• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 1,925 Views, 176 Comments

Our Pasts That Haunt Us - Dynasty-Kaine

Rainbow Dash's past could come back to bite her in the flank long before the new love she just found with her friend Applejack. Will their friend Pinkie Pie be able to protect them, or will they be lost to a vengeful heart? -ANTHRO-

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Chapter 12: Universal Law 2

Author's Note:

Okay everyone, I strongly recommend you watch yourselves in this chapter! Things get pretty bad between the characters in this chapter. So please...don't hate me too much for the ride ahead of you.

Pinkie had come to consciousness for what felt like the millionth time this week. She looked at the bandages on her arms, legs, and body with sorrow. Aside from the first day of bloody suffering Gilda had delivered to her, she had only been roughed up with blunted blows since. It seemed like it happened when she could hear the gryphoness arguing with herself on the floor above her, and as she spiraled she lost control of herself.

The pink party mare sighed in utter weakness, she truly pitied Gilda's condition. The gryphon could be so much more if she just got control back and turned away from this mad obsession over Rainbow Dash. This was something Pinkie tried to pry into when she would get assaulted, she was desperately trying to get a glimpse of Gilda's past. She just hoped that there would be something there she could use to get the she-gryphon to come back to reality.

She tugged at her bindings again, and they were just as secure as they were a week ago. It had been rather quiet all day in the house above, and thinking about it for a moment this was odd. With what the pink mare had gained from listening to what was happening around her she was sure she had a daily procedure figured out for Gilda. She would wake up, head out to extort others while gathering her precious information on Dash and Applejack, head to a bar to get drunk, come home with someone she would pick up at whatever bar she went to, proceed to bed the lucky mare or stallion loudly, and after they left she flowed right into her break downs.

Here it was the middle of the afternoon and no drunken Gilda luring in another victim of her seduction. Pinkie would have tried calling out for help before, but in reality she knew the consequence for this wasn't worth the risk just yet. She would simply bide her time, and it wasn't as if Gilda treated her like absolute filth. She was allowed to use the bathroom, was fed, and was even given clean underwear and bandages daily. The pink party mare knew this was in part because the real Gilda was still there deep, deep, deep down inside.

Her tummy growled loudly in hungry protest, and she looked down at her bare stomach. She, unlike Rainbow and AJ, had a small bit of tummy fat going for her since she was not as athletic as her friends. Overall with her sturdy built legs, wider hips, and the sensuous curves of her bust the little bit of tummy she felt fit right in.

She sighed, "Oh I do hope Rainbow and Applejack are still okay. I'll worry less once Gilda returns."

Pinkie having nothing in particular to do felt her body grow weary once again. Sleep seemed to be the only thing she could do anymore. As her eyes drooped and closed, sleep instantly claimed her taking her far away from this hell.

The pink mare would be awoken many hours later to loud thrashing noises coming from the floor above. Gilda was home, but something sounded off in her usual rant. She seemed so angry and despondent; like what little bit of her there was left had died while she was out today. Paired with that she sounded extremely drunk, and when combined this worried Pinkie greatly.

The door into the cellar was thrown open violently moments later as the gryphon stumbled down the stairs; a lantern in her hand. She went around the room lighting the various candles set about before turning to Pinkie. What she saw in Gilda's eyes absolutely horrified her to the core, her eyes were hollow and dead. Something had broken her permanently, and in an instant she was worried about her safety.

"How long -hic-?" the gryphon asked hollowly.

"How long what?" Pinkie replied cautiously.

The gryphon instantly backhanded the pink mare in fury, "Don't play dumb with me! How long have you known about Rainbow Dash going out with this Applejack? How long did you know they were marefriends?"

Pinkie shuddered in response to the strike, "I-I don't know. A week or two maybe, but I didn't know they got serious."

Gilda cocked an eyebrow before letting out a belch. Something about the pink mare had caught her attention, and she was afraid of what it was. She was trying so hard to keep a side of her mind buried within, after all these years of suppressing it she couldn't slip now. The gryphon stepped in front of Pinkie the scent of alcohol washing over her as Gilda panted heavily. She dared not look up at the gryphoness.

"You know Pinkie." Gilda said unsheathing a talon, placing it at the top of her cheek, then dragging it down to her chin lightly drawing her blood. "I think you enjoy pain. I think for some reason it brings you pleasure, and that's why I couldn't -hic- crack you when I first abducted you."

Pinkie shivered at the feeling of her face being scratched, "N-No, that's a lie!"

"You sick masochistic pony!" Gilda said with a laugh. "But I can relate, it is after all -hic- why I tolerated my father as much as I did."

A piece of her past that Pinkie had been waiting for, "W-What did he do to you Gilda?"

The gryphon closed her eyes ominously for a moment before saying, "Oh are you sure you want to know that Pink-hic-Pinkie Pie? Damn hiccups."

Pinkie didn't reply, she was scared of the consequences of that question.

"No answer huh?" the gryphoness smiled with insanity. "Too -hic- bad that asking or not asking will get you the same result."

Pinkie felt Gilda's hands on her hips, talons all out sharper than ever. She squirmed trying to get out of the broken creatures claws, but she only succeeded in getting more scratches. This sent even more chills down her spine, why couldn't she control this feeling? It was then Pinkie noticed what Gilda was up to, she was using her talons to remove her underwear, bra, and bandages.

"Wh-What are you doing Gilda?" the pink mare cried out in horror.

"Ya know Pink's I never noticed before -hic-, but you have quite the supple body. The things I could do to you, the things I could make you scream." Gilda said in a sultry voice.

"What?! No, no, no, nonononononononono! You can't do that!" Pinkie cried in desperation.

"Oh, but Pinkie. I don't think you get to decide what I'm -hic- going to do to you." she replied matter-of-factly.

The party mare did everything she could to keep her clothes covering her more private parts, but when she tried to Gilda would grab them and rip them away. Within moments she was entirely naked before the gryphoness.

"So Pink's I have a question for you." she paused malevolently putting a talon lightly on her nose. "Would you by chance still be a virgin?"

Pinkie clenched her eyes shut and turned away declaring, "That's none of your business you, you poor excuse for a gryphon!"

Gilda closed the distance between them to mere inches in a second and said in a dark threatening tone, "I'll take that as a yes then, and poor excuse for a gryphon? I think by the end of this you will be changing your tune -hic- my little canary."

She felt Gilda drag her talons sharply up her leg, and she inwardly felt a great deal of pleasure from this. The mare hated this feeling so much she began to break down and cry. When she tried to back away she found herself pushed back into the wall as the gryphoness pinned her there.

"N-No, please stop Gilda." Pinkie whimpered.

Gilda sheathed her talons, "You wanted to know what my dad did to me? Well he didn't do it the same way, but you are about to experience my personal hell!"

As Gilda's arm moved forcefully against the pink mare's body she felt a tearing sensation in her body. The mare let out a scream of sheer pain, and blood fell from her body to the cobblestones below just as it had a week ago.

"That is only the beginning of your night Pink's! I've got a lot more about my father I'm just dying to show you!" Gilda said laughing manically. "And if you're a good girl I'll show you the type of relationship me and Dash shared when we were younger!"

Pinkie's mind slowly drifted off and away from consciousness, instead fracturing into a second piece. Gilda had succeeded in breaking the party pony severely, and there would be repercussions for this sort of action. For one who acts in great evil and continues to hold intent to commit more foul deeds, will be dealt with all in good time. Yet in Pinkie's mind, when will that time arrive if it ever arrives at all.