• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 1,926 Views, 176 Comments

Our Pasts That Haunt Us - Dynasty-Kaine

Rainbow Dash's past could come back to bite her in the flank long before the new love she just found with her friend Applejack. Will their friend Pinkie Pie be able to protect them, or will they be lost to a vengeful heart? -ANTHRO-

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Chapter 8: Forgive Me Please

Author's Note:

This is a chapter all romance's strive to reach. Mine is relatively short because I simply did not feel like putting any more than this in this chapter, and I really think that it's fitting.

As always Like, Comment, and Fave as is appropriate. And ENJOY your reading of Chapter 8!

After her encounter with Pinkie Pie she had put on whatever she had left to catch up to AJ. Rainbow Dash arrived at the Apple residence, with what she could tell, shortly after Applejack had stormed through. She found Big Mac standing perplexed in the front yard looking at the front door of the house. The big stallion looked absolutely sick with worry, and she couldn't blame him in the least.

"Big Mac which way did she run?" she stopped to ask the red stallion.

"No." was all he said.

"Please Big Mac, this was a huge misunderstanding! Right now I need to tell her what happened, and beg for her forgiveness!" Dash found herself practically groveling to the stallion for information.

"Why should Ah Rainbow?" was all he came back with.

She fell to her knees gripping the stetson tightly in her hands, "Please Macintosh, I need her...I just can't...I can't..." tears beginning to erupt from her eyes as the whole situation settled over her.

As she closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Applejack's hat she felt two hands on her shoulders. They slid down her arms and eventually wrapped around her sides, she knew the arms that embraced her now.

It was then she heard a whisper in her ear, "Now don't cha let me distract y'all from tellin' Bic Mac here what ya need ta. Go on tell him."

She looked up at him a fire in her magenta eyes and answered him, "Because I love her, and I need her more than anything I've ever needed before! I don't want to lose a mare like that in my life."

He simply nodded and walked off into the eastern fields, it was about the time in the week they would be tending that part of the fields anyways. Slowly he disappeared into the distance, and now it was time to ask the question that was quickly eating away at her. She needed to understand why Applejack was being so gentle with her.

"Jackie, why? I thought you were angry with me?" she asked in confusion.

"Ah still am." she replied gently.

"Then why are you?" Dash said even more baffled than she was before.

"Cause Ah wanted ta coax ya inta admitting why ya gave chase after Ah stormed off. No normal mare or stallion woulda done that without a mighty strong reason." she finished slowly standing up and walking away from Dash.

She turned around in desperation, "No AJ wait I--"

"Just follow me Dashie, and we will talk. Don't ya worry y'all will get yer chance." the blonde farmer cut Dash off.

The farmer began to head toward the western fields opposite the one Big Mac had gone into. They walked for what seemed to be hours to Dash, but she continued to follow AJ determined to set the record straight with her. Finally the orange mare found a comfortable spot below an already bucked apple tree and motioned for her to sit as well. The nature surrounding them seemed rather familiar.

"Okay then sugarcube, Ah'm listening." she stated flatly her eyes level and unbiased.

She sat down and took a deep breath, "Okay AJ, you have every right to be upset with me. I shouldn't have just passively put up with Spitfire like that. Had you not come by at that moment I was going to tell her to leave, but things didn't happen that way at all."

Applejack nodded in silence at her explanation.

"After you left I just about decked Spitfire for what she had done, but instead I told her off. Even mentioning loudly that you were my marefriend in the cafe." she paused for a moment blushing and trying to gauge the response of her friend.

The blonde farmer nodded again and simply asked, "And when was it y'all noticed how ya truly felt?"

"When I was chasing you. I was scared you would never forgive me, that we would never be together again. I knew I needed you. So please, Jackie forgive me," Rainbow replied with pure honesty then held out the stetson, "By the way I brought back your hat."

She sat up on her knees and reached forward to take the hat, but caught Dash off guard with her grip. Applejack had instead grabbed Rainbow's wrist and pulled her forward in a quick instant. It was in this split second that the whole world stopped, their lips colliding in perfect harmony. Her lips were soft against Rainbow's as they for a brief moment shared a deep passionate kiss.

Rainbow wrapped her arms around the orange mare and she did the same to her, their bodies held tight together. In that moment Dash felt like she was one with Applejack, and she found herself not wanting that moment to end.

Applejack ended that moment when she broke away to say, "Ah forgive ya shugar, with all mah heart."

Dash didn't hold herself back a moment more as she pushed the apple farmer up against the empty apple tree. She pushed her lips up against AJ's once more reveling in their sweet taste, so warm and so alive. Warm panting between them showed they were going to need to breathe soon, but Dash couldn't break this passion now. Finally Dash ran out of breath and they broke apart. She looked into the emerald orbs of her love letting them swallow her up as she panted trying to catch her breath. She moved to lay beside her marefriend and was quickly wrapped and pulled close. She snuggled into the crook of Applejack's shoulder.

"So Dash don't y'all recognize this spot at all?" the blonde mare suddenly said putting her hat back atop her head.

She looked around for a moment trying to figure out where they were, it couldn't be where she thought it was. She thought it looked eerily familiar, but it couldn't be possible that the blonde farmer would remember the exact spot in the orchard. She looked up at the farm mare expectantly for the truth.

"It's where things between us really started, where we both got more serious about what we felt." Applejack said softly. "Now Ah gotta ask y'all to forgive me Dashie. How I acted earlier had to do with my past...my first coltfriend to be exact. Ah'm quite ashamed of how it made me jump the gun."

Rainbow Dash had been waiting for the moment this story would come out, and she had waited for her marefriend to feel comfortable enough to tell it.

"Go on Jackie. Tell me more, and I will listen." she cooed softly to the blonde farmer.

"When we were together things went real well. He was awful sweet ta me constantly, but the odd thing was with his looks he coulda had any mare. Yet he chose ta be with me. We got close quickly, and after making it official Ah often found mahself feeling jealous of all the other mares he would attract. Yet he always managed ta ease these paranoid fears o' mine, and boy was Ah blind in hindsight." she stopped a moment as if getting sucked into the terrible memory again.

Dash nuzzled into her shoulder softly and began rubbing her marefriend's stomach lightly. She did what she could to keep the orange mare feeling comfortable and safe. She knew Applejack had to let this memory out to finally be free of it.

"One romantic night swept the both of us away, and that was the night Ah gave mahself to him. Ah was so sure he was the one that Ah would be with forever, and yet..." she bowed her head tears falling from her eyes.

Rainbow reached up and attempted to wipe away Applejack's tears a gesture that made her look at the rainbow maned mare with a smile.

"It was a week later Ah caught 'im at a cafe with another mare. At first Ah thought it was nothing seein' as this happened often. Ah snuck up casually behind him...wouldn't he be surprised ta see me with a day off? It was then that Ah heard the mare say, "Oh you know I take what I want hun, and right now I want you. So what do you say big boy?" Ah thought that she would be in fer quite the surprise when he replied." she laughed before continuing, "Little did Ah know it was ME who was in fer the surprise when he answered, "Yeah I'm game, just let me get my--" It was then when he got up to go get his drink from the counter, that he turned to see me standing there horror stricken."

Applejack shuddered, and Rainbow just continued to hold her tight as the memory gripped her tightly. It seemed to be taking everything the blonde farmer had to keep going with the memory, the tenseness in her body quite evident to Dash.

"Jackie if it's too much you can stop." she said sympathetically.

"Now that's why Ah love ya Dashie, you genuinely give a hoot about me. When he noticed me there all he did was try ta explain it away. Not once did the sorry excuse fer a stallion even try to say sorry. Not once! In one moment, Ah lost everything Ah had dreamed would be an' then-some. He had left me feeling dirty and used, an' Ah hated it but more than that...Ah hated mahself fer letting him use me." she began to sob as she pulled her knees up closer to her body.

Dash sat up allowing her to pull her knees as close as she could before embracing her as wholly as she could. That was why Applejack had flipped, it was the exact same line that shattered her heart years ago. It was simply natural that she had reacted in such a negative fashion. What that stallion had done to her Jackie was unforgivable, and Rainbow knew if she ever met the sorry sack of sewage she would give him something to remember what he did--permanently.

"D-Dashie..." She heard AJ mumble through her tears.

"Yeah Jackie?" she answered softly.

The emerald eyes peaked over the farmer's knees as she asked through sobs, "Do-Do ya forgive meh for gettin' so wound up?"

"Of course I do." she lifted Applejack's head from its burial between her knees to face her, "I love you after all Jackie."

With that their lips met again as they simply melted into one another. Dash gently stroked the orange mare's cheek with her hand, and held the back of her neck with the other softly propping her up into the kiss. The orange mare had been through far more than Dash could have ever imagined, and she just hoped that now she could give her all the happiness she deserved. She wasn't going to let anything deny them their happiness, even if she had to die trying.

When the kiss parted again they simply stared into one another's eyes before laying down next to each other in the orchard. Their arms wrapped tightly around the other, they shared the warmth of their bodies as they let the day slip away. Their hearts beating, together as one.