• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 17,146 Views, 1,347 Comments

Song of the Moon - BlackWing

An 1700's era violinist, who is also a werewolf. He find's himself in where else but Equestria

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Wolves In Sheep's Clothing (22)

Wolves In Sheep's Clothing

I traveled alongside Blueblood, from the castle down into the city proper. Fortunately, I did not attract the stares of the high society ponies, as they were all far too busy raising their noses into the air as high as physically possible. This actually made the endeavor far easier, from my perspective. Less questions to be answered. Several of them greeted the Prince cordially, and those that did seemed somewhat confused by my presence. Given my own air of refinement, and that I was far taller than most of them yet moved with unseemly grace, they didn't seem to take offense to my presence. We eventually reached the club, and after the Prince entered, I was prevented from doing so by the bodyguards. Royal guards, actually, in their shimmering golden armor.

"I don't believe I have seen you before." One of the guards stated. They all look the same, which I've learned is due to an enchantment on their armor, nevertheless, they are quite imposing. Wanting to quickly move past this obstacle, I greeted them.

"Forgive my manners. I am Lark Wolfe, musician extraordinaire. I am here in the company of his highness Prince Blueblood, in order to display my musical talents." With a sweeping bow, I presented the calling card he gave me to their eye level. They seemed to scrutinize it for a moment, most likely for legitimacy, before they stepped to the side and allowed me entry. This must certainly be a prestigious event if it warrants using royal guards to keep out the riff raff.

"Ah, the guards didn't give you any trouble did they?" The prince asked when I entered. He was standing among a group of others, each looking equally refined.

"Oh no. they were quite civil actually. Perhaps introductions are in order?" I repeated my introduction, followed by the remainder of the group. A white unicorn stallion with a mustache and monocle, named 'Fancy Pants', another white unicorn, a mare, named Fleur du Lis, a grey earth pony mare named Octavia, a blue minotaur named Iron Will who, despite the name and stature, spoke softly and with refinement. Also among the group was a diamond dog in a suit and tie named Gram-el, and a one of the serpent folk, indeed, a 'Naga' called Varoush, wearing colourful desert garb. With the introductions done, we moved to sit at a table near the stage, where an orchestra was playing.

"Quite a, varied, ensemble if I must say so myself." The Prince was quick to point out. "What matters here is not race, but refinement. This is where foreign relations are strengthened, deals are made, and public image is set. Wealth changes hooves, businesses are born... and die, and the creme de la creme of Equestria make themselves known."

"Indeed. I have seen many in this world, from my travels across the sands, though I have yet to see one such as yourself." Varoush spoke in a thick accent. Husky, yet moderate in tone, like his speech was molded and worn like the sands he traveled. "If you would not take offense, what are you?"

"A traveler, from the land of men. Specifically, England. Brought to this world through magical means. You would not find another like me in all the nations, and that suits me."

"I see." Came the minotaur's deep voice. "And how do you make your fortune?"

"Well, violinist is my calling, and wandering minstrel is my trade. I usually play in the courts of nobles. This brought me quite a fortune, though, for the moment, I live in the castle in the service of Princess Luna. I had no need of my wealth, so I gave it to the less fortunate. I have no need of mansions, as traveling usually entails not having a place to call home. For immediate needs, I can always make enough where I am to satisfy."

"Ahh, kindness and generosity. Were it not for these, I'd still be trying to scrape together a meager living, selling self help advice." The blue giant's chuckles boomed. "That was before I found my true calling. Monster hunter. And tamer, I suppose. I make the world safe, and collect ingredients from dangerous creatures for rare medicines and the like. It has brought me quite the fortune."

"Well, as long as you don't try hunting Lark, I don't see any reason why you two shouldn't get along." Blueblood joked.

"Why would I do that?" Iron looked at me questioningly.

'Blueblood you OAF! Blast, now I have to explain.'

"Part of the reason I am in Luna's service is I owe her a great debt. She helped me to tame the monster within. Though they have been extinct for the past thousand years or so, in my homeland, lycans are alive and well." There really is no use hiding it. Lying to the people will just make them doubt me. If they know what I am, and yet still conduct myself in a manner of decorum, then it'll make it easier to accept than keeping it a secret.

"Ahh. There are no worries then. A monster isn't a monster if they're civil." Fancypants spoke up. "Isn't that right Fleur darling?" Now I'm confused. Something with Fleur?

The bleached unicorn mare smiled at me, and in that instant, it took all that I had to not turn right then and there and rip her throat out with my teeth. At first, it was a normal smile, but for a few mere moments, fangs sprouted from her gums before retreating.

"You are...."

"A vampony, yes." She replied in a thick french accent. My eyes shot wide. Wait. No aura of evil. No sense of impending doom. No dark magic at all.

"You seem troubled?" She half stated, half questioned.

"Ah, um, Pardonnez-moi, mais, dans mon monde, les vampires sont des monstres horribles, créé par la magie noire. J'ai eu de mauvaises expériences avec eux. C'est la raison de ma.... inquiétude."

"Vous parlez français? Le vampirisme ne se propage pas par morsure ici, et c'est une maladie, pas une malédiction, tout comme la lycanthropie du passé." She explained. I see, so instead of a bite, it is transferred by blood contact perhaps?

"Also, you do not need speak french for my comfort. You see, this League of Dapper Gentlecolts is not exactly what it seems. There are many normal ponies here, but for the most part, it is a club for monsters. Iron Will, as you see, is a minotaur, Varoush is a naga, I am a vampony, and you are a werewolf. The vamponies of Equestria can live in sunlight, for a time after recently feeding. Mon beau, Fancypants, is kind enough to provide for my needs." She kissed his neck with a hint of hunger in her eyes before backing off.

"Prince Blueblood..... why did you not...."

"I know how you feel about such things, and I was afraid if I told you, you wouldn't come. It would do you well to get out of the castle, and out from under Luna's eye for a while."

"Do the princesses know of this?"

"Yes, they know. It's one of Canterlot's well kept secrets. Hence the royal guards instead of regular bouncers. This club is proof to the world that the fear mongering stereotypes that most ponies hold in their hearts are absolute rubbish. Many so called 'monsters' come here, and engage in perfectly reasonable affairs that do not involve kidnapping, killing, or eating ponies. In fact, Princess Luna herself frequents this place, although not tonight. I figured you could use some time off from courting her. Or rather, trying to avoid courting her." He laughed. the others looked downright shocked.

"Oh? Did I not tell you? I could have sworn I had..." Blueblood laughed nervously. "Lark, you know the details better than I. Care to explain?"

"Well, due to a cultural misunderstanding and a visit from Rothak, king of the diamond dogs, Princess Luna and I were to engage in mock courtship to overcome an international treaty stating that canines must submit themselves to the king. Except it seems the princess has become smitten with me, and now I'm stuck courting her. This would be no trouble, except that she spent nearly a year treating me like a pet to help me control my instincts, and other than that I spent about a week in the country. I may well have just arrived. I am not yet ready for a relationship, let alone one with royalty. I figure she has a very long time left to live, I do not, so it may not work. If it doesn't, she has a great deal of time left to find another whom her heart desires." The guests just nodded sagely.

"If it's any consolation, you're always welcome here. Such manners and decorum are always refreshing." Octavia, who is just a normal pony, stated in a classy voice. "But, for now, perhaps you'd like to come on stage? It is about time to begin the next song, and you would make an excellent addition." I removed my polished instrument from it's case, inspected it for damage, followed up with the bow, to which I applied rosin and pulled it across the strings a few times to remove the excess, before wiping down the instrument to remove the detritus. "I see you take great care of your instrument. I cannot wait to hear how it sounds. Come, let us play."

And play we did.