• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 16,885 Views, 570 Comments

Lunacy of Love - Akashic Brony

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

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Chapter 12 Nadir of Fear

Nightshade yawned; she was a different bat pony when she had her pink pajamas. She was either in her armor or her sleeping pajamas. The periods of nakedness in between she kept as short as possible. For many ponies, clothing was optional to their own fur coats, yet for Nightshade, she needed the extra layer for what her duty demanded. Slipping from her pajamas, she turned and saw her reflection in the hotel room mirror. She wondered which idiot thought vampires couldn’t see their own reflections. Nightshade’s problem was that she didn’t want to see herself.

She was very tired despite the night’s sleep. She was not just tired physically… Many vampire bat-ponies joined the guard for a reason; they had a fatalistic urge to find a meaningful end to their immortality. She joined instead looking for a reason to live… it was for love, for Luna. One thousand years she had waited; she had so many lonely nights. She joyfully jumped when she was offered an appointment as Luna’s Companion Captain. Yet the position distanced them in an iron curtain of professionalism, despite their apparent ‘friendship’. For the longest time she had tried to cut past that curtain to no avail.

She turned on the faucet and began brushing her teeth. Perhaps Spike was right; she wasn’t entirely ugly on the outside; she had options. But what would happen when they saw her on the inside? Her toothbrush met her polished fangs. A thirst for blood and a desire to die were not things normal well-adjusted ponies had. She would forever be a stranger to the general population or what she called the ‘herbivore sheep’. She gurgled water from the faucet, letting it slosh around her mouth washing her teeth. The dragon was an outsider like her. She did not just consider the dragon, did she? Nightshade spat the contents of her mouth onto her mirror.

Nightshade shook her head. It was too early to have such thoughts. Still, she had her feelings to address as she donned her battle dress.

Spike lagged behind Amorpheus disguised as Fancy Pants led him. Amorpheus sensed Spike’s deliberate slow down and walked alongside him.

Amorpheus continued his impersonation of the Knight Commander. “Do pick up the pace, lad.”

Spike hoped conversation would stall. “Last time you said you were doing this for someone you love… what if I ask you to stab her in the heart?”

Amorpheus grimaced, his false accent broke in a pensive sadness. “I already stabbed her in the heart… I fell in love with her knowing what it would mean. It was foretold that her daughter would slay her. Still she loved me and I loved her. My heart wrenched when our first born was a daughter. Still we defied destiny. The prophecy though… it came to pass. I killed her by loving her…”

Spike was for a moment temporarily touched by Amorpheus’ admission. “What was her name?”


Spike’s sympathy evaporated. The Changeling Queen had brought Equestria to the brink of destruction. “You loved that tyrannical monster?”

Amorpheus snarled. “Chrysalis was my Queen, my commander, my love!” There was a quaking fervor in his words. “She gave her life for our people! All she ever did was for their good. She was as much a subject as she was ruler. Always she would find food for the hungering horde… she fed them her own life essence when there was nothing else to be had.”

Spike was still skeptical. He had heard nothing positive spoken of the Changeling Queen. He thought of Luna oddly in how she had responsibilities that seemed to shackle her. Perhaps Chrysalis was driven by that more than mere maliciousness. “That’s one interpretation, but what’s good for Changelings isn’t good for the world.”

“Even were it not a matter of equal scales, I trust you would choose the good that’s best for your side regardless of utility.”

“Is it all a matter of perspective? What you’re doing will hurt many more. Your Changeling people are already fighting another war.”

“I’m afraid my motives have decayed…I’m a rotting corpse after all.” Amorpheus gave an empty chortle and his tone became severe and sadly. “Saving the Changeling people no longer concerns me. I do not serve the hive, not anymore. I confess my reason now is more selfish… I would see my beloved Chrysalis returned to me… to that end there is nothing I would not do.”

“How? What’s your master’s objective? Will whoever they are even honor that wish of yours?”

Amorpheus shook his head. “Bravo, you got me rambling. Enough delay, enough talk…” He walked behind Spike to force faster their pace. Spike felt the revenant’s cold dead breath despite not seeing him.

Nightshade yawned. “You’re up early.”

Amorpheus hid behind Spike and poked the dragon’s back with his magic. Spike responded nervously. “Well you know me, the early riser.”

The opposite was true, Spike hoped Nightshade picked up upon it. He internally slapped himself knowing Nightshade would have no awareness of his sleeping habits.

“You should get some rest while you can.” Spike tried to point at Amorpheus behind with the darting pupils of his eyes.

Nightshade’s eyes seemed too glazed over with her tiredness to see.

Amorpheus noticed and twisted a head frill of Spike’s with his magic.

Nightshade turned toward Spike. “Hey, I’ve been thinking about what you said. I’ve waited a thousand years… yearning for Luna… I told you vampires could hibernate, I didn’t.”

Nightshade felt a mist form in her eyes. “I couldn’t take the chance Luna might return earlier. Celestia knows how close I’ve been to madness.”

Her voice shook as tears slid down her cheeks.“I had such dreams yet I know they’re only dreams.”

She fell into Spike’s arms and hugged him tight as she cried into his chest. “I’ve realized that perhaps it was a fool’s fantasy, but admitting it is like losing Luna a second time.”

“Nightshade,” Spike hugged her back, he wished he could do more but in his present condition, but with Amorpheus looking over his shoulder, he was restrained. The little bat pony in his arms was not her strong self.

Amorpheus broke his own cover and spoke. “My dear, to burn with such passion and be silent is to suffer the tortures of Tartarus. You should not surrender before the battle begins, you should confess your feelings. If nothing comes then move on.”

Nightshade pulled back from Spike as she noticed ‘Fancy Pants’. She hissed. “How long have you been eaves dropping?!”

Amorpheus adjusted his tone to that perfect rendition of Fancy Pants. “The lad and I were having quite the discussion concerning duty and loyalty. Good conversation is like good coffee to me.”

Nightshade smirked. “Well good luck, I’m not a morning pony. The Princess’s crazy schedule shifts have got me running ragged.”

Amorpheus continued in his affable tone. “Miss Nightshade, to love from the darkness is most noble but perhaps in the light love might grow?”

“You’re unusually eloquent this morning.”

Amorpheus calmly replied. “I am a gentle-colt and knight.”

“Alright, see you later Mage Killer. Take care Spike.” Nightshade smacked her gums and groggily walked past them.

Spike growled. “You gave advice to her? You don’t even know her!”

“I know her type; I was like as she is… once upon a time.” Amorpheus scolded Spike. “You acted slightly out of character, try something like that again and I’ll set off this trap.”

Spike threw up his claws innocently. “I didn’t do anything.”

“You tried hinting. I’ve worked in sabotage and subterfuge long enough to know the tells.”

“Excuse me you handled it; didn’t you?” Spike growled.

Amorpheus smirked and mimicked Fancy Pant’s suave tone. “Dear boy, I say that is not how you play the game.”

“It’s bucking creepy how well you do that. Stop impersonating Fancy Pants, you’re going make me hate him by your association.”

“Come come now, Spike. Hate the game not the player. Eh, old sport?”

For the sake of security, Luna had forgone the castle’s grand sleeping chamber in favor of an anonymous hotel room in the airship-port terminal. The guards, though, betrayed her position, for while they pretended to guard each door independently, their eyes lingered on Luna’s. Spike was disappointed Nightshade didn’t but hoped Luna’s door guards would be able to detect Amorpheus. The half dozen instead saluted ‘Fancy Pants’ with smiles. Spike almost smacked his claw on his head in frustration.

“Knight Commander Fancy Pants, we weren’t expecting you so early. Aren’t you inspecting the Cloud Carriers?”

“All is well gentle-colts, at ease.” Amorpheus’ eyes glowed green as his words chimed through their heads.

The guards slumped over.

A couple recognized and resisted as they saw their comrades fall. They grunted and groaned under the mental pressure. “Mind magic, fight it!” said an officer. They were still locked in place as they fought.

Amorpheus sneered as he exerted more influence. “So there’s a couple of quality amongst the quantity.” He raised a hoof and commanded Spike. “Take them out!”

Spike said, sadly. “Sorry.” He clenched his claws and punched out the guards. He hoped he didn’t fracture their skulls in attempting to knock them unconscious.

Amorpheus glared at Spike. “You didn’t slay them.”

“You said take them out, you didn’t say kill.”

Amorpheus growled. “You best next follow my orders in both letter and spirit.”

“My spirit will always resist. I can’t help that.”

“Then I’ll clarify to the letter. Stab Luna in her chest without hitting her heart and smile while you do this.”

Spike objected. “I’ll hit her lungs.”

“The dagger isn’t so deep. To combat Zebra Zerkers your Guard training has instructed you to target the vital kill points; I have no doubt you know how to avoid them.”

Spike, for the first time, truly stared at the dagger the weapon was similar to his crimson crescent, however, it had a malevolent aura.

“Your Princess’s eyes for illusionary magic will see through this guise. I will wait outside.” Amorpheus’ next words echoed through Spike’s head. “But do not for second believe I am not watching.”

Luna tossed and turned on her bed. She had awoken far too early for her comfort. She fruitlessly attempted to return to sleep. The events of yesterday replayed in her head. There would be ramifications that would affect negotiations today. Upon the world stage she had kissed a dragon, her dragon, her Spike. She had no regrets and giggled that she would do it again. Yet there were practical considerations and consequences.

The hybrid bird and lion Griffins would cry for foul. The Dragons might consider her swayed. The Zebras would— She stopped herself. She would route all their rumors, she decided would make a public declaration. Perhaps she could find refuge in her own audacity; her openness might shock them too much to comment. In the pattern of lies, this brazen truth might be considered to be another lie in the public eye. She knew better though, in likelihood Luna would have to fight a torrent of slander. Her display at the Ponyville Café had already caused some to whisper she was becoming ‘Nightmare Moon’, allegations that she was consorting with a dragon wouldn’t help her image.

She couldn’t allow Spike to be hurt. She joked internally of bribing the press or more for fun she might buy a quiver of arrows and go target practice. The crown could exercise special privileges in preservation of the Republic. Luna eyes opened as she realized she had actually considered it. Corruption was dangerous; she couldn’t allow herself to think such thoughts. She had always held special exceptions though. There was one in the past that could drive her to such extremes in regards to his safety. She feared feeling the same; even Nightshade noted the discrepancy in her priority… Spike had taken a unique and dangerous position in her heart.

Luna snuggled into her bed a little more. At least she had a few more hours before her guards would officially awaken her and that she would need to decide upon a course of action.

Spike entered the room to see Luna lying on her bed seemingly sleeping softly. The modern window blinders let only a little of the morning’s rays touch her body. She was without her dark crown or breast plate, as naked as could be even her mane lacked magic that flowed through it. Spike’s shadow loomed over her.

Spike breathed heavily.

Amorpheus spoke in his head. “Draw the dagger.”

“I can’t.”

“Do it. Or I’ll make you.” Amorpheus’ telekinesis pulled on Spike’s arm.

“Stop!” Spike cried internally as he resisted.

Luna stirred. “Sir Spike, why art thou in mine chambers?” Her bright teal eyes blinked away the dust from her eyes.

Luna looked up at his face did not notice the dirk. He hid the dagger behind his back. “Luna…”

Luna flexed her wings as she stretched her limbs. “Sir Spike, it is convenient thou hast come. I am nervous for today’s coming talks. There is a chill in the wind. I fear ill.”

Spike’s gut tightened in agony as he struggled to say. “Luna, I…”

Amorpheus voice resounded once more. “Do as you are bid! Stab her!”

“Sir Spike, thou look pained.” Luna sat up attentively with worry. “What ails thee?”

It was an echo of his state of despair when he first met Luna. Spike forced a smile on his face as he spoke. “Nothing.”

Luna recognized the resonate words. “Everything.”

In so sudden a fashion that his mind was left spinning; Spike felt the Amorpheus’ presence depart from the back of his skull. The focus of his puppeteer was drawn elsewhere.

Outside the room, Amorpheus turned to see Nightshade with her lance mounted on her war saddle. Nightshade pointed to the fallen guards.

Amorpheus deployed a smooth reply complete with false hesitancy. “Nightshade, the game is afoot. The enemy has taken out Luna’s guards. I was able to thwart them but they fled that way.”

Nightshade was but a wind in the hallway as she plunged her lance into Amorpheus’ side nailing him to the door entrance. “You’re not Fancy Pants; he detests being called the ‘Mage Killer’.”

Amorpheus winced in pain as he continued the charade. “Nightshade, what are you doing?”

She snarled. “I smelled you from the moment you spoke out.”

Amorpheus broke his false voice. “Prepare for fear you can neither define nor defend!” He smiled as he glared into her eyes.

“Not again! Your existential dread won’t work! I do not fear dying loveless! I fear living!” Nightshade shouted angrily as she countered with her own red glare. She shoved her lance deeper. The door’s hinges creaked and gave way.

Nightshade and Amorpheus slid into the room riding the errant door. Spike admired Nightshade who wore her full battle armor gleaming in its ebony glory. In that moment Nightshade was a day star. She jumped off of Amorpheus pulling out her lance. Spike was captivated by the bat pony and her sudden rescue.

Nightshade leaped to his side. “Hurry up! Burn the bastard before he gets back up!”

“Gladly!” Spike let his anger out from his stomach shooting a jet of flame. He raged projecting the cone of death.

Amorpheus snarled as Spike’s emerald flames engulfed him. The wallpaper of the hotel room melted away with the residual heat. Amorpheus projected a black bubble that sunk into the floor. When Spike’s flame sputtered out there was only an empty scorch mark burned through the carpet and into the wooden flooring.

Spike quickly turned towards Luna. She had already donned her regalia, yet her posture was anything from the bold Princess he knew. She was staring at the dagger in Spike’s claws. “Luna, I wasn’t… I couldn’t.”

Luna laughed with dark inflection. “Sir Spike, I would not mind if it was thee who ended me… this curse of immortality.”

Spike bit back tears as he angrily slapped Luna. “Luna! Never say that! Your life is precious! Every second of it! I love you!”

Nightshade’s ear perked up as she looked on. His words carried through the room.

Spike continued as he lowered his head, gazing at the floor. “I thought about ending it too especially after you confirmed to my face that my destiny was destruction…” He kissed her cheek where he had slapped her.

“Sir Spike, there is something I must tell you. For fear I’ve withheld it… ”

Nightshade coughed. “Forgive my interruption… but Amorpheus is here! The enemy!”

Luna nodded slowly. “The enemy is deep in our keep.”

“It worse than that.” Spike’s voice shook. “He said they performed a reverse invasion from dream space.”

Luna’s eyes were wide with worry. “That ought not to be possible. Nightmares into our waking world… All our defenses are for naught.”

“Luna, what shall we do?” asked Nightshade.

“… We do not know…” Luna chest sunk as the breath left her.

Spike needed Luna more than ever he placed his claws on her shoulders offer her a degree of stability. He nuzzled her neck softly offering his support. “Luna, please.”

“I thank thee. Give us a moment,”

Rarity took off the cucumber slices from her eyes as she awoke from her beauty sleep. She wiped the mud mask from her face with a clean towel. She looked at the other bed in the room; it was empty. She supposed Twilight’s pursuit of Rainbow had a happy ending if she did not return last night to their shared accommodation. Reminders of romance did not help her. She shivered in the chill of waking alone with no one to warm her bed or even the room. She wondered when she started to have such feelings.

She used to beat stallions back off of her with a stick; she even chased one or two. She admitted it was more than two. Her friends had called her up upon it too about her ‘fortunate’ problems that others would dream of having. Rarity hated aspects of her past-self that took others for granted. She was once again the chaser though this time she felt it was different from all other times. Spike meant more. In the arena of combat against the gods, she knew she had little odds. The seamstress though knew the matters of the heart to be different in the least she prayed. She was crazy about him as he was once crazy about her. His tiny gestures to his grand acts came into fine focus. The dragon had always been there in background supporting her to the extent she only noticed him when he was now absent.

She read enough popular romance novels to imagine so many other stories where she and Spike were fated to be. What cruel twist though that Luna had entered their lives? Rarity still was tempted to begrudge the moon princess but she shook off such un-lady like thoughts. Last night as the greeting festivities drew to a close she approached Spike. Her heart sunk when he had refused her invitation to sleep in her room but he had also said no to Luna, it meant she had a hope. Rarity struggled to even think of what she would do were that hope extinguished. The Dream Lord had taken her dream… she had a new dream with a certain dragon.

Explosions broadcasted through the hotel hallways. Rarity was not naïve enough to believe them to be celebratory fireworks. The screams that followed confirmed her fears.

Luna, Nightshade, and Spike ran as they talked. Their steps echoed through the polished floors of the airship-port terminal.

Spike kept to Luna’s left. “Luna, what’s the plan?”

“First we need eyes and ears then we shall formulate a stratagem. The castle keep has an overlook where we might access the situation.”

“The airship-port control tower is closer, we can coordinate from there. We have a view of everything from there,” said Spike.

“A most inspired idea, Sir Spike!” Luna smiled.

“We have to save the ambassadors first,” said Nightshade.

Luna stopped her gallop in front of convenient stand that showed the airship-port terminal map. “The enemy will have possessed the guards’ barracks. We must funnel their forces. We need a point of control.” Luna traced her hoof on the map where the wings of the castle and airship-port terminal intersected. “Here shall be our stand. It’s on the way to the control tower: the main convention area.”

“There’s a glass canopy there, the location is compromised to aerial assault. We can better defend the foyer approach.” Nightshade up a little pointed her lance to the juncture where their airship-port terminal and the castle connected.

“Nightshade, thine mind for tactics prevails!” Luna draped a hoof over Nightshade’s neck causing the bat pony to blush. “We must muster whatever forces we can along our way.” Luna then released Nightshade and turned to Spike.

“Luna, what’s up?”

She swallowed before speaking. “Last time twas not right we lied to thee about the nature of the enemy. Truth now thou must not hesitate to dispatch thy foes; the monsters of the id would have devoured their hosts’ whole selves.”

“Thank you, I’m sorry I keep hesitating. I could have even taken out Amorpheus if I was quicker.”

“Sir Spike, thine heart is gentle. We would not wish thee be otherwise.”

Nightshade chimed in. “Spike, my military mind is rigid. Soft is also flexible. You’re sensitive and kind, I’d give anything for that.” Her inflection betrayed more emotion than her usual range.

Luna gave Nightshade a questioning look.

Spike strengthened his resolve with their confidence. “I won’t disappoint you in battle.” “Wait what about Rarity and Twilight?”

Nightshade replied. “Their room accommodations were on the other side of the terminal away from the barracks, there should be little resistance.”

“I hope you’re right.” said Spike.

Daring to open a crack of her door, Rarity saw blurs of the battle outside. Guards shuffled in their armor past her door. She heard the panicked cries.

“Protect the guests and ambassadors!”

“There’s too many! We can’t protect ourselves!”

“Are there traitors everywhere?!”

“What are our orders?!”

“Nothing’s come down the message pipes. The lines have been cut.”

“More of them!”

Rarity opened the door to greet the guards. The moment she did though the couple of guards were assailed by two more guards.

Rarity gasped in shock and confusion. The Guards wore the same golden armor. Why were they attacking each other? Rarity got her answer as the couple of guards that slew the first turned on her. Their eyes bled shadows and Rarity’s shuddered from her unicorn horn through her spine to the base of her tail. These were the nightmare creatures she saw in dream space… but they were manifested in reality. They wore ponies like dresses. Different from the dead puppets… they exuded a presence that drained her very essence.

Rarity quickly slammed her door as their lances punctured the wooden frame. She was tempted to cower under her bed like a little foal; but Rarity overcame her fear knowing that then it would be a matter time before they broke down the door. She noticed that the lancers struggled to dislodge their weapons. Using her magic she flung open the door and ran out into the hotel hallways.

“Demons, attack me! Leave alone miss Rarity!” A white pony with bands of darkness whistled at the ‘Guards’. The shambling guards charged at their new target.

The Zebra ran head long but before striking her foes she used her momentum to ‘walk’ the walls. From behind she slammed her hooves into the back of their heads. She leapt back as the shadows bled out of the guards’ bodies.

“Zecora!” Rarity hugged the Zebra mare.

“Rarity, there is a pony I am glad to see!”

“What’s going on?”

Zecora shrugged and shook her head.

Rarity took the lead. “We must find Princess Luna and Spike.”

“Indeed, your Princess would know what to do. We shall follow you.”

Rarity remembered Zecora being announced as the new chief of the Zebra Tribal Confederation. “Oh darling, we simply must go to the spa sometime! Zecora, you must have the most interesting stories to tell!”

Tiny explosions rocked the convention center to the ceiling. Reagle pulled grenades from Zaza’s saddle pouch. Sparking his claw flints and lighting the wicks, the Griffin hurled them against the horde. A squad of what remained of their Griffin and Zebra bodyguards were locked in combat.

“Reagle, watch your back!” Zaza knocked several to the ground by sweeping her spear below their feet.

“Zaza, thank you: I don’t fancy a nap in the dirt.” The Griffin King drew his sword.

“My King there’s too many!” cried one of the Griffin bodyguards as he came under assault by two of the nightmare puppets.

Reagle rescued his subordinate as he kicked and cut them down the enemy. “Hold your own! Earn your crimson cloak!”

“They die without whimpers! Such worthy warriors…” Zaza impaled one and kicked the body off her spear.

They relaxed as the last of the horde fell.

A smaller gray Griffin panted from the battle’s exhaustion. “I am ashamed that I am scared sire; I don’t think we’ll make it out alive.”

Reagle chirped back at the cadet. “Don’t give in to fear but don’t be ashamed to be afraid.”

“Thank you, I—” The Griffin cadet clumsily tripped over a fallen pony accidentally kicking it. From the corpse a tentacle of shadow took hold of the Griffin’s leg. The cadet then fell back; as his body convulsed in unnatural ways. The darkness oozed into the immobilized Griffin.

“Swift Wing are you alright?” Reagle reached up but was stopped by Zaza’s spear.

“My love, stop! Something is wrong!” Zaza pointed her spear at the cadet.

The cadet’s eyes became pitch black. He then lunged with his saber at Reagle.

“Swift Wing! Are you bloody possessed?” Reagle parried the flurry of attacks.

The cadet continued his attack.

“Come to your senses!” said Reagle. He shrieked at the other guards. “Restrain him!”

Swift Wing then took out a grenade and lit it. The other bodyguards backed away. Zaza skewered the Griffin with her spear then kicked the Griffin back before the blast took them both.

There was a shower of red feathers and a charred body left behind

“Zaza, that was my cousin’s kid. I promised him my protection.”

“I’m sorry, Reagle.” The Zebra mare nuzzled the Griffin.

The duo turned as they noticed Luna and Spike approach. Zaza directed her spear and Reagle readied to toss a grenade. Their bodyguards raised their weapons as well.

Spike shouted. “Reagle, wait! It’s not us!”

Reagle lowered let his sword arm fall limp. “We know one of our own guards turned on us as well. Was there any way they could have been saved?”

“Nay.” Luna frowned.

The Griffin King clenched his beak. “I promised that kid my protection! First the ambush… now I must explain to cousin’s why his son is dead… Even my pacifist cousin will want war.

Luna offered her hoof. “Griffin King, we beseech thee. Go with our condolences. Our enemy is shared.”

“I do not believe I will be able to contain my cousin and his wife’s rage—” Reagle pointed his sword shakily at Luna. “—or that of my own, if I find your ponies had anything to do—”

Nightshade spoke bluntly flashing her fangs. “Don’t threaten the Princess. You stand before Luna, avatar of the moon!”

Zaza snorted back in Nightshade’s face. “I question the divinity of your royalty if your goddess isn’t able to provide security.”

