• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,885 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 15 Poor Players Upon a Stage

Her magnificent mauve cape flowed with the wind as she strutted through the castle halls. Guards saluted as she passed, some visibly smitten by her grace. Alongside her was another colt dressed in tawdry brown mage robes. She rolled her eyes, despite her attempts to upgrade her advisor’s apparel; her companion’s clothing choice was one of religious observance to humility and that Star-twist, Starwhirl, whatever her mentor was. She thought it was rather ironic that Clover the Clever could be so dumb when it came to fashion. Yet they had a fond affection, despite his bedraggled appearance, she’d suffer none to insult her companion. None save for herself of course, she smiled internally.

Clover spoke in a suppressed tone as he slinked closer. “Princess Platinum, I am concerned King Amethyst suddenly summons you after so long in seclusion. There are whispers of dark dealings in his castle keep. The foreign mistress he keeps is said to be a witch.”

“Hush now dear, never pay mind to rumors. Mine father must simply be summoning me to apologize for missing my birth day jubilation. There is talk of war with the Pegasi Weather Warlords and Earth Pony Republic; much weighs upon my father’s mind.” She trailed off sadly. “Still he’s never missed my birth day before…”

“Oh Princess, I hope mine fears are unfounded.”

They stopped finally before a door of gold and studded diamonds.

Princess Platinum entered when the guards opened the grand entrance. After boldly stepping through the doors, her steps became timid as they closed behind her. There was a tingling sensation that ran down her spine to her hooves. The curtains were closed, and darkness pooled. The aphotic deposits seemed more than pockets created through the absence of light, things occupied the shadows and their leering eyes seems to violate her body. Princess Platinum gulped down her fear and walked further into the throne room, past Pegasi pillars of stone that had been imported in times of peace. The walk way approach to the throne proper, she knew was to intimidate dignitaries. She would be caught dead than to be seen cowering in her own home. Resuming her confident sashay she followed the red carpet to its source.

“Father, your daughter is here.” She announced herself.

A voice beckoned, that seemed rough and hoarse. “Come closer.”

“Oh my, thy voice! Father have you taken ill?”

“On the contrary, I have never been better.”

Coming closer, Platinum saw the familiar figure upon the throne, but as her eyes adjusted the dimness, she saw his colors were all wrong. She climbed the steps that elevated the throne from the floor to inspect further. The figure’s build of body was still of her father, he was still adorned with his crimson cape, but his mane and the fur coat had lost their luster.

“Oh father what hast happened to thy fabulous mane, it is the color of charcoal to say nothing of what hast become of thy wonderful white coat?!”

“Child, I am awaken. Your mother matriarch, Titania, has shown me the light.”

Princess Platinum gave a snort and lifted her nose. “That foreign witch, I’ll be a reduced to a common Earth pony before I call her mother.”

“It matters not, soon the world shall be made to see. I have grand vision for them all.” The figure chuckled.

It occurred to Princess Platinum for the conversation up till this point her father’s eyes had been closed. She leaned closer to inspect him. When he opened his eyes, Princess Platinum yelped in shock. She fell back, tripping on the throne room stairs. Her father’s eyes were blood red, and from them bled a malevolent magic.

“Father, King Amethyst!?” She cried in confusion.

“Amethyst is no more, It is a time to cast aside old ways of thinking and old titles. Henceforth, I am King Sombra and I declare the Unicorn Kingdom shall be the Crystal Empire.”

Princess Platinum chuckled nervously. “Father, this is madness. Strong as we may be with magic, the Pegasi have weather and even the Earth Ponies have their numbers. To declare an Empire would inspire their ire.”

King Sombra laughed mirroring Princess Platinum, however his voice was deep and laced with malice. “The pitiful Pegasi and the dirt Ponies shall be no match. I have usurped the heavens and gain true power. We will wipe all tribes from this land, there shall be no more talk of race, there will only be classes: slaves and masters.”

Princess Platinum gasped. “If anything, I agree with those other ponies is that slavery is a horrid abomination!”

King Sombra glared. “I took you for a master, my daughter. Bow now, or I will make you a slave.”

Her hooves quaking, she bent her leg, bowing, to King Sombra’s chuckling approval. Raising her head with tear filled eyes, she stared at her father. Her horn sparked with power, and she discharged her magic in a beam. “Father, see sense! It is because I love you I do this! Do not begrudge me!” She closed her eyes as she fired.

When she opened them, Princess Platinum saw that only a steam remained of her magic, and Sombra was unscathed. “Disappointing, daughter, a simple restraint spell? You insult me.”

Her father patted down his robe for dust, it was peculiar quirk of his that told her somewhere within the being before her was her father. She uneasily smiled in hope. “Father, you are unwell. You speak insanity. We must find medicine for your madness. I beseech you let us see the court physician.”

“I am your father. You will render me your deference. If you will not submit willingly… I will force your obedience!” His horn charged with power.

His daughter’s blast would have been considered gentle compared to his. The magical impact exploded against her. Tossed like a rag doll, she had only the throne room carpet to cushion her fall. She skidded a bit before she stopped. She ached as she felt her wound. It was a dark spot upon her white fur and it spread as she bled. She mewed pitifully, speaking aloud the evident to internalize what had occurred. “Father, you have wounded me. You have never stricken me before…”

King Sombra smiled. “Consider that the first of many, if your insolence continues!”

The throne room doors crashed open. Clover led several squads of guards. His eyes were wide with shock, then anger as he saw Princess Platinum bleeding on the floor. “Protect the Princess!”

Princess Platinum was helped to her hooves by Clover. Clover commanded. “Slay that beast!”

Princess Platinum shouted. “Nay! Tis my father!”

The confusion in commands paralyzed the troops and gave Sombra his opportunity. Shards of dark crystal sprouted from the floor, emanating from King Sombra. The crystal entrapped a squad guards. Upon contact, the color from their coats was sapped and the guards fell. Seeing their fallen the guards threw aside their hesitation and gave battle in earnest. Lancers charged and mages blasted their magic.

Clover led her limping away. The sounds of battle were muffled as they closed the grand throne room door behind them. “Princess, we must make our escape, it is true now madness has taken your father!”

“Oh Clover, please do not hurt him. He is my father still. Let me speak to him again.” Her words were weak and fading.

“Hush now, pay you no mind to that. I am here.” Clover smiled. “We must address your wound. Let me see how deep.”

Princess Platinum lifted her hoof that plugged the hole so near her heart.

Clover took ripped a small cloth piece from his robe and wiped away the blood. His brows rose as he saw no more blood. He gasped. “Princess, it cannot be that a new wound festers so quick!”

Princess Platinum shuddered as she looked. The bleeding had stopped but a dark mark was left from it branching out were tiny tendrils like tree branches. She fainted then at the sight of the corruption.

The lights of the hospital room were blinding. Sweating, Rarity popped up from her nightmare. Rarity, reflecting upon her visions, blinked at the vividness of her nightmare. Already the memory of it was slipping from her immediate awareness. Something told her she should not forget, yet as she struggled harder to hold it, the memories faded quicker. She sighed and gave up after a moment more.

She quickly found herself very warm. She smiled when she saw Spike besideher, for once she did not wake up cold because this time, she had someone to hold. Her smile turned to a flat neutral when she arched her head and saw Luna lightly snoring away on Spike’s other side. It came back to her that they had decided to take a nap, looking at the morning light through the hospital window blinders; she realized they had outright slept through to a new day.

“Oh, you’re still sleeping.” Rarity spotted a purple blur peering past the door.

Rarity rose and walked towards it. “Twilight? Is that you, darling?”

Exiting the room Rarity found Twilight.

“Rarity, you’re awake,” Twilight smiled, and casually pointed a hoof. “You have bed head.”

Rarity gasped as she felt her mane and the errant strands that popped out. “Back in a moment dear!” She popped into the hospital bathroom.

After fixing her mane and check all else, Rarity returned to Twilight who had patiently awaited.

“Good morning,” said Rarity, still slightly lethargic.

Twilight nodded. “A good morning to you too. I am glad you all were able to get some sleep.” Rarity spotted a passive aggressive tone to Twilight’s voice. The purple Alicorn seemed disheveled.

“Twilight, speak of my mane, how about yours?!” Rarity used her magic and immediately set to work.

“Thanks Rarity, I was working through the night. I used teleporting to cut Luna’s itinerary in half. A week’s work is done.”

“That’s stupendous,” Rarity remarked.

Twilight smiled meekly. “There’s months more work.”

Spike had awoken to the murmurs outside their door. He looked beside him to see to his left Luna still asleep and to his right Rarity’s impression upon the hospital sheets and mattress. Hearing talking outside the door, he walked towards the ongoing conversation.

He caught the tail of the talk. “There’s months more work.”

“Twilight, take it easy will you?” Spike popped in.

Twilight countered. “Maybe you could break my hoof, and I could lounge around the hospital all week.”

Spike stuck out his tongue. “You bookworm, you’d like all that reading time wouldn’t you?”

Twilight and Spike giggled. It was the first time they had seen each other since Spike was hospitalized, or at least when he was conscious. He opened his arms to hug her. Spike was sent back a bit into the room as he caught her affectionate tackle.

Twilight nuzzled Spike’s soft underbelly scales. “I’m glad you’re alright, little brother.”

“Thanks, big sis.”

Spike saw Rarity on the sidelines and he smirked mischievously. Rarity yelped as he used his tail to pull her into the hug.


Spike chuckled. “Hugging for hugging sake.”

“Pony pile!” A rather formal voice spoke.

Spike was surprised when Luna jumped in. He accepted her into the embrace as well.

“Pony pile?” asked Rarity.

Luna nodded. “Indeed, is that not what one declares? We saw some foals enact the same ritual.”

Spike rolled his eyes at Luna’s charming social awkwardness.

They all snuggled for a moment before another walked in. Spike saw Nightshade and smiled. “Get in here.”

Nightshade serious presence killed the mood as she stiffly stood. The hug was broken and the fellowship in question.

Luna cleared her throat stepped forward to the address her subordinate.

“A good morn to thee,” Luna said.

Nightshade gave a polite nod. “Princess Luna, to you as well.”

“Captain Nightshade,” Luna felt her hoof as she continued. She decided to remove the formality. “No, Nightshade. We might have been rash with thee. Perhaps in these trying times to follow, thou might prove thyself again, and then, we might retain thy services.”

Nightshade’s eyes lit up for a moment with hope, then she returned to her neutral and stoic state. “Forgive me Princess; I let my emotions overwhelm me. That won’t be problem ever again.”

“Nightshade, thou art a dear friend. We forgive thee. Furthermore, we admit our own emotions came to play that made us sound cruel and callous.” She continued. “We have forgiveness to ask of you then.” Luna smiled but winced as Nightshade’s emotional state remained the same with her lack of facial expression. Nightshade exhibited the calm face mask indistinguishable from all other guards.

Nightshade replied. “The Princess has no need to ask forgiveness from her subjects. We do as bid.”

Luna raised a hoof, but was interrupted by Nightshade’s swift continue.

“The Changeling delegation calls upon you. They demand no more delays. They say they shall depart within the hour, whether we permit them or not.” Nightshade relayed the message mechanically.

“Nightshade, we—”

“Is there more? I must return to my duties. I beg your leave.” The clop of Nightshade’s hoof steps against the polished flooring echoed through the halls as she departed.

The removal of personality from Nightshade disturbed them leaving Luna silent.

Spike raised a claw. “Luna, was that Nightshade?”

“Sir Spike,” Luna sighed. “We suspect it may take time for her to forgive us. If that is even to be.”

“The poor dear,” said Rarity, “What happened?”

Spike realized Rarity was left out of that conversation. “Well,” He hesitated not able to articulate.

“Misplaced affections, Nightshade confused mine filial feelings for romantic ones. Twas a misunderstanding… we hope.”

Spike let the topic rest for the moment but he vowed to return to it later.

Twilight pulled a poster from her stack of papers. She interrupted the somber tone. “Anyhow, everypony’s morale seems to be flagging. I got as much from the press conference. I was hoping we could maybe host another Hearths Warming Eve play to quell tensions.” She levitated the promotional poster for everyone to see. There were the three pony tribes and their leaders.

Rarity took Twilight’s cue. “A simply marvelous idea! I had planned to upgrade those old costumes already.” She pointed a hoof at the old costume designs on the poster.

Spike puffed his chest. “Well, you’ll definitely need a narrator with a strong and authoritative voice.”

Luna giggled, ribbing Spike with a hoof. “Oh so where might we find such a one?”

Twilight nodded conclusively. “Okay, I’ll make arrangements after my nap.”

The three of them watch with some amusement as Twilight swaggered into the hospital room where they left and plopped down onto their bed and began snoring away.

“I guess we’re trading work shifts,” Spike smiled. He yawned stretching both his arms. His wounded one fell out of his sling without his notice.

Rarity tilted her head. “Spikey, your arm is okay.”

Spike flexed his limb. “Yeah, I guess we dragons got that going for us.”

“Tis a remarkable rate of healing.” Luna smiled.

Spike looked at the gap in his scales. “There’s still a scar.”

“Alas those shall always remain.”

“Good day, ladies—” Fancy Pants entered in with a bow. He gave a nod to Spike. “—and gentle-drake.”

Spike poked him several times with a claw. He arched his head inspecting Fancy Pant’s form.

“Lay off it! It’s me, lad.”

“That’s what an imposter would say.” Spike pouted pointed a claw at him.

Luna interjected. “Which battle, did thee gain thy knighthood?”

“I do declare, I did not believe I told you that story.”

“We read of it in thy file before we employed thee.”

Fancy Pants squirmed slightly. “I beg your pardon but that’s a touch of an uncomfortable subject… the reports differ from the truth. I did many things in Prance…”

Rarity rubbed her hoof on her chin. “Fancy Pants, we went to the Wonderbolt Derby together once. Darling, do you recall which racer won?”

“Ah, I was rooting for Rapid Fire, alas you called Fleet Foot and I lost a bit of bits that day. All in good sport.”

Rarity nodded. “He’s him.”

Fancy Pants sighed in relief at his exoneration. “Speaking of imposters, I’ve set up a breakfast meeting with those buggers. They’ve already started; coffee might make them more agreeable.”

Rarity declared walking ahead. “Fabulous, then we ought to get going.”

Spike and Luna gave each other a look of surprise at Rarity’s involvement. He finally shrugged while Luna nodded.

“Which way are they?” Rarity turned back.

The Changelings were held up in luxurious hotel that was singularly reserved to accommodate them. Spike, Luna, Rarity and Fancy Pants walked and talked as they made their way there.

“Who are the Changeling ambassadors?” Rarity asked Spike.

“I dunno. My ambassador duties never took me to that neck of woods.” Spike threw up his claws.

Luna gestured with a hoof wave. “Sir Fancy Pants, we give thee permission to brief them on the details.”

Fancy Pants spoke. “Husk is a Captain of theirs, we believe he to be one of their soldier caste. A rather humorless fellow, I wasn’t able to get much talking to him but from his demeanor I can tell he is battle tested.”

Luna added. “The little one called Tibia, though, shall be our real challenge. She hid amongst them; her disguise almost fooled mine eyes. One of our Captains fell to the seductions of a Changeling Princess, Tibia was born from that. She will be versed in our military methodology in addition to Changeling instruction.”

“Who was that Captain?” Rarity asked.

Fancy Pants sneered. “Shining Armor’s dark reflection, another Captain by the name of Dented Armor. He gave his seed to the enemy and betrayed Equestria. The details are lost, but it lead to that kerfuffle a while back in Canterlot.”

“That’s a dark story,” said Spike.

“I feel we’re in one at times.” said Rarity, downcast.

“Only in darkness can we appreciate the light,” said Luna. “We would prefer that over a land of perpetual smiles.”

“Luna, yet you’re committed to the lie?” Spike countered.

Luna looked pained. “Another time, Sir Spike… another time.”

A larger Changeling sighed deeply as a smaller one dipped face first into a cereal bowl. The two dark beings stuck out in the sunlit recreation area of the hotel overlooking a swimming pool. Sheltering in the shadow of a provided a parasol, they ate.

The large Changeling nibbled his donut slowly. “Tibia, please exercise your manners.”

The smaller Changeling popped up from her cereal bowl with circular oat chunks still glued by milk to her face. “Blah, you should tell those ponies that. They kept us waiting too long.” She slid the cereal bowl away. “This food does nothing!”

Husk caught the bowl by his magic before it fell from the table. “You are not to snack on the hotel staff. We are still guests.”

“The bell boy was cute.”

Husk choked on his donut. “Was? You didn’t?!”

Tibia chirped with her translucent wings. “I had you, didn’t I?”

“My chitin’s going develop stress wrinkles.” Husk rubbed his forehead.

“Mr. Grumpy face.” Tibia took an orange and drew a frown on it with donut icing.

Luna, Spike, and Rarity sat down. Fancy Pants stood and oversaw security. Hotel staff ponies served up more assortment platters of pastries and fruit.

“It’s about time!” said Tibia.

“Show proper respect, young master.” Husk chided.

Luna bowed lightly. “The fault lies with us; there were many things to deal with in the aftermath.”

Husk bowed and used a hoof to force Tibia to do the same. He nodded. “I understand you have war preparations to make.”

Tibia added. “Yeah, you guys got beat good in the first war at the big castle.”

Luna narrowed her eyes and gave a false kindly smile. “Truly? Is there to be a war?”

Tibia pointed to Spike. “The bigger dragon push down your sand castle, you’re upset.”

Spike replied. “It’s not that simple. The enemy infiltrated us.”

“You’re incompetent, then, for not spotting it.” Tibia stuck out her tongue.

Spike gave a low growl.

Rarity placed a hoof on his claw. “Spike, darling, be more mature.”

Luna gave a strained smile to the smaller Changeling. “Indeed the enemy infiltrated our ranks; in fact they took up guises quite expertly. They were led by a Changeling. We question thine involvement.”

Tibia again chirped. “You have a dragon working for you; maybe you’re involved with them.”

Husk said, sorrowfully. “After the fall of Queen Chrysalis, the hive no longer speaks with one voice. Many factions fight for themselves. Some even choose to leave the hive and become mercenaries and spies, we fear one day they may even turn against our own would for gold.”

Luna said. “Thou art still the most likely subject. We would rather avoid another war against your people.”

Tibia stuck out her tongue. “You can’t afford to war with us, the big bad dragons are coming to push down ALL your sandcastles.” She devoured a small building she made of donuts. Crumbs flew about the table.

“Darling, aren’t you fighting Naponean? It seems you have much on your plate too.” Rarity gestured at Tibia’s platter where the tiny Changeling had greedily heaped a mountain of sweets.

“Blah,” Tibia pouted as she was thwarted.

“Maybe we could work together,” said Spike to Husk.

Husk shook his head. “There is little you can offer us.”

Luna set her hoof on the table. “We understand that thy war with the Prench is considerably costly. We would give thee half of Tartarus, we are certain the prison’s population would feed thy war chest.”

Luna’s announcement dropped a rock on the table. A hush blanketed everything quicker than a coin falling to the ground. Everyone absorbed the reverberations and ramifications.

Husk, stammered. “Y-you would give us that? That’s a great offering.”

Tibia straightened up her posture and stopped building a tower of pastries. “Criminals and your political malcontents would provide little love for us to feed upon.” She calmly drank from her coffee cup.

Luna took her own coffee cup and added a cream. She spun her cup gently ,letting the contents swirl. “Firstly, we do not lock up political dissidents in Tartarus, only hardened criminals. Secondly, their life force alone would provide ample mana for your many mages.”

Tibia spoke without her childish tone. “The Princess of the Ponies, this is most generous, however the world over hates the Changeling kind. Are you sure you want to associate with us on such a deep level?”

Luna laughed lightly. “Who says we make such deals in front of the world stage? The true workings are often done behind the curtain. Given the opportunity, is it not best to fight one evil with another?”

“The Princess of the Night, is truly a master of shadows.” Tibia finished her coffee in one fell gulp. “However, we refuse on a matter of principle.”

Luna raised a brow in confusion. “We were not aware that Changelings had principles if thou practice espionage at every turn.”

Tibia sighed. “You consider us evil like every other nation does. We are aware of our past, but we seek to move forward in the future. We don’t want to harm ponies to feed, even if they are prisoners. The Changeling condition is a curse, brought to us by the sins of our first Queen. We don’t choose to be what we are, however we can choose to change at least how we might live. We choose dignity.”

Luna’s logic, as with her realpolitik, was refused, she was left without words.

“Come, Captain Husk, we make out leave.” She huffed angrily.

The two Changelings stood up promptly set back their chairs. Tibia took a cloth a wiped her mess from the table. She used her magic when her short hooves weren’t able to reach. Their gestures were swift with indignation. Stepping away, their hoof steps could be heard.

Luna frowned. “Most unexpected. We must seek other avenues, then.”

Spike scratched his head frills. “That was just as surprising to me.”

Luna continued. “Could we have offered more than half of Tartarus?”

Rarity’s ears perked with the small and slow hoof steps of the departing Changelings. She turned in her seat towards the Changelings. “Dears, you’re walking entirely too slow for angry ponies.” She spoke in sing song. “You’re playing coy.

The Changelings stopped at the door when Tibia placed a hoof to stop Husk.

Rarity continued. “I remember negotiating with one frugal mare about the price of a dress. She pretended she wasn’t interested and looked at others. She then offered a low price for the wanted one and feigned anger when I refused. I was tempted to reduce my price but her lingering eyes on the prize told me I only had to wait.”

Tibia turned her head and chirped. “What’s your point?”

Rarity smiled. “Within a week the same mare who left in a huff and puff came back and bought my dress. In that time I even raised that price. Unless you want us to do the same when you come back, please, let’s talk now.”

The Changelings, with a flutter of their insect wings, flew back to the table. Tibia laughed. “Are you sure you aren’t a Changeling?”

“Quite, sure. I’m just business savvy,” said Rarity, raising her tea cup.

Luna and Spike looked at Rarity deeply impressed.

Tibia clinked her own cup with Rarity’s. “Perhaps, we might have dinner on me.” Tibia licked her fangs. “I promise I won’t dine on you. Just a taste.”

Rarity gave a polite shake of her head. “Sorry, darling, business before pleasure.”

Luna smiled. “So thou accept mine offer?”

Tibia gave a half smile. “Naponean and Prance are greater enemies than we thought. We need the food supply, but look, we still want it kept secret. We’re trying to change public perception about Changelings. We’ve made a lot of gains; some ponies have even married into our hive. That progress could be lost if this is revealed.”

Spike raised a claw. “Ponies are marrying Changelings?”

Husk nodded. “Not just ponies, we accept all comers. Love is more pure if it’s true.”

“Perhaps we have misjudged thee,” said Luna. “Very well, if thou accept half of Tartarus then we require thy assistance. An enemy agent has been identified as Amorpheus, we are in need of intelligence concerning our enemy’s capabilities. Surely in thine vast networks of spies, you can reveal unto us the truth.”

Husk’s brows shot up along with Tibia’s. Husk recoiled. “That can’t be… Amorpheus is dead. He was a great hero of our people.”

Tibia became momentarily meek. “Mommy spoke of him often,”

Luna continued her steady gaze. “Evidently, our enemy practices necromancy.”

Tibia, growled. “Then your enemy is our enemy. We do not disrespect the dead. My mother… she will be heart broken. We will return with more information.”

Luna raised her coffee cup to Rarity’s tea cup. “Bravo, lady Rarity thy aid was most useful.”

Rarity waved a hoof modestly. “No it was nothing, darling.”

“Who’s being coy now?” Spike grinned, recognizing Rarity soaking in the praise. “You were awesome.”

Rarity giggled. “Oh! Do go on!”

“Perhaps we might ply the seamstress trade for a week.” Luna giggled. “The study of international politics has much to benefit from thine insights.”

“You’re always welcomed to visit my boutique. Spikey and I will always keep our door open. He’s worked with me on many projects.”

“Indeed, Sir Spike and I might pay a visit upon thee as a welcome break from our Canterlot estate. He hast become an invaluable asset to the crown.”

Their subtle implications about their futures with Spike caused both ladies to flare up in tempers. Both of them then feigned laughter as the tensions ignited.

Spike got up. “I think I ought to practice my flying. My wings are sore.”

“We would go with thee.” Luna flexed her own wings while smiling at Rarity’s lack of them.

Rarity gritted her teeth in an angry smile.

Spike cut her off. “Nah, I’m going solo. I got a small errand to run.”

Looking for Nightshade during the day proved to be a quest. Spike though took solace in the task that had immediate results rather than search for a vague ill-defined enemy. After questioning several guards and citizens, he flew to a bell tower where their combined sightings led to.

Atop the bell tower Spike sighed with no Nightshade and no more leads. There was a peace atop the tower; he surveyed Canterlot in all its splendor. The white marble presented a gleaming vision of a city and nation on a moral mountain united by harmony. His interactions with Luna, Nightshade, and Rarity had told informed him the truth of Equestria, the political intrigue, the military sacrifice, and the pettiness of some ponies. He grimaced in that he could never see the city again with virgin eyes.

Looking at the giant brass bell of the tower itself he saw a crack in its façade. He tapped the hunk of metal wondering whether it still rang true. Spike jumped back when he heard a startled yelp.

“Hey, I’m sleeping here!”

Spike swiveled his head under the bell and saw a bat pony inhabiting the cavity inside the bell. “Nightshade?!”

Nightshade unhooked her hind legs from the bell’s clapper and jumped down and out into the sun light.

“You live inside a bell?” Spike asked.

“No you idiot, I was just taking a nap.” Nightshade groaned as she stretched her wings and legs, groggily.

Angry was better than mopey, he hoped. Still, his curiosity got the better of him. “Do you always sleep upside down? Doesn’t the blood go to your head?”

“We’re built differently. We can sleep both ways.” She then crossly looked Spike over. “What do you want?”

“Seriously, you got everyone worried about you. I flew through the whole city looking for you.”

“Everyone, huh? Yet only you came.” Nightshade blushed. “You flew looking for me?”

“Yeah,” said Spike, averting their eyes from locking.

“I’m fine. Go away.”

Spike silently stared at her with a raised brow. The technique had worked before where ponies would talk rather than endure the awkward silence; against Nightshade it had no effect. Finally, Spike gave in. “Maybe you could talk about it? It’s selfish to not share your feelings.”

Nightshade scoffed. “You just want to make every-pony happy don’t you?”

“I want to try.”

“You’ll fail.”

“This isn’t about me.”

“Is it not? Equestria is a lie, now you’re lying to yourself. You can’t bear to suffer the trauma of cutting some pony off so you string them all along. You’re the most selfish of us one here.”

Spike nearly toppled over by Nightshade’s verbal assault.

Nightshade then smirked. “I’m the same way; I can’t let Luna go… I love her.”

“Is it love? Luna says before her return you didn’t even know each other. How many talks did you have? You’re obsessing over an idea.”

Nightshade recoiled as well. It became a stalemate as they both were on the cusp of scowling at each other.

Spike decided to put his ambassador skills at work. He relented. “I used to have a goddess too, her name was Rarity, and she could no wrong. She then wronged me; she hurt me actually for a while by ignoring me like I was just some stupid side character in a story book. However, realizing she wasn’t a goddess, I got to know her: the real her. Better still I got to know myself. I suppose Equestria is kind of like that, just the picture cover is a lie but behind there’s real ponies and people here.”

Nightshade laughed up close to his face, pressing her muzzle close. “Spike, slay me right now. Slay me.”

Spike became red faced and back away. “What do you mean?!”

“I was better to die with the lie. The battle with Aldred, you stole my purpose and life.”

Spike smiled. “Okay, if I stole your life then I can do whatever I want with it. I forbid you from throwing it away.”

Nightshade’s ears perked up. Her tone became soft. “Those words… they are so similar to what I heard so long ago.” She extended her wings and turned to leave. “Spike, stay away from me.”

He grabbed the bat pony and pulled her in for a hug. “I owed you one.”

“I’m poison.”

“You’re my friend,” said Spike, looking into her eyes tenderly.

“Then why are you holding me like a lover?” Nightshade shrunk in his grasp.

Spike released her, becoming aware how close their muzzles were from touching. He surprised himself. As had Rarity and Luna, something of Nightshade’s personality appealed to him, albeit differently. He nervously grinned as Nightshade bent her head quizzically.


He nervously twiddled his claws. “Nightshade, that night you said you loved me…”

Nightshade snarled. “I said I liked you. I didn’t say love! Stop putting me in your sick fantasy!”

Spike slapped his face, maybe he did mishear her. “Think about what I said, I’ll talk to you later.”

As Spike flew off, Nightshade muttered to herself. “You’re my enemy, Luna is mine… you stole her… yet why can’t I hate you? Why?”

What was in a dream? Was it just goal? No, a dream for her was something so much more. It was the a burning passion that kept one awake through till the wee hours until you fell asleep drooling on your sewing machine with bolts of cloth to go. It was consumptive and made captive of the spellbound dreamer. She imagined herself held by the hooves dancing with Spike. The Canterlot theater stage was empty, and Rarity danced about pretending she was held in place by his claws… those sharp murderous claws. She shuddered for a moment before resuming her fantasy.

Rarity sorted through the old costume chest. Every year there was a Hearth’s Warming Eve play, but it had been a while since the Element bearers had hosted one. Her special friends had gathered that night for a stellar performance, reviews of the plays after theirs had been overshadowed. Amidst the various outfits, she found a tiny suit made for a smaller dragon. Spike had long grown past that that cute size package. She once saw a circus performance where the ringmaster placed her head in a Manticore’s mouth. Daring the predator’s jaws, now she was certain that she was truly madly in love. Thoughts of him came with sighs and a flutter in her chest.

The sound of hooves against the wooden stage and the creaking of the floor boards alerted Rarity to a guest. A gray stallion in suit bowed before her.

“Ah lady Rarity, I was told I could find you here.” His bearing was aristocratic and his tone was of the Canterlot Elite. Something lingered in the air that his cologne couldn’t conceal. Rarity stood up and on her guard.

Rarity raised a brow at the strange stallion. “And you are—?”

“I was a fan of previous Hearth’s Warming Eve performance. I was more the fan of the costume designer.”

She waved a hoof at the stallion. “Oh please darling, flattery will get you almost everywhere.”

“I insist I particular liked the stunning actress that portrayed Princess Platinum.”

Rarity knew where the conversation was heading. He was suave but not greasy, maybe she might have given him a go if she was free. “I do beg your pardon, my heart is spoken for.”

The stallion looked sadly away. “Well, one can admire.”

“Darling, I’m thankful for your admiration, but I’m just a humble seamstress.”

The stallion chuckled. “Seamstress eh? What tangled webs we weave, subject to the strings of fate.”

“Excuse me?”

“Nothing,” The stallion bowed.

Rarity resumed rummaging through the costume chest. “I’m surprised my name is still known in Canterlot. There were rumors that I had salacious relations with a dragon after all. I am a fallen socialite.”

“I pay no heed to rumors. Your work is top notch and speaks for itself. If gossip and rumor are the bread of the Canterlot elite, you can consider me a foreigner who prefers rice.”

Rarity dared to press him further. “What if I were to say it was true?” She poked a hoof at his fine suit. “I do love a dragon.”

The stallion smiled. “Miss, love is love regardless of race, class, or whatever else. In our lives we can only pray to be so lucky as to find the right soul. Some even believe that we are reincarnated and reborn many times with certain souls always finding each other.”

Rarity sighed. “What an enlightened view, I wish other ponies shared your vision.”

“Allow me to do a little parlor trick.”

The stallion waved a hoof and produced a silvery crown gleaming in the shadows. He threw the crown gingerly letting it fall unto Rarity’s head.

Rarity took off the headpiece and swooned over the crafted crown’s encrusted gemstones. “Is this real?”

“What is real, anyhow? Some say life is a play.”

Her eyes were all over the resplendent piece. “Am I meant to have this?”

“I heard the mademoiselle had financial difficulties. Sell it.”

Rarity pushed the crown back towards the stallion. “My affections can’t be bought.”

The stallion chuckled. “Miss, must all acts of generosity be suspect in this age of cynicism? Can’t we once in so often do kindness for kindness’ sake?”

“Well then I simply couldn’t let this act of generosity unrewarded! What can I do for you?”

“Before you sell it I would like to see you wear it for the Hearth’s Warming Eve play. Secondly, I would like two seats to the show, preferably the upper gallery to admire the lady from afar.”

Rarity picked up the crown. “Done! Tell one of the show assistants Coco that I sent you. You’ll get V.I.P. very important pony seats!” When she lifted her head, the stallion was gone.

Shadows moving the stage backdrop seem to come alive in that moment Rarity reached for it. She held the crown aloft in her magic aura for a moment more. The purple gemstones matched her mane, whoever its previous owner was Rarity remarked she had good tastes. The vestment of royalty seemed familiar though she swore she had never seen its like. What was in its meaning, a dream she half remembered? Did her affinity hint at a greater destiny? Whispers of madness, corruption, and forgotten battles filled the silence of her mind as the crown’s gleam transfixed her.

Author's Note: