• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,885 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 20 Even the Winter of War

The waves lapped against the sandy shore. Spike sat alongside Luna.

“Where are we?” Spike asked.

“Tis a buffer, I pulled us into mine dreams to save us the crash when we so ejected from Nightshade’s.” Luna buried her head in between her fore hooves and sighed. “Twas as I feared, Captain Nightshade’s defenses were too strong.”

Nightshade’s words still rang in his mind. He ran through his mind endlessly whether things might have been different if Luna had handled Nightshade’s feelings with better grace. His own experiences told him that Luna, like the moon, was distant by nature. “Is that all?” Spike said, coldly.

Luna looked up at Spike. “Nay, dost thou question mine treatment of Nightshade?”

“Maybe, I do.”

Luna shook her head into her hooves. “I plucked Nightshade from a battlefield. I raised her to the best of mine ability. I considered her as a daughter. Truly, I loved her so.”

Spike’s edge was dulled by the passion and hurt in Luna’s voice. “You still could have paid closer attention.”

Luna nodded. “In time, I even considered her as a sister. Therein, I see my folly. I took her loyalty for granted as did my own sister did mine…”

Spike sighed. “What was done, is done.”

“Sir Spike, soon come the morning, and we shall have come no closer to finding our enemy’s location.”

“And Rarity’s location, right?”

“Indeed,” said Luna, curtly.

“Wait, you need a strong personal connection with the dreamer to locate the dream right?”

Luna nodded.

“They kidnapped Rarity! We can go through her. Rarity might know their location.”

“Sir Spike, thou hath not walked in her dreams.”

“Maybe not, but I’ve stood by her many a night when she passed out exhausted beside her sewing machine. I know her hopes and aspirations. I…” As Spike cited his past with Rarity, a deep sadness overcame him. There was a time that Rarity was so certain in his heart that she shined upon the darkness in his life. In the present, he never felt further from her. Was there enough lingering feelings left to even manage a connection?

“Perhaps it is enough. Think deeply upon Rarity and thy connection to her.” Luna touched her horn against Spike head. Luna summoned a dream portal. She moved to step through it.

Spike was ready to follow but saw her linger for a solid minute. Luna promptly closed the portal. “Nay, tis too cruel…”


“A reverse dream invasion kills the dreamer. To see through their eyes in the waking world overloads the hosts’ mind. Thou hast seen the same at the Peace Summit.”

“Wait a second! You were ready to kill Nightshade?”

Luna spoke factually. “We could not simply ask her.”

Spike spat in disgust. “You were willing to make complicit in murder without telling me?”

“Sir Spike, didst thou not acquiesce to be a piece to follow mine orders? Nightshade is a traitor to the crown, the judgment for her crimes would be court martial summarily followed by execution.”

“I don’t think you gave Rarity the same option of whether she wanted to die. She’s not a damn piece on your board. Why couldn’t we just ask her? Why did you even attempt it?”

“While we may ask the dreamer, the only way to be certain of the enemy’s location would be to look through their eyes. Even without the eyes, the psychic connection alone is-” Luna raised a hoof halting her explanation. “Why dost thou fret, I did not-”

Spike spat. “You considered killing Rarity. This was never about rescuing her. It was all about find the enemy’s location. Was it? Better yet, take two pieces with one move. Rarity’s gone, and I’m all yours!”

Luna stoically stared off into the dreamscape ocean.

Spike snarled. “Rarity put her life on the line for that plan to trap Amorpheus!”

“We all put forth our lives upon this line. If our enemy is who I believe it to be then there are greater dangers. The world may yet be in peril.”

“I recall Rarity put her life on the line to stop a certain Nightmare Moon, too. Wasn’t the world in peril then? Rarity’s given so much so many times I’m not letting her give her life away.”

“Then we can still enter her dreams and ask her if she gleaned any details as to the enemy’s location.”

“No. I’ll ask her alone.” Spike growled at Luna. “I can’t trust you.”

Luna choked. “Very, Sir Spike.”

“Don’t call me ‘Sir’. I’m not your knight.” Spike nearly bit his tongue in anger. “Keep your secrets.”

Spike exhaled as the steam left him. “How many more lies, Luna? I can’t do this much longer… It’s too much. You’re an endless staircase. Every step I think we’re on the level, I find out there’s many more.”

Luna gave a sigh. “Tis fair, I admit guilt upon all accounts save one: I did not consider killing Rarity to remove a romantic rival. Forsooth, the thought never crossed mine mind. Tis not fair to accuse me of such. Dost thou think me so petty and cruel?”

Even Spike had to admit, such a ploy did not seem like Luna to devise. Luna’s actions always served a greater good. She wouldn’t use them towards a personal vendetta. He begrudgingly spoke. “No, I don’t believe you thought so far.”

“Thou should quickly enter Rarity’s dreams inquire and acquire her whereabouts. Morning cometh.”


Luna moved in, the kind of motion made for a kiss Spike jumped back, pushing her away with his palm. “I just need some space!”

“I need to establish a connection to Rarity to form a portal.”

Spike rubbed his head frills, realizing again he had mistaken her intentions. He bowed and allowed her to touch her horn upon his head. He tried to think of Rarity, but Luna befuddled his thoughts.

Luna’s magic sparked without effect.

“Sorry, my mind is just a bit confused.”

“As is mine,” said Luna, sorrowfully. “Once more, then.”

Spike’s nostrils flared as the ghastly odor attacked his mind. The memory was laced with a pungent stink of rotting rubbish and vegetables. Still starker was the sights of the Canterlot slums. Literally in the shadow of the Capital’s glory, giant garbage chutes dumped the refuse from the mountaintop city to the under districts below. The buildings were assembled with various hodge-podge building pieces of junk metal or whatever could be found. Not shown on any map, the Canterlot slums were a considered a national embarrassment,the results of a society of excess.

Spike noted also that the majority of the population was not coincidentally comprised of Earth Ponies. Amongst the down trodden, there was one mare who held her head a sliver higher. In a patch-work cloak dress and wearing a torn tawdry hat, she pushed a clothing cart through the crowd of workers. Her disguise didn’t fool him. Down to her walk, this looked like the Rarity he knew. Rarity and poverty, though, were two things that did not seem to go together.

Setting up her stall, the mare opened the various panels on her cart and brought forth her assorted designed garments. Spike was now certain this was Rarity by her trademarked flair and style.

“Scarfs for sale! You there, sir!” Rarity danced around the market place. “This scarf will really accentuate your mane!”

Spike observed her sales day. Maybe it was the dream distortion, but it seemed like a blink before the sun was setting and casting the shadow of Canterlot upon the slums. Rarity had accumulated a sizable sum of coins. It did not go unnoticed several of Earth Pony merchants.

A mare with two missing front teeth slammed her hoof against Rarity’s market cart. “You made a lot of bits today. We deserve our cut.”

Rarity smiled against their angry glares. “Absolutely, ladies! I think we should go out for dinner, my treat! As fellow clothier extraordinaires, I simply cannot believe we haven’t gone out together.”

Spike relaxed. Rarity was working her social charm. The other two merchant mares were looking at each other and seemed piqued by dinner.

The lead merchant mare was undeterred and sashayed up to Rarity’s face. “Nuh-ugh, who do ya think ya are sista!?” She shoved her hoof pushing Rarity down into the muddy after-flow of a nearby gutter.

Rarity’s cloak shielded her from the grime. However, she recoiled and threw it away as the sewage began seeping through. “Mud!”

Rarity realized her mistake when the other merchant mares saw her flank. She tried to force a smile. Rarity’s cutie mark definitely set her apart from the mundane utensils and working class emblems. The other mares looked at theirs shamefully for a second before turning to jealous rage.

“Look at her flank; she’s got diamonds!”

“I bet she’s from the upper city! Not so high and mighty now are you?!”

“Look at the little harlot! She thinks she’s better than us!”

“I say we give her a shave!” One of the mares brought out a pair shearing scissors that was normally used to cut fabric.

Menacingly, they advanced upon Rarity, her lips quivering nervously.

Spike didn’t care if they were dream phantoms. He was ready to rip those mares apart or burn them alive with his draconic flames. The only thing stopping him was deciding which. A twinkle through Rarity’s hat, though, distracted him. It was a spark of her magic.

One of the merchant carts slid on the uneven streets, crashing into another. The domino effect sent several carts flying off as they careened against each other.

The leader of the bullies spun around and chased after her cart. “Not again! That stupid brake always gives out! Help me!”

The other merchants followed swiftly after their cart flying through the streets.

Swiveling her head to see no others ponies about, Rarity happily hummed as she put away the various clothes she had hung in display.

Spike decided then to approach. “That was incredible, Rarity. You sure showed them.”

Rarity pulled a Fluttershy move and hid her face behind her mane. “You didn’t see the days where they won…”

“Rarity,” said Spike. “Did they hurt you?”

“They couldn’t do anything to me worse than that what life had done to them. The merchant with the missing teeth, her husband beats her. You can hear her scream through the streets. Spike, I was never angry at my bullies. This city… Canterlot does something to you after a while. It’s much like Manehattan that way.”

Spike gave a sad nod. “Yeah, living outside the ‘herd’ is never fun.”

Part of him was glad that Rarity was no stranger to the alienation. They shared that now. Maybe it was always like that, inside her head Rarity overflowed with ideas. Even if he wasn’t an artist he was happy to bask in the warm glow of her inspiration.

Rarity nodded, then spun around and clasped her hooves around the dragon’s head. “Spikey?! You’re not just a figment?!”

“You noticed!” Spike smiled. He and Rarity had started talking like an elderly couple.

“Spikey? What are you doing in my dreams?”

Spike smirked. “Well, you’ve been in mine for so long, I figured I might enter one of yours.”

Rarity laughed while playfully poking Spike’s scaly chest with her hoof. “Do you pick up all the mares you meet with that line?”

Spike raised a brow. “All this time, the snooty Canterlot socialite personality has been your way of overcompensating?”

Rarity huffed. “I have always been a lady!” She trailed off. “Even if… I wasn’t always able to afford the accoutrements of one.”

“Miss Rarity, you are a diamond even in the rough of indignity.”

Rarity’s face became beet red. “Seriously Spikey, let us never speak of this again!”

Spike though insisted. Rarity was so utterly misplaced in the scene; his curiosity was burning as to how she had gotten there. “Rarity… I want to know you, even in the bad times. I wasn’t even aware you even heard of the Canterlot slums, let alone been here in the thick of it.”

Rarity lowered her head. “Darling, following your dreams doesn’t pay the bills. I tried striking it in Canterlot once, it didn’t end well. Like most failures, I was flushed out.” Rarity pointed to a giant refuse pipe from the mountain city that was spewing rubbish into the under-city. “I spent a while here.” Rarity gestured a hoof at the dream slum.

“They just didn’t know how talented you were.”

“I wish I was stronger. After a while, I couldn’t bear it and limped back to Ponyville. My Canterlot dreams ended there.”

“Everypony in Ponyville loves your designs. You own a well respected establishment.”

“I swore never to be poor again. After a while, I built my Boutique. I foolishly dreamed of Canterlot again.”

Spike felt guilty again. Rarity’s involvement with him had ended her dream. The racist social elite latched onto the scandal and rumors casting her brand into the dirt.

“Still, even with that dream dead… I chose it over you… that fateful night. Societal norms, my fears, and my insecurities, I should have thrown all those away. Instead I lied to you.”

“You’re still hung up on that?” Spike consoled her. “I told you, I forgive you.” Rarity’s lies, though, made him think for a moment about Luna. He had to face his own truth.

The dream scape turned dark as Rarity lowered her head further. Her lips quivered. She chokingly sobbed out, “Yet, you’re with Luna.”

The dream was beginning to crack. Spike saw the fissures in the cheap cobblestones pavement. On the cusp of crying, Spike wrapped his wings around Rarity.

“Rarity, I can’t stand to see you cry. It was I who was thoughtless. I put you on the spot. I selfishly loved you without knowing the social position it’d put you in. It wasn’t fair for me to place my expectation of acceptance on you. I know what I am. I’m a dragon, teeth-gnashing, sharp-scale having, horn-wearing, smoke-snoring-”

“You’re my Spikey.” Rarity placed a hoof on his mouth, stopping him.

“I have dark dreams… I’ve had them for a while. I’m in a field fire looming over you and all my friends. I become the monster I fear.”

Rarity gasped. “Spike, I’ve had a similar dream.”

Spike rubbed his chin. “This can’t be a coincidence.”

“Spikey, in my dream. I’m the monster.”

“What?” said Spike.

“I’ve been having terrible visions about my possible past life.” Rarity’s eyes watered. “It’s been terribly confusing.”

Spike patted Rarity on the back. “It’s okay.”

“Spikey, I have to ask… chasing me all these years… do you regret it?”

“…I’m sorry… I don’t.” He hugged her with first his arms then with his wings as well.

“I don’t, either.” Rarity hugged Spike back. She moved in to kiss him.

Spike blocked Rarity with a claw. “Wait, Rarity, I need to know where you are in the waking world!”

Rarity nodded. “They’re lead by some Changeling Queen named Chitania. She’s ancient and powerful. I’m being held hostage in a Canterlot Hotel. They have a cloaking spell up. Spike, I lov-”

The dreamscape began tearing away as Rarity woke. As much as they struggled to hold each other, they were pulled apart as the dreams split.

“Rarity!” Spike cried out loud.

Spike opened his eyes to find Luna staring back at him. He was holding hard onto the Princess. He looked about to find that the dream had ended, and he was safely in Luna’s large bed.

“Dost thou speak’st the name of thy true love?” Luna looked at him tearfully.

Spike turned away. “Luna, let’s focus on the mission…” Coughing, he resumed. “They have Rarity locked away in a Canterlot hotel. She says they have a cloaking spell and are led by some Changeling named Chitania.”

Luna’s eyes widened, and she sprung to her hooves. “Nay! Tis a mistake. Art thou certain?”

Spike nervously nodded. Luna’s concern was infectious.

Fancy Pants and Twilight groaned while rubbing their heads. Maintaining their connection to the dream world was apparently a headache.

Twilight stretched her limbs from her previous sitting position. “You were in there for a long time. What happened?”

“The identity of the enemy has been confirmed. We face truly a frightful foe. We must not tarry!” Luna had risen off from the bed and planted her hooves firmly onto the floor.

Pegasi crashed through the top most windows of the hotel. Earth Pony guards, backed by Unicorn mages, blew apart the foyer door. The ground and air entry teams lowered their weapons in confusion as they met.

Fancy Pants grimaced as he stepped through the shattered glass of the raided hotel. “I do declare! No reception party?”

“We art too late.” Luna looked at the magic circle array burned into the tile work of the hotel. The intricate circle was heavily defaced and still smoking. There would be no means of recreating it.

Spike recognized some parts of the array when he was doing research into more advanced teleportation spells with Twilight. The complexity, though, was unlike most portals he saw.

A guard saluted. “We found an injured soldier.”

Spike followed Luna and Fancy Pants. They found the soldier slumped against the wall of the hotel corridor. The unicorn had Night Guard armor. A medic had already taken off parts of the armor and was applying bandages to a puncture wound to the soldier’s chest.

“An ‘honorary’ Night Guard?” questioned Fancy Pants. “What are you doing here, son?”

The soldier gave a dry rasp as he tried to speak.

Fancy Pants uncorked a canteen and gave the soldier water.

The soldier gave an appreciative nod. “Using a charm spell, I snuck into the ranks of the treasonous troops. Captain Nightshade discovered me.”

“Soldier, where art Captain Nightshade?” Luna growled.

The soldier spoke passionately. “Wait, the Captain’s no traitor!”

Spike’s eyes lit up with hope.

“This is stupendous news!” said Fancy Pants.

Luna tilted her head and pressed her muzzle almost to the soldier’s face. “Hast thou proof? Didst the Captain confess this to you?”

The soldier slumped sadly. “No, but Captain Nightshade could have killed me.”

Fancy Pants frowned. “Lad, you’re very near death.”

The soldier said. “But, I’m not dead.”

“Twas an error,” Luna said coldly, “thou art lucky that her lance missed thy heart.”

“Princess, I don’t think she would miss. She teaches anatomy combat lessons to the new recruits. We’re taught to go for killing strikes.”

Luna waved her hoof dismissively. “Tis baseless conjecture, we cannot risk to speculate.”

The soldier sadly nodded. Spike mirrored his sadness.

Luna then pressed her hoof against the soldiers’ wound. Fancy Pants and Spike gasped as the soldier yelped in pain. “Now, tell us information of the enemy, lest ye be marked a traitor also.”

The soldier screamed in pain, fighting desparately to push Luna’s hoof off. “They’re lead by some Changeling Queen named Chitania! She didn’t speak of any details to her plan.”

“Tell us more!” Luna cried, pressing her hoof harder upon the wound. The red splotch on the bandages was growing.

Spike tried to place a claw to lift Luna’s hoof. “Luna, stop. He’s speaking willingly.”

The soldier cried. “That’s all I know!”

Luna pressed even harder. Spurts of blood spat from the over soaked bandages. The soldier gave a last gasp before falling unconscious.

A medic shouted. “Princess, he’s entered a coma! No more!”

Luna casually flicked the blood from her hooves. “We had to be sure.”

Spike felt his jaw fall. He felt like a statue as he watched Luna give a huff, then walk away.

Fancy Pants leaned towards Spike. “Dare I ask, what again was the name of the enemy that has so right ruffled our Princess’ feathers?”

“Chitania,” Spike repeated the unfamiliar name. He was still recovering from watching Luna torture the soldier.

Just as Spike had almost forgotten her, Twilight chimed in. “Chitania must be a corruption of the Titania. The Changelings are said corruption of the mythical Faerie Pony race. Titania was their Queen. The Faerie Ponies were cursed to be Changelings after their Queen tried to usurp the heavens.”

Spike asked. “Twi, do you know more?”

Twilight shook her head. “Even that story is legend to the Changelings, and they would know best. It’s really ancient history.”

Luna sighed and stepped back. “Queen Chitania and King Sombra, conspired together.”

The mention of Sombra caused Spike’s spines to stand on ends. In his childhood, he’d helped banish the tyrant. He didn’t sleep well for weeks afterwards, with nightmares of the evil King. Even then, the Sombra they fought then was a specter. He shuddered to think of fighting Sombra in the flesh.

Luna explained. “Twas unholy matrimony. They combined the Crystal Heart with the Scepter of Light and they sought to use it to usurp the Celestial plane. Apotheosis was their goal, to become gods. Their people paid the price. Wise King Amethyst became wicked Sombra and fair Titania became corrupted Chitania the first Changeling Queen.”

Twilight raised a hoof, like in her student days. “You and Celestia sealed Sombra so what happened to Chitania?”

“She used our war with Sombra as a distraction. Before we could stop her, she brought the world closer to Ragnarok than any other enemy. She and we did battle amongst the stars. A great many were sacrificed in the battle. Even then we were too late, she had become a demigod… our mightiest magic was to no effect. Only through a combination of our powers and her exhaustion did we prevail. In the afterwards, we held no trial only summary execution.”

“You just executed her?” asked Twilight.

Luna nodded. “There are foes too dangerous to be left alive. Sombra, Discord, Tirek, and many others, were for the chopping block.”

Spike’s head tried to grapple with some unfamiliar names. ‘Discord’,‘Tirek’, disturbingly who were the ‘many others’? He supposed it would have been simpler to murder problems away. He shuddered at the cruelty of their version of history.

Luna admitted. “Perhaps history might have been different. Discord was a lamentable lost. My sister mourned her lover for decades.”

Fancy Pants adjusted his collar. “I for one, I concur. As far I’ve travelled the world, I have seen monsters to which only death can solve, but what then is the problem if this Chitania is dead?”

“Exactly thus, my little ponies, I fear a foe so hateful as transcend death.”

Rarity squealed as she was kicked awake. She tensed and clutched her stomach.


She rose to see the fanged smile of Chitania pressed uncomfortably close to her face. Rarity squealed again and fell back to the cold stone floor. “Where are we?”

Chitania laughed. “Thou expected us to be still in that hotel and thy knight to rescue thee?”

Rarity pursed her lips. “I don’t know whatever you’re talking.”

Chitania smiled. “We Changelings feed on dreams of love. Thy message did not go unnoticed.”

Amorpheus coughed. “We should not linger. The old hive is filled monsters of the deep.”

Rarity swiveled her head. She was in the center of a massive underground cavern. Bioluminescent mushrooms glowed along with paste she recognized to be Changeling spit. The Changeling hive though did not seem occupied. The glowing paste was fading, and many honeycomb homes were darkly vacant. In the cavern ceiling, gems shone in an emulation of a forgotten and ancient evening sky.

Nightshade narrowed her eyes at the darkness. “I sense predators on the edge of our vision. Quarry eels?” She pointed her lance at moving shadows.

Chitania yawned. “Worry not, thou art safe. So long as I am here these cowardly pest dare not come near.”

Rarity reeled back as she looked into the darkness; several eyes seem to lock onto her.

Chitania patted Rarity on the back. “Any ghosts we encounter are no worry either… after all they are of my making.”

Making their way through the old hive, Rarity noted then the gradual shift in architecture the deeper they went. The crude stone work evolved into intricate carvings. The cavern pillars themselves were stylized like ancient Pegasi structures. Rarity saw some engravings that seem to have unicorn and pony influences.

A grand hallway with many pillars funneled them to a massive door. The door was engraved with warnings, skulls of Pony, Griffin, Changelings, and other unidentifiable lost races were etched upon it. The pictograms showed them praying to a dark sun, only to be absorbed into it. The images moved and seemed to silently scream at them.

In her and her friend’s very first adventure, she confronted Nightmare. Rarity remembered Pinkie laughing at the shadows of Everfree forest. Rarity chuckled like a mad mare. “How tacky! Absolutely gaudy and atrocious! Darling, who does your interior design?!”

Chitania laughed. “Forsooth, the ancients were a most melodramatic lot!”

Rarity and the dark Queen found themselves laughing, however, Chitania’s hollow reverb soon won out, and Rarity became too afraid to continue. Chitania continued relishing in Rarity’s discomfort.

“Art thou afraid?”

“Yes.” Rarity squeaked.

“Then, thou art sane.” Chitania pointed her hoof at the door. “Hundreds of cultists’ souls were unwillingly sacrificed to the make this very warning.”

Amorpheus asked. “Is this the gate?”

Chitania waved a hoof. “Nay, that lies beyond.”

Nightshade pointed her lance to the door. “How do we gain entry?”

“The Gate of Life forbids all undead to even touch it. Thine guards art to destroy it.”

Nightshade barked to her guards. “Bring it down!”

The guards charged with lances. Their common metal made not a single crack upon the marble. The door, however, screamed unto the assault. Rarity covered her ears with her hooves to shield from the screeching. After a minute, the guards stopped and stared at their lances impotently.

Chitania hissed. “Should we have paid common mercenaries instead?”

Nightshade brought forth her own gleaming lance. She flew and gave a single slash upon the stone. The gate gave a ghastly wail as it disintegrated into ashes.

Amorpheus narrowed his eyes at Nightshade. “That spear, has it a name?”

“Longinus,” said Nightshade.

Chitania swayed her head to the side like a curious canine. “Such a weapon! What great trust must Luna have for thee to have been bestowed such a boon.”

Nightshade winced. “I find the lance more a burden than a boon. Its great weight negates my greater speed.” She noticed Chitania leering and suspicious look. “My lance is yours, so long as you honor your deal.”

“Of course.” Chitania strolled on gleefully.

The haze of hopelessness had descended. Spike, along with everypony else, lingered in the abandon hotel, deliberating on their next move. He noted the different ways they dealt with stress. Fancy Pant was helping himself to cider from the hotel bar, of the bottles that were left un-shattered that is. Twilight was floating scrolls, and her eyes were darting madly as she read through them. Luna was pacing about with her horseshoes clacking against the hotel foyer tile work. Spike himself was paralyzed in his spot.

Luna stomped her left hoof and raised her right. “We shall intercept them!” She declared.

Twilight pondered. “Even if we could follow them through the portal, there’s no guarantee a trap isn’t waiting. Luna, we should be careful.”

“Nay, our enemies would not expect us to follow through by means of their own portal.”

“Princess, our previous ambush didn’t go so well,” said Fancy Pant. “How do you propose we do anyway?”

Spike looked at the defaced magical circle in the hotel foyer. “Yeah, the circle is destroyed.”

“Is, present tense,” Luna grinned, deviously.

Pony ears perked upwards at Luna’s words.

Luna held her head high as she elaborated. “Twas ages ago, but a close friend, Starswirl devised a most powerful magic to bridge the gaps between realities themselves! A time spell! While the past is impervious to our meddlings, we may still learn from it. We are certain that our enemy was here and therefore certain that this portal array was still intact while they were. We would not use such an important one time spell… were it not for the grave circumstances. It may very well be our last hope.”

Spike recalled Twilight’s time adventure. She had used the spell to warn her past self not to fret about the future. Invariably, it closed off in a loop, resulting in her neurotic sister wasting a week worrying about the future. The reason, now, seemed frivolous.

“It would require a mage most skilled to the tier of an Alicorn. Lady Sparkle, we believe thee to be most capable wouldst thou do the honors?”

Twilight squeaked. “I already used the spell. I found it in the Canterlot Archives…”

Luna blinked. “Didst thou, now? What great national or global peril did thee encounter that would warrant its use?” She cocked a brow at the shrinking violet Twilight. “Or its waste?”

Spike interjected when he saw Twilight shrink away. “Ummm, there was an epic battle against an evil purple unicorn from the future.”

Luna asked. “Was this purple unicorn truly such a threat?”

Twilight forced a smile while glaring at Spike. “Yes.”

Spike grinned back at his sister. Luckily, Luna did not notice.

Luna shook her mane from her horn. “Tis no matter, I saved myself, should the need arise to perform the spell. The need is ever so great.”

Spike asked. “Can we do more than observe the past?”

“Nay, however, the past may alter our present selves. Tis great danger, therein. Our present selves cannot kill for causing a paradox. The past, though, may kill us.”

“Then I’m coming with,” said Spike. He surprised himself by volunteering, but he steeled himself. He still couldn’t let Luna be hurt.

Luna gave him a confused look then. “Come, then… we should not though appear in the enemy’s midst. We will perform the spell a distance away as to avoid detection.”

“Your majesty, for protection, I should like to accompany you also.” Fancy volunteered.

Luna nodded.

There was an awkward silence that pervaded while Spike, Luna, and Fancy Pants walked together. Spike saw that Luna had not forgotten their argument in the dream world. Luna had buried it in the immediacy of danger but now with silence the feelings resurfaced. Fancy Pants, the clueless party, though still seemed aware of the tension.

“Forgive me, it is not a gentle-colt that would pry… but did something happen?”

“Nothing.” Spike and Luna turned to Fancy Pants and blurted out. Nearly hitting each other’s muzzles both, Spike and Luna swiftly swiveled their head away from other.

Fancy Pant clucked his tongue in realization. “Aha, I’ve seen enough military operations botched up due to unresolved emotions between squadmates. Perhaps you should take a moment to talk?”

Their words again meshed together as they turned toward Fancy Pants.

“It’s okay,” said Spike.

“Tis fine, we are fine.” said Luna.

Spike and Luna though quickly averted each other’s gaze.

Luna waved a hoof and repeated. “Tis fine, we are fine.”

Fancy Pants smiled. “I’m not going gallivanting around in the past with you two so distracted.”

Luna persisted. “We have naught the time.”

Fancy Pants snorted. “A couple of my good fellows said the same thing before we Pegasi parachute air dropped into Prance. Operation: Normare-dy, I recall.”

“What happened?” asked Spike.

“Old glories and war stories do not interest us.” said Luna, storming onwards.

“Famous last words,” Fancy Pants whistled while walking with them.

“Captain Fancy Pants, thou can be particularly long winded,” Luna groaned.

“You’re one to speak, Miss Pot calling Captain kettle black,” said Spike, rolling his eyes. Luna and long windedness were one and the same. It was her way.

Luna waved a hoof playfully. “Hush, now Sir-” She stopped herself short of calling him her knight again.

Both of them became aware how broken their dynamic was when banter became awkward. They looked at each without looking as they walked on.

After several cycles of Fancy Pants’ whistling, Luna caved in. “Very well, tell us thy story! Be quick about it!”

“It’s a short story, because their lives were cut short,” said Fancy Pants. “At Normare-dy, I went along with two good friends. They had lover’s spat before the operation. We were to sabotage the artillery batteries before the main invasion force. Even when we were climbing the cliffs I could tell what was going on through their minds.”

Spike raised a claw. “Lemme guess, they were distracted?”

The aristocratic knight’s ears drooped. “Yes, they didn’t notice the automatic crossbow nest tucked nefariously into the rocks. The enemy crew opened up on them. Sergeant Arrow fell first along with a batch of green horns. The crossbow bolts sent them off the cliffs, and that was the last I ever saw of Arrow.”

“I am sorry for you loss. Thine friends must have meant much. We heard of the slaughter of Normare-dy.”

“The thing is Arrow’s lover, Fletcher, he didn’t die during operation Normare-dy. He lived through the whole bloody Naponeanic War. A decade later in the peace, he was found dead in a ditch: his hooves holding a cider bottle and picture of Arrow. Fletcher always blamed himself for Arrow’s death.”

All three of them had stopped walking and were looking at Fancy Pants.

“Going off into battle, there should be no room for regrets. You never know when it will be the last you see of each other.” Fancy Pants walked off leaving Luna and Spike contemplating his words.

Alicorn and dragon stood in the middle of the empty streets. Spike would raise a claw, or Luna would raise a hoof, but neither dared to speak first.

Spike decided to break the stalemate. “Luna, we keep coming back to this… when will you tell me the truth? I can handle it.”

“Spike, thou ask that I show my truest color… I am scared that thou would recoil from the sight. I am Nightmare Moon, orchestrator of the Lunar Revolution that wrought untold destruction, prophesied to bring eternal night.”

“And you are Luna, also. I’m scared too.”

“Do I frightened thee?”

“I’m not scared of you, I’m scared for you.”

“What concern is it of thee?” Luna pouted. “Thou hast denied thy knighthood.”

“We’re friends before I was ever a knight of Equestria. Luna, if you keep keeping everything locked in box, you’re going to go insane.”

Luna spoke with pangs of anger punctuating her voice. “I have offered thee numerous occasions to leave me. Why dost thou return? What perverse pleasure dost thou derive from hurting me so?”

“If I left, you’d retreat further. I suffered for the longest time in my own head. I didn’t share my loneliness living as an outsider. That pain doesn’t just go away. You save me that night from myself. You need to trust someone, even if it’s a risk. ”

“Sir Spike, can I trust you? Can thou trust thyself? I see it upon thy eyes confusion and indecision grips thee. Is it me or Rarity which thy heart most covets?”

Under Luna’s intense gaze Spike could only give a puppy dog whimper. She had him on that point. How could he ask for absolute trust from Luna if he didn’t give her his all. “Do I have to choose? Why don’t you suggest?”

Luna snorted angrily. “Is this a test? Nay, tis entrapment. Should I suggest myself, thou will believe it to be vanity, and according to chivalry, hence pursue Rarity. My further boldness shall be interpreted as aggression. Thou ought to choose for thyself.”

Spike was astounded by Luna’s comprehension of psychology. She had once even admitted she had manipulated him. Was that on another level a ploy? An expert liar would confess to be a little liar to better gain trust. Their social interactions past and present were in question. “Those times you pushed me away, was it all to get me closer? You even suggested Rarity once; I always wondered whether that was false humility?”

“If thou thinks me to be so clever. Were it so would we speaking of it? Twas an offer made then when emotions of mine were not so entwine. I confess mine affection for thee since then has grown to love. Thou art to blame.”

“I’m sorry for being paranoid. You’re right, I’m confused. It’s the only thing I’m certain about...”

“We are both at fault, I more so than thee. I initiated this courtship of ours.”

“No Luna, it’s natural to seek companionship. You even helped me when I was at my loneliest.”

“Shall I tell thee another secret?” Luna leaned into Spike’s ear.


Luna hugged Spike with her wings. “I regret nothing.”

In an explosion of magical energies, Spike, Luna, and Fancy Pants left a scorch mark in the paved Canterlot streets. Spike remembered Luna spent some time finding the exact scorch mark in the present. Now in the past, he scratched his eyes. He smiled at himself when he expected to be in a black and white scene, the past was instead in glorious Technicolor. The evacuated Canterlot streets still had their flair. Tufts of snow flew as a cold wind blew through.

“Okay, five minutes. We should be quick,” said Fancy Pants, hugging his petticoat.

“Nay, we have half an hour. We should proceed cautiously.” said Luna.

Fancy Pants smiled. “Brilliant, that is more than enough!”

“When Twilight used this spell she had five minutes,” said Spike.

“In matters of spellcraft talent Twilight has, but alas not experience,” said Luna, confidently.

Spike shrugged and followed slightly impressed.

In an alleyway opposite the cloaked hotel, they observed.

“They have a cloaking spell. They however did not expect I expect the Eye of Truth. A magical and mystical relic that sees past all lies.” Fancy Pant brought out a monocle and squinted through it. “Of which I might I add: that I recovered in an expedition to the far orient with a colleague Miss Daring-”

“Quit thy jabbering, and let me see.” smiled Luna.

Fancy Pants grumbled, passing the monocle.

Peering through the monocle she saw the bat pony guards patrolling the premises. “Enemy troops, at every ground approach.” Luna growled. “Captain Nightshade would seem to be in charge of their security.”

“Nightshade?” Spike took the monocle in his claws and peered through the lens. Giving orders to her troops he saw Nightshade. He shook his head of his feelings and continued scanning the hotel. Panning upwards he saw bat ponies walking the roof as well. “So much for an aerial entry.”

Fancy Pants shook his head. “I don’t think you could carry me, anyway lad.”

Spike slapped his head for having forgotten Fancy Pants didn’t have wings.

Fancy Pants pulled out a map. “We should go with the route we planned, the old servants’ entrance.”

Spike was glad Twilight was able to find the original architectural plans for them. Her knowledge of cataloguing systems was invaluable. The map showed a hidden back entrance that was used to smuggle cider during days of prohibition.

Luna peered past the dumpster to the hotel, wearily. “As mages, only either Sir Fancy Pant or I need to see the past portal array to replicate it in the present. Should we be discovered that information shall be for naught.”

Spike nodded. “I’ll hold back, as backup.”

Luna looked at Fancy Pants and Spike. “Ye should both hold back. I am the avatar of the Night, moving within shadows is natural for me. Captain Nightshade and her troops are most alert.”

“Very well, that we’ll do.” said Fancy Pants.

Spike gave Luna a worried tug on her hoof before she left. “At the slightest sign of trouble-”

“Thy concern, tis nectar.” Luna nuzzled Spike muzzle. “Rest assure we shall call upon thee should there a need be.”

Spike gripped his sword tightly as Fancy Pants scanned the area through his monocle.

“Relax, lad. Princess Luna seems to have this. She’ll be back, and we’ll zap back to the present in time for lunch.”

“I feel bad about this.” Spike used his free claws to pull his head spines. “Luna could be facing Amorpheus, Nightshade, Chitania, or all three. There’s also the guards.”

“Aye, and we’ll be there to back her up,” said Fancy Pants. “We can take out the guards, swiftly enough before they’re aware.”

Spike shivered to his tail as he thought of it. “Fancy Pants, when we stormed the hotel? Was there battle damage?”

“I don’t know; our entry was explosive enough.”

Spike groaned. Any damage to the hotel before they stormed it would have been covered up by the damage caused by the troops. There were no enemy bodies left, so there was no battle. Then again, in the period of time in between, they could have recovered or taken those. Could they win in the past if they left no mark in the present, thereby causing them to go back into the past in the first place? Was Luna safe? Was it all predetermined? He sighed. Time travel was very convoluted. He was reminded how it had caused Twilight’s week of insanity.

Fancy Pants reached into his coat pocket. “I have another trophy, a cider flask that never empties. You would not believe the battles and story that goes with it.” He took out a flask and poked Spike with it. “Here, something to calm the nerves.”

Spike wings unfurled. The picture of Fancy Pants sipping cider flashed through his mind like lightning. Fancy Pants had picked a choice bottle amongst the many broken ones. “Fancy Pants, the hotel bar… there was no way that was destroyed by our entry! That means there was a battle before we got there!”

Fancy Pants’ eyes lit up. “Egads!”

From across the street, they heard the shattering of glass.

“We have to save Luna!”

“Take the roof, lad!” cried Fancy Pants, charging ahead.

Spike deployed his wings.

Electricity coursed through Fancy Pants’ unicorn horn. Discharging his magic, he fired off his bolt. Like a Griffin Grenade, it enveloped the squad of bat pony guards at the entrance. The guards fell as they convulsed. He smiled at his clear route to the hotel, it turned when he was stopped.

A Changeling with a fedora chuckled as he stepped out of the doorway. “Fancy that meeting here?”

“That’s Fancy Pants!” The aristocratic knight fired a magical bolt.

Amorpheus caught the bolt with his Changeling horn and sent it flying back.

Fancy Pants redirected his own attack skyward but the static electricity caused his mane to stand up. He shook his head back to his original hairdo and grimaced at his near death. “Amorpheus is it? We never did finish our earlier duel. Dare I say, old fellow, let’s.”

Amorpheus scoffed. “Ha, I haven’t the time to waste with you.” The undead Changeling charged his horn with malignant emerald energy. “Prepare for fear you can neither define nor defend!”

Spike pulled a Rainbow Dash maneuver and dive bombed the roof. From on high, such was the speed even if they could see him, they couldn’t dodge. Crashing into the two guards posted there, he knocked them unconscious. Spike groaned as he felt his sore back. Lacking the finesse of the legendary Wonderbolt Captain, he wasn’t able to brake fast enough. He’d received as hard as he hit, and the pain had translated to his back.

Another bat pony guard came rushing to inspect the disturbance. Spike heard his steps before the guard even opened the roof access door. The guard was greeted by Spike’s sword pommel in his face.

Still hurting, Spike stretched and heard a satisfying crack as his back muscles relaxed. He heard more steps at the other roof access door. Before he could move to intercept, the door was kicked opened.

Nightshade stood with eyes wide at the unexpected dragon. “Spike?” Her eyes quickly narrowed, and her voice chilled. “Spike.”

“Nightshade,” Spike acknowledged her with the same cold.

Nightshade adjusted her affixed lance’s length for battle. The bat pony gave a sonic wail before charging. “You stole my purpose!”

“You betrayed everypony!” Spike dodged her lunge and swiped back with his sword.

Nightshade leapt away and rebounded off the roof rail guard.

