• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 17,145 Views, 1,347 Comments

Song of the Moon - BlackWing

An 1700's era violinist, who is also a werewolf. He find's himself in where else but Equestria

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The League Of Dapper Gentlecolts (21)

The League Of Dapper Gentlecolts

I waited in the prison cell for Equestrian royalty to come and fetch me. The bars were made of mere iron, so they would not have been too difficult to bend, but that was not my intent. I allowed myself to return to human form, with my bed sheet toga wrapped around me, and sat on a simple cot against the wall while I waited. The prison cell was your typical prison cell. Stone, a single window, dusty. There were two other prisoners, in the cell across from mine. One was clinking a tin cup on the bars, while the other sang drunkenly.

"Nopooooony knows, the trouble I seen. Nopooooony knows but Luna......" I found myself thinking he was a remarkably good singer for being drunk. A day passed before I finally had a visitor. Princess Luna and her entourage had come to retrieve me.

"Well Lark, in prison again. What do you have to say for yourself? Where have you been all this time?" She said with disappointment clear in her voice.

"Not a hint of concern? I've been gone for at least three weeks, without a trace. I suddenly show up in a prison cell and you begin to berate me like it's a regular occurrence. Usually such tones are reserved for begrudgingly old couples who cannot stand each other's shenanigans yet love each other still. Darling, we aren't married yet, and neither of us are that sort of ancient...." Well, one of us isn't, but I feel that stating such would be pushing my luck. The guards seemed to have a bit of a chuckle at her expense however. Hmm... perhaps there IS a way I can avenge myself against Luna, despite having the wisdom of the ages, she is rather childish.....

She seemed frustrated at this, but knowing better than to make a public display of irritation, she held her calm, though a her face was slightly red. "Dear Princess, I shall explain once I have been freed of my confines, and we are in private where wandering ears may not happen on things they are not meant to hear." My cue stating something is not as it seems. She caught on wonderfully, and saw to my release post haste. It was a long flight back to Canterlot by pegasus chariot, and though the night air was rather chill, neither of us felt uncomfortable, thought the princess did put her wing on my back. Neither of us spoke the entire trip, as there was not much to say that could afford to be overheard by the guards.

When we eventually reached our destination, the first order of business was a change of clothes, as wearing old bed sheets was considered fashion suicide, and being in the court of nobles in such a garb would ruin my reputation. Once I had changed, I met Luna on her balcony to discuss the matter of my disappearance.

"Kidnapped? Queen Chrysalis stole you away?"

"Indeed. Just as Twilight had her mistrust, so did I. Her smell was all wrong, her actions were not those of the mare I knew, and she knew not my name. I attempted to drive her into the open, but she was prepared, and I fell into a trap of her own. When I awoke, I laid waste to the hive I was imprisoned in and made my way to the queen, who then explained her reasons. The starvation of her entire people among them. She offered to let me stay. I would be fed and my..... urges.... dealt with."

"I am glad to see you declined." The princess replied.

"I did not. I merely stated I would 'think about it' and left." This brought raised eyebrows from the moon mare. "All it means is that you're going to have to try a little harder to keep me around." I smiled wickedly.

"Oh.... you clever.... tell me, how many 'ways out' of this relationship have you found?"

"Chrysalis and the changelings, for one, Rothak and the diamond dogs are another. The doctor and Ditzy Do are a third. From what I hear they have many dangerous adventures that having a helping hand.... or claw... would be most appreciated." I mentioned Rothak to bring up the next subject.

"You would chose slavery by diamond dogs over myself?" She asked indignantly.

"I fear you have been misled. On my travels I met an undercover agent of a griffin kingdom. He had infiltrated Rothak's court, as well as several smaller dens, and found no evidence of slavery whatsoever. The only thing slave related that he viewed was a trio who had been caught by the Equestrian government for kidnapping ponies. The trio were beheaded before his eyes. Rothak has been keeping the accord, by the letter." This news came as a shock to the Lunar sister.

"But, if not they, who?"

"I do not know. All I was told is to pass a message to 'Lord Rigmarole', through your sister and yourself, that Jabberwock has fallen, but Nonsense lives. I assume Jabberwock is the 'partner' the agent spoke of who lost his disguise and died."

"Lord Rigmarole is one of our greatest supporters within the griffin council..... I shall relay the message. You have been quite busy in the time you've been gone."

"Indeed I have. As of right now though, I'd very much like dinner, and then to rest. I intend to leave the castle and present myself favorably in the public eye. Los Pegasus seemed to survive it's encounter with me, perhaps Canterlot would be a good place to begin to regain my public image. After all, it would be unseemly of a princess to court one who is not well liked by the people."

The next morn, I awoke with the sun, and played the usual song that accompanied sunrises, much to the pleasure of the rest of the castle, including Prince Blueblood, who had quite a bit to say about my disappearance, and subsequent return.

"I must say that it is good to have you back in the castle. I have greatly missed your songs as of late. Your music sets the mood to the entire day, and I fear I have been rather..... irate.... lately without it." He paused, thinking back on some manner of behavior he regretted exhibiting, before snapping to rapt attention once more.

"I've heard that you wish to improve your public image, and so I'd like to extend a formal invitation for you to be a guest at the League Of Dapper Gentlecolts. Well... mares are permitted as well, but the founding members were all stallions. The name seemed to fit at the time...... Never the less, I wish for you to accompany me tonight. Who knows, make a good enough impression, and you may very well become a member yourself. Music, fine dining, theater, and conversation." He passed me a card with an address and a stylized tie and top hat, not drawn, but embossed onto the very card. Classy indeed.

"I shall arrive in my best suit and fashionably late." I replied.

"And, do remember to bring your violin. Perhaps I can convince the orchestra to permit a temporary addition."