• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,885 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 9 For Want of A Stone

One Lord Firestorm, formerly known as ‘Garble’, had become a big league bully. Smashing helpless phoenix eggs had grown to smashing cities. All trembled to behold the mountain master. A dragon of fear, all stood in awe of his presence. Every territory should and would be his in due time. He thought of these things as he stood on the cliff overlooking Equestria. He was shaken, literally, out of his thoughts by a tremendous impact behind him.

The greater dragon spoke. “Garble, quit dragging your claws.” Just the shadow of a claw was bigger than Firestorm.

Lord Firestorm groaned. “Dad, I’m Firestorm!”

The father gave a throaty laugh. “A true dragon doesn’t worry about titles.”

“Okay dad, or He Who Swallows the Sky, Supreme Leader of the Dragon Dominion, Conqueror of the Ice Wyverns, or Lord Aldred—” Firestorm proceeded to rattle off more titles.

The note of sarcasm was lost on the giant dragon. Aldred rubbed a claw on his son’s head. “Don’t forget it! Whelp!” He gave a mighty and enthusiastic roar that spewed fire into the sky. “All dread, the dread dragon, Aldred!”

Firestorm folded his claws. “If you’re all that, why are we going to this peace summit? They should come to you and grovel. If they don’t, then we’ll war with them and take it anyway. You know, the fear and fire thing.”

Aldred snorted a cloud of smoke. “Paying an army to simply be is more than expensive. Moving that army to war will cost more. What then when we succeed? Collecting tithe taxes from scorched lands is harder than drawing blood from a stone.”

“Dad, you sound like ones of those egghead tax collectors or scholars that we pay.”

“Idiot, have you spent your entire youth partying and chest pounding?”

Firestorm scratched his neck scales nervously. “No?”

“Then recite for me the wisdom of the Dragon Elder Lord Bahamut. You should have learned that amongst the first scrolls I sent you.”

“Ummm…” Firestorm bowed. “I don’t know.”

“Insolent hatchling, your instruction begins now. If you are to succeed me, know this, my son: great kings are not hatched; they are grown. I did not come to unite and rule our people through strength alone. Neither will you.”

“Alright dad. I need to make a stop before we reach our destination.”

Aldred raised a giant brow ridge of his. “I am the moving mountain, you would delay our trip?”

Firestorm took out a crown with a visible hole where the centerpiece gem was encrusted. “Go on without me then. I have business in Ponyville. It’s a matter of personal honor.”

Aldred chortled. “Ah, your little pride. Very well, settle your score; however do not destroy the village. We are guests in Equestria, it would be rude. Good luck Garble.” The great dragon spread his wings that blanketed the sky.

“My name is Firestorm!!” Firestorm shouted through the hurricane his father created. He felt at ease when the shadow of his father no longer eclipsed him. His father was Aldred; a dragon who had mastered the demon inside, a living legend amongst legends. Atop Firestorm’s shoulders was the crushing weight of his family legacy and dynasty. His father was now too large to take another mate; his only egg conceived ages ago had hatched, and out Firestorm had tumbled.

Clutching harder onto his crown he eyed the small hamlet village. Using a claw he traced the circular cavity and felt the absence of his crown jewel. He would win back his pride.

Spike had returned home from his evening with Luna and simply plopped onto his bed letting sleep wash over him. The sword gifted to him still hung by the sash he wore. He clung onto the gift with thoughts of her in mind. Luna was something else; she had manipulated him, lied to him, and yet he was drawn towards her like a moth to the flame. She was royalty, and her life was a series of masquerade balls with deadly foes behind each mask. To survive, she had worn masks of her own. Every time he thought he had a read of her, there was another layer of mystery. Now he was privy to her true face, that beautiful smiling sideways crescent moon made him love her more. It reminded him of Rarity without her makeup, genuine beauty of the spirit with the tenacity to overcome whatever the world flung at them.

Rarity, his first love and the element of generosity, was also a mare without compare. Not a perfect representation, she was not immune to bouts of avarice or vanity but those flaws made her more brilliant as she overcame them. Her rejection of him still hurt but he realized that it was a buildup reaction of many years and now that the issue was aired they were working through it. She was an artist; Spike in his youth was happy to bask in the glow of her inspiration. How many times had he fallen asleep helping her complete orders late into the night? When he awoke, Rarity was still working with the whir of her sewing machine. In Rarity’s dresses, she gave a part of her soul. In his first incident with greed growth, she had even brought him back to sanity by refusing to give up the fire ruby to his monster self. It becalmed Spike’s spirit when in her presence while Luna lit the fires of passion.

