• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,885 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 17 Acts of Love

Amorpheus followed after his dark mistress. Chitania, the first Queen of the Changelings, was a hero and a villain depending on which side of the divide you were. In her service, he wondered what was the true vision was. They strode through streets filled with civilians walking without much care. In their disguises they blended into the backdrop of posh ponies. Chitania’s pride made her take up the figure of a model mare that turned a few heads. Amorpheus’ presence as her stallion into tow though dissuaded any suitors. To the passerby it seemed to be a simple date; he knew differently. Chitania’s stroll was that of a conqueror to be, he had seen the same from Chrysalis as she too walked the streets seeing the landmarks.

He saw as Chitania walked through street after street she gave a disapproving grimace with each storefront she passed by.

“What’s wrong?” He asked to humor her.

“These pitiful ponies live in ignorance of their own history. Their lullabies are the lies they hath been fed.”

Amorpheus shrugged he couldn’t argue with that. Canterlot was a place of excess. “Indeed, they spend on luxury goods while say elsewhere in the world like in Zebrika others starve.”

Chitania shook her head. “I do not despair of the current condition. Twas ever thus so. I despair that naught much hast changed in a millennia. Inequity seems an interminable condition of civilization.”

He mused. “They have a new Princess; maybe she could make a difference.”

“Tis easier to change the figurehead upon a ship than to replace the rotted wood and make it good.”

“I see.”

Chitania pouted. “This city is lacking. Tis not to my liking.”

Amorpheus found her constant complaints irritable. He fixed his tie in an attempt to busy himself lest he speak out. Still, he couldn’t help himself. “What isn’t to your liking? What actually is?”

Chitania sighed. “It lacks the music of the deep: Changelings gathered in hive in the hall of hearths singing together. Sing it for me, at least the last verse.”

Amorpheus blinked in surprise at her tender turn. He knew the song from his soul, he sang the old hymn.

Hear the call that echoes through our hall

If not for us then those thereafter, so—

Changelings be small or tall, listen all,

One day we will become whole.

Chitania smiled. “I wrote that song… long ago. It was a lullaby for our people to quell their hungering hearts.”

Amorpheus growled. “It said it was you who cursed us in the first place. Your machinations brought on the Changeling curse!”

“There are many tales concerning that and there are just as many lies.”

“That was not an answer.”

Chitania gave a sardonic laugh before speaking. “The Changeling curse was a lie. It is the nature of Changelings to forever hunt and hunger for love. Sombra and I usurped the Celestial Plane seeking to change the very nature of Changelings.”

“I knew I just didn’t believe…” said Amorpheus.

Chitania raised a brow. “Such knowledge is only passed down to Queens of the Changeling Hive, how dost a Captain know?”

Amorpheus scoffed. “So my life’s pursuit was a lie… there was no cure. When she became Queen and the secret was revealed to her, Chrysalis violated taboo and told me. I pretended to believe it in order to support her in her despair. To hear the truth from the source…I feel shocked at my lack of feeling. I thought I loved her, am I even capable of loving?”

Chitania smiled. “My little changeling, I am so very proud of you. You made meaning where there was none. Never believe that thou art incapable of love. You will be with your Chrysalis again.”

Amorpheus narrowed his gaze. “At what cost? The doom of the world?”

Chitania shook her head. “Caution art for commoners. Fear of fire, keeps fools in the dark. Change shall always be met with resistance.” She looked at the crowds of ponies walking blissfully unaware. “Ye masses who stand to benefit most; I do not expect ye to understand. Tis because I love I destroy but only in order so that a new vision may be rebuilt. None shall ever feel mine loss ever again.”

A sense of foreboding gripped like it had never before. Her dreaded dream, had echoes of his past he could not forget and not help but regret. “I served a Queen once who wished enact similar change… Chrysalis, noble, brave, and full hubris spent our armies upon this city. In her gleaming glory and the moment of our greatest triumph came then our fall...”

Chitinia laughed. “Amorpheus, I see why thy faith falters. Thou art like a mare who hast lost her maidenhood to a scurrilous scoundrel, swinging then to denounce all romance. I fell once as thou hath noted, but see me and see that I stand again. Believe again! Believe in me.” She placed her hooves under his chin, holding his face to hers. “We will be whole.”

He smirked. Her charisma had its charm, had he not been with Chrysalis before her honeyed words might have worked. Yet he could not completely discard and disregard her words. Lingering in many lies was a dash of the truth. “In their moment, the greatest liars believe in their own deceptions. Give me something real. How, now, will you accomplish the impossible?”

“Amorpheus, you asked me what was to my liking. I shall tell thee. You.”

Amorpheus coughed, nearly choking.

Chitania playfully patted his mane. “Alas, mine heart belongs to Sombra, and his to mine.”

He was not to be deflected. “Tell me the details of your plan.”

Amorpheus was cut off my Chitania. “Enough, all shall be revealed in due time. Come, let us not tarry. I would like to see more modernity of this city before the play starts. I would not want to miss the first act.”

It had been a long night and Spike again slept in. Free of the hospital he had taken up Twilight’s old study to sleep in. His hatchling home of the Canterlot Castle was a welcoming abode filled with familiarity. Interspersed with the things left behind; he found his old basket, that, now, could not even fit his head. Instead, he slept in Twilight’s old bed.

The visions of Luna’s nightmares kept him tossing and turning though. Thinking back what scared him most was Luna’s casual acceptance when confronted with the corpses of her making. The moon truly was cratered with the scars of the past. Luna still bled from those half healed wounds. Was he even in any position to help her? How would he even begin?

He was awoken by a knocking at his door. Greeting his drowsy self was a perky Rarity.

“Rarity, what’s up?”

Rarity gave a winning smile. “I figured I could treat us to nice meal to get rid of stage fright. for our...umm performance tonight.”

“I’m down for comfort food, but, Rarity, you and stage fright? I thought a socialite like you would relish the attention.”

“Spikey, you’re not nervous narrating the whole play?”

Spike coughed. “We have our lines in front of us written on giant cue cards don’t we?”

Rarity gasped. “Those are for emergencies! You’re supposed to memorize your lines! Cheaters never prosper.”

Spike flicked his reptilian tongue out. “You sound like ‘Professor’ Twilight.”

“Oh that Twilight sometimes can be a tad…” Rarity huffed. “A lady doesn’t say.”

Spike chuckled at Rarity deservedness. “I know it. Living with her so long, I’ve gotten a lecture or two.”

“I’m glad though. She really helped opened my eyes. I actually had her smuggle books about dragons to me.”

“I noticed a section missing.” Spike smiled.

“Let’s get lunch.”

The manager wrinkled his nose as his eyes ran the length of Spike’s draconic body. “I am sorry... ugh sir we have no tables available.”

Contrary to the manager’s words Spike saw that there were many open tables.

“I see.” He pointed a claw at the empty tables. “Lemme guess… all those are reserved?”

The manager coughed. “Yes, we have a party coming in. Full house.”

He dared to push further. “How about future reservations?”

The manager flicked through the book at the podium. “All booked… maybe next year?”

He sincerely doubted the manager could read the entire book in two seconds. Spike snorted smoke in the manager’s face. “I’m a dragon is that it?”

“Come on, Spike. We can look elsewhere for food.” Rarity gripped him by the arm and pulled him away before more than smoke came from his mouth.

Spike nodded sadly. Her heard the manager mutter ‘beast’ behind his back.

Rarity swiveled back gave a ‘humph’ in the manager’s face as the left. “The only thing beastly here, are your manners! You rotten jerk!”

This time, it was Spike that pulled Rarity away from clobbering the manager.

Their third Canterlot restaurant, Rarity decided on a different tact. Spike hid behind bushes while she bought seats for her and her ‘guest’. He heard the tail end of conversation.

The greeter seemed welcoming enough. “Yes, absolutely. Who did you want to register under?”

Rarity smiled. “Rarity and Spike.”

The greeter gasped. “Are you the Rarity?”

Rarity adjusted her mane, feigning modesty. “That’s right darling. I’m Rarity, element of harmony bearer, and Ponyville’s premier clothier extraordinaire.”

Rarity’s smile drop when the greeter sneered. “Animal lover, I’m afraid we don’t serve kibble here.”

The greeter slammed the door at her face.

“Why I never!” Rarity bawked. Rarity rubbed her eyes as tears seem to well.

Spike emerged from his hiding spot. He looked at her with concern. “Rarity, have they rejected you often because of your association with me? Please don’t cry.”

Rarity wrapped her hooves round Spike for a tight embrace.“Spike, I’m crying for you. I thought things would be better.”

“Come on.” Spike took a claw and pulled her away from the door.

Spike and Rarity sat at bench in the street. Rarity seemed to think of new restaurant to try, only to lower her hoof as she imagined the scenario. He had new appreciation for the Ponyville Café and Savoir Fare. Its owner went so far to accommodate him with ‘Ruby Tuesdays’ whereas the Canterlot restaurateurs didn’t even let them past the door. Even if Savoir Fare had ultimately involved them in an ambush, he seemed kind now.

“It’s not right.” said Rarity, pouting.

Spike sighed. “Don’t worry, I heard in some establishments they even reject Earth Ponies… to be honest I rather not pay into their way of business.”

“That’s disgusting, simply disgusting.” said Rarity.

“I’m surprised they rejected you… had the rumor spread so far?”

“Darling, remember back at the Peace Conference, I accosted that Equestria for Equines reporter?”

Rarity had stood up for him in front of cameras, he was sincerely moved by the gestured. He remembered hanging back and watching. “Yeah?”

“I was labeled ‘animal lover’ in his next article.” Rarity grumbled.

Spike clasped his claws holding, his head up. “I guess it didn’t help that Aldred threatened to burn down the country with a dragon army.”

Rarity gave a dark smile. “Actually I would like to see that happen… at least with some parts of Equestria.”


Rarity pouted. “Spikey, seriously something ought to be done.”

Nightshade landed in between them. “I would agree. Perhaps we could instate forced integration at the tip of a lance point?”

Spike coughed. “Umm…”

“I was kidding.” Nightshade groaned “I’m not that crazy.”

Nightshade in the middle of the day. Spike was pleasantly surprised. “What are you doing here?”

“I was looking for you…” Nightshade swallowed before speaking. “Maybe we could do lunch? I have some things I wanted to discuss.”

“A fabulous idea, Miss Nightshade, Spikey knows you, but I’m afraid we haven’t been familiarized.”

“Lady Rarity, it is a pleasure.” Nightshade nodded.

Rarity waved a hoof. “Please just Rarity, only Luna insists on titles.”

“I’m a military mare, I’m afraid I’m much the same.”

“Well, you’re not on duty, are you?”

Nightshade smiled. “No, ma’am.”

The prospects of a lunch date with Rarity and Nightshade swirled in Spike’s mind. Fancy Pants had suggested speaking to Nightshade about vampirism and Rarity. The absurdity of making Rarity a vampire though still left a giggle in Spike’s mind. It would be a drastic life style change, was he right for even suggesting it. Would Rarity be pressured to accept in order to compete with Luna? Would the outcome be Rarity or a somepony entirely different? When he came back he realized the mares had conversed on without him.

“—you would not believe the snooty restaurateurs we had to deal with!” Rarity gritted her teeth.

“If you don’t mind, then, maybe I could introduce you to my scene. It’s… different but we’re accepting of differences.” Nightshade smiled.

Spike remembered the hidden vampire bar in Ponyville. “It’s not going to be like the Cherry Chalice, is it?”

Nightshade shook her head. “That was more exclusive. This place is a lot more friendly.”

In what could only be described as an underground cathedral ponies raved on to upbeat music. The music was heart pounding loud. There were all races of ponies, and even an odd Zebra or Griffin. Again like the Cherry Chalice, the patrons had disparate backgrounds but were united in the common red glow of their eyes. The atmosphere was far more welcoming with a communal dance floor. Still, there was an ever present hint of danger. Set in the smiling and laughing mouths of many were fangs.

Rarity remarked at the roaring crowd. “Darling, don’t you find this party scene seems rather lively to be in the middle of the day?”

Nightshade nodded. “My kind are nocturnal, your night is our day. So these ponies are crazy party ponies you’d see in your night scene. There’s even a time intersection where those scenes meet.”

Spike raised a brow at a Pegasus dancing on an elevated platform. The Pegasus danced with a pole fixed from the platform to the ceiling. The moves she performed made Spike and Rarity blush.

Nightshade continued walking through the crowd. Spike poked her armor plate with a claw. “Nightshade, I didn’t think you went these kinds of places.”

She adjusted her armor and replied awkwardly. “Well there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.”

Spike smiled to himself. The repressed Captain Nightshade perhaps wasn’t as repressed as she led others to believe.

Nightshade led the way as she walked through the crowd with ease. Their way to the upstairs dining booths led past the DJ station.

Spike saw a familiar white-coated and blue-maned pony spinning the tracks. He was surprised to see the pony wearing her glasses up. “Vinyl Scratch?”

The pony stopped bobbing her head and gave a friendly wave. “Heya, Spike. Crazy seeing you here, huh?”

“Likewise,” said Spike. Vampire Vinyl Scratch, who knew? Spike recalled that the DJ wore her glasses almost religiously in public; in lieu of her nature it made sense to him for her to hide her eyes. Perhaps that was the source of the confusion as to her eye color.

“Tasty blood pack, Nightshade.” Vinyl Scratch licked her fangs at Rarity and exchanged a glance with Nightshade.

Rarity recoiled. “Blood pack?”

Nightshade shielded Rarity by stepping in front of her. She looked at Vinyl with a cool smile. “Remember your vows.”

Vinyl Scratch smirked. “Yeah, yeah, I’d have a drink, but Octy would kill me.”

They waved good bye as they walked on.

After climbing a set of stairs onto the second level they found their seats in a booth that overlooked the dance floor. Sitting down in their booth, Spike sat opposite Nightshade while Rarity sat besides him. Rarity eyes darted to the red drinks at the different tables. She apparently had pieced together the picture or had reserved her fear for when they were alone; now in the isolated booth, she started hyperventilating.

Rarity gasped. “They’re vampires?”

Nightshade hissed. “Don’t use that word.”


Spike sighed; he had gone through the introductions before. “They prefer to be called ‘acolytes of the night’.”

Rarity nodded but was pushing herself into the corner of the booth, so far that she was being absorbed by the cushions.

“To start us off with two red cognac and one apple juice.” said Nightshade, to a passing waitress.

Spike protested. “I think I’ll have apple juice, too.”

Nightshade shook her head. “You’re having red cognac for your training.”

Spike admittedly had not touched ‘red cognac’ since last Nightshade had introduced him to the drink.

“Okay, that’s code for blood.” Rarity seemed to be on the cusp of fainting spell.

Nightshade chuckled. “You don’t want to pass out here. There are a few opportunistic biters.”

Rarity grew pale and straightened up fearfully in her seat.

“Not cool.” Spike growled at Nightshade. He turned to the panic stricken Rarity and extended a wing pulling her close. “They get the blood from hospitals, I’m not letting any pony bite you, and they’re not monsters.”

Rarity after moments wrapped in the warmth of his wings calmed her breathing. Her new disposition seemed to be inquisitive. “Darling, so vampires—”

Nightshade cleared her throat.

Rarity corrected herself. “Acolytes of the night, are real?”

After debunking most myths involving mirrors, garlic, and assorted others. Rarity seemed satisfied and relaxed enough to turn to her talkative self. Nightshade had more glasses while Rarity had a hay salad; Spike had noodles with emerald shavings. Spike though kept his glass to the side.

The food was well prepared and the sauce smelled of natural oil and fresh tomatoes. Spike salivated and licked his fangs. Before he bit into his meal, he noticed Nightshade’s wings twitch slightly.

Nightshade blushed profusely as she pulled her wings back into folding position.

“What?” said Spike.

Nightshade then sighed at the clueless expression on his face. “Don’t do that in this setting… licking your fangs is a signal that you’re... receptive.”

“Ah,” Spike then proceeded to choke on his noodles. He wondered why he was even this nervous around Nightshade.

Rarity interjected to dismiss the awkward air. “I thought bat ponies were friendly fruit bats… I recall Fluttershy transforming into one by magical mishap. The only danger posed was to Applejack’s crops.”

Nightshade wetted her mouth with a sip of her glass. “A smokescreen, our reintroduction into your society was to be eased by that lie. There are some of us who subsist on fruit however for most nothing sates save the red life liquid. Concerning your friend… that incident was investigated, her transformation was magical, whereas our condition is natural. Still there is a squad to welcome her into our order should… other symptoms emerge.”

Rarity absorbed the information with bites of lettuce. She continued after digesting. “I hope this question isn’t rude, how old are you, are you immortal?”

Nightshade shook her head. “You are free to ask, I realize much of our existence has been distorted by popular culture and lore.” She gave Spike an aside glance.

Spike smiled meekly, his thoughts concerning vampires was mostly movies and romanticized books before Nightshade set the record straight.

Rarity prodded gently. “So… are you immortal?”

Nightshade continued. “Just our age, we die the same with sufficient injury and we are as vulnerable as the next pony when faced with a lance through the heart: wooden or otherwise.”

“Minus the occasional need to… partake… That seems not at all a bad deal.” said Rarity enjoying her hay salad. She fluffed her mane. “To be forever young seems like a dream.”

Nightshade lapped up her glass of red. “Once the hundredth year happy high wears off, it takes a toll on your soul. If you’re willing to give it a go, then I’d say try it. You can always leap off a cliff later.”

Spike shuddered at Nightshade’s indifferent reference of suicide. “You don’t want to leap off a cliff, do you?”

Nightshade shrugged. “I’m a soldier for a reason… if it happens it happens. I wear the armor because I want to find a good reason.”

Rarity placed a hoof on Nightshade’s hoof. “You shouldn’t think like that. Dear, I think you can find plenty of reasons to live for instead of dying for.”

“You wouldn’t understand,” Nightshade took a long sip from her glass. “I doubt any of you have felt despair as I have.”

Spike rolled his eyes at Nightshade’s wallowing. He laughed. “After Rarity rejected me, it represented everything I feared and that I would never belong with dragon or pony... I almost burned the forest of Everfree down to suffocate in the smoke.”

“Spikey!” Rarity blurted.

Nightshade cackled. “I saw the annihilation of my entire clan; I sat in the carnage and snow until frostbite almost took all my limbs.”

“Nightshade!” said Rarity startled. “Both of you!” Rarity reached out and slapped Nightshade, then whipped her hoof at Spike.

“Ow!” Spike felt his face.

Spike and Nightshade turned toward Rarity. Rarity was crunched up into a small ball. She sniffled slightly. She didn’t descend into tears as he had expected instead she rose up and jabbed her hoof at them.

Rarity’s face was flush red with anger. “Both of you, how can talk about taking your lives so casually? There are those who care for you! You’re both so selfish, it makes me sick. Especially you Spikey… how would your friends feel… “

Rarity gave a small choke. “...how would I feel now if you were gone?”

Spike swallowed hard.

Nightshade continued. “Perhaps, you could handle immortality. You have a great soul.” She gulped down the rest of her glass. She turned towards Spike. “I just wanted to say thank you.” She gave another glance reserved for Rarity. “To you, too.”

Spike reached out with a claw. “Wait, Nightshade.”

Nightshade snapped at Spike pointing to the full glass of red on the table. “And finish your glass. You need the training. You can’t lose yourself in battle.”

Leaving a bag of bits to cover their entire meal, Nightshade walked off. In the shifting crowd of dancers, she quickly blended away.

Spike brought the glass to his lips and set it down.

Rarity gasped. “Spikey, you aren’t going to drink that are you?”

He held the glass letting its viscous contents swirl. “Nightshade wants me to temper my blood lust as a method of training in case I needed to use my jaws in combat.”

Rarity sighed. “You, Luna, and Nightshade, live in world apart from my own.”

Spike shook his head. “That’s what I used to think about you… Miss Element Bearer… I tried to tag along as much as possible, but in the end, I realized I couldn’t keep up.” He chuckled. “Heh, I had tiny legs back then.”

Rarity nodded. “Spikey, you were so cute back then.” She cuffed her mouth with her hooves. “I mean, you’re still cute now. Just it takes getting used to umm your draconic features. I’m sure you’re dashing by dragoness standards. It’s just different standard of beauty.”

“Exactly right, it’s a different standard. I don’t need you to change. I appreciate you for who you are and what you do.”

“Spikey, where’s your sense of adventure?” Rarity levitated Spike’s glass up to her lips.

His eyes opened wide as he saw her take a gulp. Rarity held a forced smile for a moment as she tried to swallow. A bead of sweat fell from her forehead as she struggled with the taste.

“Rarity, you don’t ha—”

Rarity finally swallowed her gulp. She immediately turned to her cup of apple juice to wash away the taste. “In vino veritas… I believe it’s a phrase that says truth in the wine.”

Rarity swallowed. It was good to know for Spike, she had gotten twenty percent cooler in that moment. He half expected her spit out the blood. The little surprises of hers, Spike found her fortitude to be remarkable. “Yeah, it’s bitter; I don’t like the taste of it either. Blood is something I want to avoid, yet—”

Rarity placed a hoof on his claw. “—we can’t avoid it if we live in this society upheld by the sacrifices of others. I’m willing though to give back for all these years you gave to me. I’m willing give you my all.”

Spike nervously scratched the back of his head, running his claws through his spines. “You’re too generous.”

“Oh shush, Spikey. Let’s put aside all seriousness for now. Let’s dance.”

Spike held Rarity’s fore legs with his arms as they waltzed about the dance floor. The traditional style in the rave setting caused one or two ponies to look on.

“You only know the waltz? You’re adorable, Spikey!”

“My book about courtly romance… kinda came from a thousand years ago.” Spike chuckled, nervously. He tried to count the steps in his head.

Rarity giggled. “Lead away, I don’t mind.”

Several ponies cheered them on. It seemed that Vinyl Scratch had even noticed them through the crowds; the disk playing changed to something he heard during Shining Armor and Cadance’s wedding. Couples formed up on cue of the romantic mood music.

“This is an accepting setting,” said Spike, surprise.

Rarity leaned into Spike and nibbled against his neck with her lips. “I may just have to acquire a taste for red.”

Spike gulped. As their waltz continued, Spike noticed a few groups tried to emulate their dance. “I think we might start a new trend.”

Rarity nodded. “Most fashions trends do go in a cycle.”

Spike took her right forehoof and spun her. Rarity squealed as he caught her by her back.

“Delightful, you’re my prince in armored scales.”

Soon, the music died down as the crowds dispersed. Rarity and Spike rested at the bar and caught their breaths in the lull.

“We must be getting back, the play is on soon.” said Rarity.

“Yeah,” said Spike, taking in Rarity’s vision. Dancing with her as equals was his reason for even learning to dance. It drove him to improve himself to be her knight. He wondered whether Shakespony learned to weave words only to woo ladies. Love perhaps drove history’s greatest artist and poets. Was it worth it? It that moment he supposed it was.

“Yoowhoo,” Rarity waved a hoof over Spike’s face.

“Right.” Spike took her by the hoof.

The theater had been filled already. Spike took his place in between the stage curtains. He would narrate the opening then the play would start. He was surprised when another stepped in.

Luna was stern. “Are thee ready? Much will depend on this play; all must go according to script. Thou must be calm.”

“Yes?” Spike was confused by her surge of seriousness.

Luna sighed and smiled. “Sir Spike, we wish thee luck.” She leaned in a pecked him on the cheek with a small kiss. Luna darted away quickly as the stage curtains started moving.

The stage curtains parted and he began. “Once upon a time, long before the peaceful rule of Celestia, and before ponies discovered our beautiful land of Equestria, ponies did not know harmony. It was a strange and dark time. A time when ponies were torn apart—”

In the upper galley of the theater, two figures whispered to themselves. The play had come to point of introducing the three tribes and their issues.

Chitania chortled as she stared at the three tribes on stage. “So this is what hast become of history? What laughable lies.”

“Indeed,” said Amorpheus, “but I think the truth would not be family friendly.”

Chitania leaned in and narrowed her eyes at the stage. “Amorpheus, I was unconvinced but her aura matches perfectly. The crown accepts her head as its roost. Acquire her, she is the one needed for mine plans. Acquire her, now.”

Amorpheus huffed. “I hoped to nab her in a dark street. This would not be discreet.”

Chitania sneered. “Do it after the performance: backstage. Thou hath access dost thou not?”

Amorpheus bowed. “As you wish.”

Reading from the cue cards and half remembered lines, Spike found the play proceeding much as if he wasn’t there. He was just a mouthpiece. What was the point? Yet there was supposed to be importance to it all. His existential debate waged though only in his head.

“And so the paradise that the ponies had found was soon lost, buried beneath a thick blanket of snow and hard feelings.”

It came to point where the Pony tribes bickered and argued. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity reprised their roles as Commander Hurricane, Chancellor Puddinghead, and Princess Platinum respectively. In the play’s scripted comical conflict Spike saw through to Luna’s vision of blood soaked battlefields. He imagined the three tribes armies clashing. How many lives were lost to form Equestria? How many lives were sacrificed to maintain that illusion?

As Spike narrated the play he saw in the upper rafters a twinkling. Luna was crying but still watching, he nearly stuttered in his narration. Yes, the play was a fanciful fiction to maintain the illusion of harmony, but a necessity. The events within the play, Luna had first hoof witness without the filter of fiction. If Luna could watch, he could narrate.

Soon the play was nearly over. He finished off his narration with that idealistic blurb that meant more for its function. “The three leaders agreed to share the beautiful land, and live in harmony ever afterwards. And together, they named their new land...”

“Equestria!” cried the cast.

Cue the choir. As the crowd joined in the signing.

The fire of friendship lives in our hearts

As long as it burns we cannot drift apart

Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few

Laughter and singing will see us through

We are a circle of pony friends

A circle of friends we'll be to the very end

Spike disappeared into the curtain folds while they say. However, after a while, he found his cynical edge dulled slightly. He had once heard a tale that the children’s song ‘Ring around the Rosie’ was derived from a great plague. Still there was a certain fun to the lyrics as there was here. He allowed himself to forget at least for a moment as the choir of ponies kept singing. Yet, the tears of Luna still burned in his mind. Luna had packed the audience with soldiers that would go to war. Yet, the soldiers sung along civilians, their voices merging into the melody. Smiles that weren’t really smiles and closed shut eyes that dammed the torrent of tears. Luna, Rarity, and Nightshade three mares in his mind were so strong and so weak.

Soon the singing died down. The play had ended and Spike’s friends quickly decided to go to a shared dinner hosted by Twilight. Spike though noticed Rarity had declined along with Luna. There was also a large amount of the audience idling about in casual conversation. He recognized them to be the guards that Luna had provided a free show for.

He heard then a shout from backstage.


Rarity neatly folded some of the costumes to be stored in a chest while others she attached to hangers on a trolley. The many hours she devoted to their design was distilled into a play that seemed short in comparison. She considered herself an artist and her thoughts turn to other artists. How much unseen work was done for a drawing, a written piece, or a symphony? She hummed in satisfaction though and took a sense of pride that her work had helped bring joy to others.

“What wonderful costumes. They were period accurate too.”

Rarity appraised the generous stallion as he looked through the racks of carefully sewn garments.

“I see you’re a connoisseur with fine taste, thanks to your donation I decided to go all on the costumes.”

He chuckled. “The actors must have their props.”

The gray stallion had given her a crown befitting real royalty; she realized she didn’t even know his name. “I am afraid I still don’t your name. Sir?”

He chuckled. “You mistake me for a knight?”

Rarity waved a hoof. “Well, you have noble bearing.”

“I have lived in the shadows most my life, the good I have done shall never be known nor did I seek such things.”

“O contraire! My dear, great deeds deserve recognition. A suit or dress needs to be worn, not making moth food in some dusty closet.”

“I’m afraid my petticoat is too stain with blood for that.”

A strand of her mane sprung loose as she grew nervous. She levitated her scissors behind her back in case she needed a weapon to defend herself.

The stallion waved his hooves defensively. “No, I’m not a murderer. I was a soldier.” He slumped his head down. “I suppose there is little difference save the title.”

Rarity relaxed slightly. “You scared me for a moment. Thing have just been insane lately.” She proceeded to hang the remaining costumes on their hooks. “Well, Sir, I trust you enjoyed the show. Unless there’s more, I’ll beg you to leave me to my work.”

“Ah Ms. Rarity, the next part will be hard. Please do not scream. I do not wish to hurt you.” In a flash of green fire Amorpheus revealed himself. He was baffled when Rarity smiled at his transformation.

“Now!” Rarity shouted.

Guards jumped from their hidden positions in the folds of the stage curtains. They had war saddle mounted lances that shimmered in the stage light.

Amorpheus grimaced as he faced them.

Fancy Pants, led the guards and grinned triumphantly. “I heard you’ve been impersonating me. Rather ill manners. I say. Eh, chap?”

Amorpheus snarled at Rarity. “An ambush?”

“Darling, seriously I’m not so easily fooled. I knew who you were from the start. I keep up with the tabloids. Perhaps you chose subconsciously but your disguise resembled another Canterlot socialite who happens to be yachting on the other side of the country.”

Fancy Pants adjusted his armor. He said with mocking sarcasm. “So sorry to spoil your plans.”

Amorpheus sparked his horn as he prepared to attack. “I won’t be taken by the likes of you. Prepare for fea—”

The stage curtains unfurled and spotlight lit up the stage. Amorpheus placed a hoof to shield himself from the blinding lights. As his eyes adjusted they came to focus: rows of Pegasi lancers, Unicorn mages, and Earth Pony crossbow wielders were all ready to attack.

Luna smiled, leaning against a spotlight. “Tis a trap! Thou art completely surrounded. The audience is the best of our elite selected for mental fortitude against your mind magic.”

Amorpheus growled cutting off his magic. “So, this is my end?”

Luna looked at her hoof nonchalantly. “Most surprising though, we had set the ambush for when thou would attack me, yet lady Rarity seems to be thy true target. We shall have your answers to this and many questions in the interrogation.” Luna waved a hoof. “Restrain him!”

Crossbow bolts nailed Amorpheus to the flooring. Then Pegasi Lancers threw their javelins planting the Revenant further into the stage. The Unicorn Mages concentrated their beams and wrapped him in a magic immobilizing field.

Luna flew and landed onto the stage alongside a squad of Pegasi. She smiled at Amorpheus’ face.

Amorpheus coughed with the javelins and crossbow bolts sticking to him. “These spears are enchanted and so are the bolts… So many measures, just for me?”

Luna poked the Revenant with her hoof. “Thou art dead already, tis folly to show thee restraint in both senses of the word.”

“You stocked the audience with elite soldiers, why didn’t I notice the deep voices in the chorus?”

Luna smirked. “We balanced that out by specially selecting of the civilian audience.”

Amorpheus cackled. “All of your acting was superb. Well played.”

Luna smirked. “Thou shares our love of puns, tis a pity we are enemies.”

Spike had stood on stage in between Amorpheus and Luna as the curtains had unfurled.

“Luna, why didn’t you tell me?” Spike asked as he looked to the upper rafters at her. He sighed. “I thought no more secrets.”

Luna was startled by Spike. She felt her hoof in embarrassment. “Sir Spike, actually I meant to… it was just in last evenings events… the thought escaped me. I thought someone else had—”

Spike spouted pointing to Rarity on stage. “If Amorpheus immediately resisted, . Rarity would be in the line of fire.”

Rarity placed a hoof over his claws. “Spikey, calm down, darling. This was my plan. I contacted Fancy Pants about a suspicious guest. Luna and Fancy Pants helped with the details.”

Spike spun toward her. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I thought someone else had already done so,” said Rarity. “I, in fact, decided upon lunch to calm our nerves. Your calm rather surprised me; I suppose it was because you didn’t know.”

Fancy Pants patted Spike on the back. “You’re incurably honest lad, perhaps it was better you didn’t know. Blame me for keeping you in the dark.” He smirked at the restrained undead Changeling.

Spike sighed. He supposed failures in communication were a fact of life. At least it wasn’t intentional.

Fancy Pants kicked Amorpheus. “It all turned out well, this bugger might have noticed in the performance if we told more than ponies.”

“Indeed I would. A pity, I didn’t.” Amorpheus smiled.

Luna smashed her hoof into Amorpheus’ face knocking his smile into a sneer. “Thou hast hurt and killed many. We ask thee why?”

Amorpheus said, simply. “Do your worst.”

Luna cackled. “We know dark magic; wouldst thou like to feel those javelins and crossbow bolts in thy body?”

“Heh, I am a Revenant, an undead. Every muscles and nerve in me screams at my existence being a defiance of natural law. I feel so much pain, that I am numb.” He spat blood onto the floor.

His confession caused a pang of sympathy in even Spike.

Luna persisted with nary a blink. “Why then dost thou endure?”

“For love,” said Amorpheus. “My master promised to restore my love to life.”

Luna looked sorrowfully. “Thou attended this play with another, we see thee alone now. Thy master hast abandon thee. Reveal unto us thy secrets. I shall end thy suffering.”

Amorpheus shook his head. “Your efforts are wasted. I am bound to life by my mistress’ spell. If she feels I’ll betray any of her secrets she would undo the magic. As you said, she has abandoned me.”

“Ah we’re making progress, so you master is a mistress.” Fancy Pants smiled.

Amorpheus bit his tongue at his slip. “Damn, I’ll say no more…”

Luna ordered, raising a hoof. “Fancy Pants, tighten security. We shall be at this all night.”

The word ‘security’ chimed in Spike’s mind. He raised a claw. “Hey, Luna. I thought Nightshade was running security for this event.”

Luna and Fancy Pants turned towards Spike with questioningly looks.

Fancy Pants scratched his moustache. “Lad, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Spike repeated. “I thought I remembered Nightshade said she was charge of security. She even asked me about the exits…”

Luna spoke. “Nay, Nightshade is supposed to—”

The spotlights and stage lights went black. Many sets of glowing crimson eyes paired with flashes of fangs moved in the darkness. The rustling of leather wings led to screams. Spell bolts illuminated the stage as mages fired at unseen assailants. There was a tunnel of dark magic that swept through the seats.

From Luna’s horn fired a bolt that glowed as if a star descended. Suspended in the air it lit the theater. The rows of guards were incapacitated.

Amorpheus was freed, his horn smoked with the residuals of a powerful spell that had cowed the lines of guards. He coughed as he used his magic to pull out the lances that pinned him.

Luna, Spike, and Fancy Pants then stood on the stage alone. Vampire Elite bat ponies held their mounted lances pointed at them. Some of their lances dripped with the blood of the slain. The guards that were with them on stage but bodies on floor now. Spike spun around to find Rarity gone from his side

Rarity gasped as a bloodied blade was held against her throat. Backing away slowly she stared at the hook of a distinctive crescent lance.

Spike saw the figure fishing Rarity back was Nightshade.

Amorpheus spoke to Nightshade with familiar terms. “I did not expect the mistress to save me at the cost of revealing an inside agent… so close.”

“Yeah,” said Nightshade, “Believe me, I was surprised by the order same as you.”

Luna shouted in confusion. “Captain Nightshade!?”

A monotone came from Nightshade’s lips. “Princess Luna.”

Fancy Pants had already lowered his horn and readied an attack spell. “Why are your guards here? Do you mean to break faith with your vows?”

Nightshade shook her head. “My faith was broken a millennia ago when I saw the corpses of my clan used to fertilize the soil of this land. This is to say nothing of the dark dealings use to secure this current state. This play, this lie, for harmony sake, spits at the sacrifices I and my guards have made.”

Fancy Pants had no retort; rather even his composure was shaken.

Luna swallowed before speaking; her hurt was evident in faltering speech. “N-Nightshade, why-why hast thou remain silent until now?”

Nightshade chuckled. “Love and loyalty, I loved you, Luna… yet you only look at me in when I am a threat.”

Spike growled. “Nightshade, that’s not true! She has sacrificed so much! Luna loves you! She loves all the ponies of Equestria!”

Nightshade laughed. “And what a love that is! We are all but fools and tools to be sacrificed whenever and however to take down pieces of greater value! Nightmare Moon was the only one who ever cared for me!”

“You’re insane. That’s not true. Even without Luna, there’s for certain another who loves you.”

Nightshade snorted. “Who?”

“…Nightshade, I care for you.” said Spike.

“You?!” Nightshade gasped, wincing. Her piercing crimson eyes and her lance relaxed for a moment.

“I’m not going to be hostage!” Rarity pulled from under the hook crescent of Nightshade’s lance. She scrambled towards Spike but was pulled back by Amorpheus’ magic.

Rarity continued screaming. “Let me go!”

“Rarity!” Spike tried to grab her but a row of lances stopped him.

Amorpheus grimaced at the stirring Royal Guards in the rows of theater seats. “It seems these soldiers do have greater mental fortitude. They are already waking from their personal nightmares. We have no more time.” He coughed as he prodded Nightshade with a hoof. “Your new master and our mistress, awaits. Do not disappoint.”

“Right, but do not forget it was my intervention that won you this day,” said Nightshade, coldly. She slapped the blunt end of her lance on the back of Rarity’s head knocking her unconscious.

“Perish the thought.” Amorpheus levitated Rarity onto his back. He turned to the Elite Night Guards. “Brace yourselves, this means of teleport… hurts like hell.”

The Elite Guards screamed as they were consumed by flames. They burned like candles before disappearing as ash. Nightshade did not scream as she was consumed by the blaze alongside Amorpheus.

“Nightshade don’t you dare run away!” Spike jumped at the flash of flames but was pulled back. “Rarity!”

“Lad, we don’t know what’s down that rabbit hole!” Fancy Pants strained with his magic to hold Spike back.

“They have Rarity!” Spike snarled.

Luna seemed still frozen at the point Nightshade had admitted her treason and reason.

Spike recalled how Luna had stopped in that horrible dream. “Luna! You can’t just freeze up!”

Luna mouth words but her voice was lacking.

“Princess!” Fancy Pants bowed. “We need orders. Those cretins have spirited away with Lady Rarity.”


“Sir Spike, had I informed thee of our plans, we would have caught unto Nightshade’s betrayal.”

Spike waved a claw dismissing it. “Never mind that now.”

Luna shook her head. “Nightshade’s fall is my fault…”

As cruel as it sounded; Spike considered he would rather have the cold commanding and calculating Luna at that moment. She seemed to have the most composure when others had none yet how could he ask her to kill her emotions?

Fancy Pants snarled. “Nightshade has gone traitor. She was of the highest echelon, she takes with her many state secrets. We ought not to have trusted her kind. The vampires are true to their nature. They don’t want to be fed blood pack. They want to hunt.”

Spike’s previous forays into vampire pony culture especially his time at the ‘Cherry Chalice’ seemed to pop in his mind. They saluted ancient flag that was from the time of Nightmare Moon. Nightshade herself did so. The ball of hurt she was, Spike also wondered whether he could have help her avoid her fall or given her delusional love for Luna was it inevitable?

“Graaaaahhhh!!!” Luna horn charged with pulses of power crackling through the air. In a flurry of angry cutting strokes she demolished the backdrops of that had been used for the play. The plywood mountains, castles, and even the Equestrian flag were seared to pieces in the destructive display. Beyond even that her beams had cut into the brick wall and mortar of building itself.

Fancy Pant nervously approached. “Princess?”

“Give the order, have all thestral or ‘bat pony’ guards renew vows of loyalty. Exterminate any that so much so shows a sliver of dissent. Place all orders of the guard on high alert. Summon forth the Changeling Delegation, tis time to collect upon their promise.”

The onrush of Luna’s commands didn’t comfort Spike as he hoped. Her orders were given by a fiery rage.

“Concerning Nightshade and the retinue she left with?” asked Fancy Pants.

“Look upon the profiles of the traitor guards missing. If any possess families, they art to be detained and held at house arrest.”

“I do not think they would keep families. The inner circle of the Night Guards are notorious for being death seekers.”

“Then they shall be granted their wish. All art to be declared enemies of the Republic and slain upon first sighting. I want the head of their leader on a spike.”

Spike motioned to protest. He did not if was because it was Nightshade's so sudden betrayal or it was something else. Why was he hesitant to label her an enemy? “Luna, Nightshade hesitated. Maybe she could be reasoned with?”

“Sir Spike, art thou a knight of the realm?”

“I am,” said Spike.

There was a cold edge to Luna’s words. “War cometh, thou must not hesitate.”

Spike worked the word in his mind before speaking it aloud. “War?”

Luna snarled westward. “The message is clear. Our enemies hath teleported through dragon flames. This bold move is the preamble to an invasion. Aldred’s draconic hordes shall be upon on the morrow.”

Fancy Pants had just finished relaying the first set of Luna’s orders when she spoke the second. “Bring me my armor… the Nightmare set.”

Author's Note:

Long ago upon a windswept winter battlefield there was a little pony, her tears frozen...