• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 1,925 Views, 176 Comments

Our Pasts That Haunt Us - Dynasty-Kaine

Rainbow Dash's past could come back to bite her in the flank long before the new love she just found with her friend Applejack. Will their friend Pinkie Pie be able to protect them, or will they be lost to a vengeful heart? -ANTHRO-

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Chapter 5: The Lights Above The Green Grass

Author's Note:

Now to take a look away from the darkness that was Chapter 4...this one took some time to get into a rhythm for, and somehow is even longer than the previous chapter! 0_0 How did that happen? Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter and as always when you are done leave a like, maybe a comment, or possibly a fave if you haven't already.
Enjoy your read through and as always have a great day! =^w^=

As Rainbow was pulled along she was hardly aware of the town as it passed her by. Applejack was pulling her along energetically, her hands smooth for one who worked so hard with her them. The mare could still hardly believe that her date had already interlocked their hands together tonight. She could tell the orange mare was just as exhilarated by tonight as Dash was.

The buildings became more sparse as they continued east toward their destination. The moon was quickly on the rise, and the stars above glimmered brightly with a few tufts of clouds lazily floating by.

"AJ take it easy now the night has only just begun!" Rainbow shouted to her date to slow down.

Applejack slackened her pace before coming to a stop to catch her breath. She was smiling despite her rush to get to the little cafe Pinkie Pie had suggested to them. The black dress she wore still holding itself in good form, even though Dash could swear that it was starting to ride up a little bit. She was caught looking though and the farm mare looked up into Dash's eyes with what looked like challenge to the weather manager.

She just smiled gently back at her date. This was, after all, only the first date and Dash didn't want to take things too fast. She was deep down still unsure of what would happen tonight, and how it might effect the both of their futures. This hesitation bothered her greatly as she wasn't accustomed to such feelings.

"Hey we goin' or not shug?" Applejack broke into the rainbow maned mares thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, yeah of course. Sorry AJ!" she replied sheepishly.

This time they strolled casually along just talking as they took in the night and each others company. Rainbow couldn't help but notice their conversation went back to the night of the dance they shared. Her date talked openly and honestly about how it had felt so right to be dancing with Dash that night, and she found she couldn't argue against that sentiment in any form. After that they got into talk about their daily work, which Dash was surprised to find she enjoyed.

"So since y'all are the weather manager fer Ponyville, Ah guess that explains why there has bin extra coverage over the orchards the past week, right RD?" Applejack joked nudging the mare playfully.

"Okay okay, you caught me AJ!" Rainbow said rubbing the back of her head sheepishly, "Being in charge does come with its perks, but that doesn't mean it's easy work!"

As they continued to talk Dash got to learn more about her friend that she had never known before. Applejack had been interested in stallions from a young age and she had dated and fooled around with a few guys before. She knew her date had never tried to make the connection with another mare before, and she even seemed to be unsure of herself with tonight deep down. The cyan mare found her cheeks warming at this thought. It gave her confidence a boost to know they were both trying their hands at something they weren't sure would work out.

It wasn't long before they arrived at a simple grey cottage building with a simple wooden sign that read: Harmony Breads and Cafe. They walked up to the door, and once again AJ opened the door for her date with a warm smile. Somehow Applejack's smile always made her feel like she was melting inside, and she liked it a lot. She returned the smile without hesitation showing exactly how she felt inside as she entered the shop.

She was greeted to a very well lit shop, with tables spaced out across the floor spaciously able to fit a good number of customers. Rainbow Dash could also hear music playing throughout the building, it was a nice touch to hear something from her childhood playing. It started with a low rumble that built into the full rush of the song.

"Awesome, I know this song! You don't hear it played much on radios anymore!" Dash exclaimed.

"Yeah not a lot of ponies know what they're missing out on by letting the old classics pass them by!" A voice came from behind the doors to the kitchen.

Applejack came in behind Rainbow wrapping her arm gently around her waist as they approached the counter to place their orders. Out of the kitchen came a deep forest green colored stallion with a bright electric yellow mane, his eyes a deep shade of blue.

"Well hello there, new customers I take it? What can I get ya this evening?" the stallion said with a smile.

There was a decent selection listed on the board behind the counter and it had the two mares really guessing at what they wanted. Luckily their host was on top of his game, and broke into their thoughts with a suggestion.

"Well since you are both relatively new to my establishment let me make a recommendation for you both tonight. Looking the two of you over, I would personally advise that you..." He pointed to Rainbow Dash, "...would most likely enjoy my extreme solo slice combo. As for a drink, the house special lightning strike cocoa. Am I right?"

She was amazed at his choice. Those were the exact things she had been eyeing on the menu.

"Yeah you are. That is so amazing!" She replied to the owner.

He bowed then looked to Applejack, "You are a tougher choice though. Such a mixture of expression, maybe tonight you would enjoy my rustic rally medley combo? With your drink being, most possibly, a zap apple soda?"

The farm mare put a hand up to her chin before saying, "Wow y'all are good at this."

He laughed heartily, "That is why I decided to get into the business after all! It will take me about twenty minutes to put together your sandwiches and drinks if that doesn't bother you at all?"

They both replied, "Not at all."

"Alright then your total comes out to 26 bits girls." he said with a bright smile.

Applejack got out her coin purse and laid out 26 bits on the counter for the pay, before Rainbow could even attempt to pay her half. He took the money and put it into the register before heading back into the kitchen. The two mares began the task of picking a table to sit at in the room.

"Hey AJ, I coulda paid my half of it ya know?" she said puckering her lips in a pout.

"Aw shug dun worry 'bout it! Ah was the one who set the date up after all." the blonde mare said casually. When Dash's expression didn't change she reached over and put a hand on her date, "Okay then shug, how's about y'all pay fer the next place we go ta...sound fair?"

The blue mare instantly perked up at the prospect of this continuing after their dinner. Dash knew exactly where she wanted to go after dinner too, something to spark their competitive nature would be a good touch. They finally decided on a small table on the opposite side of the building as the door, but it was perfect for just the two of them to talk and enjoy their meals. They sat down opposite one another facing each other; it was perfect for the weather manager to stare into her date's emerald green eyes.

As they waited for their meal they continued their small talk from earlier, but Rainbow couldn't help but notice that her date looked so good tonight. Applejack had said she had been outdone in appearances by her cyan coated date, but Dash just couldn't buy into that sentiment. There was a natural beauty in the simplicity of the orange mares choice of attire for the night. She felt heat build in her cheeks again, and her navy blue corset suddenly began to feel tight around her torso. Her date kept her gaze on Dash even though she had looked away herself.

As their meals arrived the stallion wore a knowing look on his face. He set the plates in front of the mares as well as their drinks. He stood for a moment as they thanked him, choosing his words before speaking.

"First date you two?" he asked kindly.

Dash looked at him quickly shock plainly written on her face, were they really that obvious to others?

"I thought so. My son went through the same thing himself a few years back. I have no issues with it personally, love is love after all right?" the stallion stated with warmth in his tone. "Though you both should know that not everyone will be entirely accepting of your unconventional relationship. So please be careful you two, alright?"

The rainbow maned mare just smiled at the concerned shop owner and replied, "Of course we will, but in return you have to keep playing this awesome music. Deal?"

He laughed, "Absolutely! Now if you don't mind I'll take my leave."

He bowed and headed back toward the counter as another couple came in. He promptly began to take their order, and made the same psychic like recommendations he had for Rainbow and Applejack to them. The blue mare didn't even begin to understand how in Equestria he could do that, but it was probably safer she didn't know.

She turned back to her food, picking up her sandwich to take a big bite of it. The thing was absolutely the most amazing thing she had ever tasted. She couldn't believe that a simple sandwich could taste this good. As she looked up to her date she noticed that she had come to the exact same conclusion and was munching away happily. Another song had started playing Rainbow noticed, another classic that started with a simple vocal harmony that immediately lead into some intense guitar playing.

When she reached over to take a tentative sip of her drink she was once again not displeased. It had to be some of the best chocolate cocoa she had ever drank; she would have to ask the owner where he got it in the future. AJ seemed nonplussed by her soda, seeing as she worked on the very farm that made the zap apple soda. Dash had one of her hands laying upon the table sitting idle as she looked around the room only to snap to attention when she felt something rest on the top of it. Applejack had placed her hand on top of Rainbow's, and she was blushing hard as she tilted her glass to her mouth to take a drink most likely trying to conceal her blush.

It was cute when her date did things like that, and Dash enjoyed the care that AJ showed when she took action. She turned her hand upward and softly squeezed the farm mare's hand before pulling it away slowly to get back to her sandwich already half eaten. As time passed they continued doing small things like that as they paused from their meal, and eventually they both had finished their meals. Applejack had finished first, and the rainbow haired mare found herself not caring too much since it wasn't a real contest.

After the owner came and collected their dishes Applejack was first to speak, "So Dashie, where do ya think we should go from 'ere?"

Rainbow smiled devilishly, "Oh I was thinking the bowling alley for a little friendly competition, that is if you're up for it Jackie?"

The orange mare looked back at Dash through her sparkling emerald eyes declaring, "Oh you are on sugarcube!"

It was just a short walk across town to the bowling alley the two of them chatting competitively about their past bowling exploits. As they entered the building they quickly noticed that it was couples night, and all of them were paired mare to colt. It was a good thing they came here with the attitude of competition, or else this would be extremely awkward. Rainbow paid the fee for a lane, two bowling balls, and two pairs of anti-skid horseshoes costing her a total of 70 bits. It was more expensive than their prior destination, but this was worth it to beat AJ in a fair game.

Dash had paid for a short game which would only go through eight rounds of play before a total would be determined. After placing the shoes on they headed over to lane twelve, currently the only open lane in the alley. It looked like they had been lucky enough to get in the last lane of play, and Dash silently thanked Celestia for this luck. They flipped a coin to see who would go first, and Applejack won this toss. They set up the scorecards as such, and started the game the farm mare taking a ready stance ball in hand.

Despite being in a short and tight dress AJ still managed to throw an amazing pitch taking out all but one pin. Rainbow marked it, got up, went and got her ball, and then positioned herself carefully lining up her shot. She couldn't deny that her outfit was probably more comfortable to play in than Applejack's, but really that was of little importance since her date played just as skillfully. Dash started forward building momentum as she swung her arm with the ball in it backwards, before whipping it forward rolling it dead center toward the pins in the center of the lane.

She jumped up in glee as the pins were obliterated, "Oh yeah, strike baby!"

Applejack looked at Dash with a crooked smile on her face, "Oh it's on now shug!"

Round one quickly turned into two, three, four, and before they knew it round eight was upon them. Dash was in second place at this point, but it was still her turn and one shot could win it for her. The only issue was that she faced a dreaded shot, the 7-10 split. If she could do it she would win, but she had never figured out how to get the shot exactly. It was usually pure luck that she ever got the shot. She started her approach and as she whipped the ball forward she flicked her wrist to put a slight spin on the ball. Watching it with the utmost anticipation Dash could easily conclude that she wasn't going to make the shot, and as she had predicted she was only able to hit one of the pins.

"Oh pony feathers! I was so close too!" Rainbow lamented as they exited the bowling alley into the cool night air.

"Yee-haw!" Applejack hollered in jubilant triumph. "Now that was a close game shugar. Y'all were right Dashie, this was a great idea!"

The two mares had noticed a bench just outside of the bowling alley that they decided to sit at and cool off from their intense game. Rainbow was looking at her date, and noticed she was once again blushing seeming hesitant to ask her something. That wasn't like Applejack at all, and if she wouldn't get it out then the cyan mare would have to pull it out of her somehow. She noticed the orange mare was holding the edge of the bench with her hands as if trying to keep herself steady for whatever reason. She reached out and put her hand on top of AJ's for the first time tonight getting in the first move.

Applejack looked up into her eyes at that moment, and Rainbow could see they were etched with uncertainty. It was her turn to help her date out with a tough choice.

"Hey Jackie." Dash started out softly. "I can clearly see there is something you want to ask me. So why don't you just ask me already?"

The orange mare looked away for a second then returned her gaze into the blue mare's eyes, "Well is jus' that the night is quickly gettin' away from us, an' there's someplace Ah'd like to go...but we won't get there in time on hoof..."

The cyan mare tilted her head in confusion, "Okay, well then why is it so embarrassing to say that?"

AJ looked down as she said, "B-Because Ah need ta ask if y'all can fly us there so we can make it in time ta see something special."

Now she understood why her friend was so hesitant to ask her question, but she found it cute in her own way. It wouldn't be all that hard to carry her date somewhere while flying, and in fact this could put them quite close to one another. The rainbow maned mare had one thing she had to ask though.

"Okay Jackie I think I can do that no problem, but where are we talkin' about so I know?"

The farm mare tensed slightly looking hesitantly up at Dash, "The Rolling Hills where we usually have lunch with Twilight."

This was actually a decent distance away, but she was sure she could do it for Applejack.

"Hmm alright I can do that easy peasey Applejack, but you have to hold on to me exactly how I tell you got it?" Rainbow Dash replied confidently.

Her date nodded her approval and asked, "Okay then how do you want me to hold on?"

The blue mare stood up and held out her hand to help Applejack up. As they stood facing one another Dash reached out grabbing her date and pulling her close to her body, "You have to wrap your arms around me, but make sure they are just below my wings so they don't get hit too much. I know this may sound weird but you also have to wrap your legs around my waist to make double sure you don't fall. I really wouldn't want that after how awesome tonight has been Jackie."

Rainbow could feel a heated blush in her cheeks and as Applejack looked up at her she saw the exact same blush burning up her cheeks. This would put the two of them extremely close physically for a first date, but if the farm mare wanted to get to The Rolling Hills quickly then this was the only way. She felt her date wrap her arms around her tightly pushing their bodies together nicely, and with that she gave a little hop and quickly managed to wrap her legs around Dash's waist. The blue mare looked up at the sky trying to keep her mind clear of thoughts arising from the physical closeness they currently shared.

