• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 17,145 Views, 1,347 Comments

Song of the Moon - BlackWing

An 1700's era violinist, who is also a werewolf. He find's himself in where else but Equestria

  • ...

Trial Of Love (31)

Author's Note:

I'm SO SORRY it took so long!

*Breaks down into uncontrollable sobs.*

Between working a crap ton of hours, writing Falling Feathers, which, let's be honest, takes up like 98% of my creativity, (the other 2% of which is absolute insanity which I REALLY need to put into Gmod or Source Film Maker), and just not being in the proper mood to write this kind of story, (yes, different types of stories have different moods you need to have for effectively writing them) it just kept getting pushed back further and further.

So, after a glass of blueberry juice and a half a bag of cheetos, (the puffs, not the crunchy ones, and it was a big bag, not a small one) I suddenly had this overwhelming urge to write the next chapter, and the creativity flowed. Now to wait another 6 months for the next chapter... or maybe I just need some juice and a bag of Cheetos.

Cthulu Ftagn!

Trial Of Love

Cloudkicker and I stayed the night in a little hotel, opting to get two separate rooms for our stay. I found myself restless, and still having some time left before dawn, I decided to relax a bit at a local tavern, conveniently placed directly across the street. While I wouldn't play music there, nor would I indulge in drink, simply being immersed by a crowd can do wonders for the mood. Coming up to a little place called 'The Salt Block' I quietly entered through the front. The barkeep was busy cleaning up, while some of the patrons had yet to leave, by virtue of having passed out at the bar on on the table, snoozing pleasantly. It was approaching morning, when everypony would awaken and be kicked out, forced to face the cruel sun with a hangover, and go about their daily routine in a more irritable manner than usual.

"Hey buddy, s'almost closing time. You're kinda late gettin here if you want a drink." The friendly barkeep informed me.

"That's quite alright, I just came for some peace and quiet."

"To each his own, I suppose." Then he went back to his task while I sat and enjoyed some peace of mind for an hour or so.

"Hey Lark. Got a message for you." A newcomer to the tavern, brown stallion, rust coloured mane, spoke.


"Can we speak... in private?" I followed him out of the building and into an alleyway. He glanced around uncomfortably before deciding it was safe enough to speak.

"Queen Chrysalis has accepted your offer." He stated plainly, now quite obvious that he was a changeling. "She wishes to know where and when to meet with you for negotiations."

"I will have to speak with Princess Luna on that regard. While she is open to the idea, her sister and most of the nobility will take a fair bit of convincing to take it into consideration. Tell Chrysalis that I am glad she has agreed, but I must ask patience. For this to proceed, we must tread carefully, and wait till the time is right."

"It will be so."

"Come find me in Canterlot in three days, by that point, I should have at least been able to open their minds enough to be on speaking terms. History, especially a poor one, is not easily forgotten."

Morning arrived. Cloudkicker went to 'hang out' with some of her friends for the day, while I headed back to Canterlot. She would be fine so long as she returned to the capitol before nightfall, even if it wasn't a full moon, there were things prowling the night, and they had gone after her once though if they did so again, they would find her far more challenging.

I returned to Luna, and greeted her with an embrace, before getting down to business. She was off duty, as Celestia was holding court, making it a simple matter to converse.

"I have news regarding our potential allies."

"Very well Lark, report."

"Their leader has agreed to speak with us in open negotiation, however, she's understandably apprehensive, considering her previous actions. It's likely that she considers this a trap, and is only willing to come forth if I give the all clear, as I'm a more neutral party, and understand the situation from both sides."

"I see. That being said, we'll have to convince sister if we have any hope of the negotiations succeeding. The nobles will be a little more difficult before the decision is made, but they'll quickly fall in line with whatever my sister decrees, in order to save face. Bunch of suck ups. I'd like for you to make our case Lark." Luna suggested.

"Wh. what? If it comes to convincing your sister, surely you would be the better."

"True, but, it's no secret most of the nobles dislike me. I've quite a reputation for, to put it bluntly, 'not putting up with their manure' so to speak. You, on the other hoof, have done something nearly impossible in that you've inexplicably managed to make Prince Blueblood stop being a complete oaf in your presence. You persuade him into your way of thinking, the rest of the nobles will follow suit. As much influence as my sister has over them once she has made her vote, they have a great deal of influence in 'helping' her decide what the correct course of action is. They all vote with Celestia, but she makes her vote based on their debate. Get the nobles, they'll convince her, and the rest of the opposition will fall. I'll do what I can to open her mind to the idea, the rest will be up to you. Don't forget that as my partner in courtship, your presence holds significant sway as well, and anypony in poor favor with the Celestia will likely side with you in order to improve their standing with me, since you're able to put up with their... nuances, better than I am."

Three days passed. Luna somehow managed to convince her sister to at least listen to what the changeling representative had to say, on the condition that their queen not enter the city. This worked favorably for both parties, as Chrysalis didn't want to come anywhere near Canterlot. She chose to speak through a mediator, an 'overseer' changeling which shared a special mind link with the ruler, able to direct the rest of the hive. The daily audience schedule was cleared completely for this event. If it took some time, there wouldn't be any pressure to end early, if it didn't take long, then everyone got most of the day off.

I entered the throne room, where both Celestia and Luna sat on their gilded chairs. I took my position at Luna's side, while the nobles aligned the walls, leaving the center carpet clear. I had already spoken to Blueblood, and told him to 'speak his mind, regardless of how it'll affect his standing'. If he sides with me, it'll turn out favorably, and if he opposes, I'll crush him. Politically, that is.

"Lets get this over with." Celestia scowled. That is not a good sign. "The court will now hear Chrysalis, Queen of the changelings, as spoken through a mediator in accordance with protocol." A pony with a pure white coat and ruby red mane stepped away from the wall. With a flash of green fire, it took it's natural form, looking much like the regular drone changelings, but with it's horn replaced by a pair of long antennae that drooped down in front of it's face. The nobles all seemed to scowl as well, no doubt disapproving.

The changeling stood in the center of the floor, lifted it's antennae high, small bulbs at the end glowing a pale green. It opened it's mouth, and the voice of the queen spoke.

"If it pleases the court, I'll skip the pleasantries and get down to business."

"Proceed." Luna spoke before Celestia could object. She likely hoped to see the speaker bow first. Even such small gestures can change the proceedings.

"It has come to our attention that the land of Equestria has a problem. For several years, ponies have been disappearing. It was previously believed to be the work of Diamond Dogs, in breach of treaty. Recent intelligence of a griffin spy has determined this is not the case, and investigation of the court of the moon, as well as honored speaker Lark," The changeling motioned to me. "...has determined the cause to be lycans, long thought to be extinct. Despite the best efforts of the equestrian guard, these attackers have escaped time and again, and the attacks have recently become more bold and careless, which had provided an opportunity."

"Explain this opportunity." Celestia demanded, shooting me a sideways glare.

"Changelings will infiltrate and track the movements of these lycans in order to facilitate their capture."

"And, in return?" Celestia asked.

"Changelings will be allowed to enter Equestria, under unique identities, not stolen from another, for the purpose of harvesting love."

"The court will now debate the proposal."

"I vote against such a notion." One noble, wearing the decorations of military achievement, spoke. "So soon after their failed invasion, an attempt to gain access could easily be a ploy to re-infiltrate equestrian society for the purpose of a retaliatory strike." He did raise a good point.

"If I may." I began.

"Proceed." Luna allowed.

"The failed invasion was quite costly to the changelings. Their hive structure was fractured, and they lost significant resources. Not to mention Equestria is now on guard against their tactics, which is part of the reason we've discovered the lycan threat in the first place, as the guard became watchful for ponies who go missing. To attack again would most certainly result in failure as well. General, is it?" I turned to the guard member. He nodded with a gruff snort. "Is it not common for a defeated foe to attempt peace negotiations, in order to secure a better future?"

"It is."

"Therefor, can we safely assume that these negotiations are taking place under pure intention, and not for the purpose of treachery?"

"I believe we can." He lowered his head in acceptance. That's one down.

"The changelings are offering us something we'd be a fool to refuse. The nullification of two enemies. They'll help us catch the first, the lycan pack that's been running amok for the past several decades or longer, and secondly they're removing themselves as a threat. All they ask in return is for a means to feed their starving population." Play the hunger card, refusing their request is paramount to genocide. We're getting there.

"But look at him! Or her!" Blueblood spoke up. And the die has been cast. "I can't even tell it's gender, or does it even have one?"

"Ignorance is no grounds for condemnation to starvation, Prince Blueblood." He looked to me and winked. Wait... he's throwing himself under the cart intentionally?

"I am male." A voice that was not the queens came from her mouthpiece, his antennae flickering lightly.

"Changelings are hideous, one may call them disgusting even." Blueblood continued.

"So you see the need for them to disguise themselves." I retorted.

"Which means that deceit is part of their very nature!" He replied.

"If they are as 'hideous' as you say, how can they possibly convince someone to love them?"

"That's another factor. They feed off us like parasites, eating our love!"

"Ladies and gentlecolts. It is true changelings feed on the love others give to them. It nourishes them and sustains them. It keeps them alive. Is that really so different than you or I? I ask you, each one of you, could you survive without love? Could you possibly continue to exist, if nopony in all the world cared for you? Look now to your own prince, and see what one deprived of affection becomes! A bigoted, arrogant fool." The prince nodded to me. "Just like how the changeling invasion of Canerlot was foolish, and arrogant." The changeling speaker nodded. "What's more, our own Princess Luna was deprived of affection, and she suffered immensely, becoming Nightmare Moon, who then spent a thousand years in solitude." The nobility all seemed to agree at this point.

"I know it may seem strange and different, but in time, you can grow to understand. Take myself as an example. When I first arrived almost two years ago, I was strange, and different, and I'll admit, we had a rocky start. But now look." I wrapped my arms around Luna. "You've all grown accustomed to my presence, despite my differences, and you've accepted me. I see no difference between me, and them. Let us at least give them a chance."

"Hear hear." The general made his position known, and the remainder of the nobility fell in line. Celestia was facing overwhelming pressure from her court to accept the proposal.

"Does anypony else have anything to add to the debate?" She asked. Nopony spoke. "Anypony at all?" Still silence. "Then, it seems the decision has been made. By favor of majority in the court, I shall allow changelings into Equestria. They shall be given identities, citizenship, have jobs, and live among my ponies as members of it's towns. Any changeling caught performing illegal activities will be banished and deported on an individual basis, and Queen Chrysalis shall be denied access within Equestrian borders as a punishment for her previous crimes. In return, changeling infiltrators will track the locations of lycan packs and report them to the guard in order for them to be apprehended, and punishment for their crimes to be given appropriately. Are the terms acceptable to all parties?"

"They are." The changeling spoke.

"Then this court is adjourned. Thank you all for your time." Celestia concluded. The nobles all began to file out of the room, while I went to go speak with the queen.

"Thank you Lark, for what you've done here today." She... he, telepathy is confusing... gave a short bow.

"Just don't make me regret it. If you screw this up, I may have to join you in banishment. I really put my neck out for you here."

"Do not worry. I remember well my friends and allies. I won't betray your trust. Deceit may be in our nature, but when we're trusted by those who know who we really are, it's not something we soon forget." With that, the antennae went dark and drooped back down in front of the speaker's face. "Welp! I'm hungry. I'm gonna hit the pub, see if maybe I can pick up a friend." The changeling spoke cheerfully in the male voice before shifting into a playful looking pegasus.

"You may want to get your ID first. After all, you've gotta do this legally now."

"Ahh, first thing tomorrow. Promise." He smiled before taking his leave. I left the throne room as well to speak with Blueblood.

"Evening your majesty." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come now, you can quit the act, you and I both know what we did here today." Blueblood replied.

"Indeed we do, though I'm wondering why you deliberately made a fool of yourself in front of the court. I told you to speak your mind, regardless of what you thought I or anypony else wanted."

"Oh please. The moment the changeling pointed you out as being involved in these proceedings, I knew what I had to do."

"And what if the rest of the nobles decided to side with you in your 'opinion'." I said opinion sarcastically.

"As much as they all love to suck up to me, I know it makes them sick to their stomachs. I'm the pony they love to hate. I knew they wouldn't side with me if I was made a fool of in court. I counted on you to tear me a new one. You forget that I've been doing this as long, or possibly longer, than you have Mr. Wolfe. I know how two faced we all are, so I played my role." Blueblood replied.

"And I must thank you for that. Because of your sacrifice, many problems will be solved."

"I may be a pompous, arrogant fool, but for the few who are my friends, genuine friends, not those who simply seek status, I would give anything. I am glad to count you among those few, Lark."

"Better not say that too loud, we're supposed to hate each other, remember?" We had a good laugh about that, before I prepared to leave the castle. I had somepony, or is it somewolf now? I had somepony-wolf in my charge that I needed to get back to."

Just as I was leaving the castle, I found Princess Celestia standing in my path. She did not look amused. She looked at me oddly, and her horn shone with the telltale gleam of magic, before she sighed hopelessly.

"As I suspected. You're not under any form of mind control. I was actually hoping you were, so I'd have grounds to nullify that entire hearing."

"I never expected you to be so backwards, Princess."

"Let me make one thing perfectly clear Lark. I understand the situation we're in is delicate, and that the changelings can be of use to us, but that doesn't change the fact that I do not like them. They attacked my kingdom, hurt my student and my niece, and, when you went missing, made Luna panic frantically. She was inconsolable until you returned, though she managed to put on a brave face. The fact that you and she went behind my back to arrange this also worries me, though I realize the reason you did so is because of my attitude towards them. You are clever, and you are a shrewd negotiator. You've gathered quite a lot of influence in the courts, and I'm glad that you have Equestria's best interests at heart. That being said, the very fact that you can so easily sway the court terrifies me. I will be watching you."

"Then I know I'll be safe, for I have nothing to hide." I replied with a smile and a bow.

"Good. I'm glad that's settled. Cake?"