• Published 17th Mar 2012
  • 13,461 Views, 437 Comments

Devil hunter among Ponies - Dusk Stalker

DMC/MLP Crossover, Dante winds up in Equestria after getting caught by a little surprise on his current job. At the same time an evil before Celestia was born starts to seethe back into Equestria.

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Mission 8: A Hope Turned Sour(Updated)

Authors Notice: Yup nothing new......so yea just saw new episode(What a twist cuz I missed half the episode) D:! Good thing got caught up. Onward to the story.

The snow crept into the cave, hoping to freeze and keep its place in the cold as they hung on the stalactites, but due to the ritual Dreadwing was doing with the Elements of Harmony, the power of the ritual melting the snow was the only thing that could keep Discord entertained, he threw a glass of water out the cave mouth, a small explosion shook the wasteland outside and a small tremor gave way to inside the cave, not even moving Dreadwing. He could feel it all, the wind blowing, the tremors roaring through the caves, but his thoughts were on the Elements of Harmony, he suddenly felt something... A small knot barely formed in his stomach, he could not ignore it as he heaved a great sigh.

“It seems the Vanguard has failed..." The energy surrounding each of the Elements of Harmony never phased out or disappeared, his concentration still on his plan.

“What do you mean?" Discord asked, he suddenly was paying attention to Dreadwing as he threw his forty fifth glass of water. Dreadwing turned and gave Discord a grim look, it sent shivers down Discord's spine and he returned to his ritual. Discord looked at the elements shrouded in darkness, he could barely make out what was happening to them but all he could see was the gold frames of each one disappear to make way for a new color, then revert back to its golden frame, the jewelry was indifferent but he could still make out the glint of each of them.

Discord could only lay back down in his hammock as he was resting, but as soon as he was about to shut his eyes, Dreadwing was suddenly in front of the hammock with the purple box that held the Elements of Harmony.

“It’s done." Dreadwing said, his look was stout and calm, he levitated the box to Discord who cautiously took it, eyeing the box as if it was a prank, “What do I do with it?"

“Give it back to them." Dreadwing answered, this took Discord by surprise as he suddenly rolled out of his hammock and his head making contact with a rock. “Not to be rude but..." Discord suddenly messed up his mane and was now making his pupils spin in a circle, "ARE YOU CRAAAZY!?"

“It depends." Dreadwing grinned, “But really, you didn't ask yourself what I was doing with the Elements, why I gave them back to you all of a sudden?"

“Riiiiggghtt... So, what did ya do to them?"

Dreadwing let out a laugh that shook the cave, right when he was laughing, the blizzard outside seemed to have shivered it self as it slowed down then picked up its original pace.

“Now... Now... Can't ruin the surprise now, can I?" Dreadwing walked towards the mouth of the cave and was now cracking a devilish smile, "Insanity is a wonderful thing to gain... Don't ya think?" Discord was now horrified at this, but returned to his normal mood, "So, what really did you do to them?" Discord asked again.

"All you need to know," Dreadwing went up and patted Discord's head, "Is that it was a little thing I learned from the Demon world for the elements and that I would love to give these back as a gift."

Discord took them uncertain, but he suddenly summoned a World War II US soldier’s helm (mystery to how he got it) put it on his head and saluted while he stuck his tongue out and disappeared. Dreadwing took in the crisp air and the loneliness of the cave, but he was smiling, maliciously and impishly, he couldn't wait, he wanted to see the surprise on their faces when it happened, he walked outside the cave as the snow was beating against his face, he uncurled his skeletal wings as he took off, the snow and wind not getting in his way.

"Soon... Soon."

Back at Twilight's house.

The silence inside Twilight's house was so thick it could be cut with a knife, her friends worried if that Vanguard did more harm to her then that it intended to do. Dante was looking up at the ceiling, half naked without his trench coat, he could only let out a sigh of disappointment at this, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were sitting next to each other looking up towards Twilight's room, Rainbow Dash had the latest Daring Do book with her, her head sunk into the story and her eyes were a blur as they scanned the words, Applejack had her stenson down as she decided to take a nap as she let out a small snore.

“DUCK!!!" Pinkie yelled, everyone ignored it for the seventh time, for the first three times she yelled out random stuff she found on the wall, ever tracing was something to unravel and inspect. Fluttershy was still up in Twilight's room, still tending to the damage that was done to her, Dante looked around the room to see their expressions, underneath their calm and excited feelings their was fear and shock, what could they've done? It was a demon, something they weren't familiar with, this wasn't like Discord or Nightmare Moon, this was beyond what they could deal with, and due to the fact that they tried and couldn't do anything about it, Dante really couldn't blame them as he leaned back against the wall. “Of course, the only thing that could make this day interesting was a demon," he said to himself, everypony then suddenly stopped what they were doing and their eyes were on Dante.