Dash crouched down then sprang upward with all her might unfurling her wings and flapping them strongly. They quickly gained altitude within moments she could easily see their destination, but Applejack wasn't looking her face stubbornly buried in the spot where Rainbow's neck met her shoulders. She could feel her breathing heavily into her neck, and this made it very hard to keep her mind clear of the dirty thoughts that felt like they were about to consume her.

"Here we go Jackie, hold on tight!" she announced to her date, and the earth pony tightened her grip.

She took to flying for their eastern destination; not as fast as she would usually. This was because she had the distinct impression Applejack was afraid of this extreme height. She would have never been able to tell since she had seemed so comfortable years back at the young fliers competition in Cloudsdale. As they headed toward their destination Rainbow looked down at the few ponies still walking the streets tonight, it was a good night for a casual walk or flight. All of a sudden Dash felt her passenger wiggling up against her, and it seemed to be on purpose.

"Hey what are you doing down there?" she asked looking down to be met by Applejack's glowing emerald eyes.

She looked up again to notice they had arrived, and she headed to the hill they usually met Twilight for lunch on. It was one of the hills with a few trees on it, but it had the best view of the sky despite the trees. She held her wings outward and flat creating a good drag in her speed and slowing down she began to drop toward the ground. Her date buried her face into Rainbow's neck again. The winged mare flapped her wings gently slowing their descent, and they gently landed on top of the hill. Applejack immediately dropped her legs down onto the earth again letting out a sigh of relief.

Although she had put her feet to the ground she still held tight to Rainbow's body; the embrace was just obliterating her ability to think straight. The sweet smell of apples and grassy earthen undertones were wafting up from Applejack's hair, and it took what little willpower Dash had left to avoid nuzzling into it among other things.

"S-So Jackie why did ya wanna come out here anyways?" Rainbow managed to ask finally.

Leaning back slightly so she could look at the cyan mare levelly she replied softly, "It looks like we are early. It doesn't look like it has started y-"

Just as Applejack stopped the sky suddenly began to flash brightly. Rainbow Dash looked up and was amazed at the sight surrounding her, it was a full blown meteor shower. Streaks of light illuminating the sky brilliantly; it seemed as if it was raining stars all around them in that moment. She looked back to her date, who was admiring the light show above their heads spellbound.

"Hey Jackie, how did you know this was going to happen?" Dash asked after a short time.

Applejack looked back to Rainbow before replying, "Even if Twi, is a bit long winded in what she talks 'bout, she tends ta be quite specific about astrology. Ah jus' paid attention ta some've the things she was talkin' about as Ah helped her the other day. So, what do ya think about this Dashie?"

"It is absolutely amazing Jackie!" she replied with breathless amazement.

She felt like she could kiss Applejack right now, but her mind warned her this would be taking things way too fast. She instead came up with another solution for the two of them, and once again Twilight's obsessive tendencies would help them tonight.

"So AJ, would you mind...I dunno...sharing a blanket." She stumbled through her thought. "You know lay together and watch the meteor shower together?"

The orange mare smiled softly and replied, "I'd like that a lot Dash, but where would we get the blanket?"

She pulled out of their embrace and rushed over to the tree quickly finding the chest Twilight had hidden under the tree. She opened it and pulled out a large quilt that they usually laid out for their picnics. As Rainbow closed the chest taking the quilt she had to remember to thank her friend for her obsessive actions. She came back around the tree to find the blond mare sitting on the ground now looking at the sky. The cyan mare draped the quilt around Applejack's shoulders before sitting next to her and wrapping it around her as well.

"See I paid attention to Twilight once too, how is the blanket Jackie?" She asked a blush lightly hitting her cheeks again.

Applejack leaned toward Rainbow Dash and laid her head on the cyan mare's shoulder replying, "It's perfect Dashie."

Rainbow fished around for AJ's hand and found it quickly. She interlaced their fingers as she gripped the orange mare's hand. She could feel the farm mare nuzzling into her shoulder softly, her breaths slow and steady. Looking up into the sky it was still raining bright blazing lights as the meteors streaked across the skies. Her intently focused gaze was broken by the feeling of soft lips upon her cheek. She looked down to see Applejack making herself comfortable again after getting up to kiss her.

Rainbow smiled a warmth spreading across her body rapidly as her heart beat sped up. She squeezed Applejack's hand once before leaning over and softly kissing her on the top of her head. This night was absolutely perfect for the both of them and Dash was sure that neither of them wanted it to end ever. The grass cool beneath them, and the dark night sky lit up by the bright stars falling from it. Rainbow Dash just laid her head on top of Applejack's as they leaned into one another sharing their closeness and warmth.