• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 1,925 Views, 176 Comments

Our Pasts That Haunt Us - Dynasty-Kaine

Rainbow Dash's past could come back to bite her in the flank long before the new love she just found with her friend Applejack. Will their friend Pinkie Pie be able to protect them, or will they be lost to a vengeful heart? -ANTHRO-

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Chapter 17: In The Aftermath Of Loss

Two weeks later...

Rainbow Dash straightened out her black dress in front of the mirror in her room. Applejack's funeral was today, and she would not miss it when on the guest list she had been marked as 'Spouse'. She had also found out quite a bit about herself over the past two weeks.

In fact, the past weeks had been one heck of a rough ride to say the very least. Her shoulder had gotten an infection the day after the incident, but she was able to fight it off with the good doctors of Ponyville at her side after only two days. She had remained in Applejack's room for the longest time not yet ready to let go. It had taken Signature Sandwich, her boss and friend, to get her moving finally. She stood there and let the memories of the time leading up to this point wash over her.


Dash had been simply laying on AJ's old bed when the forest green stallion walked in. She just sat up wearily and looked at him with a dull expression. This didn't seem to deter the stallion any as a thoughtful expression broke across his face.

"So Dash, I hear you haven't left this room much since that night last week?" he questioned.

"Yeah what of it?" she replied with little emotion.

"Hmph, you really aren't gonna make this easy fer me." the stallion said as he crossed his arms.

"Make what easy on you?" the cyan mare replied dully.

He simply grunted and approached the mare, and reaching over in one movement picked her up. He couldn't separate her from Jackie's presence, she reached out and grabbed the bed post desperately.

"No I won't go!" she yelled.

"Rainbow Dash." the older yellow maned stallion said kindly. "If Applejack could see you now, what would she say? All I want is for you to come out of this room and see what is happening in the world around you."

"I don't want to! As far as I'm concerned the world stopped turning the night Jackie died!" she squeezed her eyes shut and held onto the bed.

"Fine." Signature said as he let go of Dash and let her fall to the floor coldly.

She rounded on him anger in her eyes, "Hey, what was that for?"

"If the world stopped turning for you that night, then everyone to you simply don't exist anymore. And if everyone in the world don't exist then I surely can't hold you up." the green stallion said once again crossing his arms. "You need to stand on your own two hooves again before anypony can help you. Also, due to the circumstances you have another two weeks before you have to start work. Oh and another thing, once you find yourself again come and let me know the real Rainbow Dash is back."

With that the sandwich maker walked out of the room leaving the door wide open. Dash just sat there dumbfounded for a moment before pulling herself back up onto unsteady legs. Maybe the older stallion was right, maybe it was about time she at least tried to stand again. If not for herself, then at least for Applejack.

She stepped out of the room and slowly headed downstairs to find Granny Smith, Big Mac, and Applebloom all rushing about and active. Big Mac was on the phone talking, Granny Smith was digging through what looked like an address book, and Applebloom was doing everything she could to clean and straighten the rooms of the house.

"What's going on here?" Rainbow broke the air around the main room.

Every Apple stopped what they were doing and looked up at her shocked at first, but quickly easing into warm smiles. Applebloom was the first to come to Dash wrapping her arms around her in the biggest hug. The red stallion quickly got the last of the information he needed from whomever he was on the phone with, and then hung it up walking over to her as well.

"It's good ta see ya up and about again Dash!" Macintosh said with a bright smile.

"Eh, still not back to a hundred percent so don't go assuming things." the rainbow maned mare said with a slight smile. "So what is everyone up to?"

"We're gettin' the family all together fer Applejack's fu--" the cream coated Applebloom cut her sentence at the last second, realizing what she was saying.

Rainbow put a hand gently on the young filly's head, "It's okay Bloom, I've sorta accepted she's not coming back to us again."

The younger mare looked happy, "Ah'm glad to hear that Rainbow."

"Well then since yer willin' to talk about it, why don't chu lend us a hand in getting things ready?" Granny Smith said in her usual spirited tone.

Rainbow felt a pain in her heart still, but she bore it with what was left of herself. She knew Jackie was dead, and that she would never feel her again. It didn't change the fact that she missed her greatly, but she had to do what she could to cope and live carrying her marefriend's love on. The last thing she could do for Applejack was make sure that the funeral went perfectly.

"Granny, I'd be honored to help in any way!" Dash answered the older mare with a bright smile.

Over the next three days, Dash worked harder than she ever had before in her life preparing the funeral. She was amazed at how fast all of Applejack's family members came, starting to arrive only a day after she came out of the room. She had helped Big Mac dig out the spot, it was right next to their parents and Rainbow had to admit that the spot was breathtaking. After that they headed back to the barn to prepare it to house the wake that would follow shortly after the burial.

All the pegasus was doing was keeping her mind busy with work, totally denying herself any more time to think about her feelings. The mare had done it all day and the sun was already beginning its descent, it wouldn't be easy to do the work in the barn without light. As she reached forward to open the barn door the red stallion reached out a hand and stopped her.

"Mac, what're you doing?" she turned and asked him a tinge of irritation on her voice.

"Dash, Ah appreciate what chur doin' an' all, but ya need ta take a moment fer yerself." was his simple reply.

She cocked her eyebrow in confusion, "What do you mean?"

The ginger stallion sighed before continuing, "All you've dun is busy yerself since y'all left that room, why don't cha head home and take some time to think 'bout yer feelin's? The invitation fer the funeral will be along the day before or earlier."

She stood there for a long moment taking in fully what he was telling her, but she was having a hard time with it suddenly. She blinked several times anxiety beginning to edge its way into her body language. Her mind cleared by a light shake from Big Mac.

"Dash, don't go losin' yerself now!" he said firmly.

"Huh, oh sorry Mac!" she replied sheepishly. "Guess having a moment to myself could do that. So back to work."

As she tried to reach for the barn door again the ginger maned stallion pulled her away again, "Ah'm serious Dash go home fer the night."

She looked down in melancholy defeat, she couldn't keep hiding from her problems. She turned and walked away from the farm not saying a single word as she went. Then, when the memories came flooding back to her yet again she broke into a sprint. She didn't know where she was running, but Rainbow knew she had to run. Before she knew what was happening she, had unfurled her wings and taken to the skies above, tears streaking from her eyes as she felt her broken heart beat in her chest.

"This...This is just too much! It still hurts!" Dash yelled to herself over the wind current. "I have to go home, there has to be something that can help my heart heal!"

As she came to a landing at the front porch of her home, she was stunned to see Signature Sandwich sitting on the front step. The last rays of sunlight outlining his figure, highlighting his face in a sagely manner. How was it even possible for him to stand on the clouds, this reeked of Twilight Sparkle's magic.

"Took ya long enough to get here!" the electric yellow maned stallion exclaimed noticing her arrival.

"How are you here, more importantly why?" she asked with ample confusion walking toward the stallion.

"Firstly, your alicorn friend Twilight. Second, for you Dash." Signature replied as the cyan mare went to sit next to him.

"I don't understand, how did you know I would come home once I finally got out of Applejack's room?"

"Let's just say, that I've rode through this rodeo before. Member Dash, I'm old!" he said with what seemed a forced laugh.

She smiled and started something she didn't begin to understand, "Alright then oh old one, why don't you share your wisdom with me then?"

"Of course." he simply nodded. "Ask away."

"Whenever I'm not keeping my mind busy and my thoughts wander, I start to feel my memories come back. I start to literally feel my broken heart pounding in my chest, and it hurts." her voice cracked at the end of her sentence.

"Hmm go on then." he gently eased her on.

She calmed herself and continued, "For all the strength I have to accept the fact that she is dead and gone, I just can't stop the pain from the memories of when she was here! I mean really what am I gonna do without her?"

"Go on living happily." Sig answered.

"What? Happily,how is that even possible?" a sob evident in her voice.

"I dunno Dash. That's for you to find out yourself, but I personally started with music." the stallion revealed.

She looked at him in surprise, "You started with, but Sig that implies..."

"Yeah it sure does, the mother of my son. My wife, my love, and my everything. What you just described sounds not all that different from what I felt when I lost her."

"I'm sorry to hear that Sig." she said softly.

"Don't be, I found my strength again. Here's an idea, go through all of your music as well as hers and just listen to it. Maybe one song will catch your heart, and from there who knows?" the older stallion suggested. "For all you know it will possibly even mend your heart and give you the closure you need, but remember to do it all in your own way. Cause who better can heal yourself than you?"

She smiled warmly and leaned over to hug the older stallion, "Thank you for sticking by me Signature."

"Anytime Rainbow Dash." he said as he returned the hug.

Once Signature left Dash immediately broke into all of her music and began going through it to find songs that lifted her heart and elated her soul. She worked on a list of the ones that hit her the hardest, and found only six songs that would work for what she wanted to do. She had one last message for Jackie, but she needed the perfect song.

She had worked her way through Applejack's extensive music collection on and off for the next few days. While she was at Sweet Apple Acres she helped out here and there, but always went back to her music search. The blonde mare had much more suitable music for what she wanted with a total of over twenty songs, but she still hadn't found that perfect song yet. It started to drive her into a brooding depression, but she tried to hold out hope as she flew home the day before the funeral.

She checked her mailbox to find the invitation letting her know more details about the funeral, letters from friends wishing her well in her time of grieving, and a curious package signed simply from a friend. She headed inside to go through the mail, and opened the invitation first sitting down upon her couch. She thought she knew what would be contained within, since she had helped put the majority of them together, but what she read turned her heart to mush. One part in particular touched her heart.

"The seat you are to take at the funeral, wake, and otherwise will be marked with a simple card hung on it reading: Spouse. None of the family will understand it at first when you take that seat, but as time goes on they will begin to understand that you are family."

She set the invitation on the coffee table in front of her, a tear welling up in her eye but not strong enough to break free from her eye. She then looked to the strange package that was addressed to her but was signed as being simply from a friend. Who could of sent this, and what could they have sent? It was small, and yet enticing so she picked it up and ripped the top of it open. She tilted the package down toward her opposite hand and out slid a CD case with a simple disc in it, all of which was wrapped in bubble wrap.

"What the? A CD, who could have sent this?" Dash pondered aloud.

She shrugged being stumped at the mystery before her. She pulled the bubble wrap off to see that she could see through the front of the case. It was a custom made disc with inked writing scrawled on it. It read simply:

Songs Of The Ailing Heart

She knew she was going to have to go dig up one of her old CD players if she ever wanted to determine who this package really came from. She got up and walked over to her work desk as she knew there would be a player in one of the lower drawers. She opened it and there it sat waiting for her; she picked it up happily, realizing quickly she needed headphones too. She quickly ran about her home trying to locate her headphones, and found them laying in the last place she checked, her bedroom.

