• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 1,923 Views, 176 Comments

Our Pasts That Haunt Us - Dynasty-Kaine

Rainbow Dash's past could come back to bite her in the flank long before the new love she just found with her friend Applejack. Will their friend Pinkie Pie be able to protect them, or will they be lost to a vengeful heart? -ANTHRO-

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Chapter 1: A Love Of The Earth

Author's Note:

Alright then here is the story I promised, Our Pasts That Haunt Us. Its my adventure into a full on romance, but with that tag of tragedy it can make a pony wonder what's to come? Also it's an ANTHRO fic so if that is a deal breaker for you turn back now, but I really think that you the reader can still imagine the tale ponified as you wish. Anyways I would appreciate any and all comments from any and all readers. Don't like my story, tell me what had you so put off. Like my story, tell me what had your interest sparked. Feel indifferent but want to wish me luck in my story, then go right ahead and do so! ^_^ Thanks again for taking the time to read my story!

Rainbow Dash was a simple pegasus, with her cyan blue coat and flowing poly-chromatic hair. She ruled Ponyville's skies with awesome skills unmatched, but on the ground there were a few that could match her--even push her to her limits. Today Rainbow had been at work as Ponyville's resident weather manager, the clouds were especially difficult to handle today with her small crew. It had taken them most of the morning to get the skies back under their control, but when Rainbow Dash was leading the team they were guaranteed success.

Now, the cyan mare was flying about double checking her team's work before she took her break, and after about ten minutes she decided it was all quiet again.She let the others know she was taking her lunch break before flying off towards Sweet Apple Acres to fulfill a craving she had suffered for the past week. It was something she was still so unsure of how to handle, and Rainbow didn't enjoy the feeling of doubting herself. It all became apparent one day to her a week ago, and just thinking about the event now got Rainbow Dash's heart racing away from her.

It was at a party the Apple family had thrown a week ago all her friends were there, but one mare in particular caught Dash's eye in a way she had never thought of before. It was her best friend Applejack. She had dressed herself to the nines, which was exceptionally rare to see. The music around them was blaring along to a swinging sound and the cyan mare couldn't help but stare at her friend at this moment. She was breathtakingly beautiful tonight, her simple black silk dress outlining the curvature of her body flawlessly as she walked around talking with everyone. Her hair was down for once, and the pegasus thought of how smooth it looked compared to its usual straw-like appearance.

Then there was Applejack's eyes deep pools of emerald green. "Wait" Dash thought, the haze clearing from her mind as she noticed the orange coated mare was looking right at her. The cyan mare felt a heat rising in her cheeks as she looked away; what was she doing checking out her friend like that. It wasn't normal for her at all, where were these feelings coming from all of a sudden she found herself thinking. She had stood there pondering so long she didn't notice Applejack come up to her. The straw blonde mare reached out to poke Dash's forehead.

"Earth to Dash, you in there sugarcube?" Rainbow heard AJ's voice.

"Uh, heh, yeah sorry about that AJ."

"Sheesh shug, you could at least pay me some attention when Imma talkin', or maybe yall heard what I asked ya?"

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment,"Sorry AJ what did you ask me?"

The orange mare's tone was soft and gentle as she held out a hand and asked,"Will ya dance with me Dash?"

Dash blinked rapidly in utter surprise. She didn't know what to say, and couldn't seem to manage words so she let her actions speak instead. She reached out and took AJ's hand and nodded her approval. The last song had come to an end and started into a slow song, and Dash felt her heart flutter nervously. The timing of that song was far too perfect for her tastes, but with AJ leading her to the dance floor it wasn't really that big of a deal. AJ put one hand on Rainbow's hip and the other took Dash's hand in hers, all the cyan mare could manage was to mimic her friend. As they began to sway slowly back and forth it felt like the cyan mare's mind was on record mode; making sure she wouldn't forget a single thing about the earth pony that now danced close to her.

Dash began blushing a deep crimson as she reminisced over the fond memory. She wasn't sure yet about things, but at this point she found it was fair to guess she was a fillyfooler. Something in her mind said if it was so then she didn't care; so long as it was with AJ. She knew there was cloud cover over Sweet Apple Acres today as she had made sure there would be. Dash landed on a cloud overlooking the enormous apple tree fields. She wasn't one hundred percent sure AJ would be out in the fields today, but she had to try to catch a glimpse of the earth pony stealthily.

As luck would have it Applejack was out this afternoon bucking away at the trees knocking their fruits free into baskets placed expertly below the trees. Beads of sweat all along her body, Dash could only assume the orange mare had been out there all morning working. It was always amazing to see Applejack drop down onto her arms before snap kicking a tree, the muscles along her legs rippling with the strength needed to shake the tree. Her trusty stetson through all of this somehow managed to stay upon her head; that in itself was a feat that defied logic.

The cyan mare stayed there hidden on the cloud watching Applejack for hours just admiring her for her strength and determination. The orange mare stopped for a break removing her stetson and wiping the sweat from her brow. AJ looked up at the sky, directly at the cloud Dash was hiding in. The cyan mare's heart raced, "Oh sweet Celestia don't let her notice me!" her mind cried out feebly. The earth pony below cocked her eyebrow inquisitively before smiling warmly and going back to work. Rainbow Dash let out a small sigh of relief, which was inevitably her biggest mistake.

Without turning around she heard AJ holler, "Ah sure hope yer enjoyin' yerself up there Dash. The view good enough fer ya up there?"

Dash practically had a heart attack as she jumped and fell out of the cloud towards the ground rapidly. Spreading her wings she just barely caught herself, still landing rather ungracefully about fourty feet from Applejack. The orange mare stood there smiling, her hands placed on her hips as if sizing up the rainbow haired mare. Rainbow now felt extremely hot under her coat, and she wondered if she was experiencing what Fluttershy went through daily. She couldn't help but look AJ up and down noticing the curve of her bust through her white and red plaid button up, and AJ's hips in her snug fitting blue jeans.

Applejack didn't miss the look that Rainbow had unconsciously given her though, and began walking over to Dash with a neutral look. The look AJ wore scared the blue mare to death and caused her thoughts to race uncontrollably her tail twitching, "What if she knows? What if she doesn't swing that way? What if this ruins our friendship?" Dash looked down to the right, away from AJ as she came to stand in front of her. "Oh sweet Celestia if she knows...please don't let it ruin our friendship. I couldn't bear that!" Dash thought anxiously.

Applejack bent down to face Rainbow Dash who was now sitting down cross legged. The cyan mare couldn't help but notice how prominent AJ's bust looked close up like this. With that little thought Dash's wings began to flutter of their own accord, her face quickly turning red as a beet. She did all she could to control it even looking away but it was no use, she couldn't avoid the mare in front of her. She then felt AJ's hand softly touch to her shoulder, and she looked up into her emerald eyes to see affectionate understanding there. She couldn't look away from those eyes that just seemed to draw her in.

AJ broke the silence gently, "So Dash, am I right in assumin' that you've taken a fancy ta me?"

The cyan mare's eyes went wide, she found several times she tried to speak but just couldn't utter the words. Why? Why couldn't she say anything? She was Rainbow Dash, the single most amazing pony there ever could be, the confidence to look even death in the face and defy it, but one look at the mare in front of her and she felt her words disappear. Applejack's smile was warm as she chuckled, lightly rubbing Dash's shoulder which only blew the cyan mare's mind further out of proportion.

"Looks like ya have if ya can't even utter a single edgy remark, miss Iron Pony. Talk to me RD what's goin' through that head o' yers?" AJ cooed softly.

"AJ I-I..." Rainbow started not sure what to say next but she kept trying seeing the look in her friends eyes,"...I kinda sorta...well that is that I..."

"Come on shug it's okay you can tell me." the orange mare gently nudged Dash to say what was on her mind.

There was a pause where Dash looked down from AJ before looking back up a fire in her eyes, "AJ for the past week I think I've been developing a cr-crush on you."

AJ's eyebrows raised in surprise at the sudden straightforward answer to her question, but her demeanor didn't change more than that. Rainbow Dash could feel her face burning up if this kept up she felt like she would pass out with so much blood rushing to her face. It was out now that Rainbow Dash liked mares, and she was so embarrassed by it but she couldn't help who she was attracted to. As Dash's thoughts subsided she realized Applejack was still rubbing her shoulder. It felt nice and she let it comfort her slightly as she looked up into the orange mare's deep emerald orbs.

"So yall like mare's then Rainbow, but not just any mare's--you fancy me?" Applejack started with gentle care in her voice.

Rainbow smiled letting her friends touch calm her nerves and began to nod her approval of the question.

"Ahm glad you could be honest with me Dashie, now it's mah turn to be straight with you." AJ said a light flush of red lighting her cheeks.

"Applejack?" Rainbow found herself saying shakily.

"That night at the dance...ah noticed you were lookin' mah way, and deep down it made me feel good. Made me feel special. Ah wasn't sure iffen it was just a passing thought mahself, but ah wanted to be near ya right then." Applejack was blushing fully as she finished her thought, "An' so I came over ta ask ya fer that dance...so ah could see if it was more than a passin thought."

"Applejack, are-are you serious?" Dash asked her eyes wide with surprise.

"W-Would ah ever lie to you sugar cube?"

"W-Well...was it more than a passing thought?"

"It t'was. Ah've been out here in these fields sun up to sun down tryin' ta figure out jus what these feelin's mean. Mah family's been worried sick with how hard ah been pushin' myself, but it was the only way I knew to clear my head. Havin' yall sit up there daily shadowing me though makes clearin' yer mind tough." AJ finished rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

"Sorry about that AJ, I just couldn't seem to help myself once the thought crossed my mind."

"S'okay shug, ahm still not too sure what to do about this either..."AJ removed her hand from Rainbow's shoulder to motion between the two of them, "Ah mean ah've been with colts before, but ah've never been with 'nother mare..."

AJ looked away suddenly more bashful toward their situation it seemed to Dash. The cyan mare wasn't going to miss this chance to make her move.

"Jackie...I've never been with a mare before either, but if there was ever a mare I'd be willing to try it with..." Rainbow Dash paused as Apple Jack looked up into Rainbow's magenta eyes,"...it would be you."

Applejack's eyes teared up as she reached forward and wrapped her arms around Rainbow Dash, pulling her into a tight embrace. They weren't alone in what they had felt about one another, and both of them returned their individual feelings. Rainbow Dash felt like this was the start of the most beautiful possible relationships she could ever find. Nothing could ruin this possibility for her ever, but life is seldom that easy.