• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,868 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 4 Date Night

Nightshade grimaced as she stood by Princess Luna. The bat pony felt a draft of air blow her maid skirt forward. She pressed the garment back down only for another castle draft to blow the skirt back. Several actual maids passed her and hid their snickers behind their hooves. A couple of the other bat pony guards blushed and a passing sun-guard even whistled. Nightshade’s red death glare sent them scurrying off.

Luna laughed as she finished tying a red bow on the bat pony’s tail. “Captain Nightshade, stallions will war for you!”

Nightshade pleaded. “I am a soldier, not a maid. How long must I wear this, Princess?”

“You shall address me as mistress as per the conditions of your punishment.” Luna poked her with a hoof. “Your punishment will continue until we deem it done.”

“Kill me please, mistress.”

“We see now thou art capable of humor. Perhaps this should be the new permanent uniform.”

Nightshade folded her wings forward, hiding her face in shame. “No! Anything but that.”

“Oh be still, my Captain. Now that we have thou dressed, mine attire requires addressing.” She turned to the selections in her wardrobe. She tossed several dresses aside as she rummaged through the various articles of cloth. “Curses we have no modern apparel! Summon forth the royal tailor!”

“You don’t have one under your employ.”

“Then we shall use our sister’s! The tailor should be glad to ply their trade again. Full employment status immediately, we shall pay for everything.”

“Rarity, the element bearer of generosity?”

Luna gasped. “Oh, that would be most crass.” She turned back towards the dozens of armoires in the royal collection. “Nevermind then, we shall find something else then!”

“Why dress up?”

“A casual location has been chosen. We ponies use clothes to distinguish ourselves, for once we will use them to conceal. Were we to go there in full regalia, the experience would be colored by bowing and simpering sycophants. Nay we say; we shall go there unmolested by their attentions.”

“I had a squad secretly scout out the location, it is not defensible. I’d advise a full platoon on the site proper and a battalion outside the town as waiting reinforcement.”

Luna dug head first into a clothing chest. “Such a movement of troops would draw even greater attention to ourselves. Thou mayst well paint a target upon mine flanks.” She lowered her stance and held her flank up high, shaking it to and fro.

Nightshade locked her legs in the classic guard attention stance. She forced her head to look away as a bead of sweat dripped down her muzzle, her cheeks red.

Luna continuing pulling garments from various containers. “Your security concerns are valid. Before the Peace Summit, those who wish war will make their moves. Take a half dozen of our finest; have them don regular clothes over their armor.”

“My mistress, you incapacitated a couple of our finest last night.”

“It is well, their head bumps will remind them who truly commands. We have a republic to run.”

“Mistress, I apologize again for my earlier actions.”

“It is enough, Captain Nightshade. We would still call thee friend, but thine camaraderie must never interfere with thy duty. Should we fall to corruption, thine blade must be that which ends mine life. If that burden is too much, we will accept your resignation with full honors.”

Nightshade bowed. “I pray the day may never come but I will be ready.” She whispered under her breath. “Afterwards, I think I would join you….”

Luna declared. “Huzzah, we have found a suitable rag to wear!”

Spike walked briskly to his destination. He was eager to be early in case she had the same idea.

“Hey AJ!” Spike found the farmer pulling along her apple cart.

“Well howdy there partner.”

“I thought the market closed down a while back. What are you doing here?”

“Makin’ a killin’ is what I’m a’doing. Spike, you wouldn’t believe! Some fellas flew in and bought out my whole stock! They looked sorta sketchy, but their bits were good.”

Spike had a sneaking suspicion the bat pony guards were in town in advance of the Princess. Luna had said that not all the bat ponies were vampiric so he supposed that they ate a healthy amount of fruit. “Maybe I could arrange the Night Guards to get their fruits supplies from you.”

“Night Guards, so that’s who fellas were.” Applejack smiled. “I reckon if you could arrange that I get sales that good every day, I’d have to kiss ya, partner.”

Spike laughed with Applejack. He tried helping the honest farmer when she saved his life once. It wasn’t just because of his dragon code. Unfortunately, he was too distracted by her flanks to do a good job. He caused more messes than he cleaned. The crush was a flash in the pan affair lasting less than a week. He looked at the mare’s orange fur that obscured well toned muscles.

“In another story.” Spike joked under his breath. He was sure to pass on her weakness for backrubs to whoever became her ‘partner’ partner.

“What was that? I didn’t hear ya.”

“Nothing!” He whistled innocently.

“Well then, I’ll be seeing ya later. If ya could get that deal, the whole Apple family would be mighty grateful.” Applejack tipped her hat respectfully and pulled her cart away into the setting sun.

Spike walked further on his way. He spotted a familiar bat pony in rather unfamiliar clothes. She spotted him as well. She pulled her wings over her head, trying to hide.

“Hey,” said Spike, smugly smirking.

Nightshade rolled her eyes. “Go ahead, laugh. Get it out of your system.”

Spike laughed out loud, falling to his knees. He clutched his chest as he was close to choking.

Shaking her head, Nightshade sat on the ground and held her head by resting it on her hoof. “Are you done?”

“Just one more.” He chortled. As promised, he let out one final laugh, the loudest of the set. After a several more seconds, he cleared this throat and composed himself. “I’m sorry.”

“Your name is Spike, isn’t it?” Nightshade offered a hoof.

Spike recalled how he had offered his claw, and she refused. He didn’t feel like shaking with her.

Nightshade sensed his reticence. She shuffled uncomfortably on her hooves.

There was a long and awkward silence, and it was Nightshade who finally broke it. “Last night… forgive me.”

“Did Luna ask you to apologize?”

“No, I do this of my own volition.” The bat pony lowered her head to him.

Previously he only ever seen her prostrate herself to Luna. The proud Captain did not seem to bow before any other. The gesture surprised him. “Nightshade, you remind me of myself. Believe it. I know what unrequited love feels like. The pain is excruciating, but maybe it is best that we move on.”

Nightshade looked sadly. “This unrequited love of yours… do you love her still?”

Spike guffawed. “Well I…”

“Sir Spike!” Luna bounded towards him.

The Princess was without her crown and her mane was un-enchanted. She appeared almost normal. She wore a wide brim hat with a real moon lily on top. It was the dress, though, that caused him to look twice. It was a dark blue gown with a semi-transparent under layer.

“Shall we?” Luna pointed her head at the restaurant.

“Hey, parasols!” Spike remembered a time when they ate outside of the restaurant and a downpour came to ruin their meal. His wet hay fries were sorely missed. “Savoir Fare, you took my suggestion.”

The waiter and owner of the restaurant smiled. “Indeed Spike, they’re a recent addition. Business has been booming. We also hired on a lot of new staff.” Savoir pointed to the extra waiters.

“Maybe you won’t have to wait on tables anymore then?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” said Savoir.

“Sir Spike, let us find our seats.”

Spike and Luna sat down at one of the tables without a parasol. He noticed Nightshade being hounded by a love struck stallion in the background. He spied Diamond Tiara’s dad as the stalker; he supposed Mr. Filthy Rich was filthy in other ways, too. “Aren’t you worried about your Captain?”

“Nightshade shall be fine. She is to be the distraction that allows us peace to dine. Let us enjoy our evening, Sir Spike.”

“If you keep using proper titles, ponies will ferret you out in heartbeat. Just call me Spike.”

“Then we will have thee call me Luna.”

He tossed her name in his head a couple of time before speaking it aloud. He had not dared to be so informal around the Princess before. His words were sheepish. “Okay, Luna.”

“We are in need of a royal tailor, whoever did sew thy suit?”

Spike looked at his tuxedo. “I got this in the Griffin Kingdoms… my usual tailor is Rar—” He stopped himself short. Why was it that so many things led back to… her?

“Spike, will thou tell me of her? Please, it is important to know where you come from to know where we might be going.”

“Believe it or not, I wasn’t always the charming drake, you see before you.” He scratched his head nervously. “I was a door mat… Tartarus! I was even a pin cushion. I’d do these things for her and I’d go back for more. I love her.”

Spike meant to say ‘love’ in past tense yet somehow he fumbled it. He and Luna were left wondering. He cleared his throat and continued onwards. “That night you found me, my heart was broken into a billion pieces.”

“I am not entirely whole either.” Luna spoke in prose without the royal ‘we’.

Spike’s was immediately aware of her lapse in language. He leaned in close in order to catch every word.

“Long ago before my banishment, before my war with my sister… I had someone I held very dear. He was mortal… I quested for solution to this problem.”

“You searched for the fountain of youth?”

“Spike, no such fountain exists. No… I searched for a way to make myself mortal. Twas a foolish venture, but I should have been content to live out my days with this special someone even if those days were finite.”

It moved him that Luna could be so passionate to love a mortal enough to surrender her eternity. He realized it was unfair of him to think she couldn’t after all he felt for Rarity at one time the same sentiments. “I understand. Dragons are immortal too, for Rarity, though, it didn’t matter to me. I would have been happy with those memories.”

“Such self awareness! Thou were so committed? Yet here ye be… with me.” Luna hid her eyes behind her hat.

Spike took a claw and tilted her hat upwards, looking into her sparkling eyes. “I’m sorry about talking about Rarity so much during our date. Luna, you’re absolutely beautiful.” How many times had he heard ‘beautiful’. He wanted her to feel wanted, he tried for better. “No. You’re gorgeous!”

She shook her head lightly. “Physical compliments bespeak of vanity.”

“I meant your soul.”

Luna pouted. “We do not believe thou hast seen so far.”

“Your aura then.” said Spike.

“Astounding… I mean no offense, but you are different from your kin. Typically, the dragons I’ve met have a lack of appreciation for life. They have a fatalistic urge towards battle, or they horde useless trinkets in vain attempts to fill the void within. Immortality has terrible effects upon the mind. For some, time is not precious when it is infinite.”

“That’s actually a fair assessment… I get those impulses same as any. Sometimes I want to eat all the ice cream not just in Ponyville, but the world. When I got my wings, me and Rainbow, we once stole an ice cream factory on a dare.”

Luna raised a hoof joyously. “Prithee tell me the details of your escapade with the Wonderbolt Captain! How did thou abscond with a whole building?!”

“Okay. We didn’t steal it per say but we stole the lock and called the factory ours. We sat there eating for a whole day while they pounded at the door.”

Spike chuckled as the memories of chocolate, strawberry, and countless other flavours made his taste buds demand for them. “We ate our fill until we could barely fly out of the window.”

Luna giggled. “Thou art the most unusual drake! We recall the tale of a dragon who had become too fat to leave his cave.”

“Hey, how do you know so much about dragons?”

“Borders did not exist in my time. In the coming Peace Summit, I expect to meet an old friend, a dragon elder now.”

Spike lowered his gaze, twiddling his napkin in his claws. “What do you think about dragons and ponies…. in love?”

“Twas a long time ago but we recall that marriage between unicorn, pegasi, and earth pony was forbidden.”

Pausing for a moment. Spike raised his eyes back to Luna. “Really?”

Luna leaned in even closer, her nuzzle just barely touching his cheeks as she bore a small smile. “The taboo makes it the more desirable, no?” She had a naughty and haughty laugh. Batting her eyes did it for him; Spike met her in the last inches.

What was in a kiss? Such a simple thing; Spike thought. Yet volumes were written of it. Even techniques were discussed. He stopped thinking when Luna pressed her tongue invading his mouth. His eyes shot open at her boldness.


She pulled him back with a tug of her cool magic on his chin. Their lips locked, and their eyes closed. The gentle caress of her tongue navigated the jagged mountains of his predatory teeth. He found she tasted of peach and the alluring fragrance of moon lilies wafted into his nostrils. They felt and heard their breaths gently brush past their cheeks, and every moment was ice melting in the fire of their hungry passion.

Rarity had made her way to the Ponyville Café. She greeted Savoir with the biggest bag of bits she could carry. It was an appreciable amount of her savings. “Mr Savoir Fare, I would like to make reservation tomorrow night for an important date, the most important. I want the whole restaurant reserved for the two of us!”

“Of course madam, who else shall be accompanying you?” said Savoir.

“Spike. I’m willing to pay for the best gems you have. Everything must be perfect. No expense will spared.” It was at this moment did Rarity turn her head to see them kissing.

“Luna? You and Spike?!”

Luna and Spike separated. The three of them stared at each other in silence.

After the initial hurt, Spike could sense a seething anger in Rarity’s eyes. Gas was in the air waiting for a spark. He turned to Luna, begging for discretion on her part. He hoped he could convey that through his eyes. Luna was a Princess, a tactful politician and he relaxed slightly, confident she read him.

Luna huffed defiantly in Rarity’s face. “Indeed, what dost it concern thee?”

Rarity’s face became beet red. Perhaps it was that Luna was without her usual intimidating and enchanting mane or the crown vestment of royalty; regardless Rarity put her hoof down. “It does when you have my Spikey Wikey!”

“How immature a pet name to bestow upon Sir Spike. Thou shall address us both with proper titles befitting our stations.”

“I-I am not afraid of you,” said Rarity, shaking slightly.

“We sense thy lie and fear. Frailty, thy name is Rarity.”

“A lady does not descend to insults,” Rarity said crossly.

“Thou art scared as thee should be.”

“Being scared is the only time we can be brave,” said Rarity. “You thieving hussy!”

Luna laughed. “Insults are invitations to duels. Mind your next words with caution.”

Spike tried to speak but Rarity blurted out her next words.

“Then for my Spikey Wikey, I accept!” Rarity’s temerity surprised herself. She backtracked as she looked at Luna’s sadistic smile. “What shall it be… cards? A cider drinking contest?” She squeaked. “… hoof wrestling?”

Luna shook her head. “Thou art a Unicorn, a mage, so it shall be a magic duel. We fight in the olden style: that is to the death. Lest ye prefer the Pegasi joust or Earth Pony sabers. We are equipped for all.” Luna stretched wings as she lorded her Alicorn-hood over Rarity.

Rarity shouted grudgingly. “Magic!”

“Where? Here?”

“Why not!”

Camera flashes interrupted the argument. Reporters swarmed the small Café. They circled the Luna like vultures. They rushed forward so quickly they created a gust of wind that blew away Luna’s hat. Their questions came as a flurry as they shoved and vied for the Princess’s attention.

“Is it true Princess, you’re dating a dragon?!”

“How will this affect peace talks with the Dragon Dominion?!”

“Princess Luna, does this mean we’ll war with the Griffins and Zebras?!”

“What size corset is that you’re wearing?!”

Luna blasted her voice. “Captain Nightshade, CROWD CONTROL!”

The bat pony moved to work. Nightshade tore off her maid outfit to reveal the ebony armor underneath. She summoned several disguised bat pony guards to push back the crowd of reporters.

Spike was still overwhelmed by the situation. He stared off with unfocused eyes into the distance. He was fortunate for blanking out. The waiters took the parasols off the tables. In the flurry of camera flashes, Spike spotted a metallic gleam.

The waiters had mounted the parasols onto their saddles. They flicked off the umbrella tops to reveal the concealed spears. Nightshade and her guards were too busy pushing back the reporters to notice. The world slowed to a still as Spike shoved Luna away from the oncoming weapon. Before he knew it, he felt a pain stab him by the side. He looked down to find the spear lodged into his torso. With a scream of agony, he blew a plume of fire, forcing the rest of the ‘waiters’ back.

“The dragon’s gone on a rampage!” The crowd of reporters scattered.

Nightshade now noticed the enemy. “Assassins! Defend the Princess!” She redirected her guards at the ‘waiters’. The half dozen bat ponies meshed with group of assassins. Luna lent her magic into the fight blasting an assassin away from Nightshade’s tail.

“Spike!” Rarity stared horror-struck at the spear in his side.

Spike reached for the metal embedded in his left side, but before he was about to yank it free, a hoof landed on his claw.

Luna cried. “Do not take it out! Thou willst bleed to death! We cannot affect healing magic so deep!” She instead snapped the spear pole off, leaving the tip in Spike’s side.

“Thanks,” said Spike.

“What’s that?” Rarity pointed at a shadowy group that was moving towards the fighting.

A market cart was wheeled into position in front of the café by several ponies and a Griffin. They pulled the tarp off the cart to reveal a large wooden contraption. The Griffin in the group immediately hopped onto the cart and began turning a crank mechanism. Two other ponies turned the cart into firing position. From the silver port of the machine, bolts flew outwards in a hail. Two guards and an assassin were indiscriminately mowed down by the weapon.

“Into the Café!” Luna shouted.

“Curses! We’re all that’s left.” Nightshade peered behind her to see the automatic crossbow had taken out the last of the guards. The bolts hit the restaurant counter as they hid behind it.

Luna’s voice vibrated with anger. “Those were good soldiers, we shall make them pay blood unto blood.”

Savoir Fare held his hooves to his head. He shook wildly, his breathing erratic. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. They held her hostage.”

“Where?” asked Spike.

Savoir pointed to the kitchen area. They looked quickly to see an orange-maned and yellow-coated mare tied and bound.

Rarity raged. “Those ruffians!” She noticed the bruises that were apparent even through the mare’s fur coat.

“They never threatened me… only her.” said Savoir. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry!”

“Be calm! We must think.” Luna slapped the restaurant owner. “Who is our enemy?”

Spike saw through the restaurant windows. “That automatic crossbow, I saw one being test fired in the Griffin Kingdoms, it’s going to pick us off if we let it. We gotta close the curtains.” He moved to do so, but Luna pulled him back as the windows were shattered by incoming crossbow bolts.

She chastised him with her eyes at his foolish gesture. “That can be done with magic and without exposure.” Luna levitated the curtains closed.

“I met Griffins near Zecora’s hut. There were two airships, one Griffin War Wing and Zebra one.” said Rarity.

Spike looked at the metal jutting from his side. He recognized a similar version as a trophy on Zecora’s interior decorations. “The spear tip, it’s a Zebra assegai spear.”

“Good, we know our enemies art well equipped. Both Zebra and Griffin nations are warring by nature.”

Nightshade asked. “How organized though?”

A large tan Earth Pony amongst the assassins bellowed orders. He had massive eyebrows but little intensity. He wore large aviator sun glasses and spoke in a dispassionate calm. “Prepare to storm the café.”

The Griffin crossbow operator cawed. “Commander Big Brow, our crossbow has them pinned.” He caressed the emplaced weapon with his claws. “I say let Betty do the work!”

“Not enough bolts or time. We move in for the kill!”

None of the mercenaries wanted to be first into the breach.

Beside Big Brow was a robed figure. It spoke, “The riches of the world are yours should you succeed! Our master promises much and more!”

Big Brow roared. “You heard him! Forward you fools!”

Nightshade stared through a hole in the curtains. She gnashed her teeth at the enemy amassing outside. “They are organized, more military than anything else. I knew we should have brought a platoon and battalion.”

“Whining does not avail us now!” Luna said harshly. “Nightshade, we need thee to run and fetch reinforcements from the local garrison. Discard thy armor, thou must move like the night winds.”

“I will not leave you, Princess!” said Nightshade.

“Then resign thy commission now. Twas not a suggestion but mine orders.”

“I will go then,” said Nightshade, painfully.

Spike looked around. “There’s gotta be a back door here.”

“They rigged it with a bomb… many bombs,” said Savoir.

He groaned. “That’s not an option, then.”

“The front entrance it must be,” Luna said. “We will offer cover with mine magic.”

Nightshade nodded.

“I can help.” Everyone’s eyes turn toward Rarity. She resumed. “I’m a Unicorn; I did learn several offensive spell bolts from Twilight.”

Spike spoke up, surprised that he did so out of concern. “That will make you a target and put you in harm’s way.”

Nightshade snorted. “A civilian will only get in the way.”

Rarity turned up her nose. “I appreciate your concern, but this lady can take care of herself.” Rarity closed her eyes; she opened them again to see if she was not coming on too forceful.

Luna eagerly accepted. “What spells have thee in thy repertoire?”

“I know Winter’s Wind, Fire Plume, Physic Shield… and… Mortal Sepulchrary.”

Luna smiled dangerously. “Most lethal spells, we believe the last one is illegal to learn.”

Rarity protested. “I couldn’t help myself; Twilight just leaves books lying around!”

Spike wondered whether the seamstress's own cat’s curiosity had rubbed off on her. Rarity’s ways were cattish; he was more of a doggish. Maybe that why he lo—… he stopped himself from thinking that word. It was more painful than the spear point in his sides.

“Thou shall receive a royal pardon, should we survive this,” Luna said. “Use any and all spells at thy disposal.”

Spike was surprised to find himself useless in their planning. He raised a claw. “Maybe, I could—”

“Absolutely not, thou art ordered to rest after so bravely saving mine life.”

Spike knew Luna was massaging his masculinity. He wouldn’t have it. “I can fight.”

“Spikey, she’s right. I don’t want you hurting yourself.” Rarity pointed to the spear stuck in his left side.

He nodded acceptingly.

Luna shouted after Nightshade. “Go with haste, our lives ride upon thy run!”

The bat pony ran for the door as more enemies flooded in.

Rarity and Luna fired off magic from their horns. Luna’s was a fine beam that seared through a charging lancer. Nightshade leapt over the corpse. A pony attempted to intercept Nightshade with a glaive swipe. Rarity’s bolt hit him and the pony collapsed onto the ground, shaking in cardiac arrest. Nightshade used her powerful legs to skip over two more. The two were taken out before they could turn upon the bat pony. Once outside, Nightshade had gained enough momentum and took to wing. The bolts from the automatic crossbow chased her through the sky; however, the crew was unable to swivel the cart fast enough. Disappearing into the darkness, Nightshade had made it.

Several of the assassins ran after Nightshade. Big Brow called them back. “Do not pursue her! She’s too quick. We can finish them before they summon the garrison!”

“Yes, sir,” said a lancer.

Big Brow laughed. “Bring out the party favors! Easter is early this year!”

The robed figure spoke. “Don’t get carried away, our master is in need of the body, preferably with the least damage.”

Big Brow snorted dismissively. “Your master spoke directly to me. I wasn’t given details as to the conditions.”

Spike peered through the holes of the Café curtains. No more foes seemed to be massing to charge the front door.

“Maybe they gave up?” Rarity squeaked.

“They were determined to go this far, I don’t think they’ll give up.” said Spike.

Rarity leaned against the wall. She took a shaky breath and closed her eyes. “I’m scared.”

Luna smiled. “Remember thine words, being scared is the only time we can be brave.”

Rarity did not look up at her romantic rival.

Luna added “We fear also.”

Luna’s confession inspired Rarity.

A deafening blast shook the building and their ear drums. The ceiling was blown out, and debris came falling upon their heads. Spike grabbed a table and shielded everypony from the rubble.

Luna looked upwards. “The ceiling! Blast it, they have flyers under their employ!”

Dropping through the ceiling hole were black egg objects. They had sparkling wicks that burned, and their fuses were shorter than the nails on Spike’s claw.

Luna cried out. “Grenades! Use thy shields!”

Spike was pulled close and enveloped by Luna’s light. The shower of shrapnel washed over them, and they were knocked against the wall by the blast wave.

“Rarity!?” Spike shouted through the smoke.

The smoke cleared, and he took a breath as Rarity’s shield glowed brightly through the settling fog. “I’m fine!”

The blast wave had sent her close to the door. Rarity’s shield was popped as an enemy pony penetrated the front door.

The burly lancer knocked Rarity onto the ground with a swing of his pole weapon. Rarity shrieked.

Spike wouldn’t let the bastard have her. Rarity was too far away. He had to think fast. He used the only weapon he had within reach. His nerves were set aflame as he pulled out the spear tip embed in his left side. With all the strength in his arm, he flung it. The spear tip flew threw the air and found its place in the pony’s skull. The attacker collapsed, motionless upon the floor.

A Pegasus and Griffin dropped from above with cutlasses in their mouth and claws respectively. Luna used her spell magic to steal the Pegasus’s saber.

The Pegasus stopped dumbly as his weapon disappeared. She swung it at the Griffin and then gave it back to the Pegasus tip first. Another assassin, an Earth Pony, ran through the door, he grinned murderously at the yet to recover Rarity. The assassin’s dagger was poised to take her life.

Instinct overcame him; Spike lunged like lightning and bit into the pony’s throat. The enemy gasped for life and dropped his mouth wielded dagger. Spike crunched down and ended the pony’s flailing.

The enemy onslaught had ebbed. Spike was left standing with his jaws still clenched around the enemy’s throat. The warm life liquid washed his tongue… it tasted… disturbingly good. These ponies were made of this pleasant tasting substance. His eyes turned towards another one of these creatures cowering on the ground. He dropped the pony in his mouth and turned to this new morsel. Something said that she would taste particularly good. Lust for food and anything else blurred. He was filled with a terrible ‘want’.

Voices sounded faintly in his head.

A whisper of fear. “Spikey?”

A stern command also laced with fear. “Sir Spike, come back to us!”

Fear was the seasoning to a predator’s appetite.

Spike smiled, salivating the coming meal. He bit… into his hand. With every fiber of his being he bit. Pain jolted him to awareness. The world of sensations left and thoughts came rushing back. The red haze of his vision lifted. Rarity was in tears and Luna’s lips quivered.

Spike bit into his hand again, extra hard. He smashed his skull against a wall. When he was sure sanity had come back, he spoke. “I’ve never tasted blood before… I always ate gemstones. Celestia, I almost.” Tears welled up in his eyes.

His face was met with cold hard slap. “Lest ye forget yourself again!” Luna then kissed him where her hoof struck. “For returning to us.”

Outside the Café, Big Brow growled. “Burn the building down!” He shouted at the Griffin operator of the crossbow. “Load incendiary arrows!”

A robed figure shouted. “We need the body! Our master demands it!”

“Accidents happen!” said Big Brow.

“That’s not your call!”

“My mercenaries, my call! I am the leader, and I say so!”

The robe figure snarled. “Order another charge!”

Big Brow pressed his face against the robed figure. “I don’t have the troops!”

The Griffin operator shrieked shrilly to call their attention. “So do I load the fire arrows? I really want to taste toasted pony!”

“Do it!” Big Brow shouted.

“Insolence!” The robed stranger surged with malevolent emerald energy. Translucent tendrils began sprouting forth.

Big Brow took noticed and cowered behind his aviator glasses.

“Prepare for a nightmare you can neither define or defend, for I am—”

The Griffin operator shrieked shrilly, this time however it was because Nightshade’s lance had entered his torso.

Nightshade pulled out her lance and bucked the body aside. She then turned to face Big Brow, low and ready to pounce.

Big Brow’s giant eyebrows were raised to the top of his head as he turned to see a regiment of Sun-guards gloriously gleaming in their golden armor.

He looked fearfully at the vampire pony perched on the dead Griffin. “Retre—”

Nightshade jumped him before he could finish his orders. The rest of the guards engaged the remainders of the mercenary band. She noticed the robed figure slinking off into the shadows, and she pounced. Colliding with the ground, there was nothing beneath the cloak. She blinked incredulously, believing it to be a trick of the light.

Luna levitated the semi-conscious Big Brow. The giant earth pony was lifted like a rag doll.

“Answer me worm! Who employs thee?! Tell us truly! We will not heal thy wound otherwise!”

Big Brow’s aviator glasses fell from his face revealing gentle crystal blue eyes. “Tell my wife and son, I am sorry. I had no choice…” Big Brow spoke his last words. An onrush of blood poured from his mouth.

The thuggish pony’s eyes suddenly glowed emerald. Its head popped up, staring dead on at Luna with its dead eyes. Words entered their minds that did not match the movement of the pony’s lips. This message projected itself all throughout.

They defy destiny and design

What fools traipse before me

Pain to this heart of mine

Why then do I covet and envy?

Emptiness, I know love is hollow

The poets profess it to be blind

Nothingness, life is but a shadow

How strong, then, bonds that bind?

Corruption, nothing is left pure

It hungers and swallows forth the day

Darkness, all is devoured in despair

All are but actors in this cruel play!

The thirst, that is to live

I am awaken, eyes wide

I shall not forget or forgive

All shall drown in a red tide!

The conclusion of the possessed pony’s speech left the lifeless husk to dangle in her hooves. Luna recoiled. “By Faust, we may know this enemy. Yet there is no possibility it can be!”

She shivered down to her hooves. “Tell us more, wretch!”

Luna shook the corpse to no response.

Seeing their Princess distraught infected the guards with fear. Many shuffled uncomfortably, and they looked at each other as they felt lost on what to do.

Luna growled as she shook the body. Her coat oozed the blackest magic as she readied an unholy spell. “Do not think death will allow thee to escape our inquiry!”

Her cruel laugh had the reverberation of another. “We know necromancy!

Spike recognized the word ‘necromancy’ in Mages’ Law it was one of the unforgivable taboos to break. To bring dead back had consequences for both the victim and the caster. Spike placed a claw on Luna’s shoulder to draw her attention. “It looks like the guy was just a tool. Bringing his corpse back won’t tell us anything. Let him rest in peace.”

She snarled as her teeth became razor edges. “He put the lives of innocent ponies at risk; he attempted to take our lives and those we held dear. Our personal guards art slain. This ‘tool’ deserves no—”

“Luna, don’t do this!” Spike cut her off. He placed a gentle claw on her shoulder. “You’re scaring everyone.”

The swirls of dark shadows sent ponies back. Spike ignored them. He moved up and wrapped his arms around her. He thought he could feel the rage within contained only by his arms. “Please, Luna.” He pleaded. “Come back.”

Luna growled. Her horn lit up, but as she was about to force Spike away with magic, she looked towards the crowds. Some citizens had come to pay witness; they brought torches to see in the night. The flames lit up their eyes that were plastered with fear at their Princess’s malignant magical aura. Even the trained soldiers were touched by trepidation of what was to come. Captain Nightshade had readied her lance and was teary eyed. What shocked most her was a small pink foal; that seemed positively horrified. There was no fun in this fear, this was not the festive Nightmare Night.

Luna took deep breaths, letting them come in synch with Spike’s own heaving chest. The whirlpools of dark energy subsided. Her eyes returned to normal, and she lowered her head.

Luna gasped as she came to awareness. “We were about to commit a sin unto the nature in front of foals.” She turned to Spike. “Thank you, Sir Spike, for stopping us...” She cleared her throat and pulled away from the dragon’s embrace. “A job well done, soldiers! We thank thee for thy bravery! Citizens, have no fear, the battle is won!”

Savoir, the waiter, ran forward from the crowd. He kissed the Princess’s hooves. “Forgive me, the thugs held my wife hostage.”

Luna nodded. “Actions under duress shall not be counted against thee. Thou art still to be detained for questioning.”

Nightshade walked through the aftermath. Using her lance as leverage she flipped several of the slain over and examined them. “They had Zebra spears and Griffin grenades and other weapons. Griffins were within their ranks.”

“We imagine our enemies would want us to jump to that conclusion. Were it so simple. Zebrika, tis a continent torn by war, procuring weapons would be exceedingly simple. Many Griffins are lances for loan.”

Nightshade nodded in agreement. “The emplaced weapon, then, may be our best bet. An automatic crossbow is heavy artillery, smuggling it even by parts is difficult. We might be able to trace the weapon’s origins.”

“Go forth in thy investigations,” Luna said angrily. “But be wary. There is a traitor amongst the ranks.”

Nightshade spoke. “Princess, fortunately, we can narrow our suspects. Only a dozen guards were informed of this event.”

“Nay, Nightshade, if the paparazzi and reporters were here that means the rumor had spread. Our list of suspects is too large by now.”

Luna sighed and turned toward Rarity. “Lady Rarity, we apologize for underestimating thee. Thou kept thine poise better than soldiers we hath seen.”

The seamstress smiled meekly. “Gracious, me and my friends fought through the first Changeling invasion. We took out dozens of those wedding crashers. A lady knows how to handle herself.”

Luna took her cue to lighten the tone. “Regrettably, we were asleep during that day. Were it not for Changeling sabotage, we would have joined thee in the festivities.”

Spike felt woozy, not just for joy at the everyone’s safety. Adrenaline was leaving him. He felt a flash of pain that made him grunt and grit his teeth. Reaching for his side, he saw that his claw was drenched with red. His vision started to blur, and the ground came up to meet him.

“Spike!” cried both ladies.

The world darkened. Spike’s lullaby was their words as his eyes slowly closed.

Author's Note:

Luna wants you to follow and like for more! Thanks for reading. I am inspired by your likes to make more art! :twilightsmile: