• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 1,926 Views, 176 Comments

Our Pasts That Haunt Us - Dynasty-Kaine

Rainbow Dash's past could come back to bite her in the flank long before the new love she just found with her friend Applejack. Will their friend Pinkie Pie be able to protect them, or will they be lost to a vengeful heart? -ANTHRO-

  • ...

Chapter 11: Universal Law 1

Author's Note:

Be warned everyone...Chapter 11 is one musical chapter. Youtube is a must! =-p

Applejack had feigned going back to work to go get her brother and ask him for help on getting the barn ready for the night. Through what seemed like an endless battle of negotiations Big Mac had finally agreed to help. Finally after a massive load of work they got the barn all cleaned up and hung little lights from the beams above. It wasn't meant to be a massive party date, just a simple get together and dance date.

It had taken the blonde mare another amount of time to find a tape of music she knew she had somewhere within her room. It had songs on it that she felt needed to be played tonight, but it took a cart load of digging to find. She finally managed to dig up a cardboard box out of her closet, she pulled it out and opened it. There it was on top, marked with a simple heart on a white cassette.

"Tonight will be perfect now!" AJ declared picking up the tape and moving it over to her dresser.

She then dove right back into her closet and began rummaging for something to wear tonight.



Rainbow Dash's hair was shining tonight; straightened and pulled back in a ponytail. She wore her navy blue corset tonight, and a pair of tight fitting black denim pants. It was rare for her to do but she had decided to use make-up tonight. Her lips outlined with a light purple lipstick, and her eyes shadowed with a darker glittering blue.

She walked in the door to Harmony Breads and Cafe to see the place was quite busy tonight. The traditional music playing over the sound system was a beautiful acoustic ballad. Every other pony was seated already eating so Rainbow was easily able to walk right up to the counter.

"Hey sandwich master you back there?" the rainbow haired mare called out.

"What do ya want you young punk?" he called from back in the kitchen.

"Lil take out service would be nice actually, if you are okay with that?" she cracked a joking tone.

"Yeah sure. Actually Dash could ya come back here a minute?" was his only reply.

She just shrugged and walked behind the counter and through the door leading into the kitchen. The cyan mare was curious why he had asked her to come back. It didn't take her long to find him working diligently at a cutting board preparing her and AJ's usual meal.

"Hey there, what's up?" she opened happily.

"Huh, surprising that you're so chipper. I mean really, you looked horrible earlier wandering through town." he commented evenly not losing his focus on his work for a second.

"Oh yeah that." Rainbow paused. "Well I got sacked today. More for my personal life choices than what the company will admit to."

"Ah, I was afraid that was gonna happen when I heard the rumor going round that you liked mares. Let me tell you that rumor spread like wildfire, even if it's true." he smiled and laughed. "So how are you taking the results overall?"

"Well I ended up wandering aimlessly as you saw, and somehow I ended up back at AJ's place. Go figure a place I didn't want to go. Yet, Jackie took care of me and pulled me back up." the cyan mare mused happily.

"Good to hear. Dash, how did you like that job?" the stallion asked putting the tools of his trade down and turning to look at her seriously.

"Uh, well I." she hesitated. "It was what I was meant to do. It was my calling to be a weather pony. Why do you ask?"

"Do you have a dream profession that you work at constantly to get better and closer to becoming often?" the forest green stallion pressed.

"To become a Wonderbolt, but seriously why do you ask?" she retorted with an edge of irritation.

He walked over to the sink and washed his hands quickly and dried them on a towel. He took off his apron and hung it up on a hook before walking to a door in the back.

"Follow me Dash. This old one has something yet to teach you." he said with a glittering smile.

She complied and followed him out back and saw a cottage; it must have been his home. He walked inside, leaving the door wide open, he began to turn on the lights. After a few seconds she heard something from inside the house, it was the sound of a guitar amp. Only seconds later she heard a guitar solo begin to echo through the house. She rushed inside at this point to see the sandwich shop owner playing an electric guitar with a practiced precision that was unmatched.

She sat and watched as the stallion played the guitar with what she could see was all his heart. She could see his cutie mark tattooed upon his arm at this point, and it looked like something more akin to a chef or food maker not a guitar player. She couldn't even begin to understand what was going on, nor what the lesson he had mentioned was. As the song ended in a true rock fashion she applauded.

"My cutie mark represents my ability as a provider of sandwiches to any and all ponies. I just can look at you and know what sandwich fits your personality. That was what I was called to do, but I wasn't always dedicated to that pursuit." the stallion said solemnly.

"I don't get where you're going with this um, you know we never got your name." Rainbow realized in embarrassment.

"Signature Sandwich, but I much prefer Signature. Now what I'm trying to teach you is actually simple." he walked over and sat on his large amp. "My calling is sandwiches, but my passion is music. Because of this I endeavored day in and day out to learn to play the guitar even though it wasn't meant to be my specialty."

"That hard work really shows with that little display you just put on, but what does this have to do with me?" Dash asked still quite confused.

