• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,889 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 23 Seekers

Nightshade panted, her azure armor was decorated with dozens of silver scratches where their lances had grazed her. Dead by her hooves, were the ones that had tried. Any initial confidence had given to caution, they now presented no openings.

Nightshade spoke out, hoping to goad at least one more to step out of formation. “Come on boys, where’s your enthusiasm!?”

A bat pony hissed. “We were so close to the Vampire Empire! We might have lived for once in the free open!”

Nightshade nodded, solemnly. “I did consider it. It would have been the most reasonable and logical decision...”

“You’ll never be welcomed back into the herd of sheep!”

Nightshade laughed. “I have no pretensions of that. I killed for this position. It is more likely Luna opens her legs to me than me to be openly welcomed back. Darkness though has been my constant companion.”

“Captain! We’ve given our lives for this cursed country! Lifetimes spent in thankless service, why do you do this?!”

“Love is not logical. You all have forgotten why we chose this curse.”

Another guard cried. “Please Captain, we don’t want this!”

Nightshade flicked her lance of blood, readying to wet it once more. “You’re all talking because you have nothing.”

Running through the corridors Spike, Luna, and Twilight noticed themselves slowly lifting upwards until their legs no longer touched the ground. The furnishings of the halls, the banners, cupboards, and suits of empty armor also began floating upwards. The chandeliers started jingling as they too were pulled by the invisible force. It wasn’t a weightless feeling rather it was that they were torn by two forces. Down the hall they saw the red carpet to the heaviest suit of armor on the ceiling. Spike shook his head to confirm it was no hallucination.

Twilight waved her hooves trying to reach the ground. “A gravity spell?”

Luna shook her head. “Nay, didst thou see the dark star forming above Celestia’s tower?”

Twilight yelped. “Dark star, do you mean black hole?!”

Spike nodded, nervously. “Yeah, the big swirly thing that is swallowing up the sky.”

Luna closed her eyes. “Give me but a moment, I recall an anti-gravity spell.”

They were wrapped in a purple glow before they noticed a spell was cast. The castle furniture came crashing down with them. Spike dodged a vase before it shattered.

Twilight smiled. “We used a similar spell to conquer Sombra’s magical stairs.”

Luna nodded. “Ah, the endless staircase, Sombra was ever so fond of looping spells.”

Spike gulped as he tried to digest an unpleasant memory. Before the stairs he remembered a trap of Sombra which showed him his worst fear. Back then it was simple, he feared for the lost of Twilight, his sister and maternal figure. What would be his greatest fear be now? Losing Luna to her eternal demon, being too late to save Rarity, or himself succumbing to his own monster?

Ponies waltzed hoof in hoof as they danced upon the grand ballroom. They were all gray compared to the magnificent duet of the two center dancers. The ponies themselves stopped to observe the couple. She was a ballerina to behold, and it was what she fantasized since she was young, her lover in that dream though had morphed to a more reptilian form. Her knight was in dapper in his suit that she stylized herself.

Spike smiled. “You’re a magnificent mare, Rarity.”

Rarity gleamed back. “You’re the best gentle drake, a lady could ask for.”

Rarity felt lightheaded as she was spun around. It ended as her mane dipped back. Her face flushed at the audacious move of her lover. He huffed a warm puff from his nostrils that penetrated her dress to her chest as he held his head to her.

Rarity giggled popping her head up. “Everypony’s watchin! Spikey!”

Spike gave a mischievous grin. “Let them watch.”

Rarity stopped them. “This is too perfect.”

Spike nodded. “It’ll be more perfect on our wedding night. You’ll become my princess for all the world to see.”

Rarity gasped. “Wedding?”

Spike opened his smiling mouth and rolled out a unicorn horn ring with his tongue. It was the most dazzling diamond she’d ever seen. Pleading eyes looked up at her. “If you’ll say yes.”

Rarity’s eyes gleamed as she embraced him.

She had trained them, making and molding them to be tools of the state, now she undid them. Nightshade shed a tear for each soldier felled, but they were tears on the inside. Her eyes couldn’t afford to be blinded. Only a small squad of four remained, but they were the best by not rank but ability.

She pulled her lance from another felled soldier. “A thousand years ago… that blood soaked battlefield, do any of you remember? I was so proud of you, to have led and bled alongside you. Then at our lowest, you were tallest.”

A bat pony sighed sadly. “Finish it, finish us, Captain. Pray be quick.”

His fellows gasped as he unfixed his war saddle and lance. The soldier arched his head upwards presenting his throat to be slit.

Nightshade recoiled at the gesture. She snarled and cried. “Join me again, against the world as we did that night we became ageless!”

The guard shook his head. “We’re all death seekers, that’s what this shirking in the shadows has done to us.”

Another guard threw aside his war saddle. “A millennia more and we shall be naught even shadows of the shadows we’ve become.”

A bat pony mare threw off her helmet letting the magical enchantment of it disperse. Her true form was much similar to Nightshade’s though her hair and eyes were pigments away. “We’d rather end it. This story has gone on too long.”

Nightshade shook her head. “I once thought as you did. However, life offers other opportunities …and other loves. I will not slay you. You are discharged, I shall report you dead. Fly now, this is a new chapter in your lives!”

The guards gasped. “Captain, thank you. We-” They swiftly fell. From their bodies ebbed the white light of their spirits: swiftly swallowed by the dark form behind them.

There came a malicious and playful voice. “How touching, however, I shall not suffer traitors to live.”

“No!” Nightshade attended to her slain guards. She snarled at Chitania’s looming shadow. “I killed you?!”

“Twas a lie; the ritual has yet to be completed. I’m still undead, unfortunately for you.”

Amorpheus coughed, bowing from his exhaustion. “You live only because of me. I revived you.”

Chitania laughed. “I anticipated two betrayals. Twas so simple to act dead, being undead. The energy thou imparted upon me removes thee as a threat.”

Amorpheus glared. “You conniving cu-”

The Changeling Captain was frozen in the air as magical strings pulled him taut, splaying him out in the air.

Chitania placed her hoof, caressing Amorpheus’ chin. “My dear Captain, a Queen needs no servants when she may have slaves. Thou forgets thou art a mere puppet vested with a degree of autonomy, a puppet nonetheless.”

Amorpheus strained to say. “You never intended to revive Chrysalis!”

Chitania shoved Amorpheus’ face way. “Fool, I’m Queen enough for this world and soon I shall be a true Goddess. Regrettably, there be no way to save those already dead. However, I generations might be spared when I make a better world.”

Nightshade flashed her fangs at Chitania. “Was power the only thing you ever desired? Even Amorpheus fought for love. I find difficulty believing someone such as yourself is even capable of it.”

Chitania chuckled, her own fangs gleaming. “It is because of love I do this. The door to death can only open but a moment. This ritual can resurrect only my beloved Sombra. There needed to be a catalyst and a vessel.” She looked to Rarity then to Nightshade. “I sensed that thou possesses a grand soul to be my catalyst. Thy fatigue is apparent.” Chitania kicked the dead Night guards. “You spared these fools only because you didn’t have the strength to fight them.”

Nightshade sneered. “You know nothing, they were best of us. They were only misguided and corrupted by your lies.”

Chitania waved her hoof. “Regardless, thou hath not the power to resist me.”

Nightshade stepped back slightly. “I have but the will.” She raised her lance. “With it I shall fight to my last breath!”

Chitania glowed with power. “Good, the void hungers for thee!”

Nightshade lunged.

“There they are!”

Another draconic roar came. “I see them.”

Spike swiveled his head to the windows to hear. He saw a massive dragon grow closer. He recognized the War Balloon sized drake.

“Elder Bahamut?” Spike guffawed.

Spike saw another dragon, Spira, riding on nose of the greater dragon.

“Spira?” Spike spouted.

“They’re not stopping!” Twilight cringed.

“Watch thyselves!” Luna pulled Spike and Twilight back and threw up a shield as they were beset by a spray of broken glass and wall.

Spira leapt off the nose of Bahamut. Bahamut’s mouth flared with flames ready to engulf them. Spira sprawled herself out with her claws and jaws ready for combat.

“The Dragon Generals?” Twilight questioned.

Spira snorted flames; she looked to Spike with rage filled eyes. “You! A third our army was devastated by that falling star!”

Bahamut growled at Luna. “What unholy magic have you invoked? The sky is torn, now the dead rise against all the living!”

Spike sputtered. For all his diplomatic training, he seemed at a lost to explain.

Luna rose. “Calm thyselves, Generals.”

Spira sneered. “Nightmare Moon, prepare to die!”

Spike saw that Spira focused only on Luna’s half transformed side. Luna noticed too and turned her head to show her ‘good’ side.

Spike deployed his wings to cover Luna as Spira encroached. “Wait! We’re not responsible for this!”

Spira lowered her claws, slightly. “Are you not? I knew you had scheme to destroy Aldred.”

Spike shrugged. “Okay the falling star was totally us.”

Bahamut roared. “A third of our forces was wiped out!”

Luna stepped up again this time she showed her ‘bad’ side, deliberately. “Didst thou think mine threats were idle? Twas a mercy that I presumed only to warn thee with the lost of a third of thy army. Now withdraw thy hordes lest ye wish all thy forces fall.”

A cold sweat ran down Spike’s spine. He was going to go for appeasement, Luna went for a totally power play bluff. Would the dragon Generals be cowed?

Seconds later, Bahamut closed his jaws and Spira lowered her claws.

Spira sighed. “Forgive us, Princess, it was Aldred that wished war.”

Bahamut nodded. “Now Aldred is no more.”

Spira bowed. “We offer the surrender of the Dragon Dominions. We shall pay reparations for the damages done in this most terrible conflict.”

Twilight and Spike gave each of incredulous looks at the incredible sight of the dragon Generals bowing to anyone other than Aldred. Luna was more careful to hide her surprise.

Luna said, indifferently. “Dost thou represent thy entirety of the Dragon Dominions in offering this peace?”

Bahamut bowed as well. “The council of Dragons Generals has vested Spira and me the authority to broker peace.”

Luna smiled. “We accept thy surrender. Let us herald a new era of peace.”

Spira bowed even lower. “Please then call off the hordes of undead and repair the hole in the sky.”

Bahamut added. The giant dragon shivered as he spoke. “It is too horrific to force us to fight our own fallen friends. We submit to greater cruelty of your methods. The use of undead... the abominations… we beg you end them.”

“Gladly, we would, were that the undead and the dark star our doing. We only caused a star to fall.”

Spira and Bahamut turned to each other with looks of embarrassment.

Luna grinned again. “Tis too late, thou hath already offered thy submission. Thou stipulated no conditions save for reparations owed to us.”

Spira and Bahamut growled. Spike saw that their ‘Dragon codes’ were being tested. Even the honor of dragons had limits. They were riled with renewed hostility.

Spike spoke. “Aldred ruled with cruelty. Now that you’re leaders, you can change that. While we’ve been fighting, a third power has taken advantage. We can combine our forces as equal allies to combat it. Equestria offers you full support.” He threw up his claws. “Seriously, are you willing to fight for nothing?”

Spira raised a bony draconic brow. After a moment she nodded. “We thought it was suspicious the undead hordes attacked your troops as well. We were fools to think that you were responsible for that. I guess we all have a common enemy that would descend to this depravity.”

Luna looked to Twilight. “Go with them, Twilight Sparkle. Coordinate our armies to drive back the undead. All we achieve here shall be lost if the undead hordes were to grow beyond control.”

Twilight blurted. “What about Chitania?”

“We have a plan.” There was a finality to Luna’s words that made Twilight nod and Spike want to question further.

Spira helped Twilight onto Bahamut’s nose. As they departed the tower shook when Bahamut took off.

Spike placed his claws on his hips and blocked Luna from rushing on. “What plan?”

Luna looked away from him. “Methinks thou art clever enough to know.”

Spike shook his head. “You can’t control Nightmare Moon’s power!”

Luna nodded. “Sir Spike, it may be our only chance. In mine duel with Chitania I gauged her power. She is not so powerful as to be invincible. As Nightmare Moon, I can be her match.”

Spike remained steadfast. “That’s just the demon whispering in your ear with false promises of power.”

Luna smiled. “Thou hath conquered thy own demon and slew Aldred in battle. Am I to be left behind?”

Spike shook his head. “Aldred wasn’t defeated by me, and I never conquered my other self. It was just at that moment our interests aligned. I negotiated. You told me yourself your demon was different. I saw it was so.”

“I must try. There be causes greater than ourselves. The salvation of Equestria is such a cause.”

He gritted and gnashed his teeth. “Plunging my claws into your chest and pulling your heart out. I’ve been thinking about that and I can’t do it. I don’t think I could survive killing you.”

“Thou swore a vow now.” Luna wove her magic and produced the Crimson Crescent. She gave the saber sword to Spike. “For if thou art too timid to use thy claws.”

Spike took the saber, reluctantly. “Please don’t make me.”

Luna tried to give her most reassuring smile. “Thou underestimate mine ability. I may surprise thee yet.”

In the split seconds as Luna turned away, Spike saw her smile evaporate.

Chitania laughed as Nightshade fought. The fallen Night guards rose again bleeding shadows. Mindlessly, they sprang at Nightshade.

Nightshade grit her teeth, redirecting one of the corpses away. “You bastard!”

Chitania scoffed. “Twas no matter when thou slew thy own soldiers. Why dost thou hesitate to do so again?”

Nightshade cried. “Each of them I killed, I killed with a part of myself! I shall make you bleed for this!

Chitania pointed to Nightshade’s lance that was skidding on the ground. “Hast thou the strength?”

Nightshade heaved heavily as her hooves shook. “May you burn in the inferno of a hundred hells!” The shambling dead could not move fast enough as Nightshade darted and wove past them. She charged directly at Chitania.

He lance stopped an inch from Chitania’s chest.

Nightshade turned to see one of her dead guards had hooked her armor with a curved pike. The last of strength gone, the undead pinned her down with their lances.

Chitania smiled. “Hold her. It is time for us to begin.”

Nightshade wheezed without even the breath to reply. She closed her eyes to dam her tears.

Chitania turned towards Rarity. She was still suspended by flag poles in front of the door of death against the swirling vortex of the dark star.

Chitania reached up, her hoof inspected the slumbering Rarity. She snarled. “What?! How dare the vessel resist!?”

The danced continued as Rarity contemplated. Her heart raced as she looked at Spike. Surrounded by finery and high society the dream seemed to be so perfect. In so many ways it echoed the party where Spike had first asked her. Then at that time she lacked temerity and had failed him and herself. Now she had the courage to reply. Yet there was a thought that tugged at her as she felt herself slipping away as he carried her through the dance.

There was a niggling thought though that all the waltzing in the world wouldn’t wash away. She raised a hoof stopped them again and the whole party seemed to pause with them.

“This is everything I want, but what do you want?”

Spike chuckled. “I want you. You are everything to me. Won’t you give me everything?”

Rarity shook her head sadly. “I might have long ago wished that this dream was true. This dream of mine, though, is selfish. It doesn’t take into account of your wishes and desires. I know I’m not the sole owner of your heart right now.”

Spike cried. “I want you! No one else matters!”

Rarity raised a brow. “Not Luna?”

Spike smiled. “She shines brighter than the moon itself, and her name is Rarity.”

Rarity pouted. “Not our friends? Not our families? Not our country?”

Spike shook his head. “Nope.”

Rarity pushed him away. “The real Spikey would never be so selfish. Spike is the most kind and generous drake I know.”

The illusion of Spike could only gasp.

“Also I imagine if this event were to play out in real life, there’d be a lot more fumbling.” She laughed at herself. “Even if you are, I was never so dexterous a dancer.”

The ballroom began darkening the windows rattled at the pressure of a brewing storm.

The dream Spike took Rarity’s hooves into his claws. “Please Rarity; you have to let me in.”

Rarity gave a sad smile. “Darling, I would gladly let the real Spike in, but, you’re a poor pale imitation.”

Rarity shouted to the heavens at the unseen director of the dream. “Nice try, Sombra. I suppose if you couldn’t win me with force, you tried honey!”

A resounded voice replied. “Then see your despair.”

Rarity gasped as her hoof withered. She slumped over in pain as her bones began aching. She saw the guest around her rot to skeletons in molding suits and dresses. She saw her reflection against the polished floor. Her face became haggard as wrinkles became deep canyons.

Still Rarity snorted in defiance. “Everypony ages! You think I’m afraid of crow’s feet!”

The voice repeated with a mocking malicious laughter. “Everypony ages.”

As the pain increased, Rarity saw the ballroom itself age. The marble cracked and crumbled away. Curtains withered to naught but ash. Sparkling, Spike was the only thing in the room that remained constant. He was a dragon, a being not subject to time’s tyranny.

Rarity reached out with her skeletal limb for that security. She saw Spike slowly walk away as she was consumed by the cold of the ground and her own mortality.

Spike climbed the final stairs to the top of Celestia’s tower. The pressure was greater: so close to the void. Luna followed swiftly after him.

Chitania greeted them along with a dozen dead Night guards. Spike held back a roar as he saw past them. Nightshade was unconscious and pinned onto the ground. Rarity was suspended by flag poles in the air.

“Chitania!” Luna shouted.

“Such defiance from your friends.” Chitania chuckled. “They shall make for excellent sacrifices.”

Spike raised his saber. “Let Rarity and Nightshade go right now!”

Chitania cackled. “Art thou daft? Who asks such questions?”

Luna planted her hoof on her face.

Spike’s bore his teeth. “I’m serious.”

“One does no negotiation without a position of power.” Chitania cackled more.

Spike lowered his voice to a growl on the verge of a roar. “I’ll make you wish you were fully dead if you hurt anyone of them.”

“An empty threat.” Chitania snorted.

Luna stepped up. “Thou ought to heed mine.”

The undead Changeling Queen chortled, waving a dismissive hoof. “We see that thou art coming undone. Thou art less a threat than the drake. My power has been magnified many fold since our last dual.”

Luna planted her hooves down. “Thou hath pushed me. Now see the unbridled power of the night!” Her mane began pulsing with power.

It was what he had feared. Spike grabbed Luna’s hoof. “No! I’m not losing you! You’re not becoming Nightmare Moon!”

Tears in her eyes, Luna intoned. “Remember thy vow.”

“Stop! Luna please!” Spike closed his eyes and hugged her as her fur darkened.

When opened his eyes he saw the razor toothed smiled of Nightmare Moon. The demon chuckled, and then licked Spike’s cheek. “Fools.” She shoved Spike down to the ground.

Chitania appraised the dark Alicorn with the silvery armor. Her twisted Changeling horn sparked with power. Her mane waved with excess mana. “So thou sacrifices thy sanity thinking to defeat me? Despair! Thy hopes art in vain! I am-”

Nightmare Moon lifted her head high. “Silence, puppet!”

Chitania coughed as she was made to bow. Her eyes widened as her forelegs were swept from under her. Upon her limbs she saw the phantom strings become visible in light. Chitania resisted mightily as she thrashed. Nightmare Moon’s face only flashed with minor annoyance. Soon Chitania’s limbs were pulled taut at separate directions.

“What?!” Spike’s jaw fell open.

Chitania shrieked. “How?! How can there be strings upon me?!”

Nightmare Moon tilted her head in amusement. “Thou believed thyself a free agent? Thy machinations art for naught.”

Chitania coughed. “No! This cannot be!”

Nightmare Moon shook her head. She strolled over patting Chitania’s upon the head as if she were a child. “History, tis filled with fools and tools.”

Chitania strained to stand. “To what?”

“The void that gained consciousness, abyss of the many minds, the deepest dark: in dreams of the dead and living sprung forth primeval evil. All those who invoked its power would be slave to it; the means overriding any meaningful intention. I am that power incarnate.”

Chitania growled. “You hid in the guise of a lesser demon…” The Changeling Queen then grudgingly calmed herself in lieu of her powerlessness. “What is it that such a being wants? Let us negotiate. I have knowledge of lost lines of magic, enough power to help any conquest thou endeavors upon.”

Nightmare Moon’s countenance was unchanged by Chitania’s offers.

Chitania swallowed. “I can reveal unto thee the art of true resurrection. Surely there is someone-”

Nightmare Moon smiled. “Petty conquest of this world, return of a loved one, such material desires do not interest me in the least.”

Chitania gave an impatient snort. “What then?!”

Nightmare Moon chuckled. “Nothing.”

Chitania’s snarled as she struggled under the strings. “What do you mean by nothing?!”

Nightmare Moon shook her head. “Nothing, exactly. Nothingness, we are shards of the abyss. We want yet we shall never be sated. Possessions, friends, and loves all are distractions and lies. All there is: is to end the pain. We cannot forgive the world for creating us.”

Chitania gasped. “I would open the door to death for a second to pull a soul, thou would open it forever?”

“Despite thy selfish goals, thou served mine goals well and so neatly prepared the required ritual. Receive thy reward, return to me.” Nightmare Moon inhaled the very spirit from Chitania.

The puppet strings that tugged at her became straws as they drew from Chitania’s power. Soaking it all in was the dark furred Alicorn which held the strings by her hoof.

The Changeling Queen shrieked as her eyes watered. “Sombra, my beloved! Forgive me!” She slumped and fell, finally.

Paralyzed by the revelation, Spike had heard it all. Slowly he willed himself to stand and shake off the shock. He saw ‘Nightmare Moon’ or whatever had taken possession of Luna was busily carving lines into the stone work of the floor.

“What are you?” Spike spoke aloud.

The demon replied with disinterest as it worked. “It was prophesied long ago. Eternal night: twas but a mere metaphor for a greater darkness that even the oracles could not articulate… or perhaps feared to even conceive lest they truly began to believe.”

“Whatever you are, you aren’t Luna.” Spike gave a low growl. “Give her back, demon.”

Nightmare Moon turned to Spike. “Ah little Luna, she so selflessly gave herself away. She be nothing now. Her pain is over. Be relieved, her last thoughts were of thee.”

“You’re lying! Luna lives!” Spike cried, pointing a claw at blue spot on her coat.

Nightmare Moon felt the patch of her fur still light blue fur. She waved a hoof to vanish it, however, she grimaced as it shrunk and expanded resisting her influence.

She shifted as she was pelted by a barrage of bolts.

Spike swung his neck to see the source.

The Changeling Captain’s horn glowed with power. Amorpheus had risen again and secured his fedora back unto his head.

Nightmare Moon was unscathed as the dust cleared and her shield glowed. She glowered at the ruined ritual markings on the ground. “You shall pay for this delay.”

Amorpheus, while keeping his horn directed at Nightmare Moon, walked to Spike’s side. “I can’t stop her alone, kid. We’ve got one chance. This will be a battle for our lives,” He sighed. “well in my case un-life. Gods, I’m so tired.”

Spike’s brow rose high at making an ally of an enemy he hated and somehow respected for so long. “Umm, what are you doing?”

Amorpheus sighed. “I died with an unfilled wish. All we ever wanted was a place in the world, ending it was never our goal. I loved Chrysalis for her selflessness; she valued most our daughter and our colony. She wouldn’t want them dead.”

Spike coughed. “You’re a father?”

Amorpheus rolled his eyes. “Yeah, Changelings have families too.”

Nightmare Moon glared. “How is that a puppet defies me?”

Amorpheus pointed at the dead Chitania. “I was her puppet, not yours.”

Nightmare Moon snorted. “Kill them.” She looked at the undead Night guards.

The shambling dead did nothing to comply.

Amorpheus chuckled. “The demons inside them want to live. Your orders go against that. They follow me now.”

Nightmare Moon narrowed her eyes. “No matter, I’ll destroy you all.”

In the white light images flickered. Shadows of what was. The memory was murky and foggy. The perspective seemed somehow skewed. The wooden table and kitchen counter were larger than her. She looked at her hooves as saw the mangled little ball of blood and fur. Droplets of water fell from her eyes onto the little mess. The puppy gave a weak whimper in reply.

She approached a figure that she saw so vaguely she was but a silhouette of light. In between her sniffles she spoke. “Mommy… Wuffles…”

The figure gasped and turned. “Oh my sweet Lulu… what happened?”

“Wuffles... he tried to escape… he got caught in the fence…”

The figure shook her head. “Lulu, let this be a lesson for you. Wuffles wouldn’t have tried to escape if you played with him more. He was lonely.”

She sobbed. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Mommy, I’ll play with him everyday if you fix him! Please mommy.”

The figure reached for a bottle at the top cupboard, well beyond Luna’s reach. She pulled a bottle of white liquid.

“Mommy, will that fix wuffles?”

The figure poured the liquid into the puppy’s gasping mouth. “No sweet one, this is milk of the poppy to ease his passing.”

Luna gasped pulling the puppy away and clutching it harder. “No! I want Wuffles to live!”

The figure shook her head. Her voice was stern and authoritative and distant. “I’m sorry, little one, but all things die.”

Luna shook her head. “No!”

The figure reached from behind and hugged her. “Things die, people die, life wouldn’t be worth living otherwise. We’d go insane if we lived forever. Treasure the time you had with Wuffles.”

Luna sobbed, as she held the puppy, impotently.

The figure finished pouring the milky white solution into the puppy’s mouth. The weak whimpers ebbed away as the puppy softly fell to sleep.

In cloying sweetness the figure spoke and caressed Luna. “It’s kinder this way. Its pain is over. All pain ends when we go. It’s not your fault. All things die. There is no need to fear. It is mercy. Let it go.”

Luna blinked she swatted the hoof of the figure away. She writhed to be free. “No!”

The figure recoiled. “You would defy your mother?!”

Luna planted her hooves down.

“Life is indeed precious that’s why we must fight to keep it. For life so young, death is no reprieve but a stolen opportunity.” Luna’s voice rose in volume and strength with every word from her lips. “It was my neglect, it was my fault! I can’t let it go. I cannot deny my responsibility!” The giant furniture fixings shrunk back as she grew to confront the figure. In flash, Luna was small no longer.

“You have lived so long, lost so much, and so lonely! Let it go! Why hurt any more?”

Luna fell back. “I…” She bit back. “Demon! I won’t be seduced-”

The figure darkened and became a shadowy copy of Luna. “I am your secret heart, beyond love and life you seek and desire death. All else is to distract from this fact.”

Luna shrunk again as the figure began towering over her once more. The shadows of the room lengthened as her shadow-self grew.

Spike and Amorpheus took cover from the former Night guards as shield to Nightmare Moon. Spike spewed his fire in between bouts of running. Nightmare Moon snorted as his flame did not even reach to singe her.

Amorpheus barked at Spike. “Fight! You’re not aiming!”

Spike sputtered. “L-Luna’s still in there! I know it! I can’t kill her!”

Amorpheus dodged a beam that seared apart a guard. He growled as the top of his fedora was sliced off. Throwing his hat away, he fired back with a bolt that was absorbed by a shield.

Spike saw another angle to attack but stopped himself.

Amorpheus shouted. “Blast it! Look! We’re talking about the greater good here! Dragons are immortal; they have innate magic that can end the deathless! You have to hit her-”

Spike crunched up his face as gritted his teeth. “Her heart! I know, Luna even said that dragon claws could end her. Damn it, she knew!”

Amorpheus deployed a shield to protect them as a beam of Nightmare Moon’s cut through more guards. “Even Chrysalis wouldn’t want to world to end. That’s why I’m fighting here! I’m sure your Luna wouldn’t want that either! We’re running out of puppets!”

In his mind flashed Luna and their promise. Spike eyes watered. “Okay.”

Amorpheus nodded. “Last chance! Do or die!”

The last of the puppets were seared apart. Amorpheus charged while screaming. “My love, I will be with you soon!”

Nightmare Moon growled as Amorpheus’ horn met her shield. The force of his magic caused Nightmare Moon to concentrate her shield on only one side. Spike saw his angle; he swallowed and took the first step towards it.

Author's Note: