• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 1,925 Views, 176 Comments

Our Pasts That Haunt Us - Dynasty-Kaine

Rainbow Dash's past could come back to bite her in the flank long before the new love she just found with her friend Applejack. Will their friend Pinkie Pie be able to protect them, or will they be lost to a vengeful heart? -ANTHRO-

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Chapter 16: May My Love Go On

Author's Note:

Chapter 16, keep reading...almost there!

Applejack smiled in relief at the mare who had come to her rescue. Gilda spun around in an instant dropping her long sharpened weapon. The gryphoness apparently hadn't planned on Dash showing up in the middle of this moment. Now she had to go on the defensive which, at this point, was rather impossible to pull off.

"D-Dashie what are you doing here? This isn't what it looks like at all. Jackie here was just helping me with a role I'm trying out for in a play!" the avian stalled for time to think.

"This isn't what it looks like, really G?" Rainbow said walking up to Gilda. "Then how about explaining the talon marks scoring down Pinkie Pie's body? Or even what play you could possibly be taking part in that is so violent looking?" Dash looked absolutely indignant at the gryphon's excuses. "What I most want to know, is what makes you think you have the right to call her Jackie!"

The cyan mare lunged forward and slugged the gryphon full force across the face, causing her to stumble heavily. She looked back in fearful confusion at Rainbow.

"But Dashie I--"

"Can it Gilda this isn't right and you know it!" she swung again at the gryphon knocking her off balance again. "You could've gone about this in a much less violent way. Did you think I would ever love you after finding out that you killed off every pony I ever cared about?"

The gryphoness began to block Dash's subsequent attacks, her mind seeming to enter a different state than before. It was probably the last straw in her mind that she could now never have the cyan mare, and this thought appeared to be slowly taking hold of Gilda's mind and being.

"Then at this point if I can't have you in life, I'll take you in death!" the gryphoness yelled in an unbridled rage.

She dodged Dash's next punch steeping aside quickly and using her shoulder shoved the pegasus a good distance away. Gilda moved with great agility to reach a small table with smaller versions of the iron spike she was nearly impaled with moments earlier. It looked like a small iron stake, and her marefriend had gotten up again already to rush the gryphon again. She was walking into a trap!

"No Dashie stop, it's a trap!" she screamed and thrashed wishing she could break away and save the polychomatic maned mare.

It was too late, as Gilda ducked under Dash's punch and charged her shoulder into the athletic core of the blue mare. She didn't stop there though as she put the spike in its position hovering over Rainbow's right shoulder. It was a few seconds after this they collided with one of the four thick wooden beams holding up the building. In that moment just one gut wrenching scream broke the air, now affixed to the wooden pillar was Rainbow Dash.

Dash was wearing a simple teal form fitting tank top that was quickly being dyed with her own blood. In the end her marefriend not wearing her usual evening coat had definitely cost her tonight. The rainbow maned mare looked down in pain at her shoulder before looking back up at Gilda in defiance of her assault.

"Oh don't look at me like that Rainbow Dash." Gilda growled at the cyan mare in disgust. "You did this to yourself after all. Now back to this filthy little harlot of yours, I may have another idea for her."

Gilda turned toward her and looked at her with eyes that looked dead and lifeless, there was no longer any light left in the gryphon. She had seen this before in her dreams, but in reality it felt much more impending and dreadful. Gilda charged in rapidly, and Applejack flinched closing her eyes to the gryphoness. She could be dead already and not even know it.

She quickly realized she was still alive as she heard and felt the iron cuffs come undone, dropping her to the floor like a dead weight. The pain that immediately exploded through her body as she hit the ground though was enough to elicit a grunt of pain. She then felt the shackles on her legs click open as well, and she looked up at Gilda as the gryphoness stood back up.

"Well Jackie, here is your chance to walk away yet again. The universe is so kind to you it would seem." Gilda said with a bout of laughter. "Door is open you can try to run away now and live, but I'll still have to come kill you anyways. So maybe you're up for another option? Why not get up and fight for your Dashie one last time?"

"Why should Ah? Yer just gonna kill me either way." AJ used her dream to her advantage. "Even if Ah try to fight you won't let me throw one punch before you run me through."

The gryphon looked at her shocked for a moment before regaining her composure, "Oh really now Jackie? Fine you got me then!" the avian reached back and removed the knife from her belt tossing it aside. "It's your lucky day Jackie, I'll give you a fair fight. But the result will be the same. What do you say?"

This was more to the blonde mare's liking; she wouldn't have abandoned her love for any reason, and now she wouldn't ever need consider it. Unlike in her dream she hadn't actually bled too much so her strength was more so than then, and if she pushed herself she might actually be able to get them out of this situation.

"Jackie just run, get out of here! Gilda will never hold her end of a fair fight deal! Please, I don't want you becoming a victim from the mistakes of my past!" Rainbow cried out to her desperately, tears lining her eyes. She knew what would happen.

Just like in her dream Applejack closed her eyes and let her body soak up the warmth of Dash's love for her, "Thank you kindly fer all yer love Dashie, but Ah gotta do this."

With her new found strength she pushed herself up onto her legs again, and found they were still unsteady from lack of motion. This could turn around in the blink of an eye. AJ looked up as Gilda assumed a fighting stance, and the farmer realized she could take the gryphon. She rushed in with a feigned punch from the left, and then turned and smashed Gilda with a high kick from the right. The shot was enough to knock the gryphoness to the floor easily, she had to win with her strongest muscles--her legs.

"I'm not gonna deal with those legs of yours a moment longer!" Gilda growled lunging at the orange mare, talons extended.

The pain that shredded through her right leg was absolutely unbearable. Deep gouges were scored up the front of her thighs, and Applejack had to hobble around on one leg till she got close to an empty table near the forge. She leaned her weight onto the table, and fear began to quickly set in again. In a single moment, Gilda had ripped the blonde mare's chances of living through this away. She faced Dash and saw a look of frantic worry there, it was almost like she was planning on pulling herself off of the stake that held her in place.

Gilda had got herself up again and this time rushed Applejack. She blocked the first attack, second, and then there was an opening. The farmer took her chances and aimed a strong shot at Gilda's neck, but the orange mare failed to notice the gryphoness setting up the counter for that very strike. Both collided in an instant and AJ felt a familiar sensation from her stomach as Gilda propped her up over her shoulder facing Dash.

"Looks like you were doomed to fail no matter the circumstances dear Jackie." the gryphon said mockingly. "Now why don't you look into Dashie's eyes one last time, as the life leaves your eyes forever."

Applejack was held there just a moment more as she felt a tear trickle out of her eye she saw the tears streaming down Rainbow's face. The cyan mare was screaming out her name frantically but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't answer her marefriend. She felt Gilda heave upward and toss her onto the floor in front of her, and as the blonde mare looked up she was horrified. The gryphon was licking her blood soaked talons clean. That sight was enough to make her realize, talons removed, that she would be forced to bleed out slowly.

Gilda turned to the cyan mare still cleaning her talons, "Now, what shall I do with you Dashie? Hmm maybe I'll torture you slowly till you break, or maybe I could just kill you then take my own life? So many options all end with me having you!"

Dash's tears had dried up in anger, "You know what Gilda, no matter what you do you can't have me the way you really need me."

"Oh really dweeb? I don't think you can refuse me that!" the avian replied pompously.

"The moment you decided to kill Jackie, a piece of me went with her. You will never have my heart now. Smooth move G!" she shouted her hollow victory.

The gryphon looked absolutely stricken with rage as she lashed her talons out across Dash's face; the cyan mare merely laughed. Applejack watched in silent horror, still breathing and clinging onto life.

"Fine you want to deny me everything? Then I hope you enjoy pain cause I'm gonna bring you to the brink of life and keep you there till you beg for death!" Gilda shouted in psychotic rage.

No! She's gonna hurt mah Dashie, Ah won't stand fer that! Even if Ah have ta die ta protect her!

Dash's screams began to echo throughout the room as Gilda began using her talon's like knives. The blonde farmer pulled herself slightly up and saw the very pole the gryphon had tried skewering her with earlier. She slid herself over slowly then grasped the iron spear and used it to prop herself up with what little strength she had left in her. It was a miracle that both Dash and Gilda were too occupied in their own individual grievances, and in a sense it was a blessing sent down from the very spirits of her parents.

Applejack took one more deep breath and reveled in the flash of memories that rushed through her mind of all the time she had spent with Rainbow Dash over the years. The memory last through her mind was the last time they stared into one another's eyes.

"Ah love ya Dashie, no matter what happens to us." Applejack declared softly.

"Love you too Jackie, forever." was Dash's heartfelt reply.

Ah woulda wanted ta marry an' spend the rest o' mah days with ya Dashie, but it looks like the universe has other plans. AJ mused in her mind as tears fell down her face.

She readied the sharp spear and mustered all of her strength, "Ey Gilda! Y'all won't be hurtin' mah Dashie ever again!"

Applejack shouted her loudest as she rushed and drove through the violent and oppressive gryphon, swinging her away from Dash after she was sure of her strike. She collapsed back down onto her knees with the deed done and her true love finally safe. Looking vaguely over she saw the gryphon twitching and fidgeting as she rapidly succumbed to her wounds.

She looked up to Dash who was pulling with much needed haste at the stake in her shoulder, "Ey, Dashie...looks like yer safe now. Doesn't seem like Ah'm gonna make it though shugarcube."

Rainbow's eyes bolted wide in fear a new strength allowed her to pry the stake from her shoulder, and through gritted teeth she shouted a curse. Her wound didn't slow her action though as she quickly came over to AJ holding her shoulder tightly. Dash helped the blonde mare to lay down upon her back evenly on the floor. She pulled off her shirt putting it to the farmer's stomach wound applying as much pressure as she could.

"Y-You're gonna be alright Jackie. Now that I got you, stop talking like yer gonna die!" the rainbow maned mare said through her tears.

"Dashie, come 'ere." Applejack managed to motion her closer.

The blue mare complied bringing her face close to AJ's, and in that instant the farmer reached up and pulled Dash down into what would be their last kiss. Tears streaming from both of their eyes they both embraced the kiss as if it were their first. As the kiss parted Applejack held Rainbow close so she could hear her last words.

"R-Rainbow Dash, I Applejack love you with all mah heart an' soul. Ah woulda taken you in marriage an' fer the rest o' mah days. Sadly Ah--" she broke off in a coughing fit before continuing. "Ah must, say goodbye baby, but 'member what we said earlier Dash?"

Rainbow, though shattered and in pieces replied, "No matter what happens to us we will love one another forever. Jackie please I'm not ready to lose you!"

"You remembered, Ah'm...Ah'm glad." Applejack said her voice getting quieter as she faded. "Remember Dashie...Mah love fer you...will go on. Ah...Ah love...you."

"Jackie? Jackie! Applejack!" Dash yelled shaking the farm mare's body as her emerald eyes closed forever.


It was another hour before authorities arrived to the scene and immediately set to work trying to process the area. The one area they could not manage to get anywhere near was where Rainbow Dash now sat, with Applejack's unmoving head in her lap. Any time a pony got close Dash got viciously defensive, the world seemed like nothing outside of the mare lost in her arms.

It wasn't until Pinkie Pie arrived with Big Macintosh at her side that Rainbow opened her eyes to her surroundings. The pink party mare looked fearful, and Big Mac looked stricken with grief at what he saw.

Pinkie spoke first in a hesitant voice, "I-Is she..?"

"Yes Pinkie, Jackie's gone." Rainbow said numbly.

Big Mac simply looked away too taken by his grief to say a word now that his fears were confirmed. Rainbow couldn't blame the bright red stallion, right now she felt dead inside. As if her heart had been carved right out of her chest and left to turn to dust in the wind. Pinkie broke down completely at this point.

"This is all my fault! I should have known better than to trust her! Now one of my best friends is dead and the other is sitting here broken!" Pinkie lamented loudly before breaking away from Big Mac and running off.

Dash had tried to yell after her, but with that outburst she knew the party mare wasn't lying about Gilda causing her mind to hemorrhage. She was worried what the pink mare would do next. Then a touch broke into her thoughts, it was Big Mac's hand upon Dash's shoulder.

"We need ta let the crime ponies take it from here Dash. Lets go home, mah sister wouldn't want ya stayin' here in pain." he said to her gently.

Tears streamed down her face again as she looked at him, "But I can't Mac, I'm not ready for her to leave yet!"

It was then the stallion seemed to realize he and the police ponies would have to work together to separate them. After a bit of convincing Big Mac managed to get Rainbow to accept a piggy back ride from him, and she climbed onto his back slowly wrapping her arms and legs around him. Things passed Dash by in a haze, Gilda's rigid lifeless body, the police ponies handling her once warm marefriend with great care, the photographers taking pictures of the crime scene, and the crowd of ponies gathered outside the abandoned residence.

As they passed the paramedics on their way out, they tried to stop the red stallion. This was likely because of the cyan mare's deep shoulder wound, which had long since closed itself up. He simply stopped and gave them a stern look as they impeded his path.

"Ah think she has a bigger wound ta tend to that y'all can't treat even with yer fancy medicine. Now git outta mah way."

They took a moment to think over the stallion's words before they complied with his request and stepped aside. Everything seemed to pass by in slow motion as they walked through town. After what seemed to be a long time of Big Mac carrying her through the cold night air, she began to notice the familiar apple trees that lined the road toward the Apple family home in Sweet Apple Acres. What reason would he have for taking her there?

"Hey Mac, why are you taking me back to the farm with you?" Dash inquired innocently.

"Considerin' how much mah sister loved ya Rainbow, yer as much an Apple as she was." the red stallion concluded.

"But we never got far enough to be married." the cyan mare despaired.

"Don't matter, yer family enough to me." the ginger stallion paused. "Sister in law."

"Big Mac I," Rainbow paused, she was touched by his sentiment as tears again broke from her eyes. "...thank you."

As they reached the farm house together all was silent, but soon there would be sadness unrivaled among the entire family. Big Mac carried her through the front door, avoiding Applebloom's instant barrage of questions, and began to carry Dash upstairs silently. At the top of the stairs though, stood Granny Smith. Her eyes looked red from what Dash could only assume were tears, a warm and gentle smile across her face. The old mare had always had ways of knowing just what was going on with her kin, and Applejack had been no exception to the rule.

"You know where ta let this young one rest 'er head Mac." the white maned older mare said with a creaking voice as she let the stallion pass.

He continued forwards only a short way before opening a door with a name engraved upon it, Applejack. Slowly the stallion strode over to the bed, turned away from it, and bent down to allow Rainbow the time to crawl off slowly. As the rainbow maned mare got herself on the bed comfortably, she found herself surrounded by the scent of the blonde farm mare as if she were still with her right now. Yet, she knew it wasn't possible for her love to be back. Her shoulder throbbed in pain, but the hollow feeling in her heart swallowed up that pain and made it feel like nothing.

"Rest yer head one last time with Applejack. We'll treat that wound o' yers tomorrow when ya wake up." Big Mac cooed softly.

She gripped AJ's pillow tightly crying, "Thank you fer ev-everything Big Mac."