• Published 17th Mar 2012
  • 13,461 Views, 437 Comments

Devil hunter among Ponies - Dusk Stalker

DMC/MLP Crossover, Dante winds up in Equestria after getting caught by a little surprise on his current job. At the same time an evil before Celestia was born starts to seethe back into Equestria.

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Mission 3: Blood and Confusion

Authors Notice: Another Day another chapter, oh well least the fourth Mission will be up no problem(Good thing I saved it) :) Onward to the next.

Dante was standing in front of Celestia, ponting Ebony down at her head, both looking straight into each others eyes. The gang could only watch in horror what he would do, of course the only one unable to see what Dante was going to do to the princess was Rainbow Dash. Twilight was now in absolute shock, her mentor was going to be executed right in front of her, the rest kept their eyes shut not even daring to see the mess that was about to unfold, not even wanting to see their beloved ruler fall before them, all of them were waiting for that final strike, that final sound that would mean Equestria's doom.Twilight and Pinkie opened their eyes a bit to see their princess unharmed and Dante pointing his gun at the other side of the clearing.

They looked on the other side and to see in their horror, three fully grown manticores bearing down on them, the Ursa Major drove them out of one of their zones, which made hunting in that area nearly impossible for them when it the Ursa was present and protecting its territory. But now, with the Ursa gone, they checked it out with curiosity brimming from every ounce of their body and their curiosity paid off with seven ponies, watering tongues and impatient feelings now taking over.

Dante could only smirk at the new danger as he said out loud, “Hey Pinks and Vi, you might wanna tell your friends to keep their eyes close, this part is for the adults only." Twilight didn't listen as she could only look in confusion, but still relieved the princess was alright, Pinkie Pie went to her friends whose eyes were already closed and told them to keep them like that as she suddenly kept her eyes on Dante.

Dante walked towards the manticores; the princess ran to the mane six and stood in front of them ready to defend them in case he didn't make it. Dante was clapping, “Well, well, well, the fun never ends." The rest of the mane six were shivering at the sight of the manticores, they were pawing the ground, dragging dirt from out of the little hole they were making. "Hmm, nine for the price of three." Noticing the wings and tails, Dante, he was still clapping, and getting closer, “Well, this day just keeps getting better and better every second." The demon hunter was now getting more excited, “But I see you three stooges aren't bright." One of the Manticore's was frustrated, and lashed his tail, a whip like sound echoed around the area.

Dante tilted his head to the side and evaded the attack, “Really? You guys are dumbasses, aren't you?" This tore it with the three, the half-human pulled out Rebellion and smiled and charged at the Manticores.

Celestia could only puzzled curiosity as Dante charged at the manticores, she could only think something was wrong with him, but she ignored that feeling as combat began between Dante and the manticores.

One of the manticore slashed at the air, only for Dante to land on his back and leap back up, the manticore decided to use it's tail as it went straight towards its enemy, the manticore thought it was over, but only to holler in pain as it could see its tail cut off and flopping on the ground, Rebellion was now red on its edge as it dripped the creature’s blood off the blade. Dante then leapt up again and whipped out Ebony and Ivory and spun himself downward as the guns went off riddling bullets into the Manticore's body (Rainstorm) as he landed perfectly on the ground.

The rest of the gang decided to see what was going on, but only to look upon in horror at the dead manticore in the center of the clearing, the sun was reflecting off the puddle of blood that was pouring from the manticore's body.

The Elements and the princess were shocked at the sight of what happened, and that he took it's life without any remorse at all.

The other manticores decided to avenge its fallen comrade, as they made a feral and furious charge at Dante, their tails were laced with even more poison that was required to take down any animal or pony. One of them delivered a strike, just to see that nothing was in front of it and it felt something it never felt before, separation, like it lost its connection with its front legs, next it started to lose the feel of its back legs; then it felt its body beginning to separate in half. From Twilight and Pinkie's point of view, they could see Dante behind the manticore, Rebellion dripping from the blood of the manticore as its body started to fall apart, the top part slid off to the side and the lower one fell towards the ponies and alicorn.

"This... Is..." Twilight could barely even think she literally felt on the verge of throwing up at the display of violence, the rest felt like they would, except Pinkie and Celestia. The princess, even though stoic looked upon the carnage Dante was exerting and looking on it like it was nothing, but deep in her mind was the feeling of queasiness, like if she stricken with a baseball bat to the side of her head.

As sudden as it could be, all the girls heard a roar appear behind them, they turned around to see the last manticore among the group getting ready to attack them, if it couldn't attack Dante, it might as well attack the girls and get the feast started. Celestia got a knockback spell ready to defend the girls, but the magic at the tip of her horn dimmed as it could see bullet holes appearing in its body and the manticore falling backwards, Celestia looked towards Dante and she could see that he was holding Ebony towards the now fallen manticore and the barrel of the gun smoking.

