• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 17,145 Views, 1,347 Comments

Song of the Moon - BlackWing

An 1700's era violinist, who is also a werewolf. He find's himself in where else but Equestria

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Midnight Whispers (24) [CONTAINS CUDDLE]

Midnight Whispers

As I made my way back to the castle, I was steeped in my own thoughts. If the pony doubles of myself and my sister could reconcile, then perhaps, it was not too far gone to hope that I could as well. Here, in the land where one can wish upon a star, and have their desire truly be granted, could such a thing come to pass? Could there truly be redemption for me?

Another interesting thing occurred on the walk from the hotel to the castle. Seeing such heartache and pain finally being relieved, all with the proper song, had brought up a well of emotion I had been holding in. Music can calm the savage beast, sooth the soul, and bring out that which is hidden within, (Unless it is bagpipe music, but that is another story entirely.), and after such events, upon reaching the castle, I found that I too had begun crying.

"Lark, is something the matter?" Princess Luna asked.

"I... I am well. I merely felt the need to cry." Was my weak response.

"Sometimes, we all need to let go, to lose our composure, and let who we are, and not who we pretend to be, take hold. If you ever need to talk, I will listen."

So, I went to Luna's study, she set a fire in the mantle, and I recounted the story to her whilst we sat on the couch, sipping an herbal tea. It wasn't earl grey by a long shot, but it was still a rather good taste. It smelled of heather, mint, and lavender. An odd blend, but none the less satisfying.

"So, I took Lyra off into the night, so she could meet her sister before she faded away with the light of the morn. Of course, it could have waited till the morrow, but... I suppose I was feeling rather impulsive. You know well my story, and how closely it parallels, I felt that it had to be done immediately."

"Whisking her off into the night, to meet a lost sibling, and playing a sad song whilst they cried in each other's embrace. What a thing it would be, to have seen it. No wonder you returned in such a state." She let out a long sigh. "You and your tangled heartstrings. You know I have fallen for you, but for a long time, I had not realized why, fully at least. You were one of the first to look past who I was, and royalty or not, danced with me under the moonlight. You are kind and caring, fearing not the dark but illuminating it. You are refined, yet humble, and not only do you have the wisdom to know what needs to be done, but the will to carry through."

"You are too kind, I am not..."

"But you are." She interrupted me. "And... I know how you feel about the forced arrangement. You've been seeking ways to escape, should you need them. That is not how such things should be. I see that now, and, I apologize. To bring you into such a thing was, well, immature of me. I was just worried that you would vanish, and I would never tell you how I feel. I am not the best when it comes to words, or emotions. Those are the very reasons I fell, and became Nightmare Moon. My beloved night was shunned, as was I, and I didn't know how to express my grief till it festered into hate."


"Please, call me Luna. My sadness and loneliness burned away at me, and drove me from everything I held dear. Which is why if you ever feel the need, to speak without fear of judgement, I wish that you would come to me, and, it is my hope that you could do that service to me as well. I may be immortal, but I am not flawless." She turned to look at me, and smiled a sad smile. I cupped my hand to her face, and saw a glistening sparkle in her eye as a tear ran down her cheek.

"Stay with me tonight?" She asked.

"Pri... Luna, would that be proper?"

"Of course not. I don't even care if it is. This room is sealed. Nothing can enter. Not servants, nor photographers, nor anything short of my sister. I just, I've been feeling alone lately, and I'd like for you to stay with me. We'd do nothing .... questionable, just being in each other's company.

"I..." I can't think of a good reason not to. "Oh, very well."

I reclined on the couch as Princess Luna put her left wing behind my back, though considering my height it wound up going around my side, under my left arm, and onto my stomach. I put my right arm aross her back, and rested my hand on her chest fur, just below the neck. As I gently rubbed her soft coat, she sighed and put her head to my chest. We stayed like that for about an hour, till I, due to the exhaustion of running all the way to Ponyville and back, and the emotional display from earlier, fell into a deep slumber.

When I awoke, I was laying on the couch, with my feet hanging over one of the armrests, while Luna lay curled up atop my chest and stomach, held firmly in my arms and she slumbered. Her face was pushed against my chin, where it met my chest, with her horn running along my jawline, and the rise and fall of my chest was matched by her own soft breathing.

"Hmph, that is rather adorable."

At the sound of an intruder's voice, we both snapped awake, tumbled off the couch, then attempted to stand and make ourselves seem presentable, a display that was utterly useless, though quite hilarious, to Princess Celestia who was smirking as she looked at us.

"S.... SISTER! What art thou doing in my room! Surely thou wouldst have noticed the seals I placed, specifically one that when triggered would say 'Keep out Celestia, I meant it!'. What is the meaning of this intrusion?!?" I cupped my hands over my ears, as although Luna was not using the 'Royal Canterlot Voice' she was being rather loud.

"It is time to lower the moon, and raise the sun. Though I could have performed your duty and allowed you to sleep in, Lark's arms, I decided it would be better to ask you. Also, you started speaking in 'ye old tongue' again."

Luna seemed utterly flabbergasted, and unsure of what to say or how to explain the situation.

"Oh relax, will you? I watched you for some time before you awoke, and you were doing nothing objectionable. I too sometimes find myself longing for company at night. Oh, my little sister is all grown up!" Celestia teased. Luna merely growled, raised her head, made her horn glow, then turned to her elder.

"There, the moon has been lowered, can you please leave us in peace?" She scowled.

"Oh, alright. I'll let you get back to your cuddling. Oh, and don't worry, I won't tell anypony. For Lark's sake." The way she said that gave me the distinct feeling that if it was anyone other than myself, she'd spread it all over the Equestrian news, just to embarrass her sister.

"Ah, perhaps... I should go. I did promise to return Lyra to Ponyville this morning. I imagine her friends would be rather cross if she didn't show up to.......... what DOES she do for a job? I've never heard of her playing at any concerts. No matter. I am a man of my word, so I better get going."

"Actually, you said you would stay the night with me. Sister will not raise the sun for a few moments longer." She grabbed my collar with her magic, pulled me down to her level, and gave my cheek a quick nuzzle. "Thank you, for staying with me. Now go, you have a promise to keep."