• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 17,145 Views, 1,347 Comments

Song of the Moon - BlackWing

An 1700's era violinist, who is also a werewolf. He find's himself in where else but Equestria

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Time and Memory (9)

Time and Memory

I awoke from once again pleasant dream to find a VERY angry dog barking and growling at me from the foot of the bed.

"Winona! Cut that out! Lark here's a guest, you ought ta know better!" Applejack disciplined. The dog, Winona, winced and backed away with her tail between her legs. She clearly could tell what I was and wanted to defend her family. I let out a sigh, pulled myself together, and headed downstairs.

"Looks like ya finally got out of bed. What's the matter city slicker? Used to sleeping in late?" The orange earth pony teased.

"Actually, I believe it was the party. I am not accustomed to such..... rowdy.... events."

"Ah, yeah, Pinkie Pie'll do that to ya. Takes some getting used to."

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh replied stoically.

After breakfast which was, not surprisingly, apple products, I headed out to the orchard with Applejack.

"So partner, we gotta do some applebuckin to make up for the day we'll be taking off tomorrow. Nightmare Night and all."


"Oh yeah, I ferget that you're not from around here. We kick the trees to knock the apples from em. Like this!" She gave a grunt as she firmly planted her front hooves in the ground, spun around, and solidly kicked the tree. The apples fell from it into a basket neatly.

"Well, I suppose that would be one way to do it......"

"Go on, give er a shot." I had no idea how much effort it would take to do this. I was somewhat stronger than Applejack, but I did not have the solid surface area of hooves as she did. I kicked the tree, causing it to shake a few apples from the bough, but not nearly what she had expected.

"Aww come on, you can do better than that. Give her yer best!" She cheered. Well, she asked for it. I wound up my leg, delivering a solid kick with my shin, with as much strength as I could muster. There was a sickening crack as the apples fell, the tree being cracked at the spot which I kicked it. It leaned slightly, then gave way and fell down.

"Um, oops? At the risk of damaging more of your trees, I think it would be best if I perhaps, did NOT assist you with this task." I suggested nervously. She went running up to the downed tree.

"Oh no! Come on Leaftin, speak to me!" She spoke to the tree as if it were a dying friend.

"Applejack, that is a tree, it cannot speak." I deadpanned.

"Can I just, have a moment alone?" She looked at me with tears in her eyes. As an apple farmer, she valued her trees greatly, although this was just ridiculous. I decided not to bother her any more, went back indoors to take my violin, and set off into town towards a pony I knew I would have an understanding with, Rarity.

"Welcome to carousel boutique, where everything is..... oh hello Lark, such a pleasure to see you again. I trust Applejack was not too hard on you?" The pristine unicorn inquired about how my night was.

"Other than Winona being near violent and my accidental damaging of 'Leaftin' while attempting to harvest apples, all is well." Rarity looked at me questioningly, before remembering that her friend named her trees.

"Well, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"Actually, I find myself with a great deal of time to waste. It seems wealth will not be a concern for me, and I was looking to entertain myself with one who has, refined tastes."

She blushed at my compliment, and motioned for me to sit. She began to chat while she worked, explaining how her sister, Sweetie Bell could make things very difficult for her, and while she loved her deeply, it distracted from her work, which needed her full attention. Finally, she revealed a dress that was absolutely COVERED in gemstones, most of which were rubies. She attempted to find my attention several times before I could tear my eyes from the piece.

"Is something wrong?"

"Are you making this dress for nobility?"

"Why, no. It's for a performing artist, who has a show in Canterlot next week."

"Such a decadent ensemble, for a mere performance?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Where I am from, the gemstones on that piece alone, given their size and number, the owner could afford an entire castle!" It may have been an exaggeration, but if so, it was only slight.

"Really?" At which point, her horn began to glow and she revealed a chest filled to the brim with the precious stones. I struggled with great difficulty to keep my composition.

"You could buy half of Europe with these!"

"Well, it seems you are impressed. Perhaps it is due to the difference is value? Gemstones are actually quite common here. I dug these up about a week ago. It was really no big deal." I was slack jawed, and had to use my hand to close my mouth.

"So, you just go out into the wilds, and dig them up? They are that common?"

"Why yes. Although precious metals are far less common here than your home it seems." Rarity mused.

"Yes, it seems so. The treasuries of nobles are filed to the brim with gold, while gems of this caliber are non existent. For a trove such as that, a war of untold proportions would take place as the various kingdoms competed for it." I should not have spoken.

"That is terrible! Why would anypony do such a thing?" Now I had to explain.

"There are those who's hearts are filled with greed. Perhaps I should avoid conversation regarding my origins."

"I think that would be best."

"Well, many thanks for your time Lady Rarity, but I must be on my way."

After exiting, I spotted Ditzy Do flying haphazardly, and called out to her. She landed next to me, and a small unicorn appeared from her mail bag.

"Hiya mister!" She greeted me happily. I found myself with another smile. By all rights, this filly was adorable.

"Hey Lark. This is my daughter, Dinky Do."

"Pleasure to meet you." I bowed and kissed her hoof, causing her to blush.

"You're funny. I like you. Oh! You should meet Pip! He talks like you do! He'd love you! I don't know where he is right now, but you can check at the tea shop. He's normally around there. You might see mommy's friend too." She suggested.

"Alright my little muffin, letters away!" And with that she flew away.

"I could go for a spot of tea."

I found the tea shop I was directed to without any difficulty. Applejack had given me some of the local currency, saying that while my own were quite valuable, they would not be accepted, and so she gave me some bits to use until I could exchange my own coins. Despite my argument, she said she didn't feel right after I had basically paid off the mortgage on her farm, and she would not take no for an answer. I graciously accepted her generosity. There were several high class looking ponies there, all listening to soothing music. I was certainly glad to have others with refined tastes. Several of them even spoke in accents similar to my own. Pip was not there, sadly, however I did find a brown stallion with hourglass mark. He seemed absolutely stunned to see me.

"A human? Here? Well, that's just not fair now is it?" He spoke in a refined manner.

"Hello, my name is Lark, may I be of some service to you?" I asked, slightly annoyed that my mere presence seemed to be a disturbance to him.

"Oh, pardon my manners Pleasure to meet you. I am 'The Doctor'." I scowled when he said that word. I did not like doctors.

"So, you are a medical practitioner?"

"Oh no no, I'm not A doctor, I'm The Doctor." He corrected.

"According to your mark, an hourglass, so, you are a doctor of time?" I asked quizzically. Did time fall ill?

"That would be one way to put it. Judging by your attire, you're from the seventeen or eighteen hundreds?"

"1762, to be exact. As for how I arrived here, well, I'm not entirely sure, but it had a great deal to do with magic. As for you, since you recognized me by my attire, that would mean.......... you are not a pony." His eyes shot wide at my discovery. I clearly guess correctly.

"We need to talk, in private."

'The Doctor' brought me to a small blue box with a strange door. He opened it, and motioned for me to enter. The outside was misleading of the object's true size.

"It's smaller on the outside."

"Why yes it is bigger on the..... well, that's funny. Most everyone says it's bigger on the inside, not the reverse. You don't seem all that surprised by this." He raised an eyebrow. I gazed around at all the strange lights and elected to NOT look at them too long, lest my curiosity get the better of me.

"Two days ago I woke up in a forest, was chased by a cockatrice, followed by timber wolves, had woodland creatures as a captive audience for my performance, and met talking, flying, magical ponies. I saw a house made of sweets, and gemstones larger than my head which are common here. I do not believe anything could surprise me at this point."

"What if I told you that with this device you are standing in, called the TARDIS, you could travel through time?" He asked, testing my theory.

"I would probably have the same reaction that you would have if I told you that I am a werewolf." His eyes snapped open. I wasn't going to bother hiding it. If this pony truly was from my realm and could travel through time, then he would have determined it soon enough, and he may be able to help me. If he was simply mad, then nopony would believe his rants. Given the fact that I am standing in a blue box that bends space, I assume it to be the former. The Doctor looked at me with trepidation.

"I take it you have previous experience then?"

"Possibly. My encounter came from an alien entity that fell to earth in the 1500's or so." He explained.

"Mine, a witch's curse passed down for a thousand years, bought from a demon with the soul of a cannibal.

"Quite different then. Still, it's nice to meet a fellow from jolly old England." He mused.

"From what I've been told of Equestria, less emphasis on jolly, and more so on old. Not only was I sent to a different realm, but 300 years later."

"Would you perhaps like to return there?" The Doctor offered.


"Indeed, I too find this 'Equestria' to be quite mirthful. A breath of fresh air from the drab and dismal. I can't blame you for wanting to stay. However, if you truly are a lycan, then, what of your curse?" He looked at me seriously, as though if I provided him with the wrong answer, that my entire future would be the sum of ten seconds.

"I intend to seek out the princess of the moon, Luna, and ask her for assistance with my plight. After all, if I am slave to the moon, who better to relieve me of my burden than the one who commands it? She will be arriving here tomorrow, Nightmare Night. I shall ask her then. Even if I cannot be cured, the princesses should at least be informed."

"Ah, well, it seems you have it taken care of then. Perhaps we should go back to our tea?" He was suddenly relieved. I assume he too enjoys this world, and if I had proven to be a danger, he would have dealt with me. I do not know what is involved with being a time traveler, but reason states that they must take great precaution.

I left the 'TARDIS' and went back to the tea shop alongside The Doctor. I ordered some Earl Grey, which I spent a good quarter of the morning enjoying. I looked at the brown earth pony, and we both nodded, an unspoken agreement to never reveal what we had discussed in that strange blue box.

As I finished my tea, I spotted a strange mint green unicorn spying on me. I was not sure what her intent was, but my instincts told me to find her before she found me. I walked away, down the street, and turned the corner. Instead of continuing, I pressed myself up against the wall, catching her as she came around.

"Would you mind explaining why you are stalking me?" I asked sternly, but not angrily or in a scary tone.

"Um, well, you see, I uh...." She stammered. Something about the way she spoke stirred something in my memory, which quickly passed back into the darkness of my unconscious mind. I raised an eyebrow at her, then began to walk away.


I turned to see that she had composed herself.

"You're Lark right? Hi! My name's Lyra. I'm a bit of a human enthusiast, I mean, nopony believed me but I always knew you were real and...." I had stopped paying attention after I heard her name. I spotted her 'cutie mark' and it was indeed a lyre. This was the pony that reminded me of my sister. Even her way of stuttering and rambling. A pony with the same name, mannerisms, voice, and talent as my sister was standing right in front of me. When I looked at her, I could see my sister's smiling face.

"I'm sorry, I, I can't do this." I stuttered and ran off, leaving the pony stunned. I found my way to an park where I sat on a bench and looked at the trees, trying to calm myself. Seeing the pony version of my deceased sister was just too much at the moment. I decided to do what I always do to calm myself, and played a song. A gentle rain began to fall, a mere sprinkle really, but enough to cause all the other ponies in the park to leave, mentioning something about a storm being scheduled for that day. How a storm could be planned is beyond me. All that remained was myself and a mint green unicorn, who had followed me there, and began to talk while I played.

"Why did you run off?" She asked. I couldn't bring myself to look at her, instead focusing on the music.

"The memory, it's, too painful."

"That's silly, seeing as how we just met." She replied.

"I, had a sister. Her name was Lyra as well. Quite comically, she also played the lyre. Your voice, it's, the same."

"What happened?" She asked, having heard the 'had' instead of 'have', realizing that she was no longer of this world.

"It, it's all my fault......"

"No, no matter what happened, I'm sure you're just blaming yourself for it. There's no reason to be so hard on yourself." She tried to comfort me. I abruptly stopped playing, my violin making a terrible screech, causing us both to wince. I turned and looked at her.

"Except that it is my fault. She died in my arms, and I'm the one who caused it. I killed her." The rain began to fall more heavily. Lyra looked horrified.

"You didn't mean to did you?"

"Absolutely not. I loved her." She looked more relaxed, realizing that I wasn't a murderer.

'Except that you are.'

'Go away.'

"And you regret doing it?" The unicorn interrupted my thoughts.

"Every day of my life."

"Then she forgives you." With that, she nuzzled my arm softly, and I began to play again. She pulled out her lyre, and played right next to me. It was a full downpour. We had both completely forgotten that it was raining, or in my case, didn't care. After all, I always liked the rain. We played till we were both thoroughly soaked. I forgive you. It was the most meaningful thing anyone had ever said to me. I could swear that it was she who was saying it, and not her pony version, and to me, it meant the world. It was fortunate that it was raining, else Lyra would have asked me why I was crying. At the end of the song, she leaned up against me on the bench under the tree. I noticed she had tears running down her face that were definitely NOT raindrops. Seeing my curiosity, she decided to answer my question before I asked it.

"I, I had an older sister, Viola. She loved nature. She went into the woods one day, and didn't come back out. After a week, they gave up looking. It was six years ago. It's just, after talking with you and hearing you play, you remind me of her." Lyra looked at me, and I knew she felt the very same pain I did. Well, maybe not the guilt of having been the cause, but the ache of having lost a loved one.

"What say we get out of this rain?"

I bid farewell to Lyra, finally having some manner of closure after that tragedy five years ago, and went back to Sweet Apple Acres.

"Where the hay have you been Lark? You're soppin wet! Don't tell me ya've been out in the rain this whole time? You'll catch cold!" Applejack suddenly took on a scolding, motherly tone.

"I don't think there's much chance of that. I've been in the rain plenty, and have never fallen ill."

"That still don't answer mah question." She looked at me questioningly.

"I was in the park, playing music with Lyra."

"Aw hayseed, she didn't talk yer ear off did she, what with her human talk and you bein real an all?" Applejack apparently knew very well of Lyra's rants.

"No, we merely played music for a time, and learned that we have far more in common than it would first appear. That, and I feel I finally have come to terms with a..... tragedy that happened many years ago."

"Aw shucks, ya wanna talk about it?" The orange mare sat, willing to lend an ear.

"No, that's quite alright. I believe I'll be alright. It was years ago, and Lyra helped me come to terms."

"Well, that's good ta here. Leaftin is alright. We got him all patched up thanks to Twi's magic. Maybe ya wanna give it another shot? Not today, considerin it's pouring out, and not tomorrow neither on accounta it being Nightmare Night, but after? Ya won't have to worry about breakin em, cuz I'll get Twi to be around to put em back together just in case."

"That, would be acceptable. It's better than having nothing to do." Only among ponies for two days, and already my refined method of speaking began to slip. Better than having no one to talk to at all, and far better than keeping company with a vampire.

We spent the rest of the evening indoors, telling stories and such. Applejack told of how an evil spirit named Discord had literally turned Ponyville upside down, but his chaotic influence had been purified by the elements of harmony, just as the possessed Princess Luna had. She explained how he had twisted them all into being somepony they weren't. She was honest and hard working, and he made her a 'lazy liar'.

'I too am something I'm not. I'm a monster and a murderer. Perhaps if I fail to find a cure by the princesses, the elements might be of assistance? The dark magic I am afflicted with is far less than that of Luna or Discord, it may actually be a simple matter. Luna should know. For once, a twist of fate in my favour. I can already feel the misfortune of my bad luck lifting.'

Come on, I know you've all been expecting this since I dropped his sister's name a few chapters back. Also, he met the doctor. They seemed inclined to share with one another, considering that they're both Brits, human, and have a secret to tell.