"Attacking a helpless opponent from behind," Dante snorted, he hated how any creature would sink so low to this, sure he had to deal with demons who were use to this but to him it was truly infuriating, “That is pretty pathetic and cowardly of you." The manticore was looking at Dante with pure horror as it struggled to get up and retreat back to its lair. Fluttershy was in the back, shaking from the display she was seeing, but she noticed that the bipedal was walking towards the manticore with his guns drawn, what she could also see was the glint in his eyes, an unforgiving look that would pierce these heavens, she looked towards the manticore and then at Dante.

When the demon hunter was about two feet away from the manticore, Fluttershy was hovering right in front of Dante with her eyes wider than usual.

" She's using her stare!" Twilight said to herself in amazement. She had to defend the manticore, her cyan eyes meeting his blue eyes, a strong force against a stalwart wall. Dante halted at this looking into the eyes, seeing the determination and will to protect a creature or her friends. Her eyes got a little bigger putting more stress on Dante as he sighed and shook his head.

"Kid, " Dante said unphased and confused on what she was doing, “This creature here wouldn't mind killing you, no matter if you use that fancy stare of yours." Fluttershy eeped as she flew behind one of Celestia's legs. The silence followed except for the manticore whimpering from it's wounds and the realization from the seven ponies that somepony who could brush off the stare was something they did not want the privelage of meeting, But one pony ignored all that.

Celestia could see something inside Dante as he was about to deal with the manticore, a heart, something she never expected even from her fight, but this was now his moment of judgment as he was standing over the manticore, Ebony was touching it's head, it never expected to go out like this, never like this.

Dante kneeled down and was now face to face with the Manticore, "I am not a demon nor am I your savior, but I will give you two choices in the matter since it seems you can understand me."

As soon as the manticore nodded, Dante held his index finger out for the manticore to see, "Choice one, you make a move here and I can and will coat your whole fur red with a bullet ." He pushed the gun closer to the manticore's skull showing the realization of his action, the manticore could feel the heat radiating from the barrel of the gun as its eyes looked into the devil hunter's eyes, he felt fear dripping into it's soul and blood like a toxin entering the veins.," Choice two, you can leave and bury your dead with dignity, your call." The manticore's answer was very clear as it nodded, got up and started running towards the forest, leaving the bodies of its fallen comrades.

"What a let down." Dante holstered his guns, " He leaves his bro's here and runs away, what a wuss." He suddenly turned to the mane six and the princess, he stood their for awhile taking in their scent," Smell no demon or sense any and they seem to not be attacking when I was going after the three stooges." He surveyed their faces hostility was gone, but it seem to make way for apprehensive looks and judgmental eyes "Gotta play it cool for awhile." to their surprise he was suddenly smirking, "Hey can we go yet? My nap was interrupted and I’m hungry."

"Not what I was going to say but let it roll huh?"

The walk out of the forest was less than enthusiastic, Dante was in the lead with Princess Celestia, he could hear the chatter from behind him, the whispers could be heard as clear as day even though the meaning of the word whisper seemed to be forgotten. Rainbow Dash was being levitated by Twilight, who was not only keeping her concentration, but still carrying on the conversation in the back. But what really surprised him was the shocked looks they got when he didn't attack them after dealing with the manticores and how the princess seemed to silently nodding and requesting him to follow her.

Dante sniggered, "So you guys basically have a stick up your ass or something?"

"Not really." Princess Celestia answered, the girls stopped talking and were now quiet as the wind listening to every word they were going to exchange.

Celestia cleared her throat and gave the same gentle and kind grin she gave to the half human, "But I think we got off on the wrong hoof," Celestia was hoping it would lead to a civilized conversation, " I was hoping we could start over and not letting any hostilities get in the way." Now it was Dantes turn to be surprised, even though he didn't show it.

But quickly passing that surprise, he could only smirk at Celesta, “By basically saying I should come with you when I kicked Smokey's ass basically kills a greeting or any act of peace."

"There wasn't any hostility towards you." Celestia answered.

Dante was chuckling," Yeah shooting me in the back was not hostile," He shrugged it, "That can pretty much say it all."

"I am sorry, but it was for the defense of my little ponies." Celestia retorted. Dante's only answer was getting rid of an itch in his arm,. "But I still didn't get your name and what you are."

"Not in front of these babes." Dante gestured to the ponies behind them.

" Hey!" They all said in unison, excluding Rainbow Dash.

"Wow, You don't have sticks up your asses anymore." Dante said.

"Well, what we just witnessed was a little..." Twilight was trying to find the words to fit what they just witnessed properly.

"Gruesome." Rarity said.

“Exactly." Twilight gave a grateful nod to Rarity, who returned it with a small grin.

Celestia cleared her throat, "Your name please."

"Well since you asked so nicely." Dante answered, "My name is Dante, I'm half human," He paused for dramatic effect, "And half demon." All of them were a little confused at the word half demon.

" Now, what in tarnation is a demon?" Applejack asked with a little bit of force, Dante sniggered and noticed three apples on her flank.

" Well fruity, you didn't say please." Dante put both hands on his hip in a mock insult.

" My name ain’t fruity, it's Applejack." she answered a little annoyed.

"Whatever you say, Jack." Dante waved a hand at Applejack, she was a little angry at the fact that she was called Jack, which was one of her pet peeves.

"But you still didn't answer her question." Twilight added.

"Okay Sparkles, I’ll answer."

"It's Twilight Sparkle." Celestia said as she corrected Dante, his snort turned into a laugh as they all looked confused at Dante's expression, he stopped laughing as he was wiping a tear from his face, "Sorry, it’s funny from where I came from."

"Okay so we'll skip that part." Twilight asked, "Why did you attack the manticores and decided to execute them one by one."

"Sparkles, this world ain't all sunshine and rainbows." He looked around and noticed the sun was beaming down on them heartily and a cyan pony with a rainbow mane and tail was still being levitated behind them, he sighed, "Ok, never mind."

"Okay, but one question still remains, what is a human?" Twilight was now brimming to the point of excitement to know these new facts that were going to be revealed.

"Well, humans are basically weak and pasty white like this." Dante gestured to his skin, "But they can adapt easily, but me being a half demon unlocks more bad ass stuff."

"Like what?" Pinkie asked.

Dante sniggered, "Basically, my strength increase god knows how much, so does my speed and so many other stuff I can keep going on about, but I don't want to." Dante held up a finger as they froze in place wondering what he was going to do, "And one more thing." He snapped his fingers, red energy was released outward revealing:

All the ponies jumped back as did Celestia, Dante was laughing, "Somehow, I called that you would react like that." He kept on laughing then stopped, "This, is my Devil trigger, in this form, all my attributes increase even more, and also, I can fly." At the word fly, everyone's favorite cyan pegasus immediately woke up surprising everyone except Dante, as soon as she saw his form she backed away a little, but she looked at Applejack who nodded to tell her he was friendly, "So, you’re saying you can fly in this form?"

"Basically... Yeah."

"Okay you gotta show me how you do it." She was almost excited about this, Dante ruffle Rainbow Dash's hair as he reverted back to his normal form, "Probably later kid." She nodded, but was little annoyed that she couldn't see it now.

Twilight turned to Fluttershy, " Are you sure you don't want to ask Dante anything?"

"Umm... No... If that's alright with him, that is." She shrunk back behind the group, nervous about what happened in the clearing.

"God... How is it that my head is going to explode if she does that again" Dante thought as he waved it off, Fluttershy was a little relieved but still nervous.

"Okay I must tell you this. That amulet you have is simply divine!" Rarity was still eyeing Dante's amulet, he looked confused as he took it off and showed it to her, she levitated and was examining it closely, the ruby was brightly reflecting the sun which gave a dim red glow in the area, the silver frame holding the gem was delicate at best but still finely crafted, she was about to put it on, but right as she was about to, Dante swiped it out of her grasp, she was about to ask but he knew what she was going to say.

"It belonged to my mother, this is all I got to remember her by." Dante's tone was a tiny bit quiet.

Rarity then was taken aback, "I'm sorry Dante, I didn't mean to..."

"It's alright, you didn't know." Dante waved it off as Rarity gave a sigh of relief, all of a sudden Celestia stopped at the edge of the forest and smiled, "We’re here girls." Right in front of them was a colorful village in a small valley, a windmill slowly spinning and the sun's rays dancing around it.

Pinkie ran up in front as she got on her back hooves and decided to introduce the town, like one introduces an act, "Welcome to Ponyville, Dante!"

Dante sighed, "What the hell did I get myself into?"

Canterlot Gardens.

The sun radiating in the gardens was inviting and joyous, as tourist from all over Equestria could only look in awe the statues gracing the garden. One tour guide was leading a group of ponies around the gardens, her mane and tail were orange and her cutie mark was a cap and an arrow, showing her talent as a guide, the group stopped right in front of a statue of a tall standing creature.

"Here we have Discord." She gestured with a forehoof to the group, "A deity of chaos, he is now sealed in stone once again, thanks to the heroism of the Elements of Harmony."

"So, does anypony know about his past?" One tourist asked, the tour guide gladly answered, "Not much is known about him, the only known fact that was discovered by the scribes was that he was once friends with Princess Celestia."

The tourist gave soft 'ooohs' at this new fact, the tour guide walked past Discord's statue, "Now if you follow me, I will now tell you about the next stop on our tour, Hayniqus the Wicked." The group followed excited to see the next stop, all except for one hooded pony who was looking up at the statue, the cold marble made contact with his forehoof, the once proud draconequus was now nothing but a tourist attraction, this was a disgrace, he wanted to make his name known, but not without a little help from his faithful servant, he could make his appearance known by Equestria right now, he was tempted to...

But no.

He decided to let it go, for now.

The cover of night shall be his best friend in this, the wheel's will turn, and they will usher in a new era.


Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.

Authors Notice: And time :D! Woohoo that is done, and it will be up with Mission four. Again new readers I hope you enjoyed and for Old readers who read this fic before, let me know If I missed any lines or sentences. Don't be afraid to leave a comment, I will never bite at ya.