• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,885 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 10 Destiny and Destruction

Nightshade entered Luna’s chambers. Even during the day with the closed curtains, the room had a semblance of the evening.

“Princess! Are you alright?”

Luna threw her bed sheets over herself to cover and wipe away her tears. “Captain? Thou art never to enter mine chambers without permission!”

Nightshade bowed. “Forgive me.”

“Thou art forgiven, Captain.” Luna had wiped away her tears and popped out from the sheets. Spike had told her that Nightshade had been crying a day ago so Luna chose to broach the topic tenderly. She addressed her Captain without her honorific title. “Nightshade, are thee well?”

“Huh?!” Nightshade was surprised by Luna’s concern and the lack of a title. “All is well when I serve you. I desire nothing else.”

Luna continued with caution, her Captain’s response seemed rather automatic it roused her suspicion. “Tell us thy thoughts upon the nature of the Republic.”

“The general pony populace is weak. They need stern leadership. I approve of our current direction.”

“Any recommendations thou hast to give?”

“A guard at every corner. More militarization,” Nightshade said.

Luna looked to some ceremonial crossed swords on her walls. “More militarization, a conventional answer that is rather rigid. Tis indeed something my Captain would say.”

Using her magic, Luna took the blades and brought them spinning through the air to halt a hair’s breadth from her foe’s throat. Luna sharpened her gaze.


“We see through thy mimicry! Thine master insults us. Dost thou really believe we not know the details of our own troop deployments, especially mine Captain?”

The impostor's face twisted in horror.

“Reveal onto me thy secret, lest you wish that these blades flay thee alive.”

“I failed you at White Tail Wood; I should have been your reinforcements. I’m responsible for the failure of the revolution. My heart has held a regret that I can never forget.”

“Mine Captain Nightshade, is it thou?”

Nightshade bit back tears. “Am I so much a stranger to you, that you cannot recognize me?”

She choked further. “Princess, I would die for you if you so wished.”

Luna dropped her swords, the blades clanging to the ground. She felt a cold shiver travel down her back as the realization was dawning upon her. Before she managed to let out a faint hint of emotion, she cleared her throat and took a breath. “Nay, Nightshade! We apologize. We had a rough night… recent events have made me paranoid.”

Luna frowned at her insensitivity, and she dropped to a bow, casting off her social mask. “We did not expect thee… I am sorry.

“No Princess, do not bow before me… it fills me with great shame.”

“Captain, thou art not at fault for the failure of the Lunar Rebellion. Sister Celestia surprised us at the Fortress of Everfree; had thou arrived, thou would not have been able to break a siege so deep. Even before that point, the fortunes of war had already turned against us; only delusion and pride kept us fighting futility.”

“Hearing those words from your lips lightens the load on my heart.” Nightshade sighed.

“Think nothing of it,” said Luna as she smiled lightly. “Now Nightshade, why hast thee barged into my chambers?”

“I came here post haste to report that the Dragon Dominion leaders have arrived early. Lord Aldred terrorized the countryside and Lord Firestorm caused an incident at Ponyville when he challenged Spike to a duel.”

Luna gasped. “Sir Spike, is he alright?!”

“Yes, he bested Lord Firestorm without killing his opponent.”

There was a sigh of relief from Luna as she chuckled. “Sir Spike is truly a diplomat. We are proud of our choice…”

“Had Spike killed Firestorm, would you have surrendered him to Lord Aldred as restitution to avoid war?”

Luna paused. “Thankfully, we were not pushed to make that decision.”

“Princess, would you?”

“Aldred should have kept his spawn well in line. He is a dragon elder with nigh limitless time to reflect upon such follies in diplomacy. We do not believe he is capable of such a lapse of wisdom. The declaration of war would have been upon his conscience.”

Nightshade didn’t let up and pressed on. “Had Firestorm slayed Spike in a fair legal duel?”

“Casual dueling is acceptable in the Dragon Dominions; it is illegal in Equestria without the oversight of a Princess. Therefore, it is insulting of them to believe their law supersedes ours. Killing our ambassador would be an act of war.” Luna looked at Nightshade appraisingly. “Thou questioned whether we would place mine personal affairs over the nation. For want of one, thou ask if we risk a thousand?”

“Forgive me, Princess.”

“May thy faith remain evermore firm.”

Nightshade continued. “Lord Aldred took a tour flying over our country side. It caused quite the commotion seeing the dread dragon darken our skies with his shadow. Luckily, Fancy Pants was able to relay orders that the dragon was not attacking.”

“Aldred arrives early, he thinks himself clever by testing the temper and readiness of our troops. Send an envoy to convey my word wishes… no go yourself, he is given due dignity.”

“Very well, Princess I will go speak to Lord Aldred.”

“Tell Aldred if he so attempts a ploy of that nature again, forthwith we will ally ourselves with the Griffin Kingdoms and Zebra Confederation.”

Nightshade blinked. “Some scouts’ estimates and those of our spies say the dragon host numbers in the hundreds of War Balloon class size not to mention the half dozen Airship class ones. Their dragonling infantry is also a respectable in number if not size.”

Luna pouted. “Combined cannon fire will wither his armies to naught but ashes. Our sorcery can repel their lesser dragonlings.”

“Lord Aldred’s scales are thick and such is the scale of his size he is nigh invulnerable. Also he has mastered his dragon rage. Killing him would take no minor miracle. You could give me limitless armies, I still wouldn’t know how to plan the attack.”

Luna smiled. “Ah that would be his likely retort. Tell my old friend to remember who it was that so scarred his left leg.”

After the party hosted by Rarity, Spike retired to the comfort of his home. It would have been the perfect night if he hadn’t awoke in the morning ill at ease. His nightmare of a field of fire had returned. The burning of Ponyville, his friends frozen in fear, and himself looming over the scene; the vision had again haunted him. With each recurrence, it became more vivid. Making his way to the bathroom he splashed water over himself. At least he didn’t look worse for wear in the mirror.

He noticed he still wore Rarity’s suit and Luna’s saber with sash. They were his accoutrements of civility. He wondered whether they were just useless baubles that only carried the pretense. The savagery of draconic kind was lurking beneath.

“Spike, hurry up!” It was Twilight’s voice followed by hooves pounding on the bathroom door.

“Sorry, Twi.” Spike exited only for Twilight to fly into the restroom.

“Too much cider!” Twilight groaned.

Spike left Twilight to her detoxification ritual. Ponies altogether had a lower tolerance for alcohol. Twilight he knew had an especially low tolerance from the few outings she did partake. Spike had the opposite problem, no matter how much he drank; his drake’s body wouldn’t allow him the distraction of delusion. Spike heard a knocking on their door. He dragged himself to the entrance and swung open the door.

“Fancy Pants?” Spike asked.

Fancy Pants tipped his helmet. “Top of the morning to you lad, I was hoping I could see Miss Sparkle.”

“What for?”

“Luna wishes her to lead to the Mages’ Military Corp, not immediately of course. Until such time, I am to begin her magical combat training.” Fancy Pants levitated a stack of books with him. “I came to drop off some prefatory texts for her to read.”

He chuckled. “I hope these won’t end up in the public section.”

“Twilight’s well… indisposed at the moment. Let me fix us breakfast while we wait.”

Spike made up three orders of pancakes and set them on their dining table. From the gurgling noises upstairs, Spike figured Twilight was still regurgitating last night’s excess.

“Most kind of you,” said Fancy Pants. “Allow me to make us tea.”

Fancy Pants took some leaves from his saddle pouch and placed them in the kettle along with water. Spike saw the glowing intensity of the Fancy Pants’ fire spell used to heat the kettle.

Spike stabbed a couple of pancakes with his fork. “Dig in.”

Fancy Pants used his magic to levitate his utensils and cut neat chunks off his food. Much could be inferred from a pony’s eating habits, Luna’s he knew was aggressive though she knew her manners, Rarity’s was refined and delicate like her tailoring, Nightshade was like a cat siping a saucer of milk. Fancy Pants’ rhythm was surgical yet so natural Spike felt embarrassed and slowed his eating to match his pace.

Fancy Pants noticed his shift. “No need to hold yourself back on my account, lad.”

Spike considered his breakfast buddy for a moment. Fancy Pants was the gentle-colt and soldier; Spike in his youth had tried to follow the same pattern. “Fancy Pants, how do you do what you do?”

Fancy Pants smiled. “Keep my ‘poise’ you mean?”

Spike nodded, his wording was much better. “Yeah.”

“You’ll find me quite the barbarian on the battlefield though I bear the demeanor of a calm commander. My enemies in Prance can attest to that, even Naponean himself. The beast lurking behind, I suppose it’s like your own draconic nature.”

“How do you deal with it?”

“We all have our methods of which can’t say any are superior. Nightshade indulges at times; the Princess wears a mask, as for myself… I live with the demon, a sort of synthesis developed through discipline.”

“I heard that before; synthesis instead of antithesis.”

“It’s not recommended for everypony…. I mean everyone.” Fancy Pants swallowed a bite. “To live with your demon, you have to understand it otherwise the other half takes over. There is a rush that comes from battle that few care to admit, but many are addicted to.”

Spike joked. “Like Twilight and her pop romance novels.”

“Hey! I will destroy you!” Twilight shouted from the stairway.

Fancy Pants cleared his throat and rose from his chair. “I do believe that is my cue to leave.”

Spike had nearly washed the leftover plates to their breakfast when there came another knocking on the door.

“I’ll get it.” Twilight wolfed down her plate and gave it to Spike as she made her way to the door.

Opening the door, she saw Luna and Rarity standing outside. There was a slight tension between the Princess and Fashionista, but they greeted Twilight and entered together.

Spike finished washing Twilight’s plate as they did. “Luna, Rarity, what are you doing here?”

Luna declared. “We must seek counsel with the Dream Lord and, therefore, will embark upon an expedition into dream space whilst awake. It should permit us a greater advantage over the shadows that reside there. However it comes at a cost; there shall be a greater risk upon our sanities and souls.”

“Why is Rarity here?” Spike looked Luna.

“We have recruited Lady Rarity for—”

Rarity interjected, smiling at Spike. “Darling, it’s been too long since we’ve gone on an adventure together. I simply won’t take no for answer.”

Spike raised a claw. “But—”

Luna pointed hoof at Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle, we ask thee to be the anchor for our return. Thou must maintain the portal and our tether betwixt realms. We trust thy magical skill above all others.”

Twilight nodded. “Luna, Spike, Rarity, just be careful okay.”

A black portal was summoned by Luna’s magic. As they stepped through it, Spike felt himself leaving his body behind. The feeling sent shivers down his spine or what he felt was his spine. Thankfully he had a light breakfast.

Rarity was entranced by the beauty of dream space. Marveling at the shimmering dream bubbles her jaw was agape. “Spike, this view is simply sublime! Come see darling!”

Spike chuckled. “I know.”

“You’ve been here before?”

“Yeah Luna took me while I was hospitalized.”

Rarity shot Luna a glare. “I thought we had a truce then.”

Luna pointed with her hoof. “Look yonder!”

Spike remembered the stormy dream lands that the Changelings controlled. However now there what appeared to be thunder. The ominous horizon seemed to be aglow with pulses of light within the dark clouds.

“This warrants investigation,” said Luna, leading them.

Changelings with spears fought off monsters of pitch black. Only the contrasting backdrop of the shimmering dream space bubbles and the explosions of spell magic revealed the monsters. The Changelings had established lines of battle. The back lines fired volleys of magical bolts while the front rows stabbed at the darkness with their spears. The so called thunder came from their mages concentrating their magic beams.

A larger Changeling shouted orders from her position in the center. “Fight them! Don’t relent! They must not contaminate the crop!”

A Changeling soldier shouted. “Princess Larvi, they’re too numerous! They threaten to break our center.”

“On your pride as soldier caste hold your position, Husk. Drive them from our territory! Engage our reserves! Rotate the wounded and weakened out!”

“Our mage artillery are occupied! They cannot provide covering fire without risking the other wings.” said Husk.

I will provide cover.” Princess Larvi announced.

Her words were with weight and Husk smiled in confidence. His wings buzzed as he charged into the fray. “For the hive!”

Changelings from the reserve lines sprung into battle following him.

Princess Larvi focused her magic upon her jagged horned. A laser line cut through the ether, cutting swath through the shadowy enemy.

The Changelings were so focused on their battle Spike, Luna, and Rarity managed to casually walk into the center of the lines. Princess Larvi was sweating as she poured her magic into her piercing beam. The beam started flickering out as she expended her reserves.

Luna stepped up beside the Changeling Princess. “Perhaps we could lend thee aid?” She fired her own ray.

The shadowy monsters were cut apart by Luna’s light. The support Luna gave provided the rest of the time needed for the Changelings to rotate fresh troops into their line.

Larvi caught her breath. “Thank you for your assistance.”

Rarity looked at a shadowy wisp driven back by a blast of magic. Illuminated, the creature was revealed to have centipede and various insect like forms but of no known natural specie. “What are those dreadful things?”

Larvi spoke angrily. “They’re monsters of the id, demons of the subconscious and even entities of longing and regret.”

Spike asked. “How long have you been fighting them?”

“They entered the ether, months ago. Once they infect the dreams of the living they become like the dead.”

Luna spoke. “Reverse invasion of dream space is an impossibility.”

Larvi sighed. “I don’t know. Changeling mind magic weakens the barriers, perhaps that’s how. Anyway we lost a good chunk of our crop before we noticed what was going on.”

Spike saw Rarity shuddered at the mention of ponies as a ‘crop’. He too was unsettled by the concept, however, perhaps it was in Luna’s company he was becoming numb to such injustices.

Larvi grumbled on as she rubbed her forehead with her hooves. “We shall have forage for more. What a pain.”

Luna narrowed her eyes. “Our peace treaty with the Changeling Kingdom remains. We heard though thou wars with Naponean and Prance. We do not care to know who instigated hostilities but we warn thee not to expand thy borders in this and the waking world.”

“Princess Luna, I have an empire to run, hungry mouths to feed. We must replace and renew our crop.”

“Conquering a continent tis not replacement value.”

“Conquering? We fight a defensive war. Naponean is a tyrant that seeks world domination. Even now my husband fights them in the land of lucid.”

“Whichever of your powers win, we fear the citizenry will lose.”

“We are not unkind. We don’t put the people to slavery as Naponean does. They aren’t worked to death. We weave wonderful fantasies of whatever you want. If you so prefer, I could have one woven for you.”

“Dost thou dare threatens us?”

“It was an offer kindness.” The Changeling Princess gave a small smile. “Such a service would be safely contained.”

A soldier behind the Changeling Princess stepped forward and licked her lips. “We do not discriminate either. I never had dragon before. The love on this one smells wonderful!”

Both Luna and Rarity jealously blocked Spike from the stray Changeling.

“I rather have reality, it’s enough to handle for my claws.” said Spike.

The soldier turned to Rarity. “How about you!? I love your mane! You’re an artist I can tell. Your love must taste great!”

Rarity politely declined. “Sorry dear, I like stallions.”

She glanced at Spike. “I meant males.”

The soldier gleefully jumped. “I can be that too!”

The Larvi gave a scolding look to her subordinate. “Ah my daughter is awfully courageous and knows no danger when choosing mates. I think she takes from her father.”

“Whilst this has been a fun diversion, we must be going. We trust thou will be at attendance for the Peace Summit?”

“My apologies Princess Luna, we have yet to trounce Naponean on the battlefields of Prance. I will send a capable Captain of mine to represent us though.”

They left the Changelings to their ongoing battle.

“Changelings,” Rarity commented. “Those wedding crashers still operate?”

“Lady Rarity, whilst we may wish the world’s evils away it be another matter to take them out completely. Oft greater ones take their place.”

“Luna, I know. I don’t need lecturing. The world is not as civil as we like to believe.”

“The Changelings are fighting something worse than them.” Spike rubbed his chin. “We’ve got to find out what’s going on.”

Rarity raised hoof. “Luna, you mentioned this Sandpony on our way to the library, who is this friend of yours?”

“Tis an acquaintance of mine. We cannot call him our friend, to do so would be to relax our guard. Be on watch, the Dream Lord’s benevolence benefits oft only himself.”

Navigating the dream realms, they arrived at a massive castle made of sand or what remained of a castle. The walls fallen in carving a path to the throne room. Sitting slumped on the ruling chair was a figure of a pony. Spike before had found the Sandpony to be indefinable in form, however the Dream Lord was weakened and permitted them a truer view.

The Lord of Sand bled golden dust that made up his body. “Princess, I’m afraid there are foes beyond us both.”

Luna stepped forward. “Are thee well? What hast transpired?”

“I was arrogant of my ability; I walked into the enemy’s keep. I knew it was a trap but the nature I realized of it too late, too deep. Princess, I think… that is why you strung my ego like the strings of a harp. Well played; you have spared yourself at my cost.”

“We apologize, Dream Lord… Given what the responsibilities we are beholden to we could not take that risk.”

“Princess be careful of how you use ponies to your own ends. I am destroyed. I should take this information to my death in spite…”

Spike looked at the Sandpony. “You’re still talking; there must be a way to save you.”

“I need to feed… on a dream.”

Luna gestured a hoof at the many bubbles floating in the sky around the castle. “There are dream aplenty here.”

“No, I need a dream of hope, love, and pure. It must be from a luminary, a great soul, an artist, a truly exceptional being. Something to reignite the spark within me.” The Sandpony had licentious grin as he stared at Luna with eyes lacking pupils. “Give me some of your essence, Princess.”

Luna recoiled. “Nay, thou hast desired us for far too long. Thou wouldst not be able to control thyself and would empty mine chalice.”

The Sandpony pointed to the hole in his chest that bled golden dust. “You deny me even I lay dying? I thought these years had engendered some sort of, say… trust?” His attempt at innocence was corrupted by a hunger he not hide.

“We do not doubt thee; but we could not trust thy lust. Desperation destroys the best discipline.”

“Luna, I see why you brought me here,” Rarity sighed. “Dream Lord, perhaps I could give you some of mine; what was it that you called it? Essence?”

“Lady Rarity, do not make such offers to the Dream Lord, he is not a benevolent being. Once he tips your vessel, there is nothing to stop him from drinking the whole cup.”

“I need but a sip to inspire my own fire. I am not an avatar of avarice.”

Spike snapped at Luna. “Luna, you lied to me again! You brought Rarity here to use her!”

Luna shook her head. “We refute thy accusation… We did not lie, but we did not say. We are not omniscient either… this was the worst of expected outcomes.”

Spike growled. “That’s still wrong! That’s a lie of omission.”

He turned to the Sandpony and stepped forward. “Take a piece of me.”

The Sandpony hissed. “A demon corrupts your nature; it guards your heart for its nest. You are not pure.”

A gentle hoof held Spike’s claw. He glanced to his side to see Rarity looking up at him, a faint smile on her face.

“Spikey,” she started, her voice soft, “it’s okay… I surrendered my dream already. My boutique… has already failed.”

Spike frowned and lowered his head. “That’s not fair; it’s because of your association with me that those Canterlot snobs rejected you.”

Pausing for a moment, Luna spared a moment to look at Rarity. She could still see the unicorn that challenged her to a duel over Spike, the same mare that was willing to fight alongside the one she loved. Yet despite the moment of defeat and weakness, she still carried herself on with an aura of elegance and poise. “Lady Rarity, we will appoint thee our royal tailor then none can look down upon thy craft. We will accept no other clothier. Thou shall receive a full commission from the crown.”

“That’s charity, I don’t need your pity,” said Rarity pouting.

Luna whinnied. “Nay, we shall require thee to make my attire to exacting specification. We offer a full appointment and all that entails.”

“Thank you, Luna. I’ll consider it,” said Rarity.

The Sandpony groaned. He tried to plug the bleeding hole in his chest with a hoof, only for another hole to appear leaking dust. “Now do hurry. The grains of my hour glass are slipping away…”

Rarity nodded and stepped forward. The Sandpony grinned. Rarity was buffeted by a blast of sand that swept through her. Afterwards the Sandpony materialized behind her from the cloud.

“That was terrible…” Rarity shivered at the cold inside. Spike saw and pulled her close, draping his wings over her.

The Sandpony smiled. “Thank you, Rarity. You may feel a loss now, however you may always dream anew. Rest shall rejuvenate.”

Luna cleared her throat. “Thou hast thy pound of flesh, now reveal unto us thy discovery.”

The Sandpony smirked. “Verily.” He continued. “The enemy knew I would be wise to false bait. So they had baited their trap with a real piece but that they believed to be inconsequential… Therein lies their blunder. Princess, the answer is within your memories.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Do be specific. We are long lived.”

Whisking his hoof about the Sandpony produced a tiny bubble from his own dust. “This was the enemy’s bait, apiece of which you have the complete set.”

“We thank thee, Lord of Sand.”

“I must go. I must reestablish my realm.”

Luna took the bubble. “Are thee ready?”

Spike and Rarity nodded.

Their entry into the memory was near seamless save for the strange feeling of occupying a foreign body. Their experience was lived out through Luna’s eyes. The banners of three nations were scattered across the battlefield. Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies tribal flags flew atop a cliff. A bigger banner dwarfed those; it bore the symbol of two Alicorns circling the sun and moon. The larger rallying flag was newer and recently dyed.

Luna and Celestia stood clad in silver and gold armor, respectively. They stared at the sea of infantry below their vantage point. A multi colored army fought against a force in black armor.

Luna smiled. “Huzzah, Sombra’s forces are being pressed back. Have Commander Hurricane break through their left flank and slay their mages.”

Celestia stood by her sister. “Lulu, we should have Hurricane reinforce the right flank, the infantry are wavering there.”

“Tia, thou favors defense, however, sometimes mine offense can be a defense of its own. The enemy Mage artillery art more precious than our Earth Pony infantry.”

Celestia nodded. “Thou shall explain that after the battle to the Earth Ponies regiment commanders whose soldiers you sacrifice.”

Luna huffed. “So be it.”

She turned toward a Pegasus messenger. “Relay mine orders!”

Celestia reiterated. “Our orders.”

The Pegasus messenger saluted and flew off.

Luna grit her teeth, there was a tiny spark of tension as she looked towards her sister.

From behind the Princesses a white unicorn mare made her way past their guards. After bowing low, she spoke urgently. “Celestial sisters, I beg of thee do not slay my father. King Amethyst is not himself!”

A bearded mage tried to console the alabaster mare. “Princess Platinum, King Amethyst is no more. Nothing remains of your father. He is King Sombra now.”

“I shall never call him Sombra!” Platinum shook her head. “Please, Starswirl, somewhere inside that shell is the father that loves me and rocked my cradle so that could sleep every night as a foal. There must be another means.”

Starswirl sighed. “Princesses Luna and Celestia, I have tried explaining. Perhaps thine words will work better than mine.”

Platinum intoned pleadingly. “I beseech you, Celestial sisters. Spare my father. There must be another method.”

Luna spoke coldly. “We wish that there were. It must be done.”

Celestia sparked her horn. “Sister, the spell is ready. We have but one chance.”

The lines scratched into the ground began glowing. The rune designs of the arcane circle flowed with power.

“No!” Platinum tried to rub away a part of the line with her hoof.

“Stop child!” Starswirl wrapped Platinum in his magic and pulled her away.

Luna shouted orders. “Enough time has been bought! Have the army clear the center! Everything within the path of our spell will be naught but ash.”

Celestia stopped her with a hoof. “Nay, the enemy must not be made aware of our plans. Sombra will suspect our stratagem if we shift the infantry in such a manner.”

Luna’s eyes became wide. “Sister, thou shall annihilate a fourth of our army as blood sacrifice?!”

“Before did you not wish to trade infantry for their mages?”

“That is different!” Luna barked. “Thou murders much more than I ever proposed to sacrifice!”

Celestia wore her mask of indifference as she took her place. “These are the sins of empire. There shall be more blood yet if we are to create a nation from Equestria. I am still your eldest sister; this is my lesson for you Luna.”

Luna wept as she walked into position. “… I shall never be as you are!”

The dream ended in flood of light and indiscernible after images. Spike felt the fuzzy carpet mat of Twilight’s foyer against his claws. Luna and Rarity arose with him.

“I’m glad you made it.” Twilight collapsed in front of them. Her horn fizzled out with tiny flashes of lavender magic.

“Twilight!” They rushed to help her.

Luna looked Twilight over. “Tis simply magical exhaustion cometh from exertion, she is no danger.”

Spike sighed when he heard Twilight peacefully snoring. Satisfied with her safety their thoughts returned to their dreams.

Rarity gasped. “I simply could not believe Celestia would order such a thing.”

Luna replied. “My sister was correct. Had Sombra escaped it would have prolonged the war and there would be more lives lost.”

“Such cruelty in our history…” Rarity sighed. “Those times truly were the dark ages. Armor suits more the fashionable than suits of cloth…”

Spike raised a claw. “So Sombra was father of Princess Platinum?”

Luna nodded. “King Amethyst was seduced by a dark foreign Queen; together they conspired to usurp the Celestial Plane. Cast from it they were corrupted. A great war was fought to halt their ambitions, we are certain they are no more.”

“What was that? Sombra is the puppet master? In the Crystal Kingdoms I thought I helped take care of that monster… permanently.” The salvation of the Crystal Kingdom had earned Spike his knighthood when he came of age. There was even a pane of stained glass in Canterlot palace to honor him.

Luna groaned. “Nay we do not know the significance of that memory to our enemy.”

Rarity moaned. “My head hurts. Really couldn’t there have been a warning? Darling, I feel—”

“Rarity!” Spike cried out. Spike spotted the coming one of Rarity’s fainting spells. He caught her and set her down gently.

“She requires rest… the Dream Lord’s toll will take time for her soul to recover.”

“Luna, about that, you used her.” Spike looked at Luna, demanding an answer.

“Sir Spike, we would not needlessly endanger thee and Lady Rarity. We explained that there were risks.”

“That’s not good enough!” Spike growled. “We talked about this; you’ve got to tell me what’s going on.”

“We must make hard choices.” Luna frowned.

“Has your heart hardened so much?” Spike gnarled.

Luna took a deep breath. Spike recognized that she was taking off her ‘mask’. “Recently, I was visited by my other self… I feel my time is shortening. This enemy of ours must be dealt with before I go… already our foe has proven so powerful. Now they dig within my past. I may be the only one capable of stopping whoever and whatever they’re planning.”

Spike straightened up. “Luna, you’re not going anywhere and you’re not alone. Nightmare Moon isn’t you.”

“Sir Spike, I am frightened of myself…”

“You can’t give in to that. Acting rashly you often make terrible mistakes.” Spike hugged her. “When I was young… I even ran off. That lasted about a day.”

“Thou art most wise.”

“Luna, just let me in.”

Luna pulled away and nodded. “I fear you may not like what thou might find.”

“Don’t be afraid, being together means more than just hanging out for the good times.”

After Luna left, Spike tended to Twilight and Rarity while they recovered. After he laid Twilight onto her bed, he set Rarity up with his. He tucked Rarity gently in.

“Spikey,” Rarity reached out in her sleep.

Spike let her hold him and held her in return for a moment. Rarity had sacrificed so much. The element of Generosity was giving herself away. She was hurting herself to be with him. Rarity always had a heart bigger than most which allow her to give away so much, yet he could not forget she was not infinite. Her actions had great significance given her limitations. He couldn’t allow her to continue. He wondered whether he could convince Rarity to take up Luna’s offer. Rarity’s pride though was one of her last assets, she wouldn’t accept charity. Accepting help from Luna would be an admission of surrender.

Spike resolved to speak Rarity about the subject when she awoke. Making a light lunch of garnets he decided to take a peek into Twilight’s translation project. The scroll from the dragon elder was still laid out on Twilight’s table. He saw his sister had translated a small section onto a small piece of parchment.

Twilight’s Translation Notes:

Dragon culture is the most storied yet it remains a mystery to many. Their runic alphabet seems to have been developed for easy scratching by claws onto stone tablets for a pre-historical time. In the millennia that have passed all save a few of the dragon elders have lost their language. After cross checking several sources, I have deduced the scroll to be a myth amongst the dragons themselves. This is an unprecedented; mythic creatures having myths of their own!

Corruption, nothing is left pure

It hungers and swallows forth the day

Darkness, all is devoured in despair

All are but actors in this cruel play!

The thirst, that is to live

I am awaken, eyes wide

I shall not forget or forgive

All shall drown in a red tide!

I have chills translating this. I’ve tested the scroll for all magical anomalies; there are none. Yet as I read the runes, it seems I’m being spoken to. Maybe I’m just sleepy. I’m going to hold off translating for a while.

Spike was breathing heavily when he dropped the parchment piece. He didn’t blame Twilight for stopping, he too was unnerved. The words were familiar. He was interrupted by a knock on the library door. Visitors were many today. He sighed as he opened the door to greet the latest guest.

Nightshade spoke bluntly. “Spike, I need your help.”

“Okay, what’s up?”

“Fly with me, it is a secret.”

Spike flew with Nightshade through the evening’s cold currents of air.

Nightshade finished off her explanation. “That’s all of it. Luna wants me to speak to Lord Aldred.”

“Okay, Luna is entirely too bold. She is right in that we can’t show weakness, but if we quoted verbatim, Aldred would go to war no matter what. It’s Dragon Code to accept any challenge.”

“How shall we convey the Princess’s message then?”

Spike pounded his left palm with his claws as the solution came to him. “Good cop and bad cop, I’ll be conciliatory and you be yourself.”

Nightshade flew closer and eyeballed him. “Are you implying I’m a bad officer?”

“No?” Spike grinned.

“Good,” said Nightshade flying back. “That idea of yours though is a great one. Count me impressed, and count me in.”

Spike blushed for a moment with her compliment. He steered back towards the topic. “We probably shouldn’t mention the tail of end of Luna’s message since it could be construed as an invitation to duel.”

“Speaking of that duel, I asked Luna about it… she would be willing to war for you, if either you had slew Firestorm or been slain yourself.”

“Wait, Luna cares that much?”

Nightshade spoke with a hint of jealousy. “I told her about the dragons and her first question was about your wellbeing.”

“Her first thought was me?”

“Yeah, it’s disturbing. Don’t make her have to choose between you and Equestria.”

“Thanks for telling me about this, Nightshade. I don’t know why you’re telling me this though.”

“Luna loves you,” Nightshade said flatly. “I love Luna.”

The lonely air around Nightshade was something that always saddened Spike; combined by her desperation he was reminded so much of his earlier self. The bat pony was far from being physically unattractive. “Nightshade, have your tried the dating scene? Seriously, you got options. You’re… umm rather cute.”

Nightshade nearly stalled in flight. She recovered swiftly, though. “That’s lust! I want a loving relationship.”

Spike nodded; in his youth he could have picked another mare instead of Rarity. As he grew older and the hormones relaxed, Spike found Rarity’s personality to be her winning aspect.

“Also,” Nightshade continued, “think about it, we’re soldiers, carnivores if you will. No matter how hard we explain to others they’ll never quite understand.”

“I’m an ambassador for peace, not war. I’m not a soldier, but I understand. If others don’t understand the make them listen. I can’t completely understand bat ponies and I’m sure you’re not a dragon. Even if they can’t fully comprehend, they can still love you can’t they?”

“Spike, I—” Nightshade’s word were interrupted.

“We’re close, let’s not speak Lord Aldred’s sense of hearing is supreme,” said Spike.

A long time ago another dragon roosted here. Spike remembered that the dragon’s snoring spewed choking smoke across the land. That dragon though was rather reasonable and left after realizing the consequences of its actions on others… Aldred he hoped was in a reasoning mood. Larger than the previous host, Aldred’s head popped out of the cave.

Spike motioned Nightshade to get behind him. “Let me do the talking, Aldred knows me.”

“He seems to be asleep. No guards, we could end the Dragon Dominions here if we wanted.” Nightshade raised her lance.

“Shush!” said Spike.

The massive dragon snorted smoke against them as he opened his eyes. “Little pony, your little lances are not even tooth picks to me.”

Nightshade planted her hooves and stood against the smoke cloud. “I do not fear you.”

Aldred chuckled. “All dread the dragon king, Aldred.”

Nightshade hissed. “I bet your eyes aren’t armored.”

“Not helping.” said Spike stepping in front of Nightshade.

Aldred eyes snapped to Spike. “Spike of the Ponies, yet again we meet.”

“He Who Swallows the Sky Lord Aldred, I met your son again.”

“I heard you won the duel. This time it did not take an entire day, nor did you have to level the country side. Congratulations on your victories. Garble’s crown will be empty of gems by the time he learns. It was not proof of your prowess but rather his incompetence.”

“I gave him back the jewel. I only wanted one in the first place.”

Aldred sighed in boredom. “Interesting…”

“Anyway, I want to ask you why you want war, I heard you had a flying tour over Equestria. Acts of intimidation are beneath you.”

“I wanted to see how this land had changed. This was my home long ago.”

Nightshade sneered. “Likely story, you’re just surveying our military preparations for your invasion!”

Aldred mused. “Invasion, is there to be a war?”

Nightshade was growling now. “Any further flights of fancy will be considered an act of war. We’ll ally with the Griffins and Zebras, and even your armies will be no match.”

“More fodder equals more food for my army. Do not think you can threaten me.”

Spike stepped in again. “We’re not threatening anything. Princess Luna simply doesn’t want you venturing away from the Peace Summit grounds. You wouldn’t want others walking through your cave living room would you?”

“Very well, I shall limit my sightseeing.” He turned to Nightshade. “Little pony, tell your Princess, I agree to stay with the bounds and grounds of the Peace Summit.”

Nightshade nodded. “Luna also wants to remind you who left that scar on your left leg.”

Spike shot Nightshade an angry look after she mentioned what he specifically said not to.

Aldred growled slightly, which sounded like roaring. “Go, pony, or I might have a snack. I have words to speak to your ambassador alone.”

Nightshade turned to Spike.

“Go,” he ordered. “I got this.”

Spike stood alone in front of Aldred. His interactions with the dread dragon had been limited even as ambassador. He mostly spoke with other dragons. Of the elders he was also the one he had least time with. Aldred seemed to keep his distance specifically from him. “What is it that you can’t say in Nightshade’s company?”

“Let us speak dragon to dragon. Why do stand with the ponies? You are a dragon.”

Spike didn’t appreciate Aldred’s tone or his condescension. “I told you before they’re my family. I feel little kinship with dragons.”

“Curious you should say family. Spike, I am your—”

Spike raised his claws. “Stop, if you say father, you can eat my middle claw.”

Aldred laughed revealing rows of his razor teeth, each easily the size of Spike. “I am your uncle. I would not spawn such an impudent brat.”

Spike smirked. “What about, your son, Garble?”

“That whelp will learn. I have reserved all the time in creation to teach my son. I will waste little time with you, nephew.”

Spike put his claws on his hips. “Right, you’re my uncle and my cousin’s the Kaiser.”

Aldred snorted. “Believe as you will, but I would recognize my brother’s blood; he had most mauve scales and grass green spines. Your spell fire is of the hue of your mother’s flame.”

“I hung out in the Dragon Dominions for a while. Suddenly you tell me this when it’s convenient. Where’s your proof?”

“You have dreams of a field fire. The visions bring you restless nights.”

Aldred now had Spike’s full attention. Spike asked. “How did you know?”

“My brother had the same… your destiny is destruction. These ponies you surround yourself with; they will be kindling when the fires of your nightmares are brought into the waking world.”

“Let me guess. I betray my friends, and you teach me how to avoid that fate? Seriously, if betray them, then what’s the point?”

“Spike, I make no such offer. I loathed and loved my brother. For our combined wisdom and his strength of will, we were not able to save him. He was like you, he believed in peace and cooperation. He had recently lost his dragon mate… he sought comfort amongst others. His company with them corrupted him. The fool saw a pony so much the likeness of his slain love; he believed she was a reincarnation of her. Thus did he pursue a pony for a wife. When he was rejected by the object of his affections, he let the demon inside win.”

Rarity’s rejection had almost sent Spike down a similar path; the eerie likeness of their history gave him chills.

Aldred raised his mighty maw towards the moon. “Above these very skies, I fought your father, my brother, when he became a mindless monster… In his last moment of clarity, he begged me to bite into his throat. I honored his wish, spilling the blood of my kin unto the Sodom below. I mourned his passing by burning those who had so possessed him.”

Spike snapped. “Then you dishonor his memory by destroying who he loved!”

“The object of his affections, she had already been burnt in his rage. I simply destroyed the remainders of that village of little ponies. I thought I even destroyed your egg in that fire…”

“That makes you a monster, too. You had no right to hurt those ponies!”

“I was not always above my own demon. It possessed me: grief. I had lost my only brother. For finishing the village… I shall always be sorry.”

Spike snarled. “If only your condolences could bring them back.”

Aldred shot him a stare.“Beware of your sharp tongue. Wit will not save you from my fury if you provoke me.”

“I’m not my dad and I refuse to call you uncle. Your story of despair doesn’t affect me!” Spike words, despite their spoken volume, were half haltingly hesitant. “I’m not going to become that! I won’t.”

“My story was to teach.” Aldred eyed Spike for a moment. “Perhaps you are right, young Spike… you are not my brother. Your mother’s blood runs stronger. When war comes, I shall not count you as my kin.” Aldred spread his great wings and took flight. His silhouette almost engulfed the moon. “Remember, your destiny is destruction. You are an immortal, time is your enemy. Eventually even the sun will burn out. When you surrender to the beast, do not ask me to bite your throat.”

Just today he had reassured Luna, now he was unsure of himself. Luna said he was a certain breed of dragon. His father had succumbed. Was his nightmare really a portends for the future? The field of fire he so feared: was that what awaited?

A voice spoke to him. “You’ve been struggling with it your whole life haven’t you?”

“Yeah, I thought one day I could even conquer it… now I’m told this. Is it really inevitable?”

“Spike, buck that guy.”

Spike swiveled his head to see Nightshade standing behind him. He hadn’t even noticed her. “You managed to eaves drop? Aldred’s senses are legendary. He can hear a butterfly’s wing beat from a mile.”

“I doubt that old dragon can hear that much. Anyway, buck destiny.”

“What makes you say that?”

Nightshade looked skyward and reflected on herself. “It was said we vampire bat ponies would destroy the world and our very existence served that end. Before Luna, we were hunters and the hunted.”

“You did support the first Lunar Rebellion. Historical records show that you still fought on after Luna became Nightmare Moon and some still after the banishment.”

“There were some… back then the daylight truly was our enemy… Before modern magic cured much of our symptoms we burned in the days’ rays.”

“Eternal night would kill agriculture, therefore ending life. What about your blood supply?”

“Is the heart so logical?”

He was surprised by her words. “I suppose no.”

“Ponies aren’t defined by the emblems on our flanks. Your draconic nature isn’t who you are. We are so much more.”

“I know, but it’s just not my nature now… even Luna said it was my destiny. Who’s going to stop me if I can’t stop myself?”

Nightshade frowned; she used her right hoof and nervously rubbed a circle in the ground. “Just as there are standing orders if Luna should become Nightmare Moon. There are plans for you.”

“Yeah, Luna said something about that. You’re Luna’s life keeper, who’s mine?”

“Luna herself… after her it’s me… I am to take your life. One of my assignments was to study Dragon anatomy.”

Spike chuckled. “I thought Fancy Pants might be the one.”

“He doesn’t have this.” Nightshade raised her lance so that it shone in the moonlight. “The lance I carry is special… it has a name: Longinus. The thickest armor is but butter to its edge. That which can slay a goddess…. can also bring a demon to death.”

“Well that lance of yours, if I turn you know where to put it.” Spike smiled, and pulled her lance to point at his heart.

Nightshade pulled away. “I don’t want to be the one.”

She opened her mouth to say more, but she cut herself short. Instead, she looked at Spike’s eyes, then she took a collective breath. “I... I love you.”

Spike shook his head of shock. “Wait, what did you say? What was that last thing?!”

Nightshade backed away from his shouting and spoke casually. “I said I like you.”

Spike stared at Nightshade intensely. She either had a supreme poker face or she didn’t even notice her slip up. “I could have sworn you said the other ‘L’ word.”

Nightshade hissed. “You wish! Repugnant reptile!” The bat pony took to wing.

Spike flew after her, playfully. “Hey, I’m not letting that get away!”

Author's Note:

My rendition of our favorite reptile: Sir Spike Bucking Sparkle!