Spike threw his blanket to the side; he could spend all day thinking about this. Twilight would probably suggest making a ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ list, but he knew the heart was not so logical. He found a note on his bedside table. It had the recognizable rose scented perfume of Rarity.

To Spikey,

I’ve arranged the most delightful soiree. I’ve convinced all of our dearest friends to attend. Rainbow is flying in from the Wonderbolt Academy, Applejack has hired some help, Pinkie will cater, naturally, Twilight has agreed to attend, and I even convinced Fluttershy to be present. We all look forward to seeing you this afternoon. It will be that party we should have had. All casual! No attire needed! Come at noon to boutique!


P.S. I have surprise for you as well!

He smiled inwardly; he had known Rarity long enough to be aware of her patterns like those of her dresses. Knowing what was in store, though, never blunted his surprise. Her quality in production was the most astounding thing of her work. She could tell you that she would make a dress of such and such color, size, and design, but to feel the idea made real would sweep many off their feet.

He entered the foyer of the library to find breakfast prepared for him. Twilight had probably gone to help arrange the party. Taking the bowl with him, he happily popped gems into his mouth as he walked through Ponyville. As a tiny dragon-ling he would often even pop the bowl onto his head and play pretend soldier. Now he had training and could even consider himself a real soldier. Noting the middle position of the sun in the sky, he realized he’d slept in again.

Wandering into the Ponyville marketplace, Spike hoped to find a gift for Rarity. Instead, the merchants cowered under their carts and hid behind their stalls. Ponies in the streets look up fearfully at a dragon that flew overhead. In the sun’s light, a dragon projected a large shadow above their heads.

Captain Nightshade directed several squads of guards. The armor clad ponies shuffled to take position.

“When that dragon lands, I want a full greeting party. Stay out of that of the dragon's kill cone radius or you’ll get a face full of fire. Lancers to the fore! I want this iguana served on a stick! I’ll be the tip of the formation, follow my example and you won’t die.”

Spike spotted Nightshade. “Wait, Nightshade! That’s Lord Firestorm of the Dragon Dominions, he’s a diplomat! Kill him and you’ll start a war!”

Nightshade lowered her lance. “What? That idiot drake is terrorizing the town. Are you sure, Spike?”

Spike sighed. “He’s here for me. This is my fault. He wants to duel me.”

“I got your back, I’ll break in if he’s too much to handle.”

“Nightshade, the best thing you can do is tell your guards to stand down and find Luna. Tell Luna I messed up bad and this is entirely my fault.”

“Can you win the duel?” Nightshade looked worriedly.

Spike was touched by her concern. “Yeah totally.” he lied.

Nightshade raised a brow at his bluff. “At least stall him in battle. Use your wits like you used them against me.” She smiled. “Luna’s too far away. I’ll get reinforcements though; I’m not going to let you die!”

As Nightshade and the guards dispersed, Firestorm saw Spike in a passing flyover. The dragon made a heavy landing near Spike by several dozen paces. Swaggering forward, he arched his head in a bow and gave the traditional greeting from one dragon to another; a scream of flames.

Spike countered Firestorm’s blaze with his own spell fire blast. The searing heat melted the ground in the middle but after less than a minute both dragon ceased their output. No flame was stronger. If their pyromancy was not equal, one of them would be a charred skeleton.

“Well spat, Spike!” Firestorm’s tone was always a mixture of angry, menacing, and genuinely friendly.

Spike acknowledged him in the best neutral tone he could. “Garble.”

‘Garble’ was angered by his the informal name. “My name is Firestorm! Lord Prince Firestorm!”

Spike spoke hesistantly. “Okay Firestorm, Why are you here?”

Firestorm snarled as he pointed a claw at Spike. “Spike! Yo bro, you know!” Firestorm showed the ornate gold gem encrusted crown his claws. He pointed to a large hole in the middle of the relic. “I want the centerpiece to my crown back! I want that heart stone!”

“I won the heart diamond fair and square. You fought well.”

“I challenge you to a duel for it! By Draconic Law, I’m entitled to a re-match.”

“I like you, Garble, but not that way.” Spike chuckled.

