• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 1,925 Views, 176 Comments

Our Pasts That Haunt Us - Dynasty-Kaine

Rainbow Dash's past could come back to bite her in the flank long before the new love she just found with her friend Applejack. Will their friend Pinkie Pie be able to protect them, or will they be lost to a vengeful heart? -ANTHRO-

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Chapter 9: The Abduction

Author's Note:

Little late on post but here is chapter 9.

The day had been full of activities and excitement for Pinkie and Gilda. They went to the ice cream parlor and spent some time there just talking about their lives since Gilda left Ponyville. They managed to get into a playful ice cream fight, which inevitably led to them being asked to leave. To this Pinkie, covered in chocolate ice cream, replied, "Okie dokie Soft Serve. I am really sorry about the mess."

The cream colored stallion replied with a sigh, "It's alright. Most ponies expect these kinds of shenanigans with you by now, Pinkie."

Turning to walk away with a wave to the ice cream parlor proprietor, "Alrighty then take care, Softy!"

Gilda smiled and turned to the pink mare, "Wow, you can seriously get away with this sort of thing all over town?"

"Yup yup!" she replied with a bounce. "It's one of the perks of being friends with like everyone after all Gilda! Anyways what shall we do next, maybe some bowling?"

"Sounds great to me!" the gryphon replied with excitement.

It was a good walk to the bowling alley, and Pinkie began to really feel like she and Gilda were starting to bond. She was surprised the gryphoness could be this conversational and enjoyable. They talked about everything from the happenings in the news, to favorite foods, to deeper girl gossip from their individual origins.

Walking into the bowling alley, they were both laughing hysterically as a joke Gilda had just told. Pinkie looked around to notice the lanes were practically all open, save for two. They decided to play a full game of fourteen rounds, and Gilda paid for it accordingly. After getting on what Pinkie thought were silly bowling shoes, they headed off to pick up a set of bowling balls. Of the thirteen total lanes Gilda picked the last one since it was open.

It was a long and close game, but it was often the conversation and company of the two that made the party mare feel most comfortable. If this was the new Gilda, then Pinkie felt she could easily get used to her company more often. It felt nice to be around someone who was starting to find their way in the world, and the warmer side of their heart. She watched as the gryphoness lined up her last shot with unparalleled focus, and she couldn't help but admire the athleticism of her in that moment.

She approached swinging her arm back then releasing the ball as she swung forwards again. Within seconds the ball made contact, knocking all the pins down, it was a clean strike. The gryphon jumped up in jubilee at her victory, and the cotton candy maned mare only stared in awe at Gilda. Pinkie then shook her head a thought popping in, "Wh-What is this I'm feeling in my chest? It can't be..." she paused placing a hoof on her chest. "Can it?"

"Well looks like I win this game, eh, Pinks?" Gilda said cheerfully as she walked over.

"Yep it sure does Gil! But it was sooo close!" She replied with a bubbly smile.

They went to take off the silly bowling shoes and return the balls they had borrowed. As they walked outside they noticed the sky was beginning its descent into the west. Pinkie snapped to attention when she noticed Gilda wrap an arm around her shoulders. The gryphoness was pointing at something, and was trying to direct her toward it.

"What is it, Gilda?" she asked brightly.

"If the sun is setting we only got a short time left in the day. Why don't we go see something pretty as the night begins. What do ya say, Pinks?" the gryphon replied with great charisma.

"Okie-dokie-lokie! Sounds fu-Woah!" Pinkie exclaimed as Gilda grabbed her hand and pulled her along.

In the position she was in she had time to reflect on Gilda's attire today. She wore a tight, red, spaghetti strap tank top that really showed off a lot more than Pinkie expected the gryphon to show off. It got better as she continued down only to notice the athletic tone of Gilda's perfectly sculpted backside fit snugly into a tight pair of black denim jeans.

The pink party mare months prior would have never expected any of these reactions she was now having to Gilda's mere presence. Yet she had to admit the gryphoness had gotten much more personality since then, and it was enticing for her.

A short run later they were walking toward the Apple family's eastern orchards. There was a hillside within the orchard, and Pinkie felt the gryphon was taking her there to see the crescent moon rise this evening. This was so romantic of Gilda to do, but maybe it was just intended as a platonic whim she acted on. The pink mare couldn't be absolutely certain. As they arrived at the edge of the orchard they both stopped looking ahead.

A devilish smile crept across Gilda's face, "Hey Pinks, I got a challenge for ya."

"Oh really, what kinda challenge?" she replied with a bounce turning to face the gryphon.

"I'm sure you know where the hill is in this orchard, and so do I actually. So how about a race through the apple orchard to see who can reach the top of the hill first?" she splayed out her wings then tightly clasped them back at her sides. "As a courtesy I won't use my wings, you game?"

The pink mare put her hand to her chin for a moment before replying, "You're on, Gil! Betcha have no idea what you are getting into!"

"Oh I think it's the other way around..." the gryphoness mumbled under her breath.

"What was that, Gildy?" she replied tilting her head to the side.

"Nothing! Anyways you ready for this?" Gilda challenged.

"Whenever you're ready, lets do this!" she said turning back to the orchard in a ready to run position.

Gilda bent over in a ready position as well, "Okay then. On your mark, get set, GO!"

Pinkie bolted off into the orchard, the darkness of night quickly beginning to overtake the tree covered landscape. Looking over her shoulder behind her she couldn't see Gilda anywhere. Perhaps she had chosen a different course to follow, but that was silly since the straight shot was fastest. The air that night was crisp and cool, but it seemed darker and more eerie as she got closer to the hill that served as their goal.

Finally arriving at the top of the hill out of breath, Pinkie found that she had beaten Gilda. The pink mare doubled over trying to catch her breath, she really had given it her all to win. It was then she heard a twig snap in front of her, in a direction that the gryphon couldn't be coming from. She stood up and began to cautiously approach the place the sound came from. She was about to call out, but before she could, something came up behind her grabbing her and covering her mouth with a white cloth that smelled of some chemical. She began to quickly feel light headed and her vision rapidly blurred. She turned her head slowly toward the figure behind her, and her eyes shot open in shock.

"G-Gilda?" Pinkie uttered in a muffled tone cause of the cloth.

"Oh yes it's me. I can't believe you fell for my ruse you silly pony!" Gilda said with a laugh. "You were an obstacle last time I was here, and as long as I don't do something about you." she paused. "You will become an obstacle yet again! I simply can't afford that with me and Dash's fated reunion. For now though just sleep, we will talk more when you become conscious again."

Pinkie looked back in front of her, and as her consciousness started to slip away her she noticed something red in the shrubbery around a solitary apple tree. "What is that?" she thought to herself as she slipped off into a deep sleep.


Pinkie Pie felt like she had been beaten senseless by a passing tornado as she stirred back into consciousness. Upon opening her eyes she found she was in a vacant cellar from what she could tell through the pervading darkness. There were maybe four lanterns hanging from the ceiling, dimly lighting the room. As she tried to move, she quickly found herself bound to a wall with chain shackles upon her wrists.

"What is this, and where am I?" she asked no pony in particular as she looked around.

It was then she noticed a movement to the left of her in a corner. She couldn't see what it was, but she could tell that it had just gotten up from sitting in a chair. She could hear it slowly pacing it's way over to her, the sound of sharp claws against the cobblestone floor. As the creature slowly came into the light Pinkie quickly made out a beak and brown plumage, it was Gilda.

"Well dear Pinkie, you are in my control for one. As for what this is well, it's what I like to call problem solving." the sultry gryphoness began. "Now then, I have some pressing questions for you. If you're a good girl, you may even get out of this alive."

Pinkie gasped in horror, "What? You can't seriously mean you would hurt me for not cooperating with you?"

The gryphoness extended the talons on her hands and lashed out scoring a slash across the pink mare's face.

"I think that answers your question, dweeb." she said unimpressed. "Now to bigger matters. I want to know who this blonde mare Dash has been paling around with is, and what she is to her."

Pinkie felt broken inside, but at the mention of her two friends, she twitched. Her normally poofy hair slowly became sullen and straight, her mood quickly darkening. She would have to endure what was next in her mind, and in her heart.

"You know what's really sad?" Pinkie started in a creaky prattling voice. "You are. The world at your talon tips and you throw it away for a mere obsession? Pathetic." She finished staring right into the gryphon's eyes.

Gilda scowled and punched the pink mare in the face, "How dare you call it MERE obsession! What I feel is pure love for Rainbow Dash! Like you could understand though!"

The pink mare recovered instantly, "Oh as if, Gilda. If you really had changed your ways, I could guaruntee you woulda found more than enough love!" she roared with fire in her eyes. "And not even with Dashie!" she spit the last words out like venom.

The gryphon raised her eyebrows, "Oh, really now? What happiness could I possibly find outside MY Dashie?"

"You could have found it with me, you stupid gryphon!" she uttered, lunging at Gilda with fury.

She only laughed, "Oh, that's a treat! You and me? I don't think so, Pinkie." the gryphoness' expression darkened. "You were simply a means to an end. Now...answer my question!"

Gilda's talons struck her again but this time across her body slashing open her lovely baby blue t-shirt. The blood of the mare dripped from her face onto her shirt as well now, and she saw it quickly stain her shirt. She chuckled lightly her pupils constricting to mere beads.

"What question?" she replied in a demented voice. "If you think I am just a means to an end, then you are gonna go through hell trying to get there!"

Something deep in Pinkie's mind snapped to attention, and it was going to stubbornly defy anything Gilda wanted from her. Her reply had irritated the gryphoness as she began to use more coercive tactics to get Pinkie to give up her friends. The more intense the punishment the more the pink mare laughed maniacally.

"You have to be kidding me!" the gryphon roared after fifteen minutes. "How can you laugh at this much pain?"

"Cause BUCK YOU! That's how!" the mare lashed back, anger still burning in her eyes.

Despite her fierce reply she could feel the effects of blood loss setting in; Gilda had really cut her up badly. Her clothes barely hung upon her body still, and were stained in blood. Her powder blue dress tattered and torn along with her shirt. Her eyes glazed over slightly, and the monster in front of her seemed to notice this with a sadistic smile.

"So looks like you are still after all a normal pony. If you won't tell me what I want to know, then I guess I'll patch you up..." Gilda paused, Pinkie looked up. "Then I will go and find out for myself!"

"No..." Pinkie barely managed to utter loud enough to be heard.

"Cute that you are protecting them, but you were fated to fail against me, dweeb!" the gryphon said as she turned and walked back over to her table.

It took everything the mare had to try to stay conscious, but it was a futile effort on her part. She was after all still mortal, and bleeding was never a good thing for mortal ponies to go through. Her eyes drooped once, twice, three times before they shut tight in the embrace of sleep.

As darkness enveloped her she heard a blood curdling scream and she felt her chill return racking her body in a spasm. "If this is a dream how can I still feel my body?" Pinkie thought to herself in worry.

Oh dear, what about my friends? They're in great danger with that monster prowling the streets of Ponyville! How could I have been so blind...I-I've failed them...

As Pinkie Pie's thoughts spiraled downward in her mind, in the waking world a solitary tear slid out of her eye and landed alone upon the now tarnished cobblestone floor.