equestria.

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Mission 16: Cold Fury

Authors Notice: Were now back with Dante and the others, Vergil's time will come again and Secret Mission 3 will be a short Part 1 (Along with Dreadwing)and a Part 2 just for those who hope for a two parter(well maybe another two parter you'll see who the second parter will revolve around)...but don't worry I won't forget it on the last Secret Mission. MISSION START!

Remnants of Soleusk(Far North)
30 minutes before the invasion of Canterlot

The blizzard brushing along the grounds didn't seem to let up on the white ground, it felt like the massive wind was only building up clouds on the landscape and no matter what you would do, they would never let up. But one spot changed, as a ball of light kept expanding and expanding, as the magic around it was melting the snow, the ground beneath the snow was still barren and dry, as if no form of fertility would make it succumb to its weather. The white dome started to grow to the size of a tent as the magic disappeared, leaving one standing Dante and a pile of jumbled elements on the ground, Dante surveyed the area a little but the thing that hit the most wasn't the nip of the blizzard against his skin, but the fact that there was demonic energy nearby.

It was faint, gone, but faint, it taints the land; and somehow, it was very similar to Capulet City, he could smell the hopelessness and the scent of the damned in the air. Dante hoped that it would delay them for a tiny bit so he can have some fun with them on the side.

"T-this place is c-cold." Rarity chimed as she was getting up, and from the conditions that they were in, not even a scarf could keep her warm in this climate. Rarity wasn't the only one that woke up from that little teleportation, the rest started to grumble as they worked their way up, as soon as they got up they felt the cold nip of the blizzard hit their coats, shivering as soon as it made contact with them as they quivered down to that condition. Dante sighed as he took out Agni and held it up in the air.

"Hey Sparkles," Dante looked at Twilight only to see her huddle up near Rarity trying to salvage any heat they could from the others.


"Can you contain the heat from Tweedle Dee up here?" Dante asked, gesturing with his eyes to Agni, Twilight uncertain about demonic flames gave a somewhat confident nod. Dante tapped Agni in the head, Agni's eyes barely looked down as he suddenly warmed up, the blade being surrounded by embers as the warmth started to melt the snow around them even more. Twilight's horn was glowing as a small dome encased all of the six ponies as the heat calmly settled in warming all six of the ponies who were now suddenly relaxing.

"Now that you guys are warm, lets not keep the party waiting any longer then, hmm?" Dante said, all the ponies agreed as the snow on the ground entered the dome only to melt on contact, as Twilight was now levitating Agni right beside her as the embers from the blade kept them warm. Dante trudge on through the snow with ease, as he sometimes released a bit of his demonic energy to warm the way. From what he could see, it was just a wasteland of white... Nothing for miles even in the white out. Pinkie on the other hand, was literally having a ball, as she pierced through the sheet of white and came back with seven paper cups with different colors, red blue, you name it, "Snow cones!" As she threw five cups in the air and threw one to Dante and the other went down her mouth as she burped up the paper cup itself. Dante looked at his snow cone and shrugged as he chugged it down.

Nearly an hour passed before Dante was about to sheathe Agni and just pretty much tear the whole damn place apart just to get some action in. Any straggling demons would be welcome to the due course of this tiny sojourn, and this white out didn't help in the slightest for both Dante or the ponies as his vest and coat were getting slick from the melting snow entering the dome. The six started feel the same, well, all except Pinkie, who was burrowed deep in the snow bulldozing random paths outside the dome before coming back inside the dome all wet except her mane which miraculously stayed up, just as she was shaking they heard a small rumble.

"Oh, this must be the place!" Pinkie announced, the others looked at her as Rainbow Dash asked, "Where? We don't see an-." The earth start to reveal a dark pit below them as all six fell into the pit below them as Dante leapt up in the air. Rainbow Dash managed to grab on to Applejack while Fluttershy(who was practicing with her flying more so than usual... Well, rare for her to train) managed to grab on to Pinkie, "Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!" She kept repeating it to herself. The only ones still falling were Twilight and Rarity as Dante dove down to them in midair, piercing the cold air like a sword. Twilight and Rarity were screaming at the top of their lungs as they were flailing around hoping to grab on to something, both knowing that couldn't happen.

Twilight was to scared to try a spell to save herself or Rarity, but her hope of being saved came in the form of a red blur who managed to cup both Rarity and Twilight under his arms as he was bulleting down towards the ground. Ignoring the screams and pleas of Twilight and Rarity, Dante smirked as he could see one of the chunks of earth that fell down, he snapped his fingers as the environment around them slowed down, the earth felt like it was being held back but still pushing forward, black and white was now the dominating color instead, as Dante landed on top of the falling earth and dashed off the chunk and landed down neatly on the ground. The chunks of earth falling behind them, Rarity and Twilight were flinching from the loud noise that was echoing, Dante looked up to see Rainbow still holding AJ, barely hovering above the ground.

"Where's Fluttershy?" Twilight asked.

"She’s taking a break, Pinkie is fine though." Rainbow said, Twilight turned on Dante, "And what did you just do when we were falling?"

"Just snapped my fingers, besides that, nothing special." Dante said.

"No I mean..." Then it hit her, "Did you just slow down the time?" The prospect of slowing down time like it was nothing, was almost foreign to Twilight, and possibly if Celestia saw what Dante did would probably think it was impossible. Yes they could go back in time, but only for a short while.

"Yep." Dante answered, Rainbow could see out of the corner of her eye as she set Applejack something in the dark that was huge and protruding barely from the wall of darkness surrounding them. Their only light source of course was the sunlight coming through the hole above them, but still it was hard to see what was around them.
"And did it occur to you that you could have mention that in the Everfree Forest!?" Twilight yelled, aside from the fact that if Dante went Devil Trigger, he could have flown him down but instead risk both Rarity's and Twilight's life by just diving down.
"You know," Dante a small grin appearing on his face like it was a joke, "I forgot to mention it back there, dimensional traveling does a lot of stuff to ya, doesn't it?"

" But tha-"

" WHAT THE HELL!?!?" Dante and the others turned around to see Rainbow sliding on her back towards them, spooked from what she saw. Twilight immediately lit up their area and gasped along with the others, except Dante; despite the now increased fold of light, the darkness was still looming above them, but from what they could see was none other than a dragon. But to their relief, somewhat, it was a stone dragon, highly ornate and grooves everywhere on its body, the size of it was enormous as tall as the dragon they first met when it was covering the whole town with its smoke.

That wasn't the only thing they could see, as opposite of the stone dragon was another one, but one of its wings fell off; a memento of time itself. Behind them were pillars, massive ones as thick as building and the height itself was easier to see then to explain because it was rising through the darkness and it looked like it kept going on forever. Right in between the two stone dragons was a massive circular door twice the size of the dragons. Many of the ponies were awestruck and afraid as Rainbow Dash flew up to get the other two mares, Fluttershy mainly, because even with the light that was issuing from the outside and Twilight's horn, it still wasn't enough to get her to go down.
Dante went up to the door as Twilight went up their with him, she could see something carved right in front of her, as she gasped she could make out one word.


Dante looked up at the door and cracked his knuckles, "Well, time to see whose home now." Dante jumped backwards as he slid to a screeching halt, Twilight was looking at Dante and then at the door, knowing what was going to happen, she teleported off to the side as she could see Dante holding Rebellion in a reverse style, the blade was glowing in a dim red as sparks were issuing everywhere from the blade, she wanted time to examine the door, but since time was of the essence and the fact Dante was almost unpredictable; it was almost not even a guess to know that this would happen.
Applejack looked at the door and then at Dante, she knew Dante could put up a fight easily, but seeing the size of the door, she thought their was absolutely no way he could bust it open.

"COME ON!!" Dante said, as he let out the energy from Rebellion; for Rarity, Twilight, and Applejack, this was almost astounding to see the sight that was in front of them. A wave of energy as tall as the Door and as thick as the pillars was racing towards the door. The wave was almost at the door, Rainbow Dash came back with Fluttershy, who was quivering at coming in and Pinkie who appeared from one of the many pillars behind them, were now astounded at this amount as the door exploded. Stone and dust and a little bit of snow blowing past Dante as the others took cover from the debris flying, Twilight could still feel the cave shaking, as did Rainbow Dash who was hovering above Twilight behind one of the pillars.

As the debris stopped, Dante had Rebellion on his shoulders and took in the view, "Knock Knock." Well, that was one way of answering a door. Twilight and the others stepped out of their hiding spots to see the door, well, the door was now gone, non existent, no evidence that even a door existed and no shape, form, or mark, just a huge archway. But what was inside caught the attention of all seven, nearly making everyone gasp, inside, was what looked like a large coliseum, but there was a sarcophagus right dead in the center of the room. Hanging above the sarcophagus was a huge stone dragon behind it leering down on it, in its eyes made everyone except Dante look in awe.

What was still pouring out of it was lava, leaking right down into the vents below it, steam seem to be rising from the vents and it was not surprising in a way that the vents weren't sealed from the cold or anything. As soon as they entered the tomb, Twilight ran to the sarcophagus in front of her followed by most of the ponies and Fluttershy sticking to the ground, her hooves stiff and locked in position as Rainbow Dash was nudging her in, or pushing for that matter. Dante was the last one in as he stopped at the foot of the steps, looking around, unsure if their was going to be any 'danger', but one thing always crossed his mind when it seemed a task was a easier than usual.

"Something doesn't seem right." Dante thought putting a hand to his chin, "There should be demons galore around and me having some fun...but its dull and quiet."

" WE FOUND IT!!!" Twilight yelled, knocking Dante out of his train of thought, Twilight was brushing off the top of the sarcophagus, the cloud of dust disappeared to reveal a language that made all the ponies confused, Twilight herself couldn't decipher any as she traced every groove that gave the inscriptions with her hoof, until she could see something scribbled and it was in perfect Equestrian. Twilight opened the tomb, and she wasn't as thrilled about it, either despite them being so close, and what she thought would be something like the Elements of Harmony....really didn't come in that form.

When the tomb opened up, the room was suddenly filled with a bright silvery light that even Dante took notice, a ball of silver was suddenly hovering above the open tomb, Applejack could barely see out of her using her hat to shield her eyes, Rainbow Dash landed right next to them using her wings to shield hers, Fluttershy who was hiding behind one of the pillars in the room was the most resourceful as she stood behind the pillar. The brightness of the orb started to dim, as Twilight took notice of the shape of the object.... But was to late to see the shape of the object as the orb of light seemed to writhe and contort.

But as suddeny as they could notice, each one suddenly shot out of the orb, one going to Twilight, one going to Fluttershy, one going to Applejack, one going to Pinkie, one going to Rarity, and finally one going to Rainbow Dash. Each one of them enveloped in a silvery light, their eyes glowing all white as they levitated in the air a bit as a dome of white energy enveloped them. Dante could feel a rumble in the distance as he inched towards Rebellion, a grin on his face, "Finally." he thought he would be getting bored

The rumbling was ignored by the six as they suddenly landed crumbled on the ground, Twilight was rubbing her neck to see nothing...absolutely nothing, she could feel her magic a little more rampant then usual, but not really trying to escape but more trying to relax and assure her. The same couldn't be said for the others, they had nothing but nothing was hanging from their necks or any distinguishable change, The others could see the exact same thing except for Rarity who felt a little bit flustered about something. From what Twilight could see she wasn't fully adept at controlling that much rampant magic, luck seemed to make the rampant magic both inside Twilight and Rarity controlled and calm...but...what?

Was this really the Elements of Purity? Were they really nothing? Rainbow Dash seemed to think so as huffed, " WE HAVE NOTHING?" huffed was an understatement from her flaring emotions, " We teleported to an unknown place to leave Canterlot to get these things and we get NOTHING?!?"

“Rainbow calm down...something happened, I don know wha happened to the six of us, but it happened." Applejack said, hoping to reassure her friend.

"Yeah well-."

"GIRLS!!" Fluttershy voice rose over their small fight, making Rainbow Dash and Applejack come to a screeching halt both turning to Fluttershy, "I'm sorry... But, you were fighting and well... I'm sorry."
"Applejack is right Rainbow Dash, just because we didn't get anything doesn't mean we have something with us, looks can be nothing more than a cover to something larger." Rarity said, Pinkie Pie was hopping around not caring what shape it was, but in her heart and mind, the safety of Equestria came second; right behind parties which was tied for first as she nodded in approval.

Twilight was about to say something, but she was interrupted by Dante, " You girls go ahead, get those back."
"WHAT?!?" All six of them yelled, which included Fluttershy who whimpered back behind Applejack. Their answer came from huge tremors coming from the hallway, deep in the darkness of the hallway, the rumbling was getting louder and louder and it seemed to be picking up speed.

"I think you girls need to go." Dante stated, his grin getting bigger and bigger.

"But what about you?" Rainbow Dash said, Dante turned to Rainbow Dash and gave her a two finger salute.
"Trust me...i'll catch up, Just get out of here."

Twilight was in half a mind to stay here and help Dante, but the look in his eyes and the sound of the tremors was enough to know that whatever it was charging towards them, was enough to know that it was too much for them. Twilight's horn was glowing despite the protests of the group, Rainbow Dash was yelling the loudest for Twilight to stop and let them help, but it fell on deaf ears as they disappeared in a flash of white light. Which left Dante alone with whatever it was that crashed through the archway, as debris and dust flew towards Dante, he gave a trademark smirk as he pulled out Rebellion, knowing who it was.

" What kept ya big boy?" knowing all to well who it was.


Twilight and the others stumbled forward from the teleportation, they were a bit woozy and a bit green despite them being ready. As soon as their vision came into view, they noticed that Canterlot was nearly in ruins. Twilight was crying and so were the others, but not as hard as Twilight; buildings were destroyed, flames were crawling everywhere swallowing everything in its path. Buildings everywhere were literally gone some just gave way from the small breeze of the teleport, but what made everypony cry on the spot where the abandoned bodies of the Royal Guard ponies.

The bodies seemed peaceful with only slash marks ripping across their chest,while some were aggressive from the attack... And the rare few were beyond what they could imagine. Yes there were some demons in the area that were dead, but the bodies of the Royal Guard were just enough to make them tear up even more. But that wasn't the icing on the cake as all of them looked up, their tears were gone, and fear had now spread towards the red sky.

Twilight could only mutter the one word that was on everyone's mind.

" Oh no."

Authors Notice: Sorry for the wait guys, been busy with class and all that and not to mention a block I have lol thank you Aimee B Future in My Hands and Sparda:) Well coming down to the wire here you can guess who Dante is going to fight. Don't forget to Comment and I hope you enjoyed the Mission:)

P.S.: Sorry if mission is a bit rushed.