• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 1,925 Views, 176 Comments

Our Pasts That Haunt Us - Dynasty-Kaine

Rainbow Dash's past could come back to bite her in the flank long before the new love she just found with her friend Applejack. Will their friend Pinkie Pie be able to protect them, or will they be lost to a vengeful heart? -ANTHRO-

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Chapter 3: The First Party

Author's Note:

Chapter 3 is finally here! Sorry it took so long, but because of an unexpected death in the family I was a little more than preoccupied! ^_^" Anyways here ya go and as always leave comments, likes, or faves as you feel the need!
Thanks again everyone. I know I'm not a perfect writer, but I do try to convey the best story as is possible! =3 Take care everyone and enjoy!

Applejack strode along at a casual pace towards the town, the sun now set in the distance and the dark of night swallowing up the sky. The air out tonight was comfortable considering it was summer. Alone with her thoughts AJ began to wonder about the little encounter with her mirror earlier. She couldn't explain any of that away entirely. Because if it was a hallucination why did it involve something so brutal rather than just something odd. Her face hadn't been the only area injured it had actually been her entire body, but she had focused on her face at the time.

The troubling thoughts began to clear as Sugarcube Corner came into view, her rainbow haired date clearly standing outside in front of the building. As Applejack got closer she noticed that Dash had done just as much as she had to get ready. Her hair as usual shoulder length short, but looking exceptionally well treated tonight. Not a hint of make-up adorned her face at all, the farm mare enjoyed this. Rainbow Dash wore a simple navy blue corset with a red, blue, and white plad skirt that went down to her knees. Looking her date up and down she realized that she had definitely been outdone.

"Well color me impressed Dash! Ah never seen y'all wear a skirt before, let alone own one!" Applejack said as she came up to Dash.

"Yeah well, surprise Applejack! I see you wore that lovely silk dress again." the mare replied with a smirk.

She smiled,"Glad ta hear ya approve of my choice! Gotta say though sugar cube, didn't expect ya to out dress me tonight."

She looked her date over once more admiring how well it accentuated her athletic figure. "Those curves could give so much--Stop thinking like that AJ" She had to scold herself privately for her mischievous thoughts.

"You gonna stare at how amazing I look all night AJ, or are we gonna get on with this date?" Rainbow said breaking into the orange mares thoughts.

"Yeah, of course shug." Applejack said sheepishly rubbing the back of her head before continuing, "It's just sorta hard ta look away from y'all tonight; ya really outdid yerself. Anyways, did ah keep ya waiting long Dash?"

"Nah not really, you know me always trying to be ahead of schedule. Been here five maybe ten minutes tops." Rainbow smiled confidently,"So why don't we head inside while we're at it?"

Applejack liked to see the change in Rainbow Dash's mood from earlier. It was enticing to know she wouldn't always have to be the bold one with the mare. She looked into the cyan mare's eyes and nodded her approval; taking the lead to the door and moving to open it for her date. She passed AJ with an affectionate smile that made her feel like a million butterflies erupted into flight inside of her.

As she stepped inside of the shop she looked around to notice all the little details of cakes, candies, and sweets on display. It was well lit inside allowing AJ to make out the images of some ponies sitting at tables eating a guilty pleasure food, or sipping on one of the many sweet mixed drinks the Cake's made. Some were reading diligently, while others set to gossiping among their friends. There was even what looked like, to the farm pony, another couple there sharing a single drink together.

The two found a decently secluded table that they could talk at without fear of eavesdropping. All of the ponies that worked together in the shop seemed to be busy, and that was fine with both mares at the table. After all, this was only intended as a starting point for the night; it was in this moment Applejack realized she had no idea where they should go tonight.

"So then Dash where shall we go tonight? Off to see a movie or play maybe?" Applejack fumbled through her mind for an idea, realizing she hadn't gone on a date in quite some time.

"Mmm, nah there really isn't anything that interesting out right now..." Rainbow said disinterestedly.

"Uhm, well how about a date to--" Applejack was cut off by the sounds of crashing pans in the kitchen of the confectionery.

Within mere seconds did a cotton candy maned pink mare flash up to their table with a bright smile to inquire,"So looking for a fun place to go on a date, which one of you was looking for that advice cause I got tons of it!"

Applejack looked up to their new guest and friend, Pinkie Pie. She looked sheepishly at Rainbow Dash for an answer to give Pinkie. This was in part because she had never thought about what would happen should someone ask about Dash and her. Looking at her date though she realized Rainbow hadn't considered it either and was looking rather caught off guard.

"Hmm you two look awfully good tonight, that's odd for either of you. Unless, its like a super special occasion!" Pinkie began railing off in her usual manner, "Are you two still waiting for your dates maybe? Nah that's too coincidental that you would both have the same meet-up place as each other, but then again I guess its totally possible. Anyways what's up guys?"

The party mare smiled at them ecstatically and AJ sighed before replying,"We are both doin' great Pinkie. As fer who needs some advice on fun date ideas, well that's us as well."

"Oh wow both of you need ideas?" the pink mare replied oblivious to the hint AJ just dropped, "Well is it your first date or second one?"

Rainbow replied this time, "Well you could say it's our first date." She emphasized the word our.

"Hmm first dates..." Pinkie put a hand to her chin to think again missing the hint, "Well a good first date is always something simple that can build in potential fun, not my sorta thing but it seems to work for every other couple."

"Well then Pinkie do y'all got any suggestions?" the farm mare in black inquired.

"Well I'd personally suggest a new cafe...sandwich shop...cafewich shop? Anyways it just opened up on the other side of town, and it has some DELICIOUS sandwich's! You two would have a splendid time there!"

Applejack and Rainbow Dash's jaws dropped at this sudden implication.

"The two of us, Pinkie you do realize what you just said right?" the rainbow haired mare asked.

"Of course I do silly Rainbow Dash! At least I think I do...was it something bad or was it something good?" She now looked worried.

"Woah there Pinkie it ain't nuthin bad. It's just...sugarcube it's mine and Rainbow's first date, together." AJ delivered the news to the pink haired mare.

Pinkie gasped loudly at the news and AJ began to feel her cheeks heat up as she turned and looked at her date. Rainbow was blushing too, now looking away from their crazy partying friend. Both of them were a hundred percent unsure how Pinkie Pie would react to this.

"You mean you and Dashie..." The pink mare pointed first at her then Rainbow before continuing, "...are dating?"

"Yeah Pinks what of it?" Rainbow replied defiantly even though she was blushing bright red.

The pink mare smiled so wide it hurt Applejack to look at almost, "That is absolutely, positively adorable! Not to mention it makes a lot of sense when you really think about it, but that is a conversation for another time entirely." The mare pulled a seat up and sat in it then said confidently, "So you two are dating and I'm one hundred and fifty percent sure have no idea how to go about things since being a fillyfooler isn't exactly something they teach at school."

Applejack cocked an eyebrow at the pink party mare, "And y'all would know about this sorta thing then Pinkie?"

"Silly Applejack of course I would! That's only cause it's the exact same thing as with a stallion! Love is love, how you go about it may be different but the idea is really the same. Only difference is now your looking over a mare instead duh!"

The farm mare could barely believe that their friend was taking this so matter-of-factly. It was sheer luck no one else in the place was paying them much attention, otherwise it would have destroyed what confidence Applejack still had. Pinkie's idea of a sandwich cafe was actually of interest to her though; it was simple and could go anywhere afterwards.

"So yeah you two could go down to Harmony Breads and Cafe. It's located a little way out of town actually. Same way you would walk to get to the Rolling Hills off to the east. From there the possibilities are absolutely endless!" The pink party mare exclaimed happily.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash both got up from their chairs and looked at one another and nodded.

"A'right then Pinkie, ah think we'll take yer advice and start there. Thanks so much fer takin' this so positively sugar cube." the orange mare said as they began to head for the exit of the confectionery.

"Anytime guys." She jogged over to AJ and Rainbow whispering to them both, "You guys make such a cute couple. I'll keep it hush hush till you guys are ready to tell people."

They both smiled at her compliment blushing lightly. She seemed to genuinely support their relationship, not caring if it was mare and mare or mare and colt. AJ felt that Pinkie was practically protective of their relationship, but she shrugged feeling this was overly dramatized to think considering it was Pinkie Pie they were talking about. They began to walk off to the shop their friend mentioned smiling. AJ reached down to grab Rainbow's hand and softly took it in hers; her date hesitated slightly before relaxing a moment after realizing what had happened.

It was their time to be together now, and Applejack wasn't going to let this night go to waste anytime soon.


Pinkie Pie stood there waving to her friends as they walked toward the sandwich shop she had advised them to go to. They had only walked a short distance before her friend Applejack took Rainbow Dash's hand in hers. Watching her friends go she noticed how happy they looked together, and didn't want that happiness to ever fade. She found that she never wanted to see those smiles turned upside down, that would just be horrible.

"Those two can't face the way things are without someone at least trying to watch their backs. If I don't do something to keep those smiles bright, I will never forgive myself." The party mare mused aloud, "The world can be so cruel to those in love that the stupid world cannot understand, and I will do all I can to protect their relationship!"

Pinkie Pie made that vow in all seriousness which was not something average for her. "Do I secretly deep down inside know something bad will happen to my friends?" she pondered. She simply shrugged to herself turning to head inside the shop again, but was stopped by a full body shiver. All of a sudden her body was racked with a feeling of ice flowing through her veins. This wasn't her typical pinkie sense, it was much worse.

Looking up at the night sky she exhaled shakily. The moon beginning its ascent while a few lazy clouds floated about here and there. The night was chilly but not cold enough to elicit the shiver Pinkie just experienced.

"That wasn't my pinkie sense...so what could be so dangerous and ominous that's coming? If I'm gonna keep my promise to my friends, I will have to be extra vigilant for them."

She hoped what she felt wasn't really real, and that it would simply go away. As she turned to head inside she once again felt the chill hit her. She gulped down hard and tried to push the thought aside, there was still a lot of work to do tonight for the Cake's.