• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 1,926 Views, 176 Comments

Our Pasts That Haunt Us - Dynasty-Kaine

Rainbow Dash's past could come back to bite her in the flank long before the new love she just found with her friend Applejack. Will their friend Pinkie Pie be able to protect them, or will they be lost to a vengeful heart? -ANTHRO-

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Chapter 14:Casualties Of The Universe

Author's Note:

Chapter 14 was not as easy for me to write, but I managed. I kept debating where to end it, but ended up cutting it where it ends. I believe this will make for more dramatic touch...I hope!

Pinkie Pie laid on the floor of the cellar no longer bound in chains, but no longer willing to leave where she was. All she could feel right now was her body tingling with anticipation at what delights Gilda would bring her when she returned. The pink party mare was still quite severely mentally fractured from the night before. This new persona just wanted to be physically harmed till she could scream out with feelings of ecstasy. Pain, sex, it was all the same to this new mind given form by Gilda's cruelty.

She was so far gone and the gryphoness had knew it too, which was why Pinkie was unchained. Now she was a slave to her own inner vices and they weren't going away any time soon. Gilda seemed so happy when they were done last night, maybe she did something good for her. Deep inside all Pinkie wanted was to be used by the sultry gryphoness again and again. It was as if the real her was still in a deep sleep buried somewhere far, far away.

It was while she was drooling imagining Gilda that she heard noises from up above. That couldn't be her Gilda home to punish her so early, but if it wasn't her then who could it be? As hooves hit the ground heavy and slow she could tell it was a stallion, but not which one it could be. It was then she heard a drawl southern accent she knew.

"Pinkie Pie, are y'all in here? Please lemme 'ave found the right place..."

A light sparkled in Pinkie's eyes for a moment, "B-Big Mac?"

"Iffin Ah was that shifty bird, where would Ah hide ya?" Big Mac asked aloud.

Pinkie began to wake up from her haze, but was being fought every inch of the way.

"Big Mac...down here." her voice came out but a tiny whisper.

Gilda had to have hidden the entrance to the cellar well because the bright red stallion wasn't checking anywhere near it, at least with what she could tell. Her hemorrhaged mind was at war and she wasn't winning the fight with her masochistic side. It was pushing her to stay quiet and wait for Gilda to come home and reward her for being a good little pet. It was then a thought popped into her mind, a memory of something she had said weeks ago.

If I don't do something to keep those smiles bright, I will never forgive myself.

A tear welled up in Pinkie's eye and ran down her face. My friends need me more than I need that demented gryphon. She pushed one last time to get Big Macintosh's attention, and her voice broke free.

"Big Mac, I'm down here! In the cellar!" she cried out sitting up as she called.

He immediately looked to the floorboards and replied, "Pinkie? How are ya down there, Ah dun see any way down there 'less it's outside."

He moved to check and Pinkie shouted, "No it isn't out there! She has probably covered it to make it look like an inaccessible part of the house."

"Pinkie y'all know Ah'm not good at these kinds a riddles..." Big Mac hesitated.

Pinkie felt the split personality gain strength in her mind again, "Gah nonononono!"

"Pinkie ya alright?"

Her reply was a loud moan first then she actually spoke, "Mac I don't know how long I can keep my mind here, you need to find that door." she said holding her hands up a moment. "You need to start looking to your immediate right!"

Pinkie had to do something to satisfy the split personality, so she began to bite her arm viciously. It was working, but it came with a flash of memory from the night before. She had sold out what the Apple family did today most times, they sold their goods in the town center. If Applejack had been the one out making sales today she was in grave danger!

She could hear the red stallion ripping through the entire side of the house she told him to look through, but would he be able to get to her before Gilda got back? It was a thought that put Pinkie on an irritable edge.

"Please tell me you've found the entrance Big Mac!" the pink mare hollered in desperation.

"Ah, Ah think Ah found somethin'!" he called back. "Yes! Ah've found it, but it's gonna take a moment ta clear all the debris surroundin' it."

"Oh fer the love of buck!" Pinkie hollered as she slouched back down onto the cold cobblestone floor.

She felt the sedated feeling slipping back into her body, her mind was shifting control again.

No, no, no! Not now! Pinkie cried in her mind.

Pinkie, you really gotta learn to shut up and let it happen. Now that I'm here I'm not leaving. A sultry deeper tone of Pinkie's own voice replied.

No you need to...go......away.......... Pinkie said as she faded from consciousness.

She opened her eyes again, a burning lust now lighting them.

"So he's called Big Mac, wonder if I can lure him into doing me a...big favor." the split of Pinkie said under her breath.

She got up and walked over to a wall and leaned up against it for a moment before sliding down it roughly. She tore up her back with scratches and once again moaned out, this time in more evident pleasure. The pink mare wondered just how long it would take that stallion to get down here.

As she found herself wondering this the door knob turned and the door swung open. The stallion quickly rushing downstairs trying to find Pinkie, and came upon her quickly. He rushed over and nelt down beside her. He tried to pick her up and move her but she pushed away.

"Oh no, no big boy. You don't get this pink mare till you do me a favor first." she said in a sultry bedroom voice.

"Pinkie stop kiddin' around we gotta get outta 'ere." the stallion replied.

"Oh Pinkie? She is currently on hiatus till I've had my fill of you. Now are you called Big Macintosh for any particular reason?" the mare replied.

Big Mac was definitely blushing now, "Stop it Pinkie, that's not funny."

"I'm not Pinkie that's no joke big boy." she grabbed him and pulled him down on top of her nude body. "Now how's about we find out if you can give me what I want."

With one strong motion he pushed back off of her and paused a moment looking directly in her eyes. His stare was just so powerful, she found herself biting her lip in anticipation of what could be ahead.

"Dunno how long y'all can keep yer mind 'ere..." Big Mac repeated words the real Pinkie spoke earlier shock setting in. "Oh mah stars, that gryphon didn't...did she?"

"Oh she did! She broke me in all the right ways too! I can still feel her talons slashing their way down my back!" the pink mare declared lustfully.

"So y'all exist cuz Pinkie couldn't take the pain. Damn that gryphon!" Big Mac cursed ruefully. "Fine then, till y'all give me Pinkie back fer at least 'n hour, ya can't in any way have what y'all want from me."

The pink mare looked back at him with disgust, "Oh so you're gonna try and play hard ball with me?" she said crawling toward him. "I don't think s--hey! Where are you going!"

He had stood up and began to walk towards the cellar door, and sat down in front of it.

"Ah could leave ya, but then Ah'd be lettin' Pinkie let her friends down. So Ah guess as long as yer around all o' Ponyville will have ta frown." the red stallion stated evenly.

"Arrrggghhh!!" Pinkie roared and began to thrash about on the floor as the war in her mind commenced once again.

After a few moments Pinkie's body came to an eerie halt, and she slumped over onto the floor unconscious.

I'll be back Pinkie the split persona said.

Fine, but not if you're gonna bring frowns to other pony's! Pinkie answered defiantly.

It was scary to admit but she felt her persona was capable of so much more evil than it currently exhibited. As she slowly came to she knew she had wronged Big Mac and had to say something.

"Big Mac I know you're still there, and I am so sorry you had to go through that just now." the party mare said as she began to cry in shame.

He got up and came back over to her, "An' Ah'm sorry fer not savin' y'all back in the orchards before Gilda did this to ya. Now come on we gotta get out of here."

Gilda, this snapped Pinkie to attention, "Didn't you wonder at all why that monster isn't here to stop you Mac? It's because she's out stalking her next victim, and her prime target is either Applejack or Rainbow Dash!"

"Wh-What?" the stallion did a double take at the mention of his sister.

"Was Applejack scheduled to do the sales stand today?" Pinkie questioned direly.

"Mmm...eeyup." was all he said as he looked away from the mare.

"Oh noes! What time of day is it, we might be able to get to her before Gilda!" she declared noticing the stallion not looking at her still. "What's wrong Big Mac?"

"Yer still naked Pinkie. Prancin' through town like that will prolly get us stopped." he replied with a slightly noticeable blush.

"Oh right." she said sheepishly. "Gilda kinda thrashed my clothes though. So I don't have anything to wear unless."

A smile spread across her face as she got up giving Big Mac a full view of her.

"Could ja warn me next time y'all do that?" the stallion said covering his eyes.

Pinkie quickly headed upstairs, "Sorry Mac, when inspiration hits you go with it!"

She began digging through Gilda's thing quickly trying to find a suitable pair of clothes, and ended up with tight black denim jeans and a loose black v-neck shirt. No undergarments were available that weren't torn up so she just decided to go commando. Right now her best friends needed her more than anything.

She peaked back down into the cellar, "Big Mac you comin'? We have to get to AJ now!"

He stood up and strode over, "Whenever yer ready to run Pinkie."

From there they quickly bolted to the town square, and with the sun starting to set slowly she knew if they got to the orange farmer they would barely catch her. It was a twenty minute run from the outskirts to the town hall, and Applejack was nowhere in sight. Big Mac had stopped in front of a group of boxes.

"She would never leave an Apple family box abandoned in the street. We were too late Pinkie." a tear escaped the stallion's eye. "That monster has my sister now."

As Pinkie laid eyes on the scene it was obvious her friend had put up a strong resistance, but the struggle broke out after the gryphon had her in her grip. Just like she did when she manipulated Pinkie, but those claws were just so appealing. She shook her head as a headache set in strong.

"Ungh, why now?" Pinkie groaned.

Big Mac noticed her change in posture and leaned into her ear, "Hasn't been an hour yet."

She turned to the ginger maned stallion, "What do you mean?"

"Just remindin' that other half o' ya what Ah told it earlier." he said with a cocky smile.

It seemed that he had pulled her split personalities strings effectively as the headache began to subside, and the thoughts of Gilda's talons subsided. Looking at the scene before them Pinkie had a feeling that Gilda had taken to the skies with her prey, but she seriously doubted she would drop her. She wanted to torture anyone who would say they loved Dash more than her.

She knew Big Macintosh wanted to go beat the gryphoness to a pulp for what she had done, but Pinkie couldn't let this slide. It had to be Rainbow Dash that settled her own past quarrels. She walked over and set a soft hand upon the tall stallion's shoulder. He turned to look at her tears and fury in his expression.

She just looked back and calmly said, "We need to get Rainbow first, Macintosh."

"But she's mah sister Pink--" he was cut off as Pinkie placed a finger on his lips.

"I know Macintosh, but this is Rainbow's past that's come back to haunt her." the pink mare paused. "Therefore only she can end it, and whatever ending may come has to be."

"But what if she can't save AJ?" he questioned his tone worried.

"Then she'll die trying." Pinkie said somberly. "Now let's get to lookin' for her, time's a wasting!"

Pinkie was ultimately an innocent victim of a cycle of hatred and obsession, and would be scarred for life with that encounter she knew. Yet this didn't mean she would simply lie down and let that become her fate a hundred percent. It was more like a fifty-fifty split now, at least in her mind it was.