• Published 17th Mar 2012
  • 13,453 Views, 437 Comments

Devil hunter among Ponies - Dusk Stalker

DMC/MLP Crossover, Dante winds up in Equestria after getting caught by a little surprise on his current job. At the same time an evil before Celestia was born starts to seethe back into Equestria.

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Secret Mission 2, Part 2: The Forsaken Sibling

Authors Notice: Here we Go, Second last part of the Secret Mission. Maybe a twist in this chapter...maybe....just maybe who knows. And I won't forget Luna in this chapter you got my word.

Eastern Canterlot

That was the only thing he could smell as he leapt from rooftop to rooftop towards his challenger, whoever it was he could sense something...Odd about it...Why? Vergil could hear the clang of steel meets steel along the streets below, along with some screams of terror or a howl of a demon piercing the night. Vergil closed his eyes as he air tricked closer to the energy signature, still one thought on his mind that he almost forgot, the mark on his arm. And it seemed to have gotten a lot darker and the moon seemed to become a lot clearer, but he ignored as he came closer to the signature.

Suddenly, he could remember one thing from the screams as he relaxed his stance a bit...the dying scream of his mother... He felt something stabbing him, invisible, it manifested even more as he was close to it. He tricked closer and closer until he stopped, he checked his surroundings to see that it was crowded and the buildings were more elaborate in decoration and carvings, some carvings were more elegant than the rest of the buildings, but from his guess those were for the nobility, probably from the most notable noble families from Equestria's creation. Taking in the sights he forgot one thing when he was observing.

"So you have come."

Never let your guard down.

Vergil turned around to see a human figure sitting on a small chair looking up at the stars. The figure got up as he brushed off his wings to reveal his two swords. He let out a sigh as he brushed some of his brownish hair out from his eyes. "A glorious night, so much beauty in this world." Vergil's hand was inches away from Yamato as the demon came closer and closer. Vergil could tell from him that he was deceitful, but not a coward, as almost every demon was. Typical of every demon to be so, but something was very different about this demon... Almost familiar in energy to one thing from his world, but strangely, in stance as well, heavy but light in every step, the sign of nobility.

Way to familiar.

"A shame this city has to go... A true shame in my opinion."


"I see you are no talk but all action aren't you, Son of Sparda?" Vergil kept his guard waiting to counter the strike, the demon shook his head, "No shame in giving pleasantries? My name is Akaro if you desire that I went first." Vergil couldn't believe this, a demon with manners, what has that world gone through? "I know who you are, Son of Sparda... I thought you would be in my lord's clutches, your will for his alone."

"A shame that he lost it to... You could say he is scum in my eyes, a coward who was defeated by my father without any problems." Vergil stated as his hand inched a bit closer to Yamato, "He boast that he is a god, but he is nothing but a feigned demon in a marble cage." Akaro seemed to have both his hands clenched to the blades.

"So much for pleasantry." Vergil's hand finally grasped the handle of Yamato. Akaro noticed Vergil's sword, but then he turned his attention towards the western part of Canterlot, he could sense a great deal of energy heading his way and knowing that Vergil was enough to be evenly matched, he didn't want the balance of power to turn into Vergil's favor.
Vergil could sense it too, as he heaved a sigh, "Expected it from her... I should finish this before she can intervene." Vergil was now staring off with Akaro. Vergil was waiting, as was Akaro, the wind sliding across the ground as a paper was in the current, dancing in the current like a ballerina on stage, the light from the moon hitting the paper as its shadow crept across the cobblestones. Vergil could see the lower half of Akaro's robe blow back a little to reveal his scaly plate leggings. Vergil looked up to see his finger twitching towards both his swords. He knew one thing from the beginning of this.

This would be one long battle, hopefully not long enough for Luna to arrive on the scene and hope to intervene. Vergil dashed forward, Yamato an inch out of its blade as Akaro did the same.

Then....the swordsmen clashed.

Central Canterlot
10 minutes away from Vergil

Luna was speeding through the sky, flying as fast as she can in her Royal Fury mode, she could see, from the bottom of her eyes, some of the Royal Guard in danger, as quick she could she would manage to zap a few of the demons down giving the guard a hoof in the battle, hoping that it would make a difference in their scenario. As she did so, she hoped that she could reach Vergil on time, but seeing as how the guard seemed to have some trouble she might as well help out the guards as best she could, that is always first on her mind as ruler is to protect the citizens and guards from any danger, like her sister.

Suddenly she heard a small boom in the distance, she turned her head towards the west to see a small shockwave rock the sky and a blur of blue and white clashing with each other, sonic booms imploding in the air and sending repulses of it every where they clashed, shaking the ground beneath deterring some of the guards and the demons below. Some were thrown off balance from it, from what Luna could see were some of Vergil's Judgement Cuts spread out trying to hit the white blur.

Luna looked down at the guards having trouble fighting the demons, then she looked in the direction where Vergil was at, all she could do is hover in the air and judge which was important. She could sense that Vergil and the demon where at the same level of power and skill, but it could tip easily in one's favor all to slightly. Then there were the guards, she stole a peek out of the corner to her eye to see wounded guard members covered in their own blood or their comrade’s, some managed to pull the dead out of there, mortified at the sight of the demons slaughtering every single guard with a swipe of their scythes or the explosions of the Wraith demons rattling the windows of every single buildings and throwing the bodies of the Royal guard away.

" WE CAN'T HANDLE THIS!" Luna could barely hear one of the guards yell, his yell piercing the night. Some flew away in fear hoping to protect their families at least. Almost everypony stayed behind to defend Equestria and Canterlot to their fullest abilities.

Luna took one last peek at the guards, then towards the battleground where Vergil and the Devil Lord were clashing, crashes echoing throughout the city as the two kept going.

She knew what she had to do.

Vergil's Battle
Eastern Canterlot
(Akaro-Battle 6)

It seemed silent enough for it to feign peace or a withdrawal, for a demon it would be the howls of every single demon slamming the bottoms of their scythes on the ground in the name of victory. For the ponies their would be fireworks shooting in the air on this victory and chants piercing the night air.


But those weren't filling the air as a sonic boom erupted in the center of the sky a little over the buildings of Canterlot. The two forces clashing were a blur of blue and white clashing with each other, each time they clashed it erupted a sonic boom every time. Slown down to the eye, even their speed was ungodly as Vergil landed on nearby roof as he buckled his knees speeding off towards his opponent, Akaro did the same as he managed to gain a foothold off a cloud and launched himself towards Vergil, both his blades drawn and his wings narrowed down for him to get more speed from the fall.

Both forces crashed again as they both locked themselves up, blades sparking everywhere, two swordsmen showing their skills to about half their power, none dared to vaunt it out as they were testing each other as blades strikes scattered the area. Vergil on the other hand was being a bit more defensive than going on the attack as he was switching between his scabbard and Beowulf's gauntlets to counter and parry all of Akaro's sword attacks, Akaro seemed to have noticed as he switched his stance as he eased his hands a bit and slammed down on both Vergil's arm and his scabbard. Sparks were flying from the locked blades or in their case Beowulf and the scabbard with Yamato in it.

"He has learned... Just like him... A lot like him." Akaro thought as he kept putting his weight on both blades.

"He isn't like any demon... Calculated and precise in his strikes... almost familiar." Vergil kept his concentration on Akaro and keeping his blades in place as he shoved them aside and tricked himself behind Akaro and arced Yamato right through him, Akaro caught the tip of Yamato about an inch from his body with one of his broadswords. Vergil suddenly flipped back and sent five blue swords flying towards Akaro like hawks swooping down, As Akaro was about to swipe them away they disappeared as they appeared circling around him. Akaro got both his broadswords ready to strike them down.
Vergil appeared above him and swiped his hand right through the smoke, at that signal the swords flew right at Akaro who managed to destroy most of them, but one got through and grazed his back, a couple drops of blood flew from the wound as it stitched itself together, Akaro seemed to ignore it as he blocked Yamato from above.

Akaro pushed Vergil down as he summoned another barrage of swords but they seemed to arch around him as Vergil put his hand on Yamato and quickly sheathed it out three times. Akaro leapt from his platform to avoid the three judgement cuts following him, but at a cost.

Vergil sent his summoned swords flying towards Akaro, he didn't have time to react as he swung his blades wildly hoping to deflect them or break them. But they hit their marks as flashes of blue whizzed past him and the blades ripping through his armor and also tearing along his demonic flesh, blood specks oozing from his wound as it healed up, Akaro landed right across from Vergil, the few drops of blood fell from Akaro's arm as it hit the ground, some of the drops leaking over and sliding down the walls.

A red mess on a pure white buildings, small inklings on a pure white paper, so many analogies running through one's head if they saw this. Akaro brushed it off and turned his head, suddenly his wings were glowing orange and were literally smoking from the tips, Vergil took notice and the same purple dome surrounded him and gale force winds returning from the surge of energy, the demon’s wings then suddenly flared as they were now surrounded by not fire, but by a spectral wind behind each of his wings, but that was the only thing showing as he cocooned himself with his wings. Vergil took notice as steam seemed to be escaping from the cracks in his wings. Vergil got out of his Devil trigger swiping the dome like it was nothing, his hand on his arm scabbard.

He waited... And waited... Until he had it and tricked right in front of him, an inch of Yamato's metal meeting the moonlight ready to end this demonic reign.
But all of a sudden, darkness rushed forward like a tidal wave, swallowing everything in its path.

The only thing Vergil can see was darkness...and a pair of red eyes hidden in the dark...

"We are not done boy."

Eastern Canterlot
Luna stopped, awestruck at the tidal wave of darkness hitting a small fountain of blue in the distance being swallowed by it, it swirled like a hurricane over Canterlot as it folded into a dark sphere, twirling malevolently but elegantly towards the ground. From the size she could guess that it was bigger then the castle as the ground below it was cracking from the weight of the orb. And the energy inside was almost dark enough to cover... Well, Equestria, almost....

"NO!" Luna yelled to herself, she had to break through... She had to get to the sphere.

She had to help Vergil.

Cosmic Plane(Think of what Mundus did in DMC 1 to a whole world.)
(Continue the Boss Battle theme)

The plane was nigh endless, black as a malevolent being's heart and twice as vast as any being could imagine. Sword strikes seemed to plague the vast scenery as blurs of blue and white were at each others throats. As the two sources separated Vergil had the tip of the blade bearing towards Akaro, he changed from his present for as Vergil was in his Devil trigger.

Instead of two wings, there were four giant ones as big as a sail, but that wasn't the only thing that changed. Akaro's body seemed to have changed drastically, his whole scale armor attire changed to a full suit of odd steel colored looking plate armor with a long kilt covering his lower body, his feet now had talons along with his hands, each of them suited to kill on the spot. His face changed, it was hooded and covered his entire face the only thing Vergil could see were red glowing eyes. His weapon changed, instead of two broadswords in both his hands, it was now one long slender no-daichi, a long two handed katana(think of it as an equivalent of a great sword) but he seemed to wield it like a one handed weapon. Vergil kept his guard as he readied Yamato.

"You are silent." Akaro commented still the will of battle burning in his eyes.

"I am not as talkative as my brother, because if you thought I was," Vergil said, his stance was getting a little tense but it was more to guard then to strike, "Then it is your last mistake." Vergil dashed forward with Rapid Slash as he passed Akaro, who parried the hidden strikes in the slash, but what he didn't count on was the fact the slashes were more deadlier and bigger than Vergil usually put out. Suddenly he was surrounded by judgement cut's as they volleyed everywhere, Akaro countered back by releasing a giant wave of energy driving towards where Vergil was going to appear.
As soon as that happened, Vergil was knocked off his feet as he flipped backwards to make a recovery, in that moment he sent five summoned swords at Akaro. As soon as that happened Akaro swiped at the air and used his other hand to send five red projectiles at him; Vergil spun Yamato fast enough to deflect the projectiles destined to hit him, behind them they exploded. The wind from the explosion swept past Vergil's trench coat as it flapped, both of them staring down at each other. Both knowing that it needed to end.

Akaro made the first move as he dashed towards Vergil, no-daichi to his side as did Vergil with Yamato to his right side. Both closing with intent to kill and as soon as they closed in everything seemed to slow down, Vergil could see the detail of Akaro's armor and Akaro could see Vergil's arm scabbard up close noticing some notches on the scabbard from deep cuts or training, before Akaro could take in all of reality, their swords striked as a long streak of white showed. Both standing a couple feet apart swords to the side, Vergil got out of his DT and slowly slid Yamato in its scabbard, Akaro did the same thing except he put it on his back.

As soon as they were an inch from their scabbards...SHINK.

(Boss Battle Over)

Akaro fell to his knees, his Devil Trigger vanishing, Vergil grasped his side but not falling to the ground like Akaro; Vergil could see his hand was stained a bit with his blood but he wiped it on his trench coat and turned to Akaro. He could see a large puddle forming beneath his body, Vergil could see him having trouble with his wound regenerating, him wheezing from the loss of blood. Akaro noticed this as he winced a bit turning his attention to Vergil.

"So... You are strong... Accepting your human side now... You are so much like him when we fought." He coughed a bit of blood, "He was always the best of us six... I respected him more than any demon... And now I feel honored to have fallen by his son." Akaro grasped the lower part of Vergil's trench coat, the sphere they were battling disappeared in a flash of white light as they reappeared in Canterlot, off to the side was Luna and a tired Celestia, hoping she could help with the tide of the fight, Luna was about to run over to Vergil's side, but Celestia was out of her Royal Fury, she held her back with a hoof and a stern look, "Let it be."

"A demon with honor is rare to find." Vergil exclaimed to Akaro, he laughed a bit grimacing in pain.

"Quite true... My brother was that very fabled exception." Akaro looked up towards the starry sky, "I knew I would die... But looking up at the night sky," Akaro blinked one more time and at that moment, a groundbreaking feat happened, a very first in the demonic race, a tear leaked down from Akaro's eye, "It feels like it was truly meant to be, a soul to be free." Akaro held out his hand and tried and felt the wind brush his hand.

"Free." Akaro grinned, "My nephew... May your father's spirit always watch over you." Akaro disappeared in a white mist taking over his body, glowing brighter and brighter as the mist transformed into light, Akaro disappearing leaving one last sentence from his mouth,"Because I know he will." And with that Akaro was gone, but something didn't catch all two of their eyes. Vergil could see it out of the corner of his eye as it went right to his heart, he would test what happened and see the abilities of its labor later when he was clearing the city, but something else was on his mind.

Vergil took in what Akaro said, frozen by one thing Akaro said, "Vergil..." Celestia was next to him a hoof right on his shoulder. He didn't want to talk... At this moment he wouldn't give a damn whether it was human or demon. But this seemed to have been a different situation. Vergil got up and looked down where Akaro was, Luna was on his other side she might as well say it... Now or never.

"Come we have to clean out the rest of the city." This took Celestia and Luna by surprise, Luna cursed in her mind not doing it sooner but clearing out the demons was more important. All three of them looked up at the sky seeing the smoke dim a little. Celestia gave him an encouraging smile, not wanting to bring up what just happened right now, she heard everything, and didn't want to burden him, "All to right Vergil." All three of them ran towards the smoky city, Vergil with Yamato in his hands and Celestia and Luna flying towards the battle.

There was so much to be done.

Unknown location
"It bites and crawls." The voice said to the being hidden in shadow, everything was pitch black that no amount of light could penetrate, "But you are different... It gnaws and tears the flesh of many." The voice could hear a very small but loud growl.

"And you shall be many more, a deity not of chaos, but of primal instincts flesh and all." The voice was full of bloodlust, as was the thing it was talking to.

"Now go," the only thing that was now visible was a dark purple and black covered claw piercing through the darkness, one out of the three.

"Show the seven... Show them all your might."
The next thing was a feral and sadistic grin, growling through the darkness and about to hunt his prey.

The transformation was complete.

Hell would rain.

Proofreaded by LyonAzakura.

Authors Notice: And you thought I was gone didn't you lol jk, big Thanks to Lyon for proofreading this he is truly awesome. And one little thing, I left you could say a tiny thing that may come into play in the next story, next villains maybe? Find the sentence and you will know:).

Hope you enjoyed the mission and don't be afraid to comment:)