“T-th... That was a demon?" Applejack asked, she was now shivering from hoof to head, she faced a manticore, a dragon, and even two deities, but this took the whole bushel of apples for her.

“Yup a Hell Vanguard to be precise and let me tell ya, it isn't the worse it has to offer." Dante yawned.

“And how the hay would you know?" Applejack pushed on with her question, knowing since he confirmed her question, she decided to take that leap and go for it.

“Jack." Dante said, Applejack was sorta grinding her teeth at her being called Jack, “I’ve been to where they live, what do you want me to do to prove to you I was there?" Dante put both his hands up and sighed as he gave a smirk towards Applejack, "Would you like me to pull a damn portal out of my ass and bring a gift basket to them so that they could show us their humble abode to you chicks?" Rainbow Dash gave a small giggle, but suddenly stopped by the look on AJ's face as she went down to continue reading her book.

Before Applejack could retort, the front door opened as everypony’s head (including Dante) turned towards the door to see the familiar sight of a white unicorn with purple mane, she looked towards Dante and then her friends as she cleared her throat, "Well girls, it seems nopony was harmed when that creature attacked." Pinkie and the others loosened up a lot as they returned to doing what they were doing. Rarity turned to Dante "You are probably wondering what I did with your coat?" Dante shrugged and smirked, "As long as you didn't throw it away its all good, sucks it’s my only one to."

"That is your only article of clothing?" She eyed Dante's pants and boots and shook her head, well, least he had his pants.

Dante got up and his arms spread out to the entire room, "What? You expect me to bring a closet with me?" Dante and the others laughed at his little joke, Rarity rolled her eyes, "After today’s incident, you jest on what happened to you and Twilight?!" Rarity couldn't believe Dante's attitude, but quickly her annoyance was extinguished due to the fact none of them would be here talking if Dante didn't arrive on time to save them.

"I've been stabbed by a lot of shit, it comes with the job." Dante said as he yawned out the last of his sentence.

"But how did you recover so fast?" Rarity asked, the others seemed very interested in it to as Rainbow Dash barely looked up from her book, Dante sniggered, "Instant regeneration," Dante pounded his chest, "I can take a licking and keep on kickin’." He sat back down as he twirled Rebellion around making sure not to harm any of the gang. As soon as Rarity was about to ask another question, a creak echoed throughout the room as everypony could look up to see Fluttershy walking down the stairs, everypony’s breath was held in except for Dante's, whose reaction was barely looking at her with just one eye.

"Twilight is alright and she's awake, she just sent a letter to the princess." Her friends cheered except for Dante, but Fluttershy wasn't done as her eyes were on Dante, "And Twilight needs you to come to." Dante threw his arms in the air and lifted himself up.

"Great, the Royal ass wants to talk to me." Dante knew where this was going to go as he got up and perched Rebellion on his shoulders.

"Why are you so hostile about the princess?!" Rarity asked, Applejack gave out a yawn as everypony’s attention was now on Dante.

"High chance I’m gonna get blamed for this." Dante shrugged his shoulders, "But hell, I don't know."

"It isn't your fault!" Rarity said, a fire was burning inside of her and it was starting to fan up.

"So says you, but most of you girls don't trust me." Dante bluntly said, knowing it was the truth, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy started rubbing their necks, Pinkie just shrugged and gave her usual Pinkie grin.

"But-!" Rarity was interrupted by the sound of hooves at the top of the stairs, Twilight was at the top looking over the situation, "Girls!" Everypony jumped except for Dante and grinned as they could see that she was out of bed and was alright, "We don't question or argue with him, he just saved us despite our opinions on him." She shot Dante an apologetic look, in which he shrugged it, "I just got word back from the princess, she immediately is going to see us, and she really needs to see you too, Dante."

"Called it." Dante smirked towards the mane six as they gave looks of confusion, ranging from a little too totally lost in confusion. Twilight shook her head as she continued, "She is teleporting us in and we need to be ready to go."

"When?" Rainbow Dash asked as she set her book right next to her, her answer came in the form of bright flash of white light engulfing everyone, they were blinded for a second as everypony fell to the marble floor crumpled out in a pile except for Dante and Twilight, who landed on their feet perfectly, Twilight smiled at her friends as she gave her answer, "Now."

"You could have given us a warning." Rainbow Dash said, Applejack and the others agreed as they took in the new surroundings.

Dante could only look and snigger, "Fancy." The word was an understatement compared to the whole room. The whole room was white marble, polished and sleek so bright that even in pitch black night this would still give light to the whole room, the same went to the floor, the same polish that glinted when the sun's rays hit it, it was so polished that at even a mile away you could see who was coming up just by the reflection from the floor. The lights were gilded gold as they hung majestically above the throne room, but compared to the floor that it felt like the high polished marble floor was the only thing lighting the room. Right in front of the gang was a pathway leading right up to the throne, two waterfalls were to the side of the throne as a white alicorn stepped forward towards Dante and the gang.

"Twilight," Celestia said, "I am so glad you were ready in a short notice." Twilight beamed as she nodded and bowed, the rest did except for Dante who was still taking in the throne room. The two unicorn guards who were to the side of the throne eyed Dante quizzically as they suddenly noticed Rebellion, they got into a defensive position, but Celestia turned around to see them ready to fight Dante, as soon as her gaze was on both the guards, they immediately froze up and stood at attention as she motioned for them to leave the room, they did so in a heartbeat as they walked past Dante glaring at him as they closed the door behind them.

"So, Dante, " Celestia asked, "How was your first day in Ponyville?" She was eyeing Dante's body, blushing at his physique.

"Well, besides the fact that a demon attacked the village and I bumped into a chick whose bullshit could fill a whole dumpyard." Dante shrugged, "I don't know, you tell me." Dante laughed and surprisingly to the Mane six, Princess Celestia was also laughing joyfully with Dante, he noticed the blush on her face and decided to joke around with her, "See anything you like?" Celestia's blush was about a dark red color as she rushed to regain her composure, which she managed to pretty well.

"I see, but yes, I heard of that attack and I thank you for saving the village from the creature." Dante snorted but nodded as he suddenly returned to looking around the throne room. Twilight then looked upon her beloved mentor, "So, you didn't state your reason about why you decided to immediately teleport us, Princess? " Twilight looked to her friends and then back to Celestia, "But since the creature attacked-"

" Demon." Fluttershy corrected, knowing because when she was letting Twilight rest up a little, she eavesdropped on the conversation downstairs, Twilight looked at Fluttershy bewildered and shocked about this new information, and she wasn't the only one to be shocked by this, "I'm sorry..." Fluttershy hid her face behind her mane, "There were some raised voices downstairs... And... Well... I'm sorry." Twilight nodded to Fluttershy as she thanked her, "Thank you Fluttershy, but Princess," She turned to Celestia, "Prior to the letter, was this the main reason you called us?"

"Partially, while this 'Demon' was surprising, that wasn't the main reason why I teleported you here immediately." Celestia walked towards the windows behind her, they towered right up to the ceiling, Celestia looked out at the garden, this was almost truly grim news, it happened before, she didn't think it would happen again, so she took a deep breath and decided to say it, "The Elements of Harmony have been stolen." The mane six gasped at this, Dante looked like he was in the dark scratching his head, "Ummm... Huh?"

"Dante, the Elements of Harmony are what I tried to use on you hoping it could change your ways, they are the six elements Loyalty, Laughter, Kindness, Honesty, Generosity and Magic." Princess Celestia explained, but she continued on, "They are very important to all of Equestria, these six ponies you see before you represent them."

"So those magic jewels are important?" Dante asked.

"Very much."

"Not surprising, something like this?" Dante held out his amulet towards Celestia, she looked towards Twilight who cleared her throat and said, "In his world, it is one of the keys to opening this 'Demon world'."

"I see, but yes, a somewhat good comparison." Celestia said, "But that isn't all." The gang took this new gambit of twisted news with a somewhat frightened disposition, Celestia eyes were grim as she perked her head up, "Discord's statue was gone this morning."

The tension was thick enough to make cracks in the wall as the Mane six's fear intensified, "But, how?"

"That is what I am thinking myself, I was aware of this when a guard came to me this morning only to find the spot where Discord was empty and with an empty guard helmet near it, I fear the worse for the guard." She frowned as she felt something leaving her, like she let down that pony's life, like a part of her soul flew out of her body never to return, but something warm and furious engulfed her body as the kind ruler had righteous fury wash over her body, "Whoever did this will face punishment, and if Discord is behind this, he will pay."

"Princess, this isn't you!" Twilight looked up at her mentor, her violet eyes meeting the royal eyes, she thought she could see flames in her eyes, only to see a dwindling fury quell down at the sight of her student's worried look, Celestia loosened up, "You’re right, Twilight, please forgive me," She turned to her friends and gave them a warming smile, "I hope you forgive me for that little outburst."

"Of course we do!" They all said in unison.

"But the one big query for us is... Where is Discord?"

"All you need to do is ask." Everypony including Dante looked up to see the draconequus perching on a small cloud watching the show above with a bucket of popcorn on his lap and some kernels in his mane.

"Discord!" They all yelled, Discord floated down from his cloud clapping his claws and setting down a couple feet away from the girls, "Bravo and I see you all remembered me."

"Well duh!" Pinkie hopped out from the crowd and was suddenly in front of Twilight, "Who else could make those cotton candy clouds with chocolate rain?!"

"I see one of you remembers me vaguely." Discord summoned a monocle, a top hat, and a moustache, "I must say, good madam, that I am flattered that you actually-."


Discord hopped at the sound as he turned to Dante who was holding Ivory out, he was now looking at Dante in wondrous curiosity, "Now, what do we have here?"

"You remind me of someone I faced, I liked him," His smirk became wider, "Suckish part for him was that he was damn annoying, and you know." Dante's finger tightened on the trigger, "I hate when people talk more than I do."

"And it talks!" Discord was clapping rapidly as his attire disappeared, Dante snorted at this, "You know, you are weird looking for a monkey." Discord was observing Dante then proceeded to clap in glee as he let out a small squeal, "I want one even though you are weird looking!"

"I'm weird looking?" Dante sniggered as he decided to line it up with a wide smirk, "Look at you, you’re the offspring of five things and you’re calling me weird?" Dante let out a giggle, "Your mom must have gotten busy with others, I wonder how she kept the pace though."

"I was hatched from an egg."

"Well then your dad's must have gotten busy cuz you are ugly, well not as ugly as that Arkham guy I fought, but still...."

The Princess and the Mane six could only watch in horrified fascination as Dante was sticking up to the deity of chaos and flat out insulting him. Princess Celestia then stepped up to the plate with the feeling to seal him back up and to protect her subjects, "Discord, where are you hiding the elements?"

"Well I have them right here." He reached into his mane and pulled out a rubber chicken in which he threw to the floor, he then suddenly pulled out a tuba and threw it to the floor with a loud clang, he then pulled out the box which housed the Elements of Harmony and levitated it to Celestia, "You know your seals were weaker then usual, good thing he helped."

Celestia ignored that last part as she gave the Elements of Harmony to Twilight, Twilight's horn glowed as all six elements appeared around their necks, or in Twilight's part on top of her head. Discord could only watch as Twilight and the others started to glow, their eyes soon started to glow the same color as the aura around all six of them, did he really lied? Was this just a ruse for his own entertainment? Whatever the reason, Discord could only shake a little at this, waiting for the final strike to seal him.

"GYAAAHHHHH!!" Rainbow Dash suddenly was in pain, the aura around the Elements of Harmony immediately dispersed as black and red sparks were issuing around her as she was cringing in pain, pretty soon, they all fell down in pain as the same thing that happened to Rainbow Dash, was suddenly happening to them, the mane six's skins were starting to turn black as it was creeping from their hooves up to their bodies as they were yelling in pain.

Celestia's horn suddenly started to glow as the Elements of Harmony disappeared from their necks and head and put right into the box. The skin on all of them suddenly disappeared as all of them came out of it panting. "Well it seems the poisons kicked in."

“What did you do to the elements Discord!?!"

"Moi? I didn't do anything to them." Discord said, Dante cocked Ebony's hammer ready to fire, his aim not even leaving Discord's body. "He did it, and hey, since he said it was a surprise, I couldn't resist seeing the looks on your faces."

"WHO!" Celestia yelled, her answer came when the doors to the throne room banged opened to reveal two giant shadowy hands protruding from the ground strangling the unicorn guards, right behind the hands was Dreadwing, smiling demonically showing his teeth, he flung the lifeless bodies to the side of the room, the mane six gasped at this as Dreadwing hovered in.

"Now, now Celestia, it is rude to 'kill the messenger'." Dreadwing said, Celestia looked in horror, "I-It... Can't be..." Sweat was starting to beat down, dripping from her face.

"Well look at you, stealing the spotlight, hmm?" Dante asked as he holstered Ivory and pointed Rebellion at Dreadwing, "Well I call that rude, but to me... Well, I don't care."

"Ahhh, the Son of Sparda." Dreadwing said, he didn't expect Dante in the picture, so to him this was going to be interesting.

"Well," Dante put a hand to his heart, giving a mocking feeling of surprise "It’s touching that you know me."

"The Demon World is in terms Multiversal, time never exist there, it is unchanged, no matter what universe or dimension you go to." Dreadwing explained to them as he returned his gaze to Dante, "And the demons there speak very ill of you."

"Figures, I did send some of their asses back there." Dante retorted.

"I see, but my quarrel isn't with you." Dreadwing said simply, not even paying attention to Dante as he looked towards Celestia who shook herself out of her stupor of horror and got into her Royal Fury mode, all the fear wiped from her body was now replaced by courage, the courage to protect her country and her subjects no matter the cost. Dante noticed as he stepped out of the way and right next to Discord. Celestia charged at Dreadwing as she sent an amplified knockback spell flying at him, the spell made contact but suddenly shrunk in size at it suddenly went to Dreadwing's horn, he sent it flying back towards her as she managed to narrowly put up a shield spell to deflect it.

"Oh, ho, ho, she isn't going to last." Discord cheered, Dante literally sniggered as he whipped out Ivory and let out a shot at Discord, the bullet made contact with the wall, but there wasn't any blood as he turned to see an empty space next to him and a cloud of dust settling in. Dante returned to the small battle as he saw Dreadwing flung across as he managed to stop at the wall and jump up, grunting in some pain.

"Well," Dreadwing's grin was now wider than ever, "It seems the royal family isn't spoiled after all these years." Celestia then sent a golden chain at breakneck speed towards Dreadwing, it enveloped itself around him as he collapsed to the ground, Twilight and her friends cheered as they witnessed the defeat of Dreadwing, but they were wrong to celebrate... They could hear... Laughter... Laughter echoing throughout the throne room as they saw Dreadwing break free of his bonds, "Oh, you think you can defeat me?" Dreadwing summoned the Elements of Harmony to him as he set them in a circle, as soon as his horn was glowing, the Elements of Harmony changed, the gold frame that held each delicate gem now turned to a twisted black look like thorny ivy, the jewels in each one changed as they soon became blood red, black smoke emitted from each of them and pillars of energy soon took their places.

"The reign of Harmony." Dreadwing's voice changed, it was more deep, more angry, more demonic, "A pathetic attempt to bolster your pride since you made these... Harmony can be easily broken by corruption."

Celestia immediately got out of her Royal Fury mode and could only look terrified, she knew full well that not even she can stop what was coming, but all in all she had to try, for her kingdom and her little ponies, no matter the cost, she would hold herself to the end.

"My plans, stolen from a false ruler." Dreadwing soon was gathering up the energy pillars right to his horn, black and red were emitting from his horn as a red ball of energy was gathering at the tip of his horn. “Now..." Dreadwing held his head up in triumphant victory, and the only thing that they could see from his face, was a demonic grin, and that grin was the last thing they would see.

"Lets welcome corruption." He launched the corrupted energy ball towards Celestia, she teleported all six girls off to the side before the energy ball was launched, Dante, on the other hand, held out both his guns calmly aiming at the energy ball, he could hear screaming within in the ball as he took aim, Celestia closed her eyes waiting for that final strike as she was charging up her horn for one last defensive attack, she knew it was worthless, but she had to try.

The energy ball was closer... Closer... And closer to Equestria's doom.

(If you know this sound, you know the name)

A transparent ball of black and purple appeared in front of Celestia deflecting the corrupted energy away from her and up to the ceiling, it tore through the ceiling as they could see it still flying towards the sky, Dreadwing's pupils diluted to the size of dimes as he could only watch his energy soar away. But none of them were hit harder than Dante, who dropped his pistols as they clanged against the floor.

"SISTER!!" At the entrance of the throne room stood a dark blue alicorn with a cosmic mane, her eyes shared a light blue color that matched the outline of her mane, a black splotch on her flank held her cutie mark of a crescent moon. The figure next to her was another human with a blue trench coat and black shirt and pants to match with the coat and his brown boots, a drawn katana glinted in the sunlight as it got ready to fight, the most noticeable part of him was his white hair, but instead of mopped down or in any other style, it was pushed up to reveal cold eyes.

"Sorry if I am late for the bash." The strange said.

Dante was frozen in place, he knew of one man that could do a move like that, one man that had that kind of hair, one man that was able to defeat Dante two times, the one man who was willing to gain power, the only person that made Dante shed a tear for him, one name escaped Dante.


Authors Notice: To those new to this I did bring the Dark Angel back(Aka Vergil) and Dante was beaten before DMC 3 in the manga, to the old ones, you expected it lol. But the next chapters are going to be based around Vergil and how he got her, basically secret missions. Don't be afraid to leave a comment and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.