"Finally!" Dash exclaimed as she returned to her spot on the couch. "Well now lets see if we can figure out who this is from!"

She reached over, opened the case taking out the disc within, popped open the cover of the portable CD player, and put the disc inside. She double checked it for batteries before she put her headphones on, and turned the player on. The player read five tracks. Awfully short for a mixed disc with the name, Songs Of The Ailing Heart, Rainbow thought.

She hit play and was greeted by a voice she hadn't heard in what felt like years. The mare spoke in sophisticated Canterlot tones, and though she seemed dry and emotionless she was a burning soul of musical talent.

"Why hello there Rainbow Dash. It has been a long time hasn't it? Don't remember my voice per chance? Well then let me reacquaint you and I formally. It's me Octavia." the cellist paused for a moment. "Good now that the name has sunk into your mind again, let me start off by saying that I am truly sorry to hear about the tragedy that has befallen you recently. Vinyl told me everything she could find out from the day she went to visit Applejack only to find that she had gone on."

The cyan mare remembered that Big Mac wasn't with her that first day while she fought her infection. He must have been downstairs explaining to the DJ the fate that had befallen his sister and Dash. Though Octavia was the one talking on this disc not Vinyl, she knew the cellist and DJ were close but this implied a bit more.

"If I know you Rainbow you're wondering about me and Vinyl, and let's just say it's complicated for now shall we? On to my point of sending you this disc though. As a musical soul I find the best solace in life is through my music, and being that it can evoke any strong emotion I found a few of the older compositions I've played in that truly rang deep in my heart." she paused noises of papers shuffling in the background. "I'm quite sure you'll recognize the first piece, as it was played at the concert we first met at."

As the disc switched to track two a heavy bass sound lulled its way in as a symphony slowly came together around a voice that absolutely pierced Dash's heart. She did remember this song, from many years ago when Rarity had drug her to the concert with her. She had been bored to tears until this song had began to play, and she had watched in awe at the cellist playing with all her heart and the vocalist who sang with all of hers.

"Octavia, how did you know to send me this?" the polychomatic maned mare said as tears broke free from her eyes at last.

As the song went she felt a lifting feeling in her heart, almost like it was being slowly renewed. Almost as quickly as the song had come the orchestra and vocals faded, and Octavia's voice came up again an edge of emotion to it now.

"Ah yes beautiful. I remember playing the song that night with all that I had. It really sang to my very essence, to my soul. Though I'll bet you wonder how I knew to send you music like this, and the answer is quite simple. You lost a love brutally, and you still linger on. The feeling must be one absolutely devoid of everything. Now of all the songs I had to sort through, Vinyl was the one who found the next song." she chuckled. "Hard to imagine isn't it, that one having a mushy side. Anyhow this was a song the orchestra did recently, and in my honest opinion it will hit home with your heart deary."

As the song opened Dash instantly hit pause, shock lighting her face. She knew the song in her heart, but she hadn't the faintest idea to explain how she knew it. It was in that moment she felt warmth spread from her heart just like when she was with Jackie. That was it, she had found what she was looking for.

"It's the perfect goodbye for you Jackie." she said holding the CD player to her chest.

She skipped the song for now, she would listen to it later tonight and make sure to memorize it.

Octavia's voice came back in after a second on the fifth track, "It really is an absolutely angelic song isn't it? Well, anyways I hope you enjoyed the songs Dash. If you feel you need to contact me for any reason I'll be staying in town as the symphony has been asked to appear at the funeral. As for how to contact me well..." the cellist hesitated for a moment. "You have Vinyl's home number I'm sure...so just call there and I will answer without hesitation!"

Her and Vinyl were staying in the same house together, this concept made Dash roll with laughter. Yet, there was still a light bulb going on in her head. It occurred to her that Octavia had mentioned being at the funeral, and to contact her should she feel the need. It was in that moment Rainbow Dash knew exactly how she was going to give closure to their lives. She got up and headed into her kitchen making a b-line straight for her land line phone.

Yes, it was true, she could have used her cell phone, but for some reason Vinyl's home phone never got the calls from her cell. So Dash had kept her land line just in case of moments like this. She set about dialing the home number of the DJ and it started ringing. Once, twice, three times, and then a noise of someone answering the phone in a Canterlot voice.

"Home of Vinyl Scratch, Octavia speaking. How can I help you?"

"Hey Octavia, got your little present and listened to it. I'm gonna cut straight to the point. I've got an idea for something at the funeral, but I need you're help with it." Dash said in a business like tone.

"Well hello to you to Rainbow Dash." she said with a chuckle. "You know, you sound more desperate than I'm sure you're willing to admit to, but what can I help you with?"

"That second song you put on the disc, I want to sing it to Jackie before they bury her. I haven't listened to it yet but the few seconds I did hear I just." Rainbow paused wondering if this sounded crazy to the Canterlot musician. "I just knew that, that was the song. The perfect song...to say goodbye."

There was a long pause on Octavia's end of the phone before a reply came back, "For that reason alone, I'll gladly agree to help you. Be a dear though and memorize those lines by tomorrow though."

The cyan mare just laughed, "Of course Octavia, I won't embarrass you! In fact." she paused before going on in a gentle tone. "In fact I'll sing with every bit of my heart."

"Good to hear. Well then, if that's all I will see you there tomorrow?"

"Of course. I'd rather die than miss Jackie's funeral. Good night Octavia." Dash said as she hung up the phone.

She headed back into the living room, grabbed the CD player, and headed back up to her room. She laid down in her bed and turned the audio player back on, put her headphones back in, switched the CD to track four, put it on repeat one, and fell asleep singing it. The song was everything she imagined it would be and more.


She came back into reality humming the song she planned to sing tonight at sunset. She made sure her make up looked good, and that her hair was perfect for tonight. The exact same way she would if it was a date with Applejack. She looked up at the clock on her wall 4:30, and the services would commence at exactly 5:00 pm. It was time to go, and so Dash grabbed her things, especially her invitation, and headed out her front door.

She spread her wings into the breeze that flowed free and true. She kicked off the cloud and started on her way to Sweet Apple Acres. As she flew it became apparent that all of Ponyville was turning out for this sad event. Once she came upon the orchards she found they were absolutely packed with more ponies than she could have ever imagined.

"See AJ, you touched more people with your kindness than you will ever know." Rainbow muttered to herself as she tried to pick out a place to land so she could find Octavia.

From above she quickly realized only family and close friends were allowed anywhere near the graveyard of the Apple family. Everypony else had showed up in support and memory of the blonde farm mare. Dash thought it would be too brazen and over dramatic to land at the gateway that barred access to the graveyard, but she could find nowhere better to land. She came in fast, quickly retracting her wings, and landed gracefully in front of Big Macintosh.

"So Granny made you the guard for tonight?" Dash said straightening out her dress again. "When it's your sister, that's just not right."

He laughed happily, "Looks like yer back to yer ol' self. Anyways, we're just waitin' fer one guest in particular before startin'."

"Oh and who might that be?" she asked with a well humored smile.

"Stop jokin' around Dash! Granny insisted we wait fer the Spouse o' her gran-daughter to arrive. Ah'm sure y'all know who that is."

"How could I ever forget big guy. May I?"

The stallion stepped aside ushering her in, "Always."

She nodded her thanks to him and walked by casually. She would have to find Octavia inside, but everything seemed like it would work itself out. The Apple family graveyard was tucked into a small valley surrounded by sheer rock faces on all sides, but to get there you had to walk a short distance through a canyon. As she got closer she heard weeping and a beautiful melody being played softly in the undertone.

As Dash came into the open valley that served as the graveyard, many of the faces turned to look at her in surprise. There was only one seat left, but most of them knew her as Applejack's best friend. She didn't care as she strode down the center aisle to the front as she went and sat comfortably in the seat marked, 'Spouse'. Part of the family seemed absolutely shocked at her behavior until Granny Smith, who was standing behind Applejack's coffin, spoke up loudly through a microphone.

"Glad y'all could join us here Dashie. Applejack, would be proud o' yer strength a heart!"

At the older mare's words, it seemed the shocked half of the family quickly understood why Rainbow took the seat she did. As she nodded her understanding to the old mare, the mourning began. Granny Smith had worked tirelessly with the mortuary to prepare her Jackie for one last display, and as the aged mare opened the top half of the coffin for all to see Dash was amazed. It was as if the blonde farmer was just sleeping there, completely unchanged from her death weeks prior.

Every pony took turns standing up to say a few kind word's about Applejack before sitting back down again in tears. Some just got up and left a rose in her coffin without saying a word, far too choked up to speak. Some would begin speaking and, after holding it back so long, would break down into tears of pain. Dash had no intent of this being a weepy, teary, sad goodbye. She would say her goodbyes, and wish Jackie well where ever her spirit roamed.

It was halfway through the proceedings that Octavia came over to her in a casual manner. Now would be their chance to talk.

"So Dash, are you prepared for what you planned?" the cellist asked professionally.

"I am, Octavia. As long as the band is ready to play with all their hearts." she replied seriously.

"I told them the circumstances behind the song, and I'm sure they're going to give it their all to make sure Applejack hears your song all the way into the next life. In fact, we had to find a volunteer guitarist, but I'm sure you'll agree with my choice." Octavia said with pride.

"Oh really, good. I trust your judgement Octavia. Still, it's gonna take everything I have to keep it together while singing." the cyan mare lightly fretted.

"Don't worry deary. You loved her with all your heart, and for her that was enough I'm sure. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go make sure the band is ready for your turn to speak." The greyish brown mare bowed and took her leave once again.

As she looked about the crowd behind her she noticed every one of her friends there but Pinkie Pie, why would she avoid this last chance to pay her respects to the orange farmer. Had she really lost that much of herself since AJ's death? Rainbow would have to look into that first thing tomorrow, she was quite worried about the pink mare.

While she had been observing her surroundings the last few ponies had trickled down, and Granny Smith rose once again to speak. She told the story of Applejack's hard and often impossible life, but she also spoke with great clarity as to the good times as well. In what seemed to be such a small amount of time she was finished.

"It-It's just such a darn cryin' shame ta see a youngin' with such potential pass on before mah old and useless bones do." the aged mare lamented.

It was then that Octavia got up and walked over to the older mare whispering into her ear.

"What's that deary? You'll have ta speak up, mah ears ain't what they use ta be." the patriarch of the Apple family declared, and Octavia tried again in a different tone. "Oh, okay shugarcube, Ah can do that." She turned back towards the crowd. "Iffin' nopony else would like ta speak er wish Applejack farewell, Ah'd like ta bring this ceremony to a close with someone who cared very deeply fer mah grandaughter. Rainbow Dash come on up here would ya hunnie?"