"Your calling may have been as a weather pony, but in truth you can still forge your own calling in life through sheer hard work." Signature smiled. "For a while I was a guitarist in a band, and I loved it! But I was called back to my real calling eventually. Mind you I did other odd jobs when I pursued my musical whim!"

The rainbow maned mare laughed, "Oh I'll bet you did Sig!"

The forest green stallion looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, "On that thought, I might have an idea for your current lack of work."

She beamed instantly, "Really? What kind of idea?"

"Well as you noticed tonight it was packed in there." Signature paused and she nodded her understanding. "The place is getting awfully popular lately, and I find myself at limit of my ability to serve AND prepare the food."

"A-Are you asking me to?" the cyan mare asked with reality setting in.

"Would you like a job as a server here in my shop Rainbow Dash?" Sig asked with a pleasant smile.

The rainbow haired mare jumped into the air in excitement letting out a cheer. She just couldn't believe it, she was getting a new job. Not just any job, but one with an awesome atmosphere and cool boss! The day could only get better from here on out.

"Yes, yes! All the hay yes!" she answered Signature.

"Alright, that's the spirit! Now so you know I still gotta get things in proper order for it, so it will be at least a week before you start. Is that okay?" the stallion asked one final question.

"Of course Signature, it's perfect!" Dash declared her smile almost contagious in its current state.

"Alright why don't we get back to the kitchen so I can finish you and Applejack's meal for tonight." Signature said as he began turning lights off and shutting his house down again.

As they both walked back to the cafe Rainbow felt herself skipping across the lawn happily. She bounced into the kitchen as Signature went right back to his work.

"Well I think I made your night almost perfect then." he said with a laugh.

"Almost perfect, what is it missing?" she replied with naivete.

"Applejack holding you close whispering sweet nothings into your ear." he said casually as he wrapped both sandwiches up quickly.

"H-Hey, Sig!" Rainbow squeaked blushing intensely. "Not cool!"

He laughed as he got out a box and began putting their meal in it carefully. It looked like he also added in a few other goodies since he had them handy. Dash wondered how much this box tray of food would end up costing her.

He picked the box tray up and turned to hand it to the cyan mare, "Give your marefriend my regards!"

She stared at him in shock, "But I haven't paid you yet Signature!"

"It's on me tonight Dash, no worries!" Sig said with a wide grin.

"You're serious aren't you?" she asked in disbelief.

He turned her toward the door and began pushing her, "Go on get!"

"Alright, alright! Really thanks again Sig." Dash paused. "For everything you have done."

Dash quickly headed outside holding the box of food for her and AJ. She continued to smile in happiness, and all she had to do to get there was glide through the wind figuratively. The farmer would be ecstatic at Rainbow's news, and as Sig had said tonight could only get better. She began her trek to Sweet Apple Acres on hoof simply because she didn't want to chance dropping tonight's meal.

As Rainbow walked up to the barn she saw light filtering through the breaks between the boarded framework. As the cyan mare got closer to the barn door, slightly cracked open, she could hear AJ's voice singing along to a powerful emotional song.

"Oh, what do ya got iffin ya ain't got love, whatever ya got it jus' ain't enough." The blonde mare began humming to the rest. "Ah'm afraid ta lose Rainbow." she said as a line in the song made such a statement.

It was a cassette player the music was coming from and the mare was impressed AJ had such an old music player. This wasn't her focus though, as she peered into the room she laid her eyes upon Applejack. She wore a scarlet red form fitting dress that went down to her knees, and was patterned with sequins glimmering softly in the light of the barn. Her hair once again down and straightened, but the one sight Rainbow wanted faced away from her.

Dash kicked at the barn door since her hands were full she couldn't do much to open the big door. The orange mare inside jumped in surprise, and paused before she kicked again.

"Yo, Jackie open up! My hands are too full with our dinner!" the rainbow haired mare called out.

The one door that was just open, began to open up more as Applejack pushed it, "Hey there hun how--woah nelly that's a lotta food!"

"I know, and that's not even the best part of my trip! Now move your sexy butt aside so I can get in!" Dash said swinging her left hip into her marefriends, their tails lightly touching for a moment.

As the farmer moved aside Rainbow moved inside and quickly headed for the first thing resembling a table she could find. Her arms hurt immensely from carrying that box of food across town, but she found her soreness slip away as she turned to see Applejack closing the barn door and facing her. Her Jackie was breath-taking tonight. The farmer's eye shadow was a glittering golden hue, and she had used eyeliner to draw emphasis on her soft emerald eyes. A light shade of reddish lipstick had covered her lips now as well.

"Woah, Jackie." Rainbow began practically stunned, jaw agape. "You look gorgeous tonight!"

"Aw shucks Dashie." Applejack said as a blush crept into her cheeks. "Yer not so bad yerself."

Dash approached her marefriend slowly, and within a second was inches from her face.

"And here I was thinking your eyes couldn't get any more beautiful."

"Likewise sugarcube." AJ said as she leaned in and took the kiss that she rightfully deserved.

As they parted they both blushed lightly before Dash took the farmer's hand and lead her over to the food. Together they worked to get everything out and distributed among the two of them. After which, they pulled up a few old looking wooden chairs and sat down at the possible table the cyan mare originally set the food down on. They began talking about the events that had happened to Dash not an hour ago.