Firestorm was flustered by Spike’s taunt; somehow the crimson scaled dragon blushed. He quickly buried those thoughts in his tirade. “Look Spike, as ascendant Prince of Dragon Dominions, I am the law! I say we have another duel! I’ll stake the Green Seer Emerald!” Firestorm pointed to the green gem encrusted on the left side of his crown.

Spike looked at all the innocent ponies gathering to witness the red drake’s tantrums. Guards held the ponies back far but not far enough. “As much as I would like another priceless jewel, we’re not doing this. At least not here in the Ponyville Square.”

Firestorm raged. “Name the place!”

Spike pulled out his mental map. Where was it that there was nothing flammable or ponies to get in the way? He remembered his old gem digging expeditions with Rarity. He knew the place. “The Abandoned Diamond Dog Quarry.”

Firestorm nodded. “Chicken out, bro, and I roast this quaint little village of ponies!”

“Fine, but afterwards, you can keep the stupid emerald; I don’t want to hear about this again!”

“You assume you’ll win! At noon, not too late or too soon! Jaws, claws, or whatever you can bring! You’re going down, Spike!” Firestorm extended his wings and flew off but not before shooting fire into the sky to send ponies cowering.

Spike rubbed his forehead with his claws. Lord Firestorm or Garble was an age old headache of his. His rival had serious daddy issues and what he suspected was a repressed romantic attraction to Dragons of same gender. His time in the Dragon Dominion had built a grudging respect between them, culminating in the duel that won him the priceless heart diamond jewel that he intended to give to Rarity… wait why was he fighting? The heart diamond surely had no value now… or did it? He had carved it into the image of Rarity’s cutie mark; it represented their possible future together. The engagement ring still had the power to apparently compel him to accept the deadly duel without much thought.

He slapped his claws on his head when he realized that Garble had set the match at noon… the same time as Rarity’s party. He looked at Ponyville’s clock tower; the hands were nearly noon, he didn’t have time to tell Rarity about the duel. He’d have to fly fast after Garble if he wanted to make it on time. He knew Garble’s tendencies; he could easily imagine Garble attacking Ponyville if it came to that. Spike deployed his wings and flew off to confront his rival.

The Diamond Dog Quarry was never a welcoming locale. The dogs had built a massive network of tunnels of which they made into a city. The Equestrian Royal Guard never bothered with ousting the dogs so long as they kept their seclusion. It wasn’t worth it, they were largely irrelevant even with their wealth from digging they were content to only miserly horde their riches. Occasional trade for resources also made it doubly disadvantageous to destroy them. However the Diamond Dogs dug too greedily and too deeply. The tunnels went silent; no more trade or even territorial patrols came from the caves. Adventurers that entered did not exit. Every so often the tunnel entrances would spit out their bones though.

Things in Equestria had taken a dark turn; or maybe it was because Spike was too young back then to know better. A simple errand could have you passing through chimera and hydra territories. The mundane delivery of pies or the mail could kill you. He wonder how the mailmare did it especially with her clumsiness. A pony didn’t get lucky that many times, the mailmare might give Royal Guards a teaching or two. His set aside his thoughts as the desolated patch of land came into view.

Spike landed shortly after Firestorm. The terrain was difficult and postmarked by disused Diamond Dog burrows. They both glared at each other. This wasn’t going to be a cake walk. In their previous duel, it had become a contest of endurance. Spike summoned the strength due to his love for Rarity; it was a matter of motivation Firestorm battled only for his vain glory never suspecting pony-raised Spike to be a challenge. Spike used all the tricks and techniques he learned with Shining Armor and Reagle Hawkmor to overcome his opponent. Firestorm, for all of his hubris, was honorable and surrendered the Heart Diamond.

His sword, Luna’s gift rattled in its scabbard, Spike drew the begging blade. The Crimson Crescent seemingly gave a gleaming smile.

Firestorm was unimpressed. “A tooth pick, seriously? Your time amongst the ponies has made you soft.”

“Whatever, I still beat you the first time.”

“Bro, you don’t know! A dragon’s only true weapons are their fire, jaws, and claws.” Firestorm breathed a spell onto his right claws. The banana-sized slicing instruments extended further until they matched the length of Spike’s sword.

Luna’s lesson stuck with him. Chivalry had its place; not in combat. Nightshade reminded him of his duel with her. A bellicose opponent could be provoked to anger. He needed to make Firestorm angry and stupid. He analyzed Firestorm, his rival was obsessed with his dragonhood; Spike had outgrown that immature phase a long time ago. “So did daddy teach you that?”

“I learned that myself!” Firestorm charged.

Spike evaded the slash and parried the follow through strikes. Firestorm slashed again and again, surprised that Spike’s sword held against his claws. Firestorm pulled back as he examined his fissure cracks in his claws. “How the Tartarus did that tooth pick chip my claws?!”

Spike gave a glance at Luna’s gift, the sword was more valuable than he thought if it could chip dragon claws. The respectable reach also allowed him to match Firestorm.

Firestorm breathed spell fire and repaired his claws.

Spike spent the time to taunt. “So Garble, met any good dragonesses lately?” He parried again as his enemy lunged.

Firestorm boasted of his dragonhood in between swipes of his claws. “I got girls galore!”

Spike leap back with a beat of his wings. “Any you didn’t have to pay to be with your ugly scales?!”

Firestorm was distracted and nearly tripped over one of the Diamond Dog burrow holes as he pursued Spike. “Nice one, now feel a real burn!” He screeched fire.

Spike blasted off his own flames. The streams of flames pushed against one another. Their attempts to overpower each other were fruitless again their Pyromancy was equal. When their flames abated; both of them were left heaving for breath.

Spike knew there was one subject left that would make his opponent fuming with anger. “Hey Garble, I don’t think you’re into lady dragons at all. Why don’t you admit it? You’ve been chasing my tail all along.”

Firestorm roared in rage. “That’s it Spike! I hope that diamond was worth your life!” He planted feet and smiled cruelly. His words became guttural as something else started speaking in his stead. “Demon of Pride, grant me the power to exact vengeance!”

Spike realized he had crossed the line. He had gotten Firestorm angry and stupid… too angry and stupid. If Firestorm succumbed to ‘dragon rage’ and became a true monster, it would take an army to stop him. So close to Ponyville, devastation would befall his home town. It was a minor miracle in Spike’s youth he’d hurt no one; perhaps it was his sub consciousness super ego fighting back. Firestorm didn’t care for ponies; he’d burn the entire village then some. Spike would be ultimately responsible for having caused it.

Spike gave a roar of his own. “You’re not going to transform!”

Firestorm’s frills flared up as his eyes narrowed. He was transforming; not fast enough though. Spike charged Firestorm and punched him in the face with the grip of his sword. Spike then rammed his leg into the other dragon’s chest knocking the wind from Firestorm’s lungs.

Shoving Firestorm down, Spike pressed his sword against Firestorm’s throat. “Try transforming again and I’ll end you! You idiot! I’m not going let you destroy yourself and others!”

“Why?!” Firestorm’s mouth was venting fire. His flames though puttered to an impotent smoke. “I can’t accept being beaten by a hatchling!”

Spike held his sword to his rival’s neck. “Give it up. Maybe when I was smaller, but now things are different.”

Firestorm snorted. “I am still a dragon of honor in accord with code.” Using his claws he plucked out the Green Seer Emerald from his crown. He handed it to Spike.

Spike withdrew his sword and let Firestorm stand up. “I said to give up the vendetta. Look, I won’t tell anyone about this. You can keep the stupid rock and your pride.”

“What? Are you saying! That’s the Green Seer Emerald! Dude, it’s worth a kingdom.”

Spike handed the gemstone back. “I don’t want your emerald.”

“Finish me then, bro! The shame is too much!”

Spike groaned. “Dude, don’t be such a drama queen.”

“Spikey!” called out a familiar voice.

Firestorm and Spike turned toward the half dozen ponies that ran toward them. Rarity and Twilight had jumped in front of him with their horns aglow with magic.

“Back away from my brother, punk!” Twilight’s eyes even glowed as she mustered mana to power her a spell.

“You might as well surrender! You’re facing Captain Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow donned her sleek Wonderbolt combat suit and a mounted lance.

“Party poopers, get the party cannon to the face!” Pinkie had readied her party cannon into position. Spike wondered how she got the artillery piece there and whether she had loaded it with live ordnance.

“You ain’t gonna know what hit ya!” Applejack had tensed up and, for once, her rippling muscles could be seen under her coat. Somehow without a weapon or magic AJ seemed more intimidating in her self-confidence.

“Oh I don’t want to do this. Don’t make me sic Harry on you!” Fluttershy had summoned a woodland friend, the furry murder machine that was the grizzly bear so called ‘Harry’. She rode atop the ursine and caused the bear to rear up on its hind legs and roar.

Rarity lead the group and confronted Firestorm with her horn pulsing in magic so hot it glowed white. “You hurt a single scale of his! I shall be forced to something very unlady like! I will shred you like fine silk! Do you understand me?”

Firestorm nodded meekly. “Yes ma’am!”

How had Rarity overcome her fear enough to talk down a grown dragon? Spike was flabbergasted by her. The maiden had come to knight’s rescue and with the cavalry.

Spike turned toward Rarity with a bit of fear. He had missed their party. “Rarity, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to make it to your party.”

“Spikey, you idiot! I don’t care about that! You flew off to a dangerous duel without telling anyone of us! I’m glad the mailmare told us what happened at the market place! Why did you do such a stupid thing?!”

“Garble wanted the Heart Diamond back…”

“The Heart Diamond in our engagement ring?” Rarity blinked in surprise. She corrected herself. “I mean the ring meant to be our engagement ring?”

Spike nodded. “Yeah, I couldn’t give that up...”

“Oh Spikey, I never ever want you to do something so foolish as that again. Not for me…” Rarity’s crystal blue eyes peered into his.

“I say! Dear boy, we seem to be late to the party.” Fancy Pants appeared on the horizon with several squads from the Mages’ Corp. The sorcerers’ robes wavered in the wind.

Nightshade flew into view with an aerial group of bat ponies. The Night Guards snarled with full fangs.

“The purple dragon is friendly!” Nightshade shouted to her group. “If the red one moves you have permission to slay it!”

This was getting out of hoof. Aside from the diplomatic implications, Spike felt bad for Firestorm, who was atop his humiliation, now outnumbered. Firestorm slinked back fearfully.

“Stop! Firestorm is a friend!” Spike cried.

“He is?!” said nearly everypony.

“I am?” Firestorm asked aloud.

Spike turned to his rival. “Look, you’re not as bad as you think you are. I respect you and your dragonhood.”

Firestorm rubbed his head spines. “You dished out some mean things out during our battle. I don’t know bro.”

“Yeah that was just to get you to lose your focus. Listen there’s a party planned you want to come?” He offered a claw.


Spike bumped claws with the defeated dragon.

With a slight hint of reluctance, Firestorm put an arm around Spike’s shoulder as the two of them walked their way.

Firestorm was an interesting addition to the party, as were Fancy Pants, Nightshade, and the detachment of guards. Firestorm mostly brooded over losing the duel; however, Rainbow was able to get the dragon to open up. Apparently the Pegasus and dragon had a mutual appreciation of ‘masculine’ or ‘awesome’ things. As the party music pounded in lower floors of the boutique, Spike and Rarity found some time alone. It was a familiar scene; they stood at the same balcony where their lives sudden took a turn.

Tenderly, Rarity held Spike’s claws with her hooves. She kept her gaze straight at Spike. There was something in her look that made him forget of the pony that looked at danger straight in the eyes a few hours ago.

“Spikey,” she started, “I never want to see you do something so foolish again. Not for some silly rock. You had me worried sick.”

Spike raised a claw. “How about you? Rarity, you faced a grown dragon and scolded him.”

Rarity huffed defensively. “He was threatening someone important to me.”

“Firestorm threatened everything important to me; he said he would burn Ponyville if I didn’t duel.”

Rarity took in the new information. She then countered. “Spikey, a lady knows her tells. That was obviously a bluff. If that brute actually gone about burning Ponyville, he’d start a war. He’d be in the middle of enemy territory and all his fire wouldn’t be able to save him.”

Spike sputtered, but Rarity’s reasoning had proven greater.

“Darling, you weren’t thinking clearly. You were thinking about me.”

He admitted. “That Heart Diamond represented our future together, I felt if I just gave it up without a fight… what sort of dragon would I be? You were the reason I won that stupid stone in the first place.”

“Spikey, I have gift for you. Follow me!” Rarity batted her eyes as she walked back to the boutique and her living quarters.

The shake in Rarity’s hind quarters though reminded Spike of Luna’s seduction attempt. He hesitated and blushed.

Rarity seemed to read his mind. “It’s perfectly innocent! Spikey, I swear!”

Rarity had begged Spike to close his eyes while she worked. He felt cloth upon his scales as he was dressed.

“Now open them!”

Spike opened his eyes to a mirror. He saw in the reflection himself, dressed in a debonair ebony suit with an equally dapper alabaster under layer.

“Whoa, this suit is epic!”

“It’s been a while, darling. You were due for a new suit. A Griffin sewn outfit, really, when you can have a Rarity original?”

“How did you take my measurements?”

“Spikey like this.” Rarity hugged him lightly and traced her hooves across his muscled mass. “You were out for some time in the hospital; remember?”

“Yeah.” Spike felt his new suit, it fit like a glove. He delicately ran his claws through the fabric. Every stitch seem to conform to the natural curves of his body. The slots for his back wings were comfortable but tight enough to secure the ensemble. He feared that his slightest movement might ruin the masterwork.

“I used some special material. Try breathing fire on it!”

Spike looked at Rarity as if she was crazy. “There’s no way in Tartarus, I’m ruining this suit after you put in Celestia knows how many hours into it.”

“I’ll do it then! Trust me. I never tried this spell though.” Rarity giggled.

Her words didn’t inspire confidence especially since she noted never having used the spell before. Spike backed away as a bolt of Rarity’s magic hit him. It was a standard fire bolt and burned a bit before dying out. He examined his suit to find no scorch marks.

Rarity smiled. “It’s made from wool of the elusive fire rat demon; it’s impervious to even dragon flames!”

“I’m wearing a rat’s pelt?”

Rarity waved a hoof. “I know dear, I was surprised too something as uncouth as a rodent could have such fabulous fur. To pierce the fabric, I had to use some special needles magically made. Even then the needles kept breaking. It’s been a long time project of mine. Last night I just finished it.”

Spike tested it out with his fire breath. Again the suit was unblemished. “Rarity, this is amazing!” He jumped in the suit for glee. Not even dragon scales were invulnerable to their own magical flames. The only substance other substance he knew that could do the same was the magic metal mythril. Even then it could only be made in plate or chainmail. The suit was functionally a set of armor but with the mobility of cloth.

“Try cutting it!”

Spike took his dragon claws and tried puncturing the material. It didn’t budge.

Rarity looked on disappointed. “Really try cutting it.”

What was harder than dragon claws? He recalled how Firestorm’s claws couldn’t match his sword. He unsheathed the blade to find it as sharp as ever. Spike took Luna’s saber, to his sleeve. He gasped as the Crimson Crescent actually managed to cut the cloth. He looked at Rarity apologetically.

She simply smiled staring at the cloth. “Wait for it!”

The miracle material suddenly started sealing itself. The cut made mended by itself as the fabric pulled together. Spike blinked in astonishment. If Luna’s saber was the ultimate weapon, then Rarity’s suit was the ultimate armor. He realized, though, Rarity didn’t have the fortune of a kingdom.

“Isn’t it marvelous? It is a clothiers’ dream fabric!” Rarity gave an aside mumble. “Even if it’s a nightmare to actually work with.”

“This is too generous. I’m paying for it.”

Rarity shot him an angry look. “It’s a gift!”

Spike glared right back. “I know your financial situation!”

Rarity butted heads with him. “Darling don’t be ridiculous!”

Spike pushed back. “You’re getting paid! I’m not stealing this!”

“It’s not stealing if I’m giving!”

“Rarity, you can’t afford to give me this.”

“If I can afford to give you my heart, then I can afford to give you this rag! I love you, Spike!” She pressed her lips into his.

While she initiated, Spike continued. She was silky smooth and her rosy scent comingled with his breath. The kiss was distinct in the nature of its passion. It was different than the hungry fire of Luna. He was soothed by her, and the persistent monster in mind was quieted. She pressed softly and gently letting a natural rhythm flow. When their lips parted he still felt the sense of serenity.

“Rarity.” He gasped.

Rarity cried in delight as she shivered. “Spikey, that was so risqué! I don’t think any of my spa friends can boast they kissed a dragon full on the mouth. We simply have to do that in public one of these days!”

Spike smiled. “You’re not frightened?”

“Oh I was! But that was part of the thrill! Darling, it was like a rollercoaster ride!”

“I’m glad I excite you that much,” said Spike, blushing. He rubbed the back of his head frills. What was he doing? … Last night he held Luna tenderly in his claws. Tonight he kissed Rarity full on the mouth. Was he becoming a Canterlot socialite with their menagerie of mates? Both Princess Luna and Lady Rarity excited different aspects of himself. With his right claw he felt the collar of his suit, and in his left claw he touched the saber attached to his hip.

“Spikey, what’s wrong?”

“I need to stop thinking,” said Spike, “Thank you Rarity, this suit is every bit as amazing as you are. I just wish I had something to give you.”

“Darling, perish the thought. Your love is enough!” Rarity hugged him.

Firestorm walked in unaware that Spike was with Rarity. The red dragon was chuckling. “Yo bro, I misjudged these ponies. They’re really tough, especially that Rainbow one.”

Spike laughed. “A long time ago we ran from you; there at the quarry it looked like you wanted to run.’

Firestorm snarled. “The heir Prince of the Dragon Dominion doesn’t run!”

Rarity smiled. “Well now, a Prince, that’s interesting. All those years ago we met you; I recalled you behaved most assuredly unlike a Prince.”

Firestorm slinked away from the mare that had threatened him. “Yeah sorry about that. I was with my bros… I couldn’t just make nice with ponies! They’d laugh and call me weak.”

Spike placed a claw on his head. “Garble, you’re supposed to be a leader, isn’t peer pressure a little beneath you?”

Rarity stopped Spike with a raised hoof, she approached Firestorm sympathetically. “Darling, I know what social pressure is like. It’s a terrible force for ill. It can make us do the uncivil and most monstrous things.” Rarity looked towards Spike and exchanged a glance. “I hurt someone very close to me once because I succumbed to what others ponies said.”

Firestorm smiled. “Thanks… you’re right… it’s something my dad would say.” The dragon groaned. “He’s always right.”

“Maybe you should listen,” Rarity said.

This time Spike stopped Rarity with a raised claw. Firestorm’s dad was a whole other issue he didn’t want to bring up.

Firestorm sighed. “My dad wants to take over the world, and he wants me to rule it. The guy’s a god. Sometimes I want what you have. Spike, you don’t know your parents.”

Spike pulled Rarity close with his right claws. “I don’t have parents, but I have a family of friends. It’s been enough for me so far.”

“Friends, I don’t have those.” Firestorm snorted.

Rarity gasped. “Whatever do you mean? What about that group of dragons you led when we first met?”

“Those guys… yeah, whatever is right. They were into me because word got spread about who my dad was. They got chummy to ask for favors. I dumped them when they started demanding favors.”

Spike offered a claw. “Hey, we can be your friends.”

Rarity raised a hoof. “Well so long as Spikey is okay with you then you can add me.”

Firestorm smiled. He shook his right claws with Spike and shook Rarity’s hoof as well.

Consciousness and memory were murky miasma mists that swirled in her mind. In the fog came visions of battles to come and battles that were. Luna sifted through the haze for thoughts forgotten to the immediate mind, emotions shrouded by time, and horrors she’d defeated.

A voice spoke. “Be careful when diving so deep, child.”

Luna blinked. “Our other self, thou art not welcomed. Begone.”

“I am always with you till the end of days when… all becomes night.”

Luna countered. “And we shall always fight thee till the end of days when the stars die and all becomes night.”

“Yet you call upon my strength in your darkest moments. I wish for harmony between you and me.”

Luna folded her forelegs crossly. “It shall never be.”

The voice cackled. “Every time you get close to slipping, in your mind the walls weaken. This is your private sanctum… yet here we are speaking.”

Luna gasped; how had she been so careless? The enemy was not at the gates but had slipped past her castle’s many defenses without so much as her awareness. The tiniest crack left open from the many doors was a weakness she could not afford. She bit back concentrating her will power. “Demon, begone from mine mind!”

Luna summoned echoes of herself to fight the shadow. The many aspects of Luna had an arsenal of weapons; maces, lances, swords, and magic but none were able to damage the incorporeal form.

The voice trailed off cackling nefariously. “I know thy deepest desires… You will come to me… all in good time.”

Luna awoke; nearly jumping from her bed. Her star patterned bed sheets and pillows were soaked with her sweat. Her tears were added to the pool. She sat up in her cavernous room. Her luxuries turned against her, as the empty space became an auditorium that echoed her sobs.

“We can’t fight alone…”

Author's Note:

Meet Garble's dad...

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