• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 17,146 Views, 1,347 Comments

Song of the Moon - BlackWing

An 1700's era violinist, who is also a werewolf. He find's himself in where else but Equestria

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More Complications [Reuploaded] (19)

More Complications

=Before you read any further!=

Okay, so, thank you for all your input. I figured out what was wrong with the chapter and have rewritten it to be a bit better. Still not REALLY up to my expectations, but I'm a perfectionist so, once again. Tell me what you think of it. If I can figure out a good direction to take the story, it'll take off.

=So, here's the chapter. Comment! It's how I learn to stop sucking and be a better author!=

'Get back here and let me eat you!' The bugs seemed to be able to sense my thoughts, screaming as they desperately tried to escape. A great many of them had gotten out of the hive, only by the fact that with their sheer numbers I couldn't possibly get them all. I was also getting full, a sensation I had never felt before in my changed form. I had literally gorged myself on the delicious green ooze and shuddered at the sensation of warmth in my gut. I was now completely covered in the slime, so I shook myself off, splattering it all over the walls of the cave.

'Alright, that's about enough of this. Time for me to get out of this cave. Let's see. They're trying to get away from me, odds are they'll fly out and try to escape the cave, so then I just need to follow the mass and the scent of fresh air.'

I ran through the cave, my feet making a 'splitching' sound as they contacted the floor, which, like the walls, was covered in the same living goo as the chamber I awoke in. Down long, narrow corridors which branched every now and then, holes in the ceiling and floor reminding me of a massive beehive.

'Is that what this is? An enormous beehive, and what I've been eating when I rip them apart is their honey? It would explain why it tastes so good.' Finally, I reached a large chamber where I could see daylight filtering in through small holes. The insects flew upwards, to the very top of the chamber, towards what looked like a piece of green glass embedded in the ceiling, except that a hole opened in it to allow them passage, then closed up once they were through.

'Looks like my exit.' I grabbed the walls with my sharp claws, using my powerful arms and legs to grip the living mass and climb up the inside of the dome shaped structure, with the bee ponies swarming around, trying to hit me and knock me down, but each attempt only being met by claw or fang. Finally, I was hanging upside down, right next to the glass pane, and through it, I could see daylight, yet, it refused to open. Another of my foes flew to me, and instead of merely splattering it, I grabbed it and pushed it into the gate, causing it to open before I threw myself through it and tossed the screaming bug into my mouth, followed by a satisfying crunch. There, in the middle of the chamber, stood what must have been the queen. Tall, slender, with a crooked horn and holes through her hooves, a large pair of gossamer wings that looked shredded. She looked at me with surprise before backing away.

"No! You weren't supposed to wake up yet!"

"The false Cadence? Then I take it your plan failed....." Some of the green ooze dripped out of my mouth and down my chin, bringing a look of horror to the queen's face.

"It did, and I may have been weakened by Cadence and Shining Armor, but I have more than enough power to defeat you. Hold still, and this will be over quickly." Her claim was cut short my me pouncing on her, flipping her on to her back and pinning her to the floor of the cave. Her smell was intoxicating, the fear in her eyes alluring, and the taste as I slowly licked up her neck and face..... fantastic. I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into her. If the rest tasted that good, the queen was going to be an amazing meal. She looked at me in horror before I grabbed her neck and swung my head back and forth, flinging her around like a dog with a rope. I kept up with this for a bit before throwing her against the wall and sinking a claw into her stomach while pinning her with the other. I brought my muzzle close and breathed on her, the stench of her dead kin making her recoil. I brought my tongue up the side of her face which made her shiver, then shook my head.

'What... what am I doing? No. I need to stop this. But.... she tastes so good! NO!' I slowly backed away, the fear in her eyes no longer making arousing the hunter, instead bringing memories of death and slaughter, horrible nightmares which I fought to lock away. 'I shouldn't be doing this. I need to stop!' I dropped her to the ground and licked the... whatever it was, off my claws and face, then sniffed at her as her wounds slowly mended, to the point that it looked as though they had never been there in the first place. She shakily got to her hooves and looked at me with interest.

"You... stopped?" She cocked her head to the side and took a step towards me, but a low growl made her step back. She tried to step around, but I moved to block her. She took to the air, only for me to grab her and pull her back down, pinning her again.

"What do you want?" I tilted my head to the side and thought 'answers'. She seemed to pick up on it and sighed in defeat.

"I am Queen Chrysalis of the changelings. I impersonated Princess Cadence in order to feed on Shining Armor's love, to nourish myself and my hive, as well as weaken him to the point that we could conquer Equestria. We failed. We were driven back, and now the entire country is on high alert. We can't gather love anymore, and we're beginning to starve. We are the same. Hated by others, always having to hide what we are, yet here we can be who we were meant to be. Changelings are parasites that feed on the love of others. We're despised because of our appearance, and hated because we live a lie, hiding among others."


"Right...... I am the one who took you from the Canterlot Gardens. I couldn't have you blowing my cover, and with your bestial strength, speed, and ferocity, which the ponies would inevitably try to break you of, if they haven't not attempted already, would be nothing but a benefit to the swarm. Here, in this place, you can be who you are. No more running, no being judged by others. Only acceptance of who you really are." At this point, I could feel my transformation wearing off, so I backed away and let Chrysalis rise to her hooves. I didn't bother trying to stay in my current form, after all, I could just change back if I need to.

Once I returned to being human, I noticed that I was naked..... again...... 'Why must I always destroy my clothing? Especially my pants. They always get torn...... At least now I can talk properly, although I wonder why I was able to before when I was hunting.....'

"I'm afraid not. I have a previous relationship with Princess Luna..... which I have to try and get out of.... and then I need to decide what I want to do with myself."

"Will you at least think about it? You could live here, not having to hide. You could stay with me, feed me love, guard the hive, and in return, we could provide for all your needs. The love honey which you so greedily devoured, without costing me my drones next time, and relief from your..... instincts......" She gave me a sultry grin, which I immediately backed away from. I know for a fact that animals have instincts in a certain order. The first is food, and the second is breed. Since I had pretty much had my fill on all those drones, the 'love honey' giving me an enormous amount of energy, and given the position I had in pinning her to the ground, it was fairly clear to me what she was suggesting. 'Wait...... promiscuous, feed on love, transform to make themselves attractive to their food source.... Changelings are the pony version of succubi. Perhaps not actual demons, much how Equestrian lycanthropy is a disease rather than a curse, but the parallels are astounding.

"...... I'll..... keep it in mind. I'm not just going to trust you after you kidnapped me, attacked Cadence and Twilight, and put me in... whatever that thing was, then tried to seduce me, but I'll think about it, along with the dozen other things I need to decide. Which way to Equestria?"

"East. Just follow the morning sun." She opened another of those green glass-like gateways to the outside which I passed through with haste before it closed behind me. I turned to look at it, only to find that the entire structure was disguised as a large boulder from the outside, and the door itself simply blended in with the surroundings. Where I found myself now was a dense jungle, a large assortment of scents making themselves known along with the moisture that hung in the air, a particularly large mosquito landed on me, but before it could bite, a frog grabbed it with it's tongue from over five feet away and made a crunch as it ate it. A roar in the distance, followed by a flock of birds taking off to avoid whatever it was.

'Wonderful. Well, no use whining. Time to get out of here. Luna's probably worried.'

I changed back into my lycan form, the process getting easier and less painful as I practiced it, then charged off towards the morning sun. The soft moss on my paws, the sticks crunching as I ran over them, bushes being thrown out of my way and vines snapping as I charged through the underbrush towards the land of the ponies.

'Really, I should consider Chrysalis's offer..... I was only in Ponyville a few days before Nightmare Night, what is my attachment to them? Lyra, whom I only care for because she reminds me of my sister, Ditzy Doo who has a life of her own, a foal, and apparently adventures with the Doctor, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, whom I have very little connection with, Cadence, who offered me kindness, and Luna, whom I owe my gratitude. Yes, she spent a great deal of time helping me gain control of my inner animal, but where does that become romantic? What's more, if she's anything like what I think her to be, she's a dominating, manipulative sister, used to getting what she wants, and our relationship is only one of courtship because she has feelings for me which she never told me of, and altered a carefully laid plan without my knowledge, just to get what she wants.... why does nobody take what I want into consideration, and just decide things on their own?'

=So, I think this version is better than some sort of love drug. It seemed like a cheesy excuse for clop, which I am NOT writing. I like this one MUCH more.=