"Wait really hun? He gave ya the food fer free, an' a new job?" AJ exclaimed clearly surprised.

"Yup, he really is a great stallion when it comes down to it!" she replied.

"Well Ah'll be. If that ain't the best of luck fer ya Dashie, Ah dunno what is." the orange mare replied before taking a drink of her soda.

"He also managed to remind me my day isn't perfect just yet either." the blue mare replied with a playful grin.

"Oh yeah shug, what'll make it perfect?" Applejack replied walking into a trap as she took another drink of her soda.

"Holding you close and whispering sweet nothings into your ear as we sleep together tonight." she sprung her trap with an affectionate smile.

Applejack's reaction was priceless as soda shot from her nose as her face flushed a deep red. She quickly covered her nose in embarrassment, as Dash erupted into laughter. As the situation calmed down again Rainbow looked seductively at AJ.

"But seriously Jackie, that will make tonight perfect."

Applejack smiled and got up. She walked across the room to the casette player and popped in a new tape. It looked like she hit play on the player before turning and walking over to Rainbow.

The blonde farmer held out a hand, "Will you dance with me Dashie?"

She took her hand and answered, "It would be my honor Jackie."

As they headed to the center of the barn they took a position Dash remembered clearly. A slow dance to start, and yet another moment she would never forget. Steel strings and a steady drum beat interrupted her thoughts. AJ began to sway softly, but Rainbow heard the words above anything. Had Jackie picked this song on purpose?

Applejack leaned her forehead against Dash's as she sang the first chorus, "Dashie ya left me defenseless, and Ah've only got one plea. Won't cha lock me away, inside of yer love, an' throw away the key. Cause Ah'm guilty, of love in the first degree."

"Jackie I--" Dash started but was interrupted by a simple finger AJ placed on her lips.

From that point their dance got more intense and affectionate. As they spun and pranced about the room Applejack continued to sing along with the song. The stare of affection the blonde mare gave her though said these words were directed at the rainbow haired mare alone. Slowly the song faded out and the orange mare leaned in and softly kissed Rainbow.

Though Dash knew there was more music on the tape she had an impulse she had to follow now. She pulled away from AJ and jogged over to the player, popped the tape out, flipped it over, pushed it back in, and hit play. As she went back to the farmer she was greeted by the pure sound of a steel string guitar again, but this sounded much more up beat and joyous to her.

Upon getting to her marefriend she took her hands and looked into her eyes to see utter surprise.

"What's got you so shocked Jackie?" she asked.

The farmer's expression melted away and she replied, "Never mind, good choice of music though."

This time their dance was much faster, and much more rigorous. Twirling Applejack away from and then back into her arms she had turned the farmer completely around. She now had the mare she loved facing away from her. The silky blonde hair draping away to one side revealing Jackie's soft neck, which Rainbow wasted no time nuzzling into. As they swayed there while the song faded out the cyan mare began leaving gentle kisses along the orange mare's neck.

Once the song finished and it was quiet she lifted a hand to Applejack's chin, turning her face toward her own, as Dash drew her into a deep passionate kiss. The kiss lasted several minutes but to the two mare's sharing it it felt like the world just stopped. Once they parted Dash was the first to speak.

"I love you Applejack."

"An' Ah love you too Rainbow Dash, but from the looks of it." she said lovingly as she nodded toward the clock on the wall. "Time has flown by a lot faster than we coulda thought."

Looking at the clock she noticed it had just struck eleven. It wasn't all that late for the two of them, and Dash didn't understand AJ's meaning.

"It isn't that late thought Jackie. We've been up longer than this before." the cyan mare said with a clueless expression.

"Y'all sure we shouldn't retire to a bedroom fer the night?" Applejack said in her most sultry voice even putting a hand on the pegasus' arm and stroking it softly.

Realization hit Rainbow Dash like a lightning bolt, "You might be right hun. Same place as last time right, third level?"

"Yeah Dashie, an' Ah even made it a bit more cozy fer tonight. Y'all head up first, Ah gotta change the music one more time." the blonde farmer said as she broke away from Dash's hold.

She just smiled and hopped up unfurling her wings gently flapping her way up to the third level rafters they had slept in not too long ago. As she came up to the area there was a cloth covering the way to the hay bed. She found a split in it and slipped inside to find an actual mattress laid across the floor topped with satin blue sheets. To her it looked like AJ had put a lot of her heart into preparing this.

She went to lay down but was stopped by the sound of climbing. She turned and waited for her marefriend to get to her. Applejack's pace slowed as a gentle country styled love song started playing echoing easily up to the third level. What happened next Dash could have never expected. The blonde mare burst through the cloth doorway and tackled her onto the bed in the most forceful kiss she had ever experienced.

The next moments of Dash's life felt absolutely perfect, and nothing could take that from her in a thousand years. Rainbow felt the most honest love pour forth from both her heart as well as from Applejack's. When you take pleasure in the little things and don't despair at darkness, the universe almost seems to smile on you.