• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 17,126 Views, 1,347 Comments

Song of the Moon - BlackWing

An 1700's era violinist, who is also a werewolf. He find's himself in where else but Equestria

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Old Dog, New Trick (16)

Old Dog, New Trick

"Alright, so remember, DON'T bow. It may be a sign of respect here, but to them, it's a sign of submission."


"And always keep eye contact."


"And whatever you do, don't insult them."

"Princess Luna, it will be fine. We have prepared for this for weeks."

"Well, I'm glad you have confidence."

"They are ambassadors. Politicians. We can handle them."

"Lark..... I did not tell you before as I did not wish to worry you, but at the gate were no mere emissaries. It was Rothak himself, and his personal guard." That is not good. Not good at all. While I appreciate her not telling me to spare my nerves, I was going to find out eventually. Now I'm worried. Nobody knows what he will attempt. From Luna's description, he's as cruel and heartless in his negotiations as he is in battle, and definitely something to be afraid of, especially if you haven't had much practice in the past thousand years......

"Okay then, we can't panic. If we panic, he'll tear us apart. It's simple, I'm your lycanthropic butler, who willingly offered his services in return for help controlling myself. It was completely voluntary. If they say I should come with them to complete my training, It's no longer required since I already finished it. I'm staying here no longer from debt, but because I still haven't decided where to go, which will be entirely up to me and I won't be swayed by political influence."

"Yes, that's good..... but what if they don't buy it?"

"Well, I'll just have to stay near you and look at you affectionately. Well, if it comes to it, we can always play the 'romance' ploy."

"Romance ploy?"

"While I hope it will not come to this, given no other alternative, in order for both of us to save face, we can claim to be in courtship. I, the lowly musician, became entranced with you when I first saw you. This would be ample explanation for why I decided to remain with you instead of seek them for assistance with my condition. Your kindness in aiding me where no other could only deepened my feelings, which I would confess on the spot. The profession would then provide ample reasoning. You reject my advances, stating you are of noble blood, and I am a lowly butler, at which point I proclaim my determination to win your heart, regardless of circumstance. It would be a convincing show, and that would get them off our backs. If they ever return and I'm not there, just say I've gone on a quest to prove my worth. After all, I am a wanderer." Luna blushed at the explanation of my contingency plan.

"Well, it is quite the clever ruse...... let us hope that we can avoid that, and save us both some humiliation."

"Of course. It is a last resort."

"Attention. High King Rothak demands presence in the court of Princess Luna." A lowly squire hound proclaimed.

"His request is granted." Luna replied spitefully while sitting on her throne, next to her sister. I stood by the lunar princess's side, holding a tray with teacups and pot, with my violin strung over my back. The main doors opened, and a ten foot tall diamond dog, covered in scars, wearing full knight armor of a dark steel, with two wicked great swords on his back in a cross, entered the hall, flanked by a dozen or so lesser dogs carrying spears. The ground shook as he walked, until he reached the center of the room. Several other dogs struggled to carry a large throne into position behind him, which he unceremoniously slumped into. His eyes were dead locked on me, and I returned his gaze.

"High King Rothak, a to what do we owe the honor of this visit? It is a long way from Cavernicus, I trust this is not a social call." Celestia stated. The titan of a hound cleared his throat, and spoke in a gravelly voice.

"Celestia. It has been far too long. I see your sister is once again in your company?"

"Indeed I am. My banishment ended three years ago."

"And who is this? I do not recall....."

"I am Lark Wolfe, Luna's butler and the very reason for this meeting." I replied, pushing up my glasses.

"This is a royal discussion, not a place for servents whelp. I suggest you learn your place." I moved closer to Luna.

"I know my place, and it is right here. Perhaps you should learn yours....." He fixed his piercing gaze on me and growled, a growl which I returned with equal force. Then to my surprise, he began to laugh.

"Bahaha! That's good. Good. I was worried for a moment that the princess had managed to break your will. You are indeed strong. Not even my highest general has dared to look me in the eye and state his defiance. You will make a great addition to the pack."

"I will not. My will is my own, and I submit to none." His laughter stopped, and his voice turned sharp.

"You will not submit to me, yet you bow to the ponies? Pathetic whelp." He stood. "You try my patience. You are our kin, and you will submit to my rule, or face me in battle."

"I am NOT your kin. I am of no relation to you or your pack. I am a hound by demon's curse. The waters of Styx flow through my veins, and my mere presence brings ruin."

"Then your keepers will not mind if I take you off their...... hooves. You are canine. Regardless of origin, you ARE kin." This isn't working. For every reason not to go, he finds three more for why I belong to him. Looks like it's time to pull the trump card. Luna, forgive me. I turn to her and nod, and she nods back.

"I do not mind his presence, and he has yet to bring me to ruination." She stated.

"Perhaps.... but for what reason does he remain here? If he is not bound by shackle or chain, nor by duty, then he is free to return with me." Here goes.

"You are correct. What binds me here is not shackle, cage, or chain. Nor is it duty or debt. I am a slave in no way but one. My heart."


"I came to this world by a witch's spite, and found myself beaten and broken. I sought Princess Luna of my own accord, in hopes that the spirit of the moon might help me in taming my curse. When I first saw her.... I was stricken with her beauty. I begged for her aid, which she offered freely. She charged no fee, but I insisted that I serve in any way I can as recompense. Over time, her caring and kindness ensnared my heart, and I would gladly supplicate myself to her. In these many months, I have made great pains for her comfort, in hopes of winning her affections. Princess Luna, I may be a fool, but it is my earnest desire that we may enter courtship, in hopes that I may one day marry you. Will you accept my love?"

Now, turn me down. Then I can proclaim that I will continue my efforts regardless, and that'll get him to leave. Here it comes......

"Lark, in the time you have been here, I have grown fond of you. You have seen me in a way that no other has, looking not in fear but with admiration, something I have not felt all my life, and led to my banishment. You have cared for me in ways that no other has, and so I am glad to accept your offer of courtship." Wait..... WHAT?!?! No, no no no, she was supposed to refuse! Luna, by all that is good what are you doing?

"As co-ruler of Equestria and spirit of the sun, I bear witness to the proclamation of courtship between Lark Wolfe and Luna Moon." Celestia, you traitor!

"As ruler of the hound lands and spirit of the earth, I bear witness to the proclamation of courtship between Lark Wolfe and Luna Moon. Who am I to break up blossoming love?" You too Rothak? "But it seems we have made an error. No hound would romance a pony. This is a mere butler. Where is the werewolf, our spirit ancestor?" Oh, you little.....

"I am he. If you require proof, I would gladly provide it."

"Very well, show me."

I closed my eyes, and turned my focus inwards, mimicking the sensation of the full moon's light on my skin, and picturing the pale circle in my mind. I removed my tuxedo shirt to not tear it as the changes came, my hair growing into fur, my mouth turning to a muzzle, and fangs coming in. My knees reversed, and my fingers turned into thick claws. Finally, a tail sprouted from my spine, and the changes were complete. I stood before the titan of a dog, now only slightly shorter than he, and looked proud as I wrapped my arms around Luna from the side, allowing her to nuzzle me.

"I believe that confirms the claim?" Luna smirked.

"Very well. Treat him kindly. We do not take it well when our kin have broken hearts." He grumbled, then stood and left, the ground once again shaking as he walked. As soon as he left, I scooped the princess up and carried her to her quarters, where we waited in silence for my changes to reverse, as I could not yet control that aspect, and could not speak while transformed.

"Princess Luna.... what the HELL was that?"

"Why are you upset? The plan worked flawlessly."

"Yes, but now we're courting. You do know what that means, do you not?"

"Of course I do. It means we will go on romantic outings until the point in time that we decide that either it isn't working out or that we shall wed."

"Why did you not refuse my advance?"

"Well, one thing you did not take into account in your brilliant plan is that one of the actors may actually have feelings for the other, and would change the scene to fit her desires. Why, did you not mean what you said in the throne room?" Luna pouted playfully.

"I.... well....."

"You cannot lie to me. I am the spirit of the moon after all, your governing body. I could tell quite easily that you meant everything you said in there, and for one, I am quite glad you feel that way, because so do I."

"You mean to tell me that you are interested in me romantically?"

"I do. You are one of the kindest, most generous and caring beings I have ever met, and were not afraid to look past my frightening exterior. Not to mention I haven't had a date in over a thousand years, and while you aren't a pony..... you have a certain...... attraction about you. This doesn't mean we're going to be 'involved', merely that we're going to give it a chance. Don't ruin it or purpose either, or I shall be very cross." She flicked her tail in my face and looked over her shoulder at me while biting her lip as she walked out.

"What have I gotten myself into.........."