She stood and came forward to embrace Granny Smith in a hug before taking the microphone, "Thank you Granny Smith for everything." She walked over to look at AJ again before speaking again. "You know, me and Applejack have been friends since we were kids. At the time I would have never imagined falling in love with her, but I guess that was more or less cause we were too busy competing with one another while growing up. I mean really there wasn't another mare or stallion alive that could push me so easily to my limits and beyond."

The rainbow maned mare felt tears trying to surface as memories came again, but she held them back for what she needed to yet sing.

"But that was then, and this is now. Over a month ago now, Jackie and I realized we had something more than friendship. Something much stronger. But neither of us knew what it was or how to even begin to handle it." she paused remembering the day in the clouds that started it all. "That was, until I took a risk and started looking her way more and more. Eventually though, she caught me lookin' and took a chance of her own in asking me out first. Yeah, I know, everyone prolly thinks, Wow Dash didn't ask first, but I'll tell you what. It never felt so good to not be first."

She had gotten the crowd around her to laugh a few times, bringing the mood up just like she had wanted. The whole of the Apple family no longer judged her for the seat she took at the start, they understood her completely.

"And yet, with the tragedy that we know befell her and I. There is only one thing I can say and it is this; I'd give up everything, just to do it all over again." she paused with a distant look at AJ's face again. "But I know I can't do that, and that Jackie wouldn't want that. In fact, I-I think I can still feel her lingering, watching all of us remembering her life with a smile and a tear."

She reached into Applejack's coffin and laid a soft hand upon her cheek, "Jackie, won't you listen to me one more time? I have something I've gotta say to you, and it isn't easy for me to say at all. But maybe if I sing it, and with some help from the orchestra, you will be able to hear me say." She paused as one tear broke the surface of her right eye. "Say goodbye my truest love."

Octavia didn't need more signal than that as the guitarist of her group stood up and came forward, brandishing an old wooden acoustic. The replacement was Signature, Octavia was right Dash did approve. He started off with only a few notes that were high and pure, and as the orchestra started in so did Dash

Lay down, yer sweet and weary head,
Night is falling,
And you have come to journey's end,
Sleep now, and dream of the ones who came before,
They are calling,
From across the distant shores,

Why do you weep, and what are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see, that all of your fears will pass away,
Safe in my arms,

Dash decided to cut a line from the song here as her memories flooded back to her of the night Jackie ran out of the movie theater in utter terror. Tears streaming down her face, and Dash did everything in her power to make her remember she was safe so long as they were together.

Before the chorus started she said, "I really wonder Jackie..." and back into the song she dove.

What can you see, on that horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the seas, a pale moon rises,
The ships have come, ta carry you home,

And all will turn, to silver glass,
A light on the waters, that all souls pass,

Our hopes fade, into the realm of night,
Through shadows falling, out of memory and time,
Please, don't say, that we have come now to the end,
White shores are calling, for you and I will meet again,

And you'll be here, in my arms,
Just sleeping.

Dash could feel the tears flowing from her eyes as she sang, and as every memory Applejack and her ever shared passed before her eyes. Every word she sang rang out pure and true, resonating from the deepest chambers of her heart. She belted out into the chorus yet again.

What can you see, on that horizon?
Why do those white doves call?
Across the seas, a pale moon rises,
Those ships have come, to carry you home,

Rainbow's voice began to falter as her crying took hold of her, but she used every ounce of her determination to finish this song for Applejack. She had told herself she wouldn't cry, but in the end she cared far too much to not do so.

And all will turn, t-to silver glass,
A-A light on the waters,
That your ship will pass,
Into the West.

"I love you Applejack, but we have to say goodbye fer now. T-Till I can hold you safe in my arms, again." Dash promised through sobs, her face soaked with tears she leaned down and gave a final quick kiss to her love's lips before retreating.

At this point the entire crowd watching began to applaud as they cried right along with Rainbow Dash. It didn't matter that they were fillyfoolers in that moment because what the cyan mare just did, showed everyone that they had truly loved one another without a second thought. As Applebloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith were applauding they came to the front of the procession to join her. It was time to return Applejack's body to the planet.

Rainbow Dash looked to them, then back to her love one last time before reaching up, and grabbing the open lid of the coffin saying words she never wanted to say, "Goodbye Jackie. Till we meet again." and with that the mare slowly closed the door shut on her love for the last time.

The rest of the family gathered together to lay her down, Dash included. They picked up the coffin carried it to the grave and gently lowered her in, and covered her with a final offering of fresh apple blossoms. No one could explain how they were still so fresh at this time of year, but none-the-less it seemed a fitting miracle to go with the emerald eyed beauty they had all lost.

Once all the guests had filed out of the graveyard Braeburn and Big Mac stayed behind to do the hardest task of filling the grave. Yet it was here Rainbow lingered, and it was for the sole reason that she had to help them. She walked over, grabbed a shovel, and began to help them fill the hole before them. Neither of the stallions tried to stop her, they knew she had to do this just as much as either of them did. Because, the cyan mare didn't want to go to the wake and social afterwards, all she wanted to do was go home and cry.


Three months later...

It had been a long hard road for the rainbow maned mare since Applejack's funeral, but overall she couldn't complain. Thing's had been rather peaceful around Ponyville of late. Although there had been the occasional disappearance every month, but every time the pony turned up not knowing where they had been. Rainbow Dash had barely woken up and it was probably sometime around noon, good thing it was her day off from the sandwich shop.

She had gone to work for Signature Sandwich at Harmony Breads & Cafe as a server a week after the funeral. She had needed something to keep her mind active, and that had proven to be exactly what she needed. Yet she still had those days where she would come home and fall asleep crying, but they had grown much less frequent over time.

She stumbled through the living room to the front door of her house and stepped outside to be greeted by the bright sun. It was a Friday, and she had just one mission on Fridays; to get the paper and laze around the rest of the day. She walked outside, quickly located the paper, and bolted back inside to get some food, but most importantly, some coffee in her system.

As she crossed the kitchen, she threw the paper on the table near her home phone before heading over to the coffee maker and hitting the on switch. It began to bubble and heat quickly working on her precious morning brew. It was the only cup she could ever manage to drink, but it was an essential part of her morning all the same. Once she had a bowl of cereal ready on the table and a cup of coffee she sat down to enjoy a drink of said coffee as she opened the paper up.

That coffee stayed in her mouth a very short time though, as she spit it out in shock and disbelief at what she read on the crime page in front of her. It read:

Pinkamina Diane Pie Admits To Being The Cause Of The Recent String of Disappearances!
The pink mare has even admitted to there being a dead victim as a result of her actions! She made her confession at the Ponyville Psychiatric Hospital of the Sun yesterday evening around midnight. The mare has been admitted to ward B under strict watch with an indefinite term of evaluation and treatment forthcoming.
Sadly the victim, Berry Punch(27 y.o.), mentioned earlier was found at a yet undisclosed location by the police. But it has given proof of the once lovable pink party mare of Ponyville, being a murderer.

"N-No Pink's, it can't be!" Dash paused with fear in her mind. "You can't have broken down this far from what Gilda did. Why didn't you get help sooner, why didn't we get you help sooner?"

Well this morning was officially going great, now she was going to have to go make sure Pinkie was okay. As well as how bad her mind had fractured since last they spoke. Now thinking about it though, no pony had seen Pinkie since they discovered Applejack was dead. Rainbow had done everything she could to find her the day after the funeral but had turned up no results. It was sad to know she had finally lost her grip on reality, but maybe the cyan mare could bring her back somewhat.

It was at this time that her doorbell rang out, distracting her from the bad news.

"What the, I'm not expecting guests. Who could that be?" Dash said getting up from her chair in the kitchen and heading for the door. "Hold on, I'll be there in a second!"

As she reached the door she opened it, blinded again for a second. As her eyes adjusted she saw a pony she never thought she would see again, Spitfire.

"Oh really, what are you even doing--" she started in discontent turning away.

"Dash wait!" the ginger mare cried. "Just give me a chance, please."

Something seemed different about the once overly forward Captain so Dash gave her a chance to explain herself.

"Thank you Dash, I came to apologize for my arrogant actions months ago." the captain looked absolutely genuine, surprising. "I treated you in such a disgusting manner, and I deserved the lashing you gave me completely. Cause every word you said...was true."

"So what Spitfire, you came here seeking redemption or something?" the cyan mare scoffed.

She shifted from side to side, "Well I guess you could say that, but it's really a part of my rehabilitation process."

Rainbow had a double take moment, "Come again? You got thrown into rehab?"

"No." she started seriously. "I checked myself in actually, and it has been the best and hardest months of my life."

"Okay so that doesn't quite explain why you're here still. It can't just be to apologize." she retorted in utter bewilderment.

The Wonderbolt sighed and answered, "No Dash it really is that simple, I have to start by apologizing to those I've wronged through my behavior. I wronged you pretty bad, and in front of..." she stopped cold.

Dash pinched the bridge of her nose, "Just say it Spitfire."

"...in front of your marefriend. I only recently heard about that, and I must say I'm truly sorry to hear about it. She actually seemed like a great mare. A much better individual than I was at the time." now the ginger maned mare seemed almost deflated in personality.

As she looked at the mare in front of her she realized she wore plain clothes and that look of windswept hair was gone, giving way to short, shoulder length, straightened, copper hair. Every time she made contact with Spitfire's amber eyes, she could see actual sincerity where there used to be none. Where ever the pegasus had gone for her rehabilitation, her therapist was doing an amazing job with her! There were still flashes of her dominant spark, but now she was using it in a much less aggressive and derogatory way.

"Anyways Rainbow." she looked up at her, cool determination in her amber eyes. "I've still got a lot of ponies I have to go apologize and make amends with before I can sleep tonight. So I'll see you later."

The Wonderbolt captain was acting like her old self again as she turned and started to walk away. A small thought occurred to Dash in this moment, "Could this be the universe dropping something into my life that I need, or is this your doing Jackie?" She couldn't chance either one being wrong.

"Spitfire wait up!" she called and the ginger mare turned around a look of curiosity upon her face. "Can you give me a way to contact you again?"

The flamboyant ginger flier smiled warmly at Rainbow's sentiment, it was the softest the cyan mare ever saw Spitfire's expression. As she walked back over to her, the rainbow maned mare knew that she may have taken just the right risks for her life yet again.

"I hope you can approve of this Jackie. Cause I still have to carry on somehow."

Author's Note:

Well folks that is truly the end to this tale of love and loss. It was my first dedicated story and my most inspired project...I am proud of it taking away an editor or actual official cover artist(At current). It has been an honor to bring you this story, and seriously this chapter took me a day and a half to write, sure up a little(Wrote part of it half asleep first day so had to double check), import to FiMFiction, then go through and make every change necessary for the tale to display perfectly. I mean seriously this chapter right here is THE LONGEST chapter in the ENTIRE story...go figure that one.
But now to a more serious question for all of you who read this story proudly(or through addiction), what did you think of this ending? Does it leave questions unanswered that need resolution, or is it safe to say that the tale is over? I can say I see a feasible way to make a sequel but what do the fans think at this point? Comment below. I'll also do a blog post if you miss this little message by any chance.
Thank everyone again for reading my tale! =^_^=

Comments ( 59 )

I absolutely loved it. Just... I can barely even type, my eyes are so watery. It's... good job. roundstable.com/forums/images/smilies/saddash.png

Dude... you made me disperse water from my eyes, I didn't even know they could do that.... Not cool... :ajbemused:
I told you last chapter when I commented, that songs wouldn't go well for me. Guess what, I needed a good 20 minutes after the first one to compose myself. Then you throw To The West at me?!? Dammit. Get hit by a brick, then a truck.
This has been an absolute pleasure to read, and congrats, you made me cry. Like, proper tears. I had people asking if I was OK from downstairs. Funny that I only need to say the word 'fanfic' and they know whats going on. :applecry::fluttercry::pinkiesad2::raritycry: we need a crying rainbow emote. NOW.

there was just one little niggle... Why Pinkie? I'm sorry, it just threw the story off a bit. I am fine with the brain trauma, but the fact that she went that far down the path? Surely to make a more complete ending you could have both RD and Pinks pulling through it together.
But hey, your story, your ending. Still a brilliant ending nevertheless.
Keep the pen/keyboard to hand, cuz you sure as hell have made one heck of a standard to pass...

There's just one thing left for me to discuss...

4233443 There it is, the ultimate feelz punch. :derpytongue2:
4233445 Yeah I stumbled onto first song after I had decided on Into the West, which I found by accident. Great accident though!

Dammit. Get hit by a brick, then a truck.
This has been an absolute pleasure to read, and congrats, you made me cry.

Then I achieved what I aimed to! :twilightsmile: Now to address the Pinkie issue. Member the chapter title Casualties of The Universe? She was the casualty, it happened even if it wasn't right or just. There was a lot Gilda did that I felt was worth leaving out, and so Pinkie is much more traumatized than you can believe...but I left Pinkie open ended so if I DID do the sequel that is where they would both find their degree of healing, together.
Finally...brohoof! /) :pinkiehappy:

Like I said, an absolute pleasure all the same.
And now you've explained it, I totally agree with you. Strange thing, reading with water filled eyes, you miss things that normally the sane side of your mind picks up. Like Pinkie for example. :pinkiecrazy:
Sequel? Don't tempt me...
(\ Brohoof

4233521 Hehe you're welcome for it :twilightsmile: Sequel, I will leave the thought there for tempting! :rainbowwild:

I do think that the Pinkie part is not quite as satisfying considering how it ended. I kept expecting to see her turn up in the chapter and the fact she did not was disappointing until we found out why in which case I think we do need a sequel or an additional scene. Personally I would have preferred an ending where Dash could stop Pinkie from committing that act and then you could have left room for a sequel for the possible healing instead but that boat has sailed.

4236143 Mmm yeah I can understand that.:twilightsmile: I guess I made her seem more powered as a main character with a story of her own. Which I had not really intended for:trixieshiftright:, but for everyone to want to know what happens to Pinkie next...well, looks like that is spurring reason enough for the sequel:rainbowwild:. Though never can tell when I'll be able to get to it at least at this rate.:twilightsheepish:
Thank you for leaving your opinion though! :heart:

Amazing hopefully there will be a sequel:pinkiesad2:Love it:heart:

I... I don't know how I feel right now. I'm sad; I'm happy; I'm angry. I just.... I think I need a feels break for today.

4253689 Lol so you have finished the tale as well I see. :derpytongue2: In response to that...and to everyone including you:

I have been waiting till I finished the story before I made a comment. Just so you know I finished this story at two in the morning. Once I got near the end of chapter 16, two things happen. One I started to tear up. So feel proud that you did that, not many stories can cause me to started to cry. The second thing that happen is that I couldn't stop reading. I didn't care how much I was fighting back the tears, I had to finish the story.

Also I'm smaller time than you :rainbowlaugh:

You said that to me on my page. Well I hate to inform you that you are much better writer then me. I believe deep down that this story should be on the front page. And here is something else I want to say to you. "I WANT MOAR NOW!!!" :flutterrage: So that is all I have to say, keep up the great work and you will do great. :twilightsmile:

4267408 :pinkiesad2: R-Really, you mean that? Aww thank you so much!:twilightblush: Yeah I always wished this story would make at least popular box but alas, it never managed to garner enough attention.:applejackunsure: The way I write is building momentum, and well I don't always see people enjoy that...or the fact that this story was anthro :rainbowlaugh: Seems most don't enjoy way I build a story, but meh *Shrugs* It's my style.
You want moar? As in the sequel quite obviously hinted at?:rainbowhuh:

Very much so and it better have a happy ending. :pinkiecrazy:

4268333 Yeah, I plan to make that the end of the story so...it will more or less end well. But haven't gotten to it yet, I do have other stories I need to work right now! :derpytongue2: That and school papers to start before they are due next week :rainbowlaugh:

I got two papers due this week, one Wednesday and other Thursday. I am also working on a time loop of the day Celestia banished Nightmare Moon to the moon. And it's anthro as well. I will have to add your other stories to my reading list. :twilightsmile:

4268377 Lol yeah. I got similar things going...just posted a blog on it in fact :twilightsheepish: Explains why my little break from writing must go on a bit longer :twilightsheepish:

Very understandable, I hope you enjoy your trip. :twilightsmile:

I had to get up halfway through the chapter for some tissues, because I was literally in tears! :raritycry: I seriously couldn't stop crying, and I'm still crying a little bit, like right now (I'm a very emotional person).

Amazing story! :pinkiehappy: Please make the sequel possible!

4269113 Well I will do what I can about the sequel, but I have a lot of other stories that need to go through first!
Glad you liked it! :twilightsmile:

4269434 Well, take your time! :twilightsmile:

4342068 This story is done actually for now, but there will be a sequel coming out sometime end of May beginning of June sometime.:twilightsmile:


4365930 :twilightblush: Not enough notice generated rapidly(Likes, views, faves, etc.)

4366404 WHY IT'S SO AMAZING:fluttercry:

4366954 *Shrugs* I'll never know I guess...Hell if it even made bottom of popular box I'd be surprised but happy...:applejackunsure: Eh guess we will never know? Maybe I'm promoting it poorly or something? Never know.


4367905 :rainbowhuh: Y-Yes? Couldn't quite understand that rage inspired rant :derpytongue2:

4367913 Weeeell all the friends that join FIMfiction I recommend your story first.

4367933 :twilightsheepish: Heh okay that's what I thought you said there! That's sweet of you, thank you for your continued support! :twilightsmile:

Ok im a little lost because you say they have hands, so are they humans or ponys?
But other than that its a good story.

4514885 Well in anthro they are pony with human features such as standing upright, have hands instead of hooves (For the arms), I'm sure you can find an example if you were to google "anthro" with one of the main six's names and then search. Hope that helps a little :twilightsmile:

4520548 You're welcome, and I'm glad you enjoyed the story otherwise! :twilightsmile:

I absolutely adored this book. Really hurt, emotionally, when poor AJ died, and I wept like you wouldn't believe when I listened to Into The West while reading :raritycry: Sort of like Rarity, but more dramatic, which is saying a LOT :derpytongue2: But at least there's a glimer of hope for Rainbow with Spitfire. Kinda wish there was something she could do to save AJ from such a cruel and unjust fate, though :fluttercry:

I am very mad right now! You made this really bucking sad...

4923436 Yeah, it may have been cliche up till the end but with my writing style...I hit hard with my endings! In this case it was sad feelz. Despite that I do hope you enjoyed the reading! :pinkiesad2: Oh and one more thing that's obligatory for reading Chapter 17...

5059422 Word crimes...:rainbowderp:...:ajsleepy: I've seen the song...and am now deeply shamed by my failure here...and I'm not joking about that.:ajsleepy:
And I asked for help on stuff? I seriously don't remember that...must have been a while ago now :twilightoops:

5059787 Where she dates her clone...hmm it's a thought! :rainbowdetermined2::rainbowwild:

ok, you are to good with emotions and i'm not going to lie i got watery with the into the west song :fluttercry:. (also cant wait to read the sequel to this :twilightsmile:.)

5724308 Yeah that seems to be the general consensus among my readers, and me even :pinkiesad2: Can't tell you how thankful I am for the comments by the way. Also if you read this in one straight shot...did I mention Rainbow's parents at all?:twilightsheepish: Trying to remember if I did for a point I'm going for in the sequel...otherwise...uh oh's are coming to town! :ajsleepy:

5724469 i didn't see any mention of her parents while reading this, but i am about to read the sequel so i'll do my best to see if you mentioned her parents :twilightsmile:.

:| cupcakes really? did gilda fucking mind rape her or something!? good god author this cupcakes stuff has been done to death! will you people give it a rest already? ugh why do i have a feeling the sequel is just going to piss me off even more.

5919606 Glad that we feel psychological trauma is so beneath us...also little note to consider, I know of cupcakes pinkie but I've never read it so I based the pinkie thing loosely on a psychological breakdown. A breakdown Gilda caused. Rehabilitation is always possible since she isn't a fully gone up stairs. She wasn't broken from birth so it isn't the exact same in this case. I'm happy that you took the time to critique the story...even if it was such a small piece of the overall story though.

Oh I see. Well yeah of course I want to see pinkie get help because she can be saved. Sorry for coming off harsh it's just pinkie being broken like that kills me but yeah I will keep on reading because I do like the story after all it's just poor pinkie poor poor sweet pinkie....

5932867 Yeah in the sequel she gets help, and again it is a minor part of story but it is a piece of the tale.

6149433 Thank you so much for your praise, it really does mean a lot to me! :twilightsmile:I am super happy that you enjoyed the story I told as well! :pinkiehappy:

6159863 Hmm, almost got you? :trixieshiftright: Dang! Gotta try harder I guess. :rainbowlaugh:

Haven't visited this story in a while (cause it made me cry like a baby) and now I find out there's a sequel? Oh boy, here we go again

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