• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 17,146 Views, 1,347 Comments

Song of the Moon - BlackWing

An 1700's era violinist, who is also a werewolf. He find's himself in where else but Equestria

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Cry to The Moon (27)

Cry To The Moon

When I awoke, I was not in Canterlot as I had expected, rather, in the guest bedroom in Applejack's house, where I had rested a year and a half ago when I first arrived. It was evening, and the sun had half dipped over the horizon by the time I dragged myself from bed. Regrettably, I did not have a change of clothes, so I headed downstairs as is. I found the Apple family sitting around their kitchen table, Princess Luna among them. Upon my entrance to the room, they all stopped what thy were doing and looked at me with the oddest gaze.

"Um... good mor- err, evening?"

"Well s'about time ya woke up youngun! Ya had a busy day yesterday, ya musta been plum tuckered ta have slept straight ta dinner tonight, and starved half ta death ta boot! Look at ya! I can see yer ribs! Tha misses ain't been feedin ya properly ah take it?" Granny Smith, bless that mare, jabbed an elbow at Luna who, much to my delight, gained a blush and indignant pout.

"I'll have you know he is fed very well by the castle chefs."

"Bah! Fancy Canter-not-a-lot food, ya need some good ol home cookin! Now sit an eat! Tha pie's gettin cold." I obliged the elder apple, taking my own seat next to Luna and began to eat with much gusto while the others did the same. All except for the princess.

"Lark, I have learned of what took place from the guard. I find myself in a strange situation. On one hoof, you bit a pony, and had me raise my moon to turn her into a werewolf. This is serious. However, on the other hoof, had it not been for your actions, Cloud Kicker would most definitely be dead. I am certain that you would not have done what you did if there were any other options." She gave me a quick nuzzle to show that she wasn't angry.

I swallowed what delectable food I had in my mouth so that I could speak properly.

"So, what happens now?" I asked.

"Now, we must work to hunt down those animals and bring them to justice. I have come to wonder how lycan's could have lived in hiding all this time, and why they would come out now, leaving a trail behind them when they were previously so cautious. It is a conundrum, and it begs the question of how to find them."

"Perhaps we can ask the league?" I suggested.

"Of course, that was one of the reasons it was founded. What better way to catch a monster than with ones of our own? It will be difficult however. The league's resources are limited, and from the disappearances, this pack moves quite a bit. There is simply too much ground to cover, and the guard is already busy with keeping the peace." She explained.

"M'lady, I have an idea, but we must first attend to Cloud Kicker. Apple family, thank you for the meal, but we must be off."

"Well alrighty then! Take some fixin's fer the road, an don' be a stranger!"


With that, Luna, Applejack and I left the table and headed outside, towards town.

"Lark, what tha hay's been goin on? I caught bits of what ya said in there, but I ain't got the whole picture." The farmer asked. I turned to Luna, who nodded, consenting my explanation. After all, Applejack is one of the bearers of harmony, national heroines. She deserved to know.

"Well, Cloud Kicker, and Cloud Chaser, had their homes broken into by a pack of , thought previously extinct, were wolves, who stole them away. They took them to a cave in the country side, where they.... set about eating them. All that remained of Cloud Chaser was naught but bones, and Cloud Kicker was missing a hoof. She would have died from blood loss, so, I bit her, and Luna set the moon full to bring about the transformation, which heals all wounds. Now, we're going to check up on her before contacting the League of Dapper Gentlecolts, a group of Canterlot elite who are, for the most part, things that go bump in the night. Vamponies, ghosts, minotaurs and such. We'll use their connections to search for this pack and try to catch them."

"And this 'idea' of yer's?"

"I will contact someone who I think will be able to help us. Let's just leave it at that." During our conversation, we had reached town, and the chariot. Luna and I climbed in, and set off towards the castle.

"Luna, I'm curious. Why did you bring me to the Apple family instead of straight to the castle?"

"I... thought it best that we give sister some time to adjust to this. You know she was wary of you to begin with, and she never liked werewolves. The fact that there is another one will be much to her dismay, and that you are the reason behind it, well, I feared that she may act rashly if not given all the information and time to dwell on it. These are complicated times Lark. After a thousand years of stagnation, the world is moving far too quickly for our liking. My return and redemption, Discord, the changelings, and now the wolves. A great many things are happening, and we must tread carefully, lest we fall off the path."

"I see."

We spent the rest of the trip in silence, enjoying the night breeze blowing through our hair. When we arrived at the castle, we hastened to my room where the mare had been sleeping. It was of course, locked, to prevent her from leaving for the time being, and on reaching the door, I heard a hustle from within.

"It seems our guest is awake." Luna stated, having heard it as well.

"Perhaps you should enter first, to ease her worry."

"I think that would be best."

I stayed outside the room as the princess entered, listening for what would take place.

"Princess Luna? What am I doing here, and, why does everything feel weird? I should be dead, but I feel good. Everything is, like... it all feels so much more real, like waking up from a dream. I'm so confused."

"Listen well, my little pony, you are safe now. Let me explain to you what has occurred."

So, the princess went about explaining what happened, and what was to come, how she'd have to stay at the castle to be trained as a wolf to control herself. She didn't object, but she cried several times, especially when she was told that her sister did not make it.

"So then, I'm... a monster now? Every full moon, I'll turn into a horrible beast? Just like the ones that did... this?"

"Only if you allow it to control you. You must rise above the instinct and tame the beast within, and we will both be here to help." At Luna's mention of me, I entered the room.

"This is Lark Wolfe. I'm not sure what you remember, but a year and a half ago, on Nightmare Night, he lost control of himself and ran amok through Ponyville. I helped him take control of himself, and now he is of great service to me. He's going to try and track down the ones who did this to you and your sister. He's also your forbear. He bit you so that the transformation would save your life, held you in your beastial state, and carried you back to town like a foal after it passed."

"I..... don't know what to say." I sat down next to her. She sniffed the air before she realized what she was doing, then blushed sheepishly.

"That is of no consequence. I can tell you what to expect, to make the transition easier. This is both a blessing and a curse. You will be stronger, faster, and more durable than before. There will be times that you will not know your own strength, so you must take care not to accidentally harm anypony. You'll also have a large appetite, though I'm not sure what cravings you'll have since you're a pony, I found myself hungry for red meat, broccoli and spinach, things you ponies say are high in iron. I don't understand how rocks are important in what we eat, but nevertheless, you'll be hungry. Your strength will increase with anger or frustration as well."

"And what about the transformation?" She asked.

"Should you touch the light of a full moon, for that time, and up to an hour after you have hidden from it's glow, you will be wolf. Your strength, speed, and endurance will grow to several times that of even the strongest earth pony. It's painful during the change, but relief after, much like the pain and relief of popping joints, though all at once. You will have better hearing and smell, it would be best to avoid loud noises..." I thought back to the time with the 'microphone' "..especially of high pitch. Powerful scents as well are troublesome, but you can also find things others cannot. You'll have better night vision. Other than that, you'll grow claws, a solid tail, and be covered in hair. You'll also try to eat anything that moves. My advice is to spend some time each day, collecting your thoughts. You'll debate taking a bite out of your friends, and you must convince yourself that it is a bad idea."

"Is there a cure?"

"Eat Wolfsbane before your first transformation, though it is too late for that now. Eat the heart of the wolf that bit you, being me. Find someone with knowledge of magic enough to remove the curse, though no one we know of has that ability at this moment, save the elements of harmony. Eating Wolfsbane now will be deadly, and touching silver will burn you, though any wounds you have will vanish at your next transformation. I believe that is everything for now."

"This is a lot to take in, you know? Turning into a.. a... werewolf, and my sister... I, don't know if I can handle it." Cloud Kicker whimpered.

"Don't rush it. You have the rest of your life, after all. Take some time to grieve and... cry to the moon. It'll listen."

"So Lark, you said you had an idea who could help us with our problem. Who did you have in mind?"

"An old enemy, looking for redemption. I must be off. I'll return in a week's time. I trust you can handle things at the league?"

"Of course. Now go."

I looked up into the night air. Being about two in the morning, I wasn't concerned with being seen by anyone. I took a deep breath, let it out, then brought the change. Bones snapping, face warping, I let out a long howl at the moon before jumping off the castle balcony and running to the west.

"Which way to Equestria?"

"East, just follow the morning sun."

Chrysalis, I'm coming, and I hope you're in a pleasant mood.