• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 17,145 Views, 1,347 Comments

Song of the Moon - BlackWing

An 1700's era violinist, who is also a werewolf. He find's himself in where else but Equestria

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Disturbance (6)


"Pinkie Pie? Are you there Pinkie Pie?" Ditzy tapped the door of the bakery with her hoof. It was even more absurd looking from up close.

"NO! Nopony's here!" A high voice yelled very seriously. Ditzy suddenly looked down.

"Oh, I guess she's not home." I looked at her incredulously.

"What?" She asked.

"She clearly IS home and is lying to avoid something, presumably me."

"Oh..... oh well, I guess she just WON'T GET TO THROW YOU A PARTY." She yelled the last part at the door before we kept walking.


"Oh, Pinkie Pie loves throwing parties. I hoped that would coax her out." Ditzy explained.

"I see."

"Well darn, now how am I supposed to get my muffin? Oh! We've been walking for a while, you must be hungry." The thought suddenly donned on her.

"Actually, I am quite satisfied. I have several apples here. In fact, I was hoping to ask you about them." I opened my bag and showed her ten or so of the rainbow fruit.

"Oh! You have zap apples! Yummy!" She picked one up in her hoof, do not ask me how given that it doesn't have graspers, and proceeded to eat it.

"Where'dja get deese anyvay? I tot I wuz da ferst puny you saw." She said with her mouth full.

"It is considered rude to speak with your mouth full, as others cannot understand you." She swallowed hard.

"Oh, sorry. I asked where you got them from. I'm the first pony you saw, but you only could have gotten these from Applejack's farm."

"Applejack's farm? You mean, the orchard, Sweet Apple Acre's, on the edge of town?"

"Yeah. If you didn't see her then..." She gasped. "Did you STEAL them?"

"NO! No no, I never.... I found them in the wood. They just, appeared, when the trees got hit by lightning." I defended myself. Last thing I needed was all these ponies thinking I was a thief.

"You mean you were in the Everfree forest? What were you doing there! It's dangerous in there!" She looked genuinely concerned.

"Yes, I am quite aware that it is dangerous, a fact I learned shortly after I woke up there when I was attacked by some strange serpent with the head of a chicken, followed by wooden wolves."

"You were attacked by a cockatrice AND timber wolves? You're lucky you're alive!" She exclaimed.

"Well, I'd certainly say so. That reminds me. The wolves drove off the... cockatrice you called it? And then I heard the banging of pots and the voice of an elderly woman which in turn saved me from the wolves. I must thank this.... Applejack person..."

"PONY." She corrected.

"Yes, this pony, for rescuing me, even if it was not her intent." As she flew past, I noticed some form of brand on her flank, much how cattle farmers would brand their livestock. Now that I think about it, it should have been a fairly obvious feature, the fact that it escaped my gaze I attribute to waking up in a strange place and having a conversation with a colourful talking equine. The mark on her posterior was the least of my worries. I simply dismissed it as we continued on our path towards the orchard.

Meanwhile, in Sugarcube Corner

Mr and Mrs Cake were huddled in the corner, desperately trying to prevent Pound and Pumpkin from crying. Pinkie was ever vigil at the window. She watched as the strange creature with Ditzy Do walked away towards Applejack's farm.

"Twitcha twitch, my nose has an itch............ trouble be he, nopony can see..... HEY! when did I start talking like Zecora?" At which the Cake twins started crying and their parents gave Pinkie a death glare.

Sweet Apple Acres

"Well, come on scaredy cat....." Ditzy mocked me as she flew behind me, trying to push me through the gate and into the farm.

"I am not going in. Far to many times have I been attacked by farm folk over a misunderstanding. Given the circumstances, I am positive that this time will be no different. If you wouldn't mind, do you think you can find her and bring her to me, rather than me going to her and frightening everyo....pony."

"Fine." She said in frustrated defeat as she flew off in her usual clumsy manner. I did not like where this course of action was heading, so, anticipating disaster, I stashed my violin and some other things by a tree near the edge of the woods, something I had learned to do long ago when encountering a dangerous situation, something I considered meeting a farm pony in a land where everything is afraid of me to be. More likely than not, I would soon find myself being tended to by a doctor for blunt, hoof-related trauma.

"Now, Applejack, he may look scary or strange, but he's really nice and friendly. He's also shy, and he came here to say something despite him thinking you're going to hurt him. So just.... don't go bucking him okay?" Ditzy pleaded.

"I don't see why ah would. I mean, what can possibly be so bad about him that I'd....... well hello taaaaaaallllllllllllll." I saw an orange pony with blond mane as well as a strange hat. She didn't have wings, and from what I could tell she didn't have a horn either, although I could be mistaken given the hat.

"Actually, my name is Lark. Pleasure to meet you Ms?" When I offered my hand, I then realized that because I had been talking with Ditzy, who flew at face level, that I was much taller than most ponies, this one only coming up to my waist. I crouched around the same height as she was.

"Applejack." She took my hand in her hoof, again a mystery as despite the fact that there was nothing grabbing me, my entire arm was shaken vigorously until I thought that it might fall off.

"Well Derpy, when ya said he was tall, I didn't think ya meant THAT tall. He's bigger than Big Macintosh. I'd say he's about tha same height as Princess Celestia, and that's sayin somthin." Applejack released my hand, thankfully without striking me. "Now, uh, what was it you were gonna say?"

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Several nights ago, I found myself in the forest nearby. I was set upon by.... timber wolves.... but was saved by a ruckus of clanging pots and pans. I wanted to thank you for that, despite it not being the intention."

"Aw shucks, ya don't need ta thank me, besides, It waddn't me who dun it, it was ma granny, Granny Smith. She's asleep right now, so I'll pass it along." She replied with the pony version of a bow, or courtesy, I couldn't tell the difference.

"Well, I also wanted you to have this. I'm not sure how much a denari is worth here, but I just wanted you to know how much it is appreciated." I handed her the bag of gold coins. They were worth a fair bit, although I have no idea how much weight they would hold here. It wasn't a fortune, but it was enough for the lumber to build a barn. I still had plenty of my own money, bronze and gold coins, as well as a single silver one coated in honey which had crystallized, the purpose of which should be fairly obvious.

"Aw, no way no how can I accept that. If y'all are new 'round here you'll need that money to get yourself set up." She pushed the bag back.

"If it's my well being that you are worried about then you need not trouble yourself. I have plenty in regards to wealth that I have gathered in my travels, I insist." It wasn't a lie. On my travels I had gathered a fair amount. Playing in the courts of nobles will do that. The fact that I knew very well the value of a denari and how to make it last as long as possible meant that I had been living the past five years off the wealth I had gained in the 6 or so before, as well as making a pittance playing in the street. I pushed the bag back to her, only to have her return it to me more forcefully.

"I insist. It's really nothing at all." She looked at me for a moment before a smile came on her face.

"There's only one way ta settle this, a hoof wrastle. Whoever loses keeps the money." As far as I could tell, this 'hoof wrastle' was the same as an arm wrestle. What better way to lose money than the way in which it was gained? Oh irony, you are so sweet and yet so bitter.

"Very well. State the rules."

"What? Ain't ya ever been in a hoof wrastle before?" She asked in disbelief.

"Considering that I don't have hooves, no. Although I have experience with something similar. I just want to make sure there is no confusion."

"Fair 'nuff. Given the way ya talk, I figured you might be a pansy like Rarity. I swear, dressmakin's fine an all, but when push comes to shove, if you don't got enough push, yer gonna get shoved." She rolled her eyes. I didn't know what to make of Applejack or this 'Rarity' although given that she was a seamstress, and that each of these pony's names matched who they were, I assume Rarity to be a member of high society.

"Actually, I am a musician. That however does not by any means mean that I cannot handle myself in a fight. As a travelling minstrel, I have all too often come across wild animals and would be thieves. Carrying lumber for my instrument maker father for years means that I am in no way a pushover." She motioned me over to a stump, where she bent her foreleg in the typical arm wrestle fashion. I placed my own to match, then the bag of coins underneath where our hands and hooves met.

"On the count of three, ya try and push mah leg down on the stump, and I try ta push yours." She explained.

"And whoever wins walks away 200 denaries poorer." Ditzy just looked at me like I was an idiot. She either expected me to lose nigh instantly, probably due to the fact that I was struggling against a very strong pony, or she couldn't understand why I wanted to lose money.

"Keep in mind, I have no idea what these are worth here. This is a battle that could be over a grain of wheat or the entire field."

"On three. One. Two. THREE!"

With that, we placed pressure against each other, not pushing forward. We both knew what we were doing. Wait for the other to tire, then make a comeback. Of course, when nobody made an attempt, she began to push forward, and my arm started to fail. It ever neared the stump and Applejack began to smile.

"Well, hate to disappoint ya stranger, but it looks like you lost."

"Is that so? Oh, forgive me, I forgot that we had started." At which point I reversed it and slammed her hoof into the stump with lycan fury. The look on her face was well worth the 200 denaries I paid to see it. Ditzy fell out of the sky and landed hard on her face.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Applejack." I began to walk away from the dumbstruck pony, collecting Ditzy Do who had finally gotten back up before heading into town.

"Well I'll be, he actually beat me. I wonder where he got that burst of strength at the end, or was he holdin back all along? He's pretty strong for a such a scrawny guy. Wonder what he is? Twi's probably gonna have a hay day with him. Rarity too, given his getup. Well, let's see what my losings are." Applejack opened the bag, spotting the coins glimmering within.

"Issat, gold?" Used to only using bronze bits, the sight of gold made her more than curious. She picked up a piece of it and bit into it, tasting the metal in her mouth, identifying it to truly be gold. She spat it out and put it back in the bag. Looking at the number of gold coins that were in there, which he had just so simply given away, she began to be weak in the knees, a small amount of foam forming at her lips.


While I said the purpose of the honey covered silver coin was obvious, in case any of you didn't understand, it's the gun with a single bullet in it. Basically, if he gives up on life, he swallows the coin. The honey makes sure it doesn't burn his mouth and he spits it out, but once that dissolves in his stomach, he'll turn to ash just about instantly when the silver comes to bare. I'll go more into it a little later. As for the economic system, 1 gold bit = 10 silver bits, 1 silver bit = 100 bronze bits, so 1 gold bit = 1000 bronze bits. So if bits are equal in value, he gave her 200k. For reference, an entire bag of apples was 4 bits. You can see why she might freak the hell out. While gemstones are very common in Equestria, precious metals are not. The only reason Rarity didn't just about kill Sweetie Bell when she used her gold cloth for the CMC capes is that despite being the element of generosity, she's freaking loaded. Also, I have no idea the actual ratio of gold in the coins during that era, so imma just say they're pure.