Spike parried her lance and pressed his sword against its crescent moon hook. Without momentum, he was stronger. Nightshade noticed and broke their weapons’ lock. She countered by passing and readying another lance lunge.

Spike spun and barely evaded it. They stepped more paces away as each tried to gauge the next move made by the other. This duel was categorically different from their first.

Spike saw a deadly calm fury in Nightshade’s breathe to her movements; it was all divorced of passion. He wouldn’t be able to incite her to anger this time.

Luna felt the liquor soak her fur coat as the destroyed bar’s contents spilled forth. A fine cutting beam had sliced many of the bottles in half.

Chitania’s horn was still smoking. The Changeling Queen aimed her horn at the counter. “Thou thinks thyself a master of the shadows? Come forth, let me see thee, lest that thou wish mine next beam to hit thy heart.”

Luna emerged from behind the bar counter and shook herself dry. “Chitania, we had our suspicions yet thought it impossible. How now did thee overcome death? We were assured of thy destruction.”

Chitania smirked. “Luna, the royal ‘we’ amongst friends? Thou wounds me.” She raised a hoof over her head dramatically.

Luna kept her steady gaze. “Thou art no friend of mine.”

Chitania gave a cruel chuckle. “Thou denounced mine methods, yet in thy own moment of desperation, thou resorted to the same. We are kindred; each of us has shards of the abyss embedded in our hearts. Are we not sisters, Nightmare Moon?”

“I am Luna, and thou art a dead dream. It is mistake that thou lingers in this plane: a mistake to be corrected. I shall be glad to reunited thee with thy cursed King Sombra.”

Chitania snarled, revealing her fangs. “Thou dare mention my Sombra?” The Changeling Queen quickly calmed herself. “Tis no matter, my love shall be restored ere long.”

“We would sooner see thee dead again.”

Chitania’s horn surged with energy and her mane became animated by the phantom winds of power. The crimson streaks extended outwards like tentacles and the dark shines of black holes in her mane swirled. “How boorish! If we should fight, let me see the demon dominant in your heart. I tire of speaking to the shell.”

Luna’s own horn glowed and her mane pulsed with mana. The stars of her mane pulsed in light and the gentle current of her mane’s movements became a violent wave. “I am Luna and I am Nightmare Moon. I am myself. Now reveal unto me thy plans.”

Chitania rolled her eyes. “Tsk Tsk, I did not hear a please.”

Luna lowered her posture to the ground ready to spring. “I shall hear thy pleas when thou art upon thy knees.”

Amorpheus yawned as Fancy Pants fell. Fancy Pants’ eyes rolled to the back of his head as his mind was succombing to the nightmare fear attack. The dark tunnel of magic dissipated as it passed through. Amorpheus raised his head and stopped his horn.

“Such blustering, again no substance. Enjoy your worst fears.” He turned back towards the hotel securing his fedora back unto his head.

“Showing a chap his worst fears? Is that your only trick?” Fancy Pants stood with tears in his eyes, smiling. He unbuttoned his suit and tossed it aside. “I’ve faced worse in the battlefield of Prance.”

Amorpheus turned back. “So, a fellow soldier? Forgive me, then. I should have dignified you with a death.” He grinned and threw his fedora to the side.

Fancy Pants coughed. “Sorry, I promised my wife I’d come back. Fleur has a flank to die for.”

Amorpheus’ voice carried no boastful inflection. “I am sorry to make her a widow, but I fight for my own love.” His horn crackled with the beginnings of spell.

Fancy Pants appraised his opponent as he charged his own horn. “Isn’t that the game? Kill to live and love another day?”

“That it is.”

Nightshade charged again.

She was too fast; he knew he had to play his strengths. Spike, instead of dodging, planted his feet. He hoped to take non-fatal blow then be in position to retaliate.

In the last second, Nightshade swerved to avoid him.

“Why didn’t you?” Spike turned surprised by her shift.

Nightshade charged again.

Spike readied again to take Nightshade head on. Nightshade veered away again.

Nightshade queried. “Why are you just standing there?!”

Spike raised his sword. “Come at me and find out.” He gestured with a claw.

“You’ll die!” said Nightshade.

“What do you care? Will having Nightmare Moon destroy the world make you happy? Nightmare isn’t Luna, she’s just an aspect!”

Nightshade sighed. “I know.”

Spike’s jaw fellopen with Nightshade’s confession. “Why the buck are you fighting, then?! Why are we?”

“Because my love is greater than my honor or my life. Even if she hates me, I will accept it if it means I might better serve her.”

Spike smiled. “Then you’re still on our side. I knew it.” He sheathed his sword and moved towards Nightshade. The air of hostility was replaced by a wind of optimism. Spike lowered his guard.

Nightshade kept her lance pointed at him. “No Spike, Chitania still suspects me. She foresaw this exchange. To truly prove my loyalty, I have to kill a high officer of Equestria. I had hoped to kill a Captain.”

When ‘Captain’ came to mind, Spike thought of Fancy Pants. “Fancy Pants has family. Will a knight do? That lance of yours you know where to put it.” Spike pointed at his heart.

Nightshade snarled. “Why’d you have to analyze this?! Why did it have to be you?” She jabbed her lance into the air, a hair width away from Spike’s chest.

Spike pleaded. “You don’t have to do this. Why does anyone have to die? You can come back.”

“I can’t return; I have already killed to be accepted by Chitania, I wetted my lance upon the soldiers at the theater.”

“If you explained things to Lu-”

“No!” Nightshade snarled. “You must tell no one of my true loyalties. Not even my guards know. We have but one chance. This enemy is unlike any!”

Spike scoffed, in his life, he’d seen some fearsome foes. “She’s a Changeling Queen called Chitania. Luna’s fighting her right now.”

“What?” Nightshade’s ears perked up. “Quickly you idiot, knock me out. Luna will need your help. She’s in grave danger.” She closed her eyes.

Spike moved to punch Nightshade, but his clawed fist stopped. Nightshade opened her eyes as she felt the air from his punch but not the impact. “What about you?” Spike asked.

“Forget about me, we both love Luna, right? Right now she needs you!”

Spike hesitated. “Nightshade, you can’t sacrifice yourself like this!”

Nightshade smacked Spike with a hoof. “Hit me you, repugnant reptile! Stop being so sweet! ”

It went against his instincts to hit a lady, at least one that wasn’t trying to kill him. He closed his eyes and smacked Nightshade down with a punch. Her unconscious body fell on him. He caught and hugged her. Her scent wafted into his nostrils as he did so. Nightshade smelled of her namesake flowers, bitter but sweet.

Spike gently set Nightshade unto the ground. His eyes lingered back as he left her. Nightshade indeed had loyalty in spades, he was ashamed about his own indecision.

Beam against beam, their energies clashed against each other. However, whereas sweat trickled down Luna’s brow, Chitania had not even begun to perspire. With a final push Chitania overcame Luna’s magic. In the blast, Luna was sent skidding across the hotel foyer.

“After such boasting, such disappointment comes.” Chitania snorted.

Luna panted as she caught her breath. “Thy power cannot be magnified so. Thou art a shadow, a ghost, an apparition, without true incarnation.”

Chitania grinned. “I have been busy, weakening the world’s wall. Each moment more, my power grows. Soon, there will be no wall at all.”

“Thou aim to destroy the world!?” Luna gasped.

“Tis small world, thy thoughts are so small.” Chitania charged her horn. “I had hoped to use thee as mine vessel, but I’ve found a more suitable chalice.”

“Lady Rarity? What hast she to do with thy schemes?!”

“Thou shall not live to know.” Chitania grinned as she fired.

Spike reached the balcony overlooking the hotel foyer. Peering over, he saw Luna on the ground. Chitania’s killing strike met with a weak shield from Luna. The barrier blew out in spark of magic. Luna screamed as she was hit.

“Luna!” Spike roared as ran down the circular flight of stairs. He lunged at Chitania’s side.

“What?!” Chitania startled, turned her horn to him.

Her beam seared his shoulder but Spike charged on, heedless to the pain.

Going under the Changeling Queen, Spike seized her throat, sinking his fangs in. Her eyes bulging, Chitania let out a piercing cry as she struggled under the strangulation. In corner of his vision Spike saw Luna had her head fallen on the ground. His own vision reddened in rage. He bit harder into the choking Changeling with an audible crunch. Like a crocodile, he thrashed with his prey still in his jaws. His muffled ears heard the snapping sinew of his enemy’s neck. His thoughts embed away into the visceral and feral as he bit.

Gobs of saliva fell, melting the snow beneath Aldred’s gaping maw. The giant dragon chewed his snacks and savored the crunch. Taking his claws, he grabbed the last fist full and casually popped the crunchy treats into mouth. He grimaced as he felt something stuck in between his teeth.

Picking through with his claws, he pulled a gilded armor breast plate from its lodgings in his mouth. “They should really put more jewels in their armor.” He flicked the plate away with a claw.

From his mountaintop roost, Aldred arched his head towards opposite mountain and the white sterling vision of Canterlot.

The mountain shook as two other dragons landed. Spira and Bahamut bowed before Aldred.

Spira spoke first. “My lord, the ranks are mobilized. We await your order to withdraw.”


Bahamut raised an ancient brow of his. “Did you not mobilize the troops to withdraw?”

Aldred chortled. “I said nothing of withdraw. I only said mobilize. Now that they are, order the attack; I want a classic battle formation. The lesser lords and ranks shall go first.”

Spira and Bahamut exchanged looks of shock.

“What of their Princess’ threat?” asked Bahamut. “We cannot fight falling stars, if she should summon Meteor.”

Aldred scoffed. “My Dragon Generals, the enemy bluffs. The Meteor spell is a myth. Even if real the pitiful ponies don’t have the guts to rain destruction upon the world.”

Spire sputtered. “Our spies tell otherwise, the vote for it was near unanimous.”

Aldred waved his claws dismissively. “A bluff.”

Spira coughed. “Should we not soften their defenses with a fire barrage first?”

Bahamut arched his head and added. “We should establish air supremacy before we move. Their airships are quite formidable.”

Aldred growled, impatiently. “I have waited long enough for my prize. The pitiful ponies shall burn. My son, Garble, needs avenging.”

The elder dragon, Bahamut, grit his teeth. “May I remind our lord that while he is immune to the pony cannonry, the dragonling infantry are not? The casualties shall be innumerable.”

Aldred roared. “We have surplus population, do we not? Plus we can overheat and deplete their cannonry before we move in.”

Spira gasped. “A generation will be lost.”

“You can make more.” Aldred pointed a claw at Spira’s belly. “What else is a female’s use? Make more eggs.”

The dragoness recoiled in disgust. “All the dragons clans are rallied to help avenge your child, yet you would rob us of ours?!”

Aldred snarled. “Do as you are ordered, or I shall appoint Generals that will.”

Spira growled. “We give advice, and you ignore our council at every turn?! So our positions are truly ornamental?!” The dragoness ripped off her gilded necklace of authority and threw it onto the ground.

Aldred raised his claws to crush the far smaller dragon. “You dare?”

The medium size of the three, Bahamut moved and blocked the blow with his body. Despite the size of war balloon, the greater weight of Aldred’s massive size pushed Bahamut into the ground. Bahamut strained to keep standing. “Forgive Lady Spira, my daughter is young and foolish.”

“Daughter?” Aldred lifted his claw. He raised a bemused brow at Bahamut. “There is still life in your loins? I don’t believe it. She is a leader of her own clan, and you are ancient.”

“Elder?” Spira blinked, incredulously.

Bahamut picked up Spira in his claws, cradling the smaller dragon. “Though of different clans, I acknowledge her. By Dragon Code, murder her, and we shall war.”

Aldred, rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “See to her lessons in obedience. Your trick won’t work next time. Order the attack post haste.”

Bahamut bowed. “My lord is most gracious. Your will be done.” With a beat of his wings came his retreat.

Licking his lips, Aldred smiled, his sights set once more upon Canterlot. The titanic dragon’s tail wagged eagerly. “Princess Luna, you underestimate my impatience and lust. The assumption that your opponent is a rational player has sealed your doom. I shall consume your country and then swallow the sky itself! Then, even the gods will cower before I devour her also. I am Aldred!”

The dread dragon’s words were finished with a sky cracking boom as he arched his head high and fired off a volcanic blast. A thousand pair of eyes opened along the mountain cliffs. Awakened, they shook the blanket snow from the scales. As they took off from a distance, it would appear that the mountain halved in size.

A violent vortex was created as more and more dragons joined in flight formation. When the last awoke, the wings and squadrons that circled the peak broke off their holding patterns. Shrieking, they flew towards battle spewing plumes of all hues of hellish flames from their maws. Some exotic breeds breathed ice and lightning, adding their voices to the elemental storm.

Below the skies clouded by wyvern wings, lesser lizard lords marshaled their hordes of dragonlings. The smaller, near pony-sized dragons were followed by larger grounded titans the size of catapults. In their thunderous stampede, they trampled trees in their march. In advance of their fire, even the winter of war evaporated in the heat of hate and roaring rage.

Author's Note: