• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,889 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 19 Darkness of Doubt

In the tranquil of the evening and in the shadows of her mind Luna stood before a dark door larger than herself. She raised a hoof at the handle. Luna leapt as a pound upon the door matched a beat of her heart. She resolutely held her head high as she reached again for the handle.

A warm purple claw extended and stopped Luna’s hoof. Spike asked with worried tenderness. “I have nightmares about a field of fire, you dream of a dark door?”

Luna nodded. “Therein lies mine demon.”

There came another knock upon the door.

“What happens when you open it?” Spike asked.

“I do battle with my other self.”

Spike raised a claw. “What happens then? Who wins?”

Luna swallowed the lump in her throat. “The darkness envelops me, and we become one. I become death… destroyer of worlds…Nightmare Moon. I walk alone upon fallow fields made dead by the absence of light, nothing lives without sun.”

Spike shuddered. “Have tried not opening the door? You can’t lose if you don’t fight, right?”

“The Griffins have an apt phrase: the pacifism of sheep is to but wait for the butcher’s blade.” Luna shook her head. “Either I open the door to confront the demon, or it breaks forth on its own. I would prefer to lose myself fighting.”

Spike admired her valiance but dreaded her acceptance of her defeat. “You said you fell in love with me because you saw me fighting my demon, why can’t you fight yours? Why can’t you win? Let us fight together!”

Luna laughed with nervous airs. “Sir Spike, mine demon is different from thy beast. I shall show thee. Then, thou shall know.” Before Spike could reach out and stop her, Luna opened the door.

It was not Nightmare Moon waiting but a mirror form of Luna. He swung his head back and forth with uncertainty which was the real Luna. “You are you own worst enemy?”

Both Lunas spoke. “Forsooth, I know it to be the truth. Sir Spike, can thee tell which art thy love?”

Spike focused upon both images but saw nothing that would tell. He opened his maw to speak.

In synch they spoke. “Tis pointless to ask questions, we share memories and the other may mimic mine speech.”

Spike closed his mouth.

“Till the stars flicker and die, we shall do battle. Let the battle commence!”

Spike was helpless to help as the two danced to death firing their cutting beams at each other. The scene shrunk in his mind’s eye until he left Luna’s dream.

An assembly of dragons knelt before Aldred. The drakes were of varying sizes, scale color, and demeanor. Uniformly adorned around their necks were pendants with their native clan sigils carved from precious gemstones. The necklaces gleamed in the morning sun until Aldred’s shadow eclipse the sky. Aldred was preeminent, and required no jewelry.

Aldred’s guttural roar splattered gobs saliva upon the lesser dragons in the front. The dragons, though, stood paralyzed in fear. A dragon who raised his claws to shield himself from Aldred’s ear splitting cry was shoved harshly by a superior.

After Aldred had finished, the other dragons gave their own weaker caws in reply. After the greetings were finished, they silenced themselves swiftly.

Aldred spoke. “My dragon generals, why do you not advance?!”

A drake the size of two ponies stepped forward and bowed. Her voice was feminine in so far as the grit and gnashing of dragon’s teeth would allow. “Lord Aldred, the crown prince’s death weighs upon the conscience of the entire Dragon Dominion yet military strategy holds precedence over passion.”

“General Spira, that is why we attack before my ultimatum. The enemy is unprepared.”

Spira swiveled her head towards the city. “My eyes tell me otherwise, they’ve evacuated their forces and the entire city. I should like to treat with their ambassadors before the attack. It smells of a trap.”

A war-balloon-class alabaster dragon with long white whisker strands bowed before Aldred. “Indeed, we fight the Celestials; a thousand years ago, when we had the council of elders intact, we only ever fought them to a stalemate. The young one is right to be prudent.”

Spira nodded. “Yes Lord General Bahamut, I concur; we must be cautious.”

There were a few murmurs of agreement amongst the other dragon generals.

Aldred snarled. “I tire of your cowardice. My son’s death needs avenging.”

Bahamut used a claw to stroke his whiskers. “Of course, we obey, but perhaps we might entertain ourselves in the plaintive cries of enemies before we seal their doom? Justice for Firestorm’s death must be savored. It was ever so cruel the ponies murdered him, so then must be our justice.”

Aldred smiled. “Ha, I like your thinking. Very well, we shall treat with the ponies before we annihilate them.”

He roared and flew on ahead. The other Dragon Generals followed after leaving Spira and Bahamut behind.

The dragon elder leaned left towards the younger and smaller dragon. “Lady Spira, how convenient for the father how his son met his demise. I see the look of the greed and cruelty in our lord’s eyes, and I’m less inclined to believe this is a crusade for justice.”

Spira tugged fitfully on her necklace, the studded jewels and engravings emphasizing her rank. “Lord Bahamut, your elder status would not save you should Aldred hear.”

“Perhaps in my old age, I grow tired of fear and fire, the mantra of our dominion makes weary.”

“Aldred’s dominion,” Spira corrected. “The dread dragon sees us all as the same as chattel slaves while promoting that we think ourselves to be free. We all share in the hardship of running his empire and none of the fruit.”

Bahamut chuckled. “Young and old, we are of like minds. This campaign to conquer Equestria shall only enrich Aldred while spending the strength of our clans.”

Spira frowned. “Elder, even should we topple the tyrant, civil war would worsen still our position.”

“Aye, yet we cannot do but to follow; for fear and fire commands us. I suppose it like the ponies and harmony. There are lies told so long they have become indispensable in the interests of solidarity.”

Spira scratched her muzzle. “I wonder whether it’s courage or cowardice that keeps us where we are.”

The wind swept through empty streets. In a tucked in corner a small hotel was held in control by the bat pony soldiers. Rarity was in the dining room, trapped in a booth by the guards’ raised lances. Secure that she could not move without them noticing, the guards were playing cards. Rarity arched her head and saw past an open door, into the foyer where Amorpheus spun a spell of unknown purpose.

Amorpheus bobbed his head and used his changeling horn to weave green magic circles in the air. He stood at the center of a magical array where circles were carved into the fine tile work.

Chitania impatiently tapped her hoof on the polished hotel floor. “How soon shall the shadow teleport spell be ready? Thou art to hurry.”

Amorpheus groaned. “Don’t interrupt, this spell is exceedingly complex. We’re going cross a continent.”

Chitania snorted. “Should they find us, thou art to blame.”

Nightshade pointed her lance at the luggage left in haste, the empty hotel and clear streets outside. “With the evacuation, we should not be discovered; they won’t think to look under their noses.”

Chitania yawned as she strolled into the dining room. “Indeed, the illusion spell should also hold. Captain Nightshade, thou art to guard the prisoner. Twas more exhausting than I thought, fighting Aldred. I shall require recuperation.” The Changeling Queen licked her lips, looking at the two soldiers that barred Rarity. “Lend me two of your guards.”

Nightshade coughed and gestured her ears at the two bat ponies playing cards while their war saddle affixed lances barred Rarity.

The guards grinned nervously as Chitania drew them in with a come-hither stare. Using her magic, Chitania unhooked the belts to their armor and war saddles. “Most strapping lads, do not worry if thou should survive mine appetites, thou shall hath experienced the greatest pleasure of this mortal plane! Gird thy loins for battle!”

One of the guards crossed his legs in terror while the other eagerly stepped up.

As Chitania drew the guards to the upstairs rooms of hotel. Rarity was left an opening. Nightshade swiftly stepped in before Rarity could spring out of the dining booth. Left alone with Nightshade, Rarity angrily glared at her captor. Nightshade was unmoved, and Rarity was shaken in her impression that Nightshade had even winked at her. Perhaps Nightshade had indeed betrayed Equestria, her countenance did not disclose either way.

Rarity huffed blowing her mane back. “Nightshade, do be a dear and explain yourself. Perhaps why you elected to betray everypony?”

Nightshade set herself blocking Rarity’s exit from the booth. “When you have lived as long as I, you’ll know no public servant serves without a degree of corruption, be it your ideals or your very soul.”

“Darling, we must all deal with some… unpleasantness in life. It is hardly justification for what you’ve done.”

Nightshade gnashed her teeth and scowled. Her fangs pierced her lips slightly and cause blood to drip. “Unpleasantness? You don’t know what blood goes into maintaining the illusion of a country in perfect harmony.”

“I heard… that the founding of Equestria wasn’t a clean affair.”

“Rivers of blood flowed; my race was once the fourth of today’s three. Thestrals, or that insipid term you call us ‘bat ponies’, were as numerous as any tribe. We were a nation unto our own. Now, no more than a battalion of us are left.”

Rarity gasped, the play’s themes about the harmony of three races now seemed truly to be the grievous insult Nightshade had claimed it to be. She wondered how history might have been different. “What happened?”

Nightshade sighed. “We were more independent minded than even the Pegasi Weather Warlords. Celestia, seeing we wouldn’t be cowed, deemed us to be a threat to building her white vision of a unified land. Through political manipulation, we were marginalized, by careful battlefield arrangement it was assured that we would be devastated most by the war. Finally, after Luna’s failed revolution our involvement was used to condemn the entirety of our race to exile. In the wake of rumors that followed us, no nation would accept us. Wandering, we were withered away by the world.”

Rarity recalled the racism she had experience through her association with Spike. Ponies for all their praise of friendship could be monstrous bullies to members outside the ‘herd’. She frowned, deeply. She touched a hoof to Nightshade. “That is a terrible and unforgivable crime, nothing short of genocide.”

Rarity paused for a moment. The world was seriously wrong that a word such as ‘genocide’ was even in its dictionary. She herself only came to know it by reading of newspapers’ articles concerning Zebrika. “I’m afraid there’s nothing I can say to express how sorry I am or that would sound like lying… Thank you though for telling me this.”

Nightshade blushed but gently pulled Rarity’s hoof away. “Thank you for listening. Perhaps when there are no more of us left, you may tell others of what was.”

Rarity urgently whispered. “So, are you still with us?”

Nightshade stood up without answering.

Three other guards entered the dining room. Nightshade clucked her tongue and gestured them to guard Rarity.

“Guard her,” Nightshade barked harshly.

Upon a hill in between Canterlot and draconic armies, a Cloud Carrier airship was moored. Luna, Spike, and Fancy Pants readied themselves in front of the closed hangar door. Spike imagined himself almost like a gladiator in front of the gates to the coliseum awaiting the battle before him.

Luna leaned towards Spike. “Aldred is being accompanied by his Dragon Generals. I suppose even he is not immune to politics of maintaining an army. Sir Spike, dost thou know anything of the Dragon Generals?”

Spike rubbed his forehead as he tried to remember the complex ambitions of each dragon clan. “They’ve all got their own agendas. One wants to discover the first flame, another seeks transcendence, and they all definitely want more power. If you’re thinking about talking to them, Aldred won’t let it happen. He’s got them all cowed: fear and fire.”

“Sir Spike, what of our fear?” Luna levitated forward the silvery Nightmare armor.

“Luna?!” Spike backed away.

Fancy Pants stammered. “Y-Your majesty?!”

Fangs sprouted from her smiling mouth. Stepping into the horseshoes and affixing the chest plate, her limbs lengthened to fill them. At last, she cackled while donning her helmet. There was a blast of air, that followed the change in magical pressure.

To his horror, Spike had found his claw gently wrapped around the grip of his sword.

Luna spoke in the guise of Nightmare moon mimicking even her deeper voice. “Do not fear tis but a glamour charm for foal’s entertainment upon Nightmare Night.” She shrunk back with her magic. Spike and Fancy Pants were hit by a second wind wave as Luna exhaled power.

Spike smiled. “For a second, you scared me there.”

“Most excellent. Fear art our intention.”

Fancy Pants was still fixing the hairs on his mane that stood on ends.

The door opened and they walked down the ramp to greet the group of dragons assembled before them.

The Dragon Generals whispered as Luna walked towards them.

Spira rubbed her head frills. “Is it true that their Princess is an honorary dragon?”

Bahamut nodded. “Yes, and she be the only pony to earn that distinction.”

Standing before Aldred, Luna, Spike, Fancy Pants felt the scorching heat of his breath.

Aldred grinned, flashing his teeth for full intimidation. “Princess Luna of the Ponies, I see your armies and fleets cower before the might and majesty of my superior force. Surrender or summon them so that we might do battle.”

Luna politely retorted. “Nay, instead we would request thee to surrender.”

There were a few snickers amongst the Dragon Generals, though none chortled more loudly than Aldred.

Luna laughed aloud with them. “Thine laughter pleases us. We had expected thine arrogance to be thine downfall.”

Aldred snorted. “My army has doubled in size. All are assembled to lay waste to your pitiful pony country for the blood vengeance owed to the loss of my son. What power have you to counter mine? What trap have you got to possibly overcome such raw force?”

Luna transformed herself to amazement of some of the dragons. In her heightened stature as ‘Nightmare Moon’, she projected a greater aura.

Some of the dragon elders recoiled with their great necks reeling back. Spike noted the spectacle of airship-sized dragons behaving so. Their fear infected the lesser drakes that took example from their leaders.

Luna laughed at the chaos caused in the draconic horde. “We shall summon forth Meteor, the spell of ultimate destruction. There will come a second extinction of the Lizard Lords. Hast thou ever wondered what befell thy cousins the dinosaurs?”

Several of the lesser dragon commanders whispered with trepidation.

Aldred growled, he swept his wings to silence his generals. “Nonsense! The dinosaur race predates all, even you.”

Luna smirked looking past Aldred. “Dost thou doubt my power? Look upon the scar upon thy leader’s flanks.”

Questioning stares came as several dragons arched their heads to see.

Aldred roared to his Dragon Generals and swept with his wings. “Begone; I shall speak to the pony Princess alone.”

Spike was the first to speak. “Aldred, the story you told me about my father was a lie! What really happened? Luna says it was you that went on a rampage! Is this war even about avenging Garble?! What have you done with Rarity?!”

Aldred picked his teeth with his claws. “I do not think I care to answer you.”

“Then, answer me,” Luna spat.

“You should know.” Aldred grinned.

Luna narrowed her gaze. “Speak plainly, lest thou invoke mine wrath. A millennia has passed, even then our thoughts were never aligned.”

“Garble’s death gives me the rallying cry for my Dominion,” Aldred said. “My draconic hordes shall scorch the world.”

Luna scowled. “Permitting thy son to duel Spike, and at the Peace Summit assigning a reduced security retinue to his own entourage, we had our suspicions, but to hear it from thou…”

Spike claws shook with rage. “Why?”

Aldred, chuckled. “Always why. You should be more concerned with how you might die. Humor me, and I shall grant you the mercy of being eaten first.”

Luna tapped her hoof. “Thy armies shall not advance.”

“Is that so?” Aldred asked. “I think you bluff. Summoning Meteor is a myth.”

Luna smirked. “Aldred, old flame, hast thou forgotten in our time I sought to usurp the heavens themselves. I brought upon Eternal Night that would have killed all, surely as Meteor might.”

Aldred scratched his chin. “Your Lunar Rebellion would have succeeded if you would be mine. My Dragon Dominions could have tipped the balance well in your favor.”

“Better death in defiance than submission, twas the mantra of my elite guard. Seeing thou now, I know I made the right choice. Thou art a beast: within and without.”

“True: but isn’t the same for you? You enjoy the game. I recall once us having a chess match where you used your maids and servants as the pieces. Now we play with armies and the world is our board.”

Luna paused with a pang of pain writ on her face.

Even in the guise of Nightmare Moon Spike saw her hurt. He stood against Aldred defending Luna. “Luna isn’t like you!”

“Silence, adults are speaking.” Aldred turned to Luna again. “Of pony kind, you are the only ever to earn the distinction of honorary dragon. I know exactly what you are; after all it’s why I loved you.”

“Aldred, you basta-” Spike shook his claws angrily and stepped forward.

Luna shoved Spike back with a hoof. “Mind your place, subordinate.”

Spike blinked incredulously.

Luna laughed at Aldred. “If thou presume to know mine mind, then thou know Meteor is no empty threat. Withdraw thy armies, or be destroyed.”

Aldred chuckled. “In so long I have lived I have tasted all the pleasures and pains of the world, death would be yet another flavor to savor.”

Luna licked her lips. “Well, then, ‘Dragon God’ thou art welcomed! Why stall with talk? Sally forth with thy armies, let us play for the world!”

The dragon salivated. “Why waste each other if we are of like minds? Join me!”

Luna shook her head. “Aldred, thine army has travelled so far. We shall give thee a fortnight to withdraw thy forces. We will be watching. Should that thy armies advance, meet thy doom!”

Aldred grit his teeth and narrowed his eyes. “Well, I will give you a fortnight to consider my proposal then I will advance and we will see.”

He took to the air, his wings creating a gale that blew everypony’s mane. Luna stood silent, stoic.

Certain that Aldred was gone and herself behind the metal wall of their airship, she sighed. In a flash of her magic she transformed back to her regular form.

She shook her hoof of a dark spot. “Sir Spike, forgive me. Twas but an act.”

Spike furled his brows. “You play Nightmare Moon too well.”

Luna said, softly. “Twas necessary.”

Fancy Pants smiled, nervously. “That before was bold, your majesty. To give demands to Aldred.”

“Nay, Sir Fancy Pants, I spoke not to Aldred, but to his army as to instill uncertainty. Mine bluff shall expire well before a fortnight, but in it we shall have purchased time. Perhaps enough that our allies might arrive or that we deal with the orchestrator of this.”

Spike sighed. “Aldred, he’s a monster. He’s worse than the demon inside. He was so bucking calm as he spoke about murdering his own son. Garble, he didn’t deserve to have him for a father.”

“Sir Spike, demons art supernatural evils, yet there be evils in the natural world. Aldred gave in to the rages of immortality. His draconic nature and his dark dreams became his being.”

“Given time, say, centuries, will I become like him?” Spike asked.

“I wish I could say, Sir Spike. However, I am uncertain about mine own destiny.”

A messenger pony saluted and whispered into Fancy Pants’ ear.

Fancy Pants coughed. “You majesty, the Changeling Delegation has sent a missive. We now have information concerning Amorpheus.”

“Pray tell.”

“While living Amorpheus was a Captain of the Chrysalis. He was shot through the heart by a magical beam. To be specific, it was his right chest. We now know the means of how to vanquish the Revenant.”

“This information comes too late to help. Alas, we cannot move upon it as Aldred and his armies keeps us occupied. I must keep watch.” Luna growled.

Fancy Pants sighed. “This is like a check in chess. The enemy has us pressed to the throat.”

Luna gnashed her teeth. “Our checkmate is certain if we cannot break it, then.”

Spike disliked the metaphor even more. “You’re not pieces. Fancy Pants even though you’re a knight, I’m sure you’re not restricted to ‘L’ shape movements. Seriously I’ve yet to meet to infantry ponies who couldn’t attack what was exactly in front of them.”

They shared a light chuckle.

Spike continued. “Yeah, no one’s an interchangeable pawn.”

“Interchangeable,” Luna rubbed her hoof against her chin. “Huzzah! Sir Spike, thy brilliant insight has offered unto us a most devious ploy!”

Spike grinned. “What insight did I impart?”

Luna leaned forward towards Fancy Pants with a mischievous smile. “Sir Fancy Pants, thy wife, Fleur De Lis, is quite the beauty of statuesque form. We have need of her.”

The aristocratic knight’s moustache ends curled up. “Your majesty?! I do beg your pardon!”

The begs and screams of Le Fleur were ignored. Spike held her husband back as they watched Luna perform unholy magic behind a curtain. Fancy Pants flailed as he heard the screams of his wife. The silhouette and shadows cast by their forms behind the curtain caused them to blush, wince, and a combination of the two. After a final painful yelp, Luna emerged from behind the curtain… then Luna emerged again.

The Luna with the artist smock and beret raised a hoof. “Behold, mine glorious visage.”

The other naked Luna copied her counterpart. “Truly, verily.”

Fancy Pants dropped his jaw and approached the Luna without the smock. “Fleur, my beautiful flower, has become a moon lily.”

The naked Luna struck a coy pose at Fancy Pants. “Sir Fancy Pants, withhold thy adulterous thoughts!”

The Luna with artist smock smiled. “Thou art permitted to lay with thy mare for a night in this form, should thee guess which is thy mare.”

The naked Luna laughed. “Should thee choose wrong,” She pointed to a blue paint bucket. “Mine coat shall naught be the only thing that is to be blue.”

Fancy Pants swallowed. “I do declare! A welcomed challenge! May I ask you two Lunas’ questions?”

“Nay!” Both Luna stuck out their tongues.

After a moment, Fancy Pants grinned. “Haha, the Princess only wants me to think my love is the vision before me. My mare, Fleur, is the Luna with the beret! By her poise and dignified walk alone I have determined it to be so!” He lunged and kissed Luna.

A smack sent the aristocratic knight reeling.

“You fool!” naked Luna growled revealing herself to be Fleur by her Prench accent. “You can’t tell who’s your own wife!?”

Fancy Pants retaliated with a grin. “Perhaps, I did!”

Fleur’s face became boiling red. “I’m going to beat you blue now!” She leapt upon Fancy Pants.

“Egads, ma cherie!” Fancy Pants squirmed. “Be reasonable! I was joking!”

Spike giggled rolling on the floor. Luna laughed along and joined Spike.

“The fun is doubled!” Luna declared she scooted over to Spike. “Sir Spike, how did thee determine which was mine truest self?”

“Fancy Pants got too fancy with his analysis.” Spike pointed to wet blue paint hoof steps.

Luna threw her beret atop Spike’s head. “Thou art most clever.”

The nightmare with two Luna’s was still vivid in his mind. He hoped when the moment of truth came he could tell. Before he could have done anything else, he realized that the sound of the commotion between Fancy Pants and Fleur disappeared. In its place, the two of them lay silent, their lips locked in a passionate kissed.

Spike felt his cheeks turn red. He instinctively looked away to face Luna, who was also blushing.

Luna tapped her hoof. “Art thou aware of thy duties as decoy?”

Fleur stood straight up and saluted, leaving Fancy Pants to fall onto the ground. “I shall attend your watch tower at night and glance furtively at the enemy army. Using your voice charm spell, I shall give very vocal orders to the guard garrison.”

Luna levitated her royal crown, chest plate, and shoes to Fleur. “Thy ruse must be perfect.”

Fleur nodded. “I will make the troops perform very visible maneuvers to confuse the enemy. They will made to believe we have set a trap.”

“Most excellent, also relay to Captain Rainbow Dash orders for fog. Shrouding the city and lands beyond, we must make it so that none know our truest numbers. Trust in Princess Twilight’s judgment should the tactical situation change. ”

Fancy Pants dusted himself off. “The Griffin King, Reagle Hawkmor, has sent a dispatch as well. The battleship and Thor Cannon is ready and so is his fleet. They shall arrive in a couple of nights. Their reinforcements might make the battle even.”

“Even should we meet Aldred’s armies and defeat them… our other enemy must be scheming to take advantage of our occupied attentions.”

Fancy Pants nodded then continued. “So, what’s the plan there?”

“We shall perform a reverse invasion of dream space. With the eyes of another we shall see enemies’ location. Thou art to be our tether.”

Fancy Pants choked. “I’m not the element of magic!”

“True, but she’ll be helping you.” Twilight smiled, making her entry.

Spike asked. “Whom dreams will we be entering?”

Twilight corrected. “Whose dreams.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Okay, whose dreams will we be entering?”

Luna frowned. “Twas when Nightshade was but a foal… her evenings were haunted by unspeakable nightmares born of her great trauma. I entered her mind then to soothe her hurt. There should still be a connection.”

The mention of Nightshade, caused everyone to go silent. He wondered when Nightshade’s mention wouldn’t illicit such a response. For Spike, the idea of entering her dreams seemed intimate. In so close he’d gotten to her, Nightshade was still a mysterious mare.

“I don’t feel right about... violating Nightshade like that,” said Spike.

“We have no other leads. The greater question should be whether it be possible at all. Mine Captain… former Captain… her mental defenses art a great fortress, and this technique is unfamiliar to me.”

Nightshade stepped into the foyer of the hotel where Amorpheus was busily weaving his spell.

Nightshade stood for moment in front of the Changeling.

Amorpheus raised a brow and paused his spell. “Is there anything you need?”

Nightshade spoke with a pang of bitterness. “Albeit in disguise, you gave me advice once. It didn’t work. I confessed my love, it didn’t turn out well. ”

“In life we see great cruelty so that we might appreciate the beauty of kindness. To know true joy we must know suffering.”

Nightshade snorted, blowing a tuft of her hair out of her eyes. “Ha, a pony once told me no pain no gain until he was blinded by enemy shrapnel. Your two bit wisdom was worthless.”

Amorpheus sighed. “Would you now feel better in the darkness of doubt?”

Nightshade said, reluctantly. “No, but I’m still in doubt.”

“Doubt gives trust meaning; if we were always certain of others what would be its value?”

Nightshade swung her lance a hair breadth away from Amorpheus’ throat. “You don’t seem to serve Chitania. You’re too wise to buy that lie.”

The Changeling grinned with his fangs extended. “If you’re planning to betray our mistress now is not the time. I have yet to fulfill my wish. If you disturb plan before then, we shall have blows.”

“You’re looking to restore your lost love, right?”

Amorpheus nodded. “Yes, love is also your reason isn’t?”

Nightshade laughed. “How curious folks profess love to be good, when it’s driven us to such evils.”

“Evil? You love Luna, the one prophesied to bring eternal night.”

“I understand moral gray… my coat is gray.” Nightshade pointed to herself. “Yet… I’ve lived so long as to have seen shades so close to white as the driven snow and so dark as a black hole. Throughout I wonder what lengths love will take me.”

Amorpheus chuckled. “Unconditional love is thing of terrible rapturous joy that binds us. The pain of the chains chokes at times.”

“Does it then take greater love to let go?”

Amorpheus gasped then lowered his head rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Perhaps your understanding of love is greater than even my own. I cannot judge you. My madness is much the same; I love Chrysalis, the harbinger of the swarm. Leave me be. You should get some rest. My undead body does not allow for such luxuries.”

Nightshade made her way to one of the hotel rooms. In the corridor she passed a vanity mirror. Nightshade chuckled at her own reflection. It was old mare’s tale that vampires could not see their own reflections. She supposed there was a grain of truth in the myth. It was not so much they couldn’t, but rather there was a fear of the mirror that shone their time turned monstrous selves.

At her room a guard saluted her. “Captain,”

“Soldier,” Nightshade nodded. “Why do you follow me?”

“It is because you ask us to follow you, while others order us to go forward. You’re brave and kind, it shows through your actions.”

His eloquent reply caused her pause. She appraised the rather generic guard. She sensed his quickening pulse. “You’re not a vampire. Your red eyes and wings are a unicorn glamour charm.”

The guard recoiled, revealing his unicorn form. He choked out as he saluted. “Captain Nightshade.”

She licked her lips. “Blood pack, explain yourself.”

“My name is Proto… I was among those who volunteered, yet you rejected me.”

The Night Guard lacking numbers had accepted other races into its ranks. ‘Honorary Night Guards’ were always looked down upon as not true soldiers of the evening. Nightshade laughed. “The absurdity of cattle volunteering for their slaughter, you are insane. In the coming vampire empire established, you will be food.”

“Captain, I don’t believe that. You’re not a monster. I was once in the Sun Guard until our patrol was ambushed in the forest of Everfree. Your unit was sent to rescue us. You may not remember, but you saved my life from that rabid manticore. You took the blow from its claws. It was then I swore I’d be worthy.”

Nightshade raised a brow. “You were mistaken. I simply took the blow from the beast so that I might better stab it in the throat. It was coincidental you were saved.”

Proto smiled. “You remembered! That proves it!”

Nightshade rolled her eyes. “I remember the pain from its claws was excruciating.”

Proto rubbed his hoof, nervously. “You haven’t actually betrayed us, have you?”

Nightshade moved in close, pressing her muzzle close to his. Proto blushed. He gasped as her lance entered his chest.

Nightshade smiled at the horror upon his face and in his eyes. “Pitiful pony, you wallow in ignorance. How can you hope to know my mind?”

Spike and Luna were walking amidst the sea of stars once more. The land of dreams was darkened by storms in the distance.

“Luna, we’re just going to enter Nightshade’s dreams?”

“Nay sir Spike.”

Spike gave a relaxed sigh. “I knew it, you have a plan.”

“Thou shall enter her dreams. Whilst I probe, thou shall act to distract her conscious and subconscious defenses.”

Spike rubbed his neck nervously. “What should I expect?”

Luna frowned. “The mind shall reject any intrusion. Thou shalt be attacked by the elements of the super ego, ego, and the id should thee be too forceful.”

Picking a lock came to Spike’s mind. The criminal association still left distaste in his mouth. It seemed intimate. He was going to be privy to Nightshade’s innermost mind.

Luna herself paused in front of the dream bubble. Spike was startled by the size of it.

Spike gulped. “Some dreams are bigger than others, huh?”

“Indeed, thou must not forget Nightshade art an immortal. To live so long is to carry the scar of time’s tyranny.”

“Luna, last night we shared a dream, didn’t we?”

Luna nodded then looked away. “Tis not the time, we can speak of it later.” She motioned to enter the dream bubble.

Spike reared up and placed his claws on his hips. “When is later?”

Luna turned back and gave an exasperated snort.

“Why do you keep shutting me out? Look I used leave problems for ‘future Spike’ to handle. I learned a long time ago when we leave things for later. Later never comes.”

“Sir Spike, we have no time.” Luna saw Spike’s frustration writ on his face. She relented slightly. “Once this crisis hast been resolved, be assured that thou be shown more…sorry Sir Spike, if I appear how you say ‘shut in’.”

Spike shrugged. “The moon works in mysterious ways.”

Luna smiled, weakly. “There are things I dare not admit to myself let alone others.”

“Let’s do this then.” Spike looked at the forebodingly dark dream bubble of Nightshade’s.

Luna’s magic splashed against him and Spike felt his form shift. His claws retracted fusing together and muzzle shrunk back. He neighed as he realized his tail was splitting into fine hairs. His leathery draconic wings suddenly sprouted feathers.

“Tis an illusion. Thine self image art entirely conspicuous.”

Spike shed a tear at his pony form. “There were times I would have given the world to be like this: to fit in. Twilight said it couldn’t be done.”

“Sir Spike, tis naught but an illusion.” Luna kissed him lightly on his cheek. “I shall love thee whichever form that thou takes.”

“Thanks.” Spike blushed. “So what’s my role while you sift through Nightshade’s memories in the background.”

“Thou art to be actor. The dreamer’s world collapses should they die in said dream. Protect Nightshade.”

Cast before the moon’s light and shadows raced through the forest below. Spike found himself running with them. He saw in front an image of Nightshade. He concealed his mixture of anger and confusion and kept running. Looming above the tree lines were massive siege engines. Catapults lobbed their fiery ordinance into the night sky. Ballistas discharged their bolts with the twang of their strings. Distant explosions could be heard as the missiles made their impact.

He and his fellow runners broke through the forest into the staging area of the war machines. Crews of ponies clad in gleaming gold armor proceeded to reload the second volley. The engineers dropped their ammunition and cried out as they were sprung upon by the enemy. Spike realized he was the enemy. The emblem on his flank armor had the crimson frowning crescent he’d seen as symbol of the revolution. This was the Equestrian civil war, and he had front row seats.

Nightshade shouted as she removed her lance from a slain earth pony. “Kill the crews! We must lift the siege!”

Spike saw an enemy pony motion to stab Nightshade. He charged and shoved him aside.

Nightshade gasped and skewered the enemy guard. “Thank you, lieutenant!”

Under Nightshade’s gaze he realized he was being addressed. He replied, hastily. “Sure thing.” He tilted his head as he saw her eyes were golden instead of the crimson he’d been accustomed to.

Nightshade’s attention was drawn back to the battle as an enemy lance nicked her.

“Nightshade!” Spike cried out.

Nightshade growled, whipping around she sliced the enemy lancer.

Another Pegasi lancer fell from the sky towards her. Spike punched the lancer but he felt as if he hit a wall. Was this event scripted?

Nightshade screamed in pain as the lancer sheared her wings.

“Kill their commander! You’ll be made a Captain!” shouted more of Celestia’s finest. A squad of three came at Nightshade at all directions.

The dream would end if Nightshade died. He tried again to push back the enemy. Again his hits did nothing. Spike growled and used the lance strapped to his war saddle. He found using the lance he was able to take down one. He reminded himself that it was a dream when his lance sunk into the enemy’s flesh. Spike turned to see Nightshade had defeated the others, but her flanks bled profusely.

The skirmish ended as the last enemy screamed as he was stuck with a bat pony lance.

The bloody remnants of her force quickly gathered around Nightshade.

“Huzzah! We did it!” A soldier barely out of her foal years shouted.

Nightshade harshly rebuked her. “This only one enemy artillery position!” She pointed her lance towards the target of the siege weapons. Against the night sky they saw more fiery bolts fly through and explode against the fortress walls. Nightshade winced as she continued. “Onwards to the next!”

A voice of protest came through. “There are not enough of us that survived the ambush at Whitetail Woods! Now we’re even less. By the third enemy artillery position: we’d be too little to rescue the garrison! The revolution is finished! They are at the gates!”

Nightshade barked. “Silence! We are Luna’s last guards! We are her only hope! Even now our brothers die defending her fortress!”

“Captain! This is suicide!”

“Fight on!” Nightshade walked past them leaving bloody hoof prints. Spike saw the blood streamed from her legs.

Her troops huddled around her. “Please Captain! Your wounds are too great!” They hugged her stopping her. Spike found himself in the crowd, even he felt her pain.

“No!” Nightshade fought them.

All were silenced as booms in the sky were heard. Spike looked upwards and saw the flashes: a battle between the goddesses.

A soldier murmured. “It is as prophesized…when Luna does battle against her sister, the older shall prevail.”

“No!” Nightshade with tremendous strength shoved them all back.

“Captain! The Lunar Revolution is lost!”

Nightshade shook her head splashing them with her tears. “No! We cannot fail her! I cannot fail her!”

“Do not give your life that which is lost!”

Nightshade screamed. “I would give soul for the one I love!”

Another shouted. “We would too! But there is nothing we can do!”

A hooded figure made his way to the soldiers. “Didst thou offer thy souls?” Glowing under the hood were crimson eyes.

Nightshade glared at the figure. “You’re a demon.”

“Yes, and we come bearing a gift. Thine revolution may have been lost this time…. however hear and hark who is to say the course of a century… maybe millennia? Thou could see it all and bide thy time.”

Nightshade raised a brow. “I’m listening.”

The demon smiled revealing white vampiric fangs.

The scene evaporated before him. Spike was left in white space with Nightshade.

Nightshade closed her eyes and shook her head. “None of my soldiers address me by name.”

Spike gulped as he understood his mistake.

Nightshade opened her now crimson vampiric eyes. “You are an intruder.”

The illusion of hooves and his pony form was peeled away under her gaze. Spike saw his draconic self take hold once more. He smiled meekly at his nakedness.

“Nightshade,” said Spike. He hoped talking would distract Nightshade enough that Luna could finish her work. “I have many questions.”

“Spike,” Nightshade chuckled. “You traipse through my dreams. Did you get your answer?”

He stammered. “I can’t believe you betrayed us… I can’t believe you would betray Luna.”

“How can you hope to understand what it is to burn with passion unrequited? How can you know my torment?”

“I told you before I too had a goddess, her name was Rarity. Believe me, there was nothing I wouldn’t do for her… She was the light and I was the moth drawn to her glow.” Spike stepped lightly and wrapped his claws around her.

Nightshade gasped. “What are you doing?”

“Maybe all you needed was a friend.” Spike smiled. “I can be that friend.”

Nightshade held him back with a hoof. “Spike, would you have been content to be ‘just’ friends forever with your Rarity?”

Spike swallowed. He knew he couldn’t. His love for Rarity was driving him mad. He was a bomb waiting to happen. His wick burned near to its end before he was found by Luna.

Nightshade frowned. “I thought not. You’re very much like me. We’re all lonely; we’re all searching or waiting to be found.” Her eyes narrowed.

Luna faded into the scene. “I found you once upon time on a bloodied battlefield, disappearing into the snow. Even now I do not regret it. I do love thee.”

Spike was surprised that Nightshade was unsurprised. She merely smirked. “But never in love?”

Luna sadly shook her head. “Alas, nay.”

Nightshade’s face twisted with pain. “Why? Haven’t I bled my whole person for you? Who amongst your soldiers has done half the same?”

Luna slapped Nightshade. “Thou presume thou art the only one?! A nation bleeds for me and I bleed for it. Love for me is love thou lacks for duty and country. Thou art a soldier, thou must not be subject to thy personal feelings whilst thou are subject to thy responsibility.”

Spike stood defending Nightshade. “This is more than just that.”

Luna stammered. “S-Sir Spike?”

Spike folded his claws. “Luna, your first love was your Captain. It didn’t end well, so you kept Nightshade at a distance. Have you even considered her and her feelings? Perhaps you could have given her a chance when she quit.”

Spike felt a hoof poke his back. He turned his head and saw Nightshade smiling. Her smile for once was not tempered by sadness. “Spike, thank you. However, I know it to be hopeless. I’m a mare. Love cannot be forced.”

“You’re both hurting and it’s hurting me.”

“Get out.” Nightshade directed her gaze at Luna.

“Wait,” Luna faded away from the dream space.

Spike was surprised he wasn’t cast out.

Nightshade examined Spike closely. “Why did you, do that? If I am allowed to be with Luna that means you won’t be. Why?”

His thoughts swirled in his head. “I…care for you. You’re a friend.”

“You would consider me a friend? There’s more, isn’t there?”

Spike’s head was spinning now.

Nightshade darted close to Spike. “Inside my mind, I can sense parts of yours. There’s a bud of affection there.” She licked her lips.

He clutched his heart. The source of Spike’s confusion was clear now. Ever since he had dueled with Nightshade on their first meeting he was impressed by her skill. Later learning of her situation, he was more deeply moved by her inner strength. She was in the background but there. It reminded him of his situation as a background player to Rarity’s life. The tears of sympathy and empathy had fed that flower bud. Was it a flower he should allow to grow?

“Nightshade, I...”

Nightshade pecked Spike’s snout with a soft kiss.

“No.” Spike blushed.

Nightshade flicked her fangs with her tongue. “In dreams we can’t really blush. I know now, that flower is there.”

Spike’s mouth was left wide open. He closed it with his claws. He wondered why in the dream he even had uncontrollable reactions and body signals. Perhaps it was the brain still shooting electrical impulses to parts of his body in the absence of body. He had betrayed his emotions through that.

Nightshade turned away. “In the battle against Aldred you saved my life but stole my purpose. I hate and love you for that.” She then chilled her words. “I am poison, do not let my flower take root in your heart for if it should remain you surely will die. When we meet again in the waking world, I cannot spare you.”

Spike reached out with his claws but saw his form fading. As his consciousness left hers, he felt a strange loneliness. Maybe there was a connection that was unconscious. In the transition out the dream he was left in the darkness of doubt.

Author's Note:

Poison never tasted so good. :twilightsmile: