• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 17,145 Views, 1,347 Comments

Song of the Moon - BlackWing

An 1700's era violinist, who is also a werewolf. He find's himself in where else but Equestria

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Of Blood and Fang (1)

Of Blood and Fang

Panting, running down the path as fast as my legs can carry me. I don't dare look back, I can hear it. I can hear the beast chasing me. I can feel it's warm breath. An errant root. I fall, and it is upon me.

I wake up in a cold sweat. My clothes are drenched, I'm breathing hard. Five years. Five years of restlessness and nightmares. Five years since it happened, and I still haven't gotten used to it. Lesser men would have taken to the drink, but I know I cannot afford to do so. I still have purpose.

Climbing out of bed at the inn, I get changed, pick up my violin, pay the innkeeper, and set out once again. My name is Lark Wolfe, a violinist. I'm a wandering minstrel, a bard of unmatched talent. I used to play in the courts of nobles! And now? I go from city to city, playing for a pittance. I can never stay in one place for long, else I am driven away by mob of angry townsfolk. Torches and pitchforks, simple farmers. Not to mention the church.

My family has always been a musical one, and I have been playing violin since I was only eleven. They said I had a natural talent, but of course we all do. My sister's was the lyre, and my mother's, the lute. My father didn't play an instrument, he made them. Finely crafted, all of them. For my 17th birthday, he gave me his violin, given to him by Antonio Stradivari himself. He could never play it, so he decided that such an expert violinist as myself should have a masterly crafted violin, made by his teacher. I set out and traveled all over Europe. I several times played in the court of a french duke, and once, in the court of a Transylvanian duchess. Scarlet was her name. Never has there been such a beauty in the history of mankind. Shame she was a vicious hell spawn.

Your assumption is correct, I played in the court of a vampire, although I did not know it at the time. She was rather pleasant though. Unfortunately, her 'pets' were not. Upon realizing that I was in a den of evil, I fled, intent on reaching the priory to inform them of the travesty. Her hounds saw to it that I failed. She thought it a shame to let my talent go to waste, so she decided not to have me killed. Simply horribly disfigured so that I might never go to another town without bearing the shame of their stares, and never being able to play in a theater again. Her plan went awry, as I had stolen her silverware. Rather than being maimed, I slew the wolf by making it choke on a dinner fork, causing it to turn to ash, but not before it's tooth scraped my arm, drawing a thin line of blood. In that moment, my fate was sealed. I still remember that night, and have dreampt of it every night since, save for 3 a month, when I have a much different nightmare.

"Mr. Wolfe?" I am startled from my idle thoughts my the cart driver.

"Ah yes, sorry Mr...?"

"Berkley." The stocky man with dark burgundy clothes replies.

"Ah, my apologies Mr. Berkley, I am quite tired, and am not thinking clearly."

"We have arrived." He states.

"But, the castle is still at the top of the hill...."

"Yes, but this is where I stop. The path is not large enough for my comfort, and, personally, that place is evil. Why you would wish to go there is beyond me." He said with a drunken slur. Alas, very few individuals refined enough for my taste, yet not in a stupor every waking moment of their lives.

"My reasons are my own. Here's your fare." I throw him a single gold coin. I would normally carry silver ones, but that has become a problem for me.

"You're a mite generous sir. Thank ya kindly. If ye don't mind, the wife and childrun are waiting for me." Bah, his wife is Mead, and his children are Ale and Wine.

I begin trudging up the muddy path to the castle, knowing full well what resides within. The sight of the castle looming on the hillside sent shivers down my spine, the same shivers I felt when I entered the other castle all those years ago. Just as I ignored the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach all those years ago, I do so again, because this time, I have no choice. This is my last chance. I knock thrice on the large door, which only opens a crack to not let in any natural light. There is no porter, which unnerves me greatly. I gaze at the moon.

"Tomorrow night." I will have to stay in this wretched place for three days and nights, at the mercy of what lies within.

"It is not oft that I have visitors, especially at the bewitching hour." A figure on a throne speaks. She looks to be but a child, but I know far better.

"I do not like games, nor do I fancy pleasantries. I have a request, will you hear it, or shall I be on my way?" I said sternly. I do not like dealing with the unnatural, as that is how I first gained my condition. If she would not hear me, then I would simply leave and hide in the forest for the next three days. I did not want to spend any more time in the company of the undead than necessary.

"Very well, state your name and your request." She speaks. I catch another glimpse, blond hair, a red dress, and a bonnet.

"Lady Flandre, I am Lark Wolfe, a musician of the Wolfe family. I have come here because you have something I seek."

"And that is?" She asks quizzically.

"Knowledge. I have been cursed, and I seek the witch responsible."

"Mr. Wolfe, your name is quite ironic isn't it, given your 'condition'? I have the knowledge you desire, but what of payment?" She asks.

"As what I seek is the sound of your voice, I shall provide recompense with a sound of my own." I say, bringing forth my violin case.

"You seek my favour, and you would pay with naught but a song?" She seemed annoyed.

"It is all that I have." She seemed to think for a moment, before a wicked grin appeared on her face, showing her vampirc features more clearly.

"Very well Mr.Wolfe, Play for me. If I find it to my fancy, then I shall grant you what you seek. If, however, I am not amused, you will never set foot outside the castle. Would you still buy my favor for a song?" She said with a devilish smile, I say nothing. Drawing my bow, giving a bow and cracking my knuckles, I close my eyes and begin to play a song. (Ctrl click the link to have it open in another window, have it play while you read)

I begin slowly, drawing my bow across the strings. My fingers expertly dance across the strings. I am sweating profusely as I reach the crescendo, the hall echoing with the sound and my heart is races as I end the performance, not due to it's complexity, but for fear of her rejection of it. It nearly leaps out of my chest when I hear the accursed Flandre clap.

"In three centuries, I have never heard music such as that. It is quite.... quaint. Should you ever rid yourself of your curse, you are welcome to be one of my thralls, playing music for all eternity." She says with a voice that chills the air, her thirst hanging in the air.

"While generous, I fear I must decline your offer. Immortality is not something I seek."

"Yes, it is quite boring. Alas, I fear nothing can quench my thirst for entertainment for more than an instant. Come forth, and I will find out what you wish to know." She says with a sigh, obviously disappointed.

I approached the vampire maiden, who standing, only came up to my stomach, but was face to face with me as she hovered in mid air. She grabbed hold my hand, her icy touch making my skin crawl. Using her claw, she pricked my finger, then proceeded to suck on it like a child with a candy. Apparently, she was trying to look cute. Hell fiends are NOT cute, regardless of package. She looked deep in thought for a moment, before she released me, which I was thankful for, pulling my hand back quickly.

"Ah yes, the witch responsible for your bite ancestor..... Moira. She lives in the Misthallow woods in England. She was the enchantress behind my own, although it seems I have taken to my 'curse' far better than you have. I enjoy immortality, even if a bit dull. You would seek to slay her to free yourself?" She asked.

"If she will not remove my curse willingly, then yes." I replied, swallowing nervously.

"I see. She is indeed the one who created the original vampire and werewolf of both our lines, over two thousand years ago. She is not to be trifled with. I take it you are no warrior. Should you confront her, you will not succeed. Even I, gifted in the dark magics as I am could not stand against that hag when I tried to liberate myself. Since then, I have become accustomed to this way of life, and I fear what awaits me after death. You do not stand a chance at defeating her. Your only hope is to sway, and it is a false hope at that. Why not simply eat the heart of the wolf that bit you?"

"The same moment I was bitten was the moment it turned to ash by silverware. It was never an option." I said sullenly. She put her cold hands on either side of my head, looking straight into my eyes with her own blood red ones.

"Then stay here in my castle. I know you better than you know yourself. You wish to not cause harm to anyone, and you would not do so should you remain with me." She offered. Looking in those eyes, I realized that even though she was a creature of evil, she still had a kind heart, even if it had stopped beating. I gently removed her hands from me.

"I regretfully decline. While I would like to finally find a place to rest and cease roaming, I swore on the grave of my sister, whom I slew under the light of the full moon but a month after I turned, that I would cure myself, else her spirit will never find rest."

"I understand. Given your condition, I at least offer you the next three nights in my castle, till this month's phase passes." She said with a smile not sinister, but sad, as if she genuinely felt pity for my plight.

"Very well, I shall play you songs while I am still myself. Also, I expect to wake up in the morning in possession of ALL my blood. I shall be very cross should I wake to find someone has taken a bite."

"You have my word." She giggled. "I'm not about to step into a cage with a feral werewolf, even I could fall." I had no reason not to believe her, after all, we're both creatures of darkness, even if we don't act like it, under a centuries old curse that had passed from bearer to bearer, all from the same damned hag.

"Should you change your mind, return to my hold. I have endless time, and wish for something to fill it."

Panting, running down the path as fast as my legs can carry me. I don't look back, I can smell her. I can almost taste the flesh I so hunger for. An errant twig, she falls. Her last words, 'brother, please,' before I tear into her neck. The warm blood dripping down my lips, meaty chunks swallowed greedily, clothing torn asunder, a look of horror etched onto her face as she falls limp.

I awake on cold stone, the chill further exemplified by my sweat, and the fact that I am wearing naught but torn pants. I am in the castle dungeon, where I voluntarily locked myself for the past three nights. Slowly rising to my feet, an incredibly old looking man walks with unnatural strength and grace for his age, bringing me my belongings.

"You caused quite the disturbance. Townsfolk have become wary of the castle. While they don't dare set foot within till the priory arrive, members of the clergy have set up in the town. I suggest you leave tonight, under the cover of dark, lest they cage you like the beast you are."

"What of Lady Flandre?" I asked.

"She will be none worse for wear. There is a hidden place within the castle, and while one of the.... mortal... servants plays the role of duke to entertain our guests, we will be safe from their eyes." The old man said mortal with disdain.

"Please, give her my thanks for the lodgings these past three nights. I will be on my way as soon as the sun sets."

As I exit the Norway castle, climbing into Mr. Berkley's carriage, I notice a chill breeze coming in from the north, with clouds on the horizon.

"Snow, why is it always snow. Best to make port before the storm, or I'll be stranded here till winter passes, and as kind as she was, I do not wish to spend another night in this town."

"Might want ta be on the lookout sir, might be wolves. They was making an awful racket these past three nights they was." He slurred.

"All the more reason to make haste. I do not wish to be set upon by hounds." It wasn't the wolves I was worried about, after all, given what I am, they see me as a sort of pack leader. No, it was the order of holy knights making their way here to inspect the castle that caused me such fear. They were like the Spanish Inquisition, except that I expected them, and did not wish to be anywhere near when they arrived. Anyone suspected of supernatural activity was punished harshly, and given my curse, they were likely to try and 'purify' me, meaning burn me at the stake and claim the lord would have mercy on me because of my plight. That's not the sort of 'cure' I'm looking for.

"Lost in thought again eh? You seem troubled. You'd have to be to be willing to go up there. I know it's just pish posh, but they say a vampire lives up there. A bonafide member of the undead. Prolly just rumours the nobles stirred up to keep the townsfolk out of their business, scare em away." Berkley said.

"Yes, I'm sure that's it. During my stay I noticed nothing out of the ordinary, but then again, I have trained ears, not eyes. They were delightful." Nothing could be farther from the truth. While they had been rather hospitable, vampires sent chills up my spine. Having enhanced senses, even when not transformed, I could tell from a mile away. There were some benefits of having beast blood, such as better sight, smell, and hearing, as well as warding off cold and being a bit hardier then the average man, but those were a pittance in comparison to the cost. If only I had been an alpha werewolf, able to transform at will, and with complete control over myself when I did, I'd simply hide out in the woods once a month, not be a bother to anyone. Of course, I had no idea of how one becomes as such, and so was trapped.

"If ye weren't in such a hurry, I'd have ya come drinkin wif me, no troubles can survive being drowned by the bottle."

"Fool, that only delay's the inevitable, and I for one am not about to lose my talent wasting away on cheap ale. I can only play while sober, and it's not like I have any coins to spare."

"No coins to spare? You were awfully generous before." Berkley added. He caught on quick for a drunk.

"That's because I was paying for both trips, and I wanted to make sure you'd come back to get me." I smiled. He was upset that I wasn't going to be giving him any more of my money. Maybe if I knew he wasn't going to drink it away, but then again, you'd have to be crazy to go that near the castle while not in a stupor.

"Fair 'nuff."

"Storm's blowing in, last boat to England. Won't be able to make the return trip till winter passes." The first mate proclaimed.

"Aye." Hearing me, he turned to look, quickly grabbing the sack of coins I threw to him.

"How many?"

"Two." I heard from behind me.

"Lady Flandre?"

"I can't very well let you go alone. It's been terribly dull, and I truly should get out more. Just look, my skin is so pale." She smirked, which told me to play along.

"Oh, two love birds eh?" The sailor said.

"You assumptions bring you shame. She is a noble, and I am but her servant. She wished to go to England, and I went ahead to prepare the way, now, get back to work you peasant! I will not have my lady delayed any longer." I said in a practiced tone. "Come my lady, do not let this cur bother you any further."

Later, in our cabin, I asked what she intended.

"Not that I have any qualms regarding the matter, but, why are you here?"

"Well, let's just say that the room hidden in the basement is not so hidden anymore. They're all dead, and my estate burned to the ground. You can see the smoke from port. I didn't have anywhere else to go, and now I'm being hunted, just as you are. Figured I might as well make a new start in England, Norway is far too cold for my liking."

"I thought... you... weren't bothered by cold." I wasn't about to throw the term vampire around, who knows who might be listening, and I didn't want Flandre to kill the whole crew.

"Just because I do not feel the chill of winter does not mean I do not enjoy the warmth of fire, or the company of a man." She said with a smile.

"Ah ah, we'll have none of that. While you are far older than you look, I cannot do such a thing. You are but a child after all and being so forward is unbecoming of a noble such as yourself."

"Fine." She said with a childish pout.

"What is the real reason behind this venture, if you don't mind?"

"Well, a fortnight ago a rather strapping violinist came to my estate and played a wonderful song that reminded me of days long gone. I remember the warmth of the sun. You seek to rid yourself of a burden, and you will not succeed on your own. I have naught left to lose, other than an eternity of boredom, so I'll assist you. It has been far too long since I have seen the daytime sky, I have forgotten what colour it was."

"Blue. The sky is blue, except in the evening or in the morn when it is yellow, orange, and red, but never green."

"You said you slew your sister, what of the rest of your family?" Flandre whispered, so as not to be overheard by the rest of the ship.

"Dead. They attempted to shelter me, and succeeded. My name or face is not known, but my family was killed for indulging in supernatural phenomenon." I replied in an equally hushed tone. To the two of us, with unparalleled senses, we could hear just fine. To anyone watching, it would look like we were moving our mouths with no sound coming out.

"I too lost my family, killed by the very vampire who turned me, about 300 years ago. Of course, as soon as I found that I had exceptional powers far exceeding his, I killed him in retribution." She sneered.

"I do not seek vengeance, I simply want to be rid of this affliction. I see it every night you know." I paused, seeing the questioning look on her face begging for explanation.

"The night I was bitten, and on the three I turn, the night I killed her. Her last words, she begged me not to do it, and I ripped out her throat. I woke up the next morning, covered in blood, looking at a pile of bones. I swore that I would end this nightmare. I know that she can never rest as long as that monster still prowls."

"Is it really that she can never rest, or is it that you cannot?"

"I can never forgive myself. I know it was something outside my control, I had just turned and didn't know how to restrain myself, I still do not. Still, how can I let go of that fact that because of me, my entire family is dead?" I asked with a sigh.

"You can't. I have lived for three centuries, and such matters are never simply dismissed."

"If I truly can't be cured, I'm I am doomed to suffer this curse for the rest of my days, then I will at least try to find a way to take charge of it. It is possible, for the hounds of Scarlet were tame. If I cannot rid myself of my curse, I will control it, so I may cause no more suffering."

"It is a shame. If these were different times, perhaps in a different place, and under different circumstances, we may have courted each other. Fate has a strange way of bringing people together with misfortune. Let us hope we succeed. I may be young, but if are indeed able to slay that witch, then perhaps you will wait for me?"

"Let us pray for success."

And so, a vampire and a werewolf, foul creatures of darkness who had been forsaken by the world, prayed to the very one who saw them as unclean, under the light of the moon illuminating the falling snowflakes, on a caravel atop the magically calm sea.

Flandre Scarlet is a character from 'Embodiment of the scarlet devil' a bullet hell game in the Touhou series. Both vampires were named after her, but none share her personality, as far as I know. The song played is One Winged Angel from Final Fantasy 7, done on violin. Also, since I am using other peoples stuff, let's play jeopardy. I'll take copyright law for 1000. "I do not own this" What is, everything? "Correct!"