The Zebra and Bat-pony stared off. Zaza was Zebra Zerker, which were infamous for feeling no pain in battle. Nightshade belonged to Luna’s elite, a secret sect of vampire soldiers. Both somehow despite being equines had predatory eyes. Spike could swear there was an electric spark.

Luna tried to contain the lightning. “We make no claims of being omniscient nor do we claim god-hood.” She turned toward Reagle with cue of cooperation.

Reagle cawed instead. “Immortality, then, I suppose is bloody normal? I wonder what perversion of nature then you use to extend your life and your eternal Alicorn dictatorship. Use that magic now, bring back Swift Wing!” The Griffin pointed a claw at his slain cadet.

“Thou presumes much, Griffin King. There were souls more near and dear to me than thy lowly soldier, if we did not resurrect them what thee think we can?”

“Lowly soldier? The Princess of the Ponies is truly then a cruel tyrant. I value the lives of those who serve me! Each of many who died in my eyes, I could name them! Can you boast the same?!”

Luna was rendered silent.

Reagle expressed the same doubts Spike himself had of Luna. He knew though he could not undermine her in public. Luna seemed to be on the verge of tears as she shook slightly. Showing such weakness would be not befit the dignity of the country. Before he could shield her; Luna had recovered and redirected herself towards anger in an effort to preserve her pride. She growled as she prepared to spit a hot retort.

Anger was worse; Spike had to intervene. He inserted himself in between them before there was a fight. “Reagle, our friends are dying the same. Everyone moment we waste here more of them are at risk.”

Spike found an unlikely ally as Zaza broke of her stalemate with Nightshade. “We’re looking for my sister: Zecora.”

“We have not seen thy kin, however there is safety in numbers,” said Luna.

“Agreed,” said Reagle.

Zecora and Rarity walked along the windows’ edge of the airship-port. Against the white walling the Zebra and Unicorn mares were perfectly camouflaged. Rarity had made an improvised white shawl to hide her hair, and she make scarf to conceal the glimmering gold rings of Zecora's.

Zecora whispered even though the screams and battle below could have them shouting and still be unnoticed. “A brilliant idea, lady Rarity. The enemy cannot see as we flee.”

Rarity avoided looking at the hectic battle below for fear her courage might give out. As she followed Zecora she was impressed by the Zebra’s calm if not her earlier combat acrobatics. “Zecora, who were you before you came to Equestria?”

“Rarity, you must believe. I did not mean to deceive. A shaman of my people is not meant to fight. I violated my vow and took flight. Many opposed. My exile was self-imposed.”

Rarity recalled her own reservations at fighting. “A lady shall fight out of necessity. Was what you did the same?”

Zecora gave a sad nod.

“Then you are hardly at fault.” Rarity replied.

They entered the main convention area before the foyer. It was empty save for the merchant cart stands hastily half arranged barricade. The attempt to make the improvised wall was abandoned.

Nightshade looked “The on duty guards must have tried to hold this position.”

“Where are they?” asked Spike.

“They must have pulled back without fighting when they realized the size of the horde.” Nightshade pointed at the many wet hoof prints created by a spilled coffee stand.

Luna nodded. “Indeed they drew the same conclusion as we. The castle is more defensible. Enemy now is but a trickle, if the full garrison has fallen under their influence, there will come a flood. We must dam this location lest we be overtaken.”

Spike scratched his head frills. “Luna, we’re all capable fighters, but we can’t hold off the whole garrison…”

“We must hold until we can summon reinforcements,” said Luna.

“The cotton candy stand!” cried Zaza pointed a hoof at a pink cart. “Our prayers have been answered!”

“Umm what?” asked Spike.

Zaza tapped a hoof on the stand a lever fell out and she pulled it. From the false bottom of the confectionary stand a wooden contraption sprung out and extended its wings. The automatic crossbow had a seat waiting an operator.

Spike shouted. “Reagle, you smuggled an automatic crossbow to the peace summit!?”

The Griffin King chirped. “I did no such thing.”

Zaza smiled. “It was my idea.”

Nightshade grimaced. “Grenades and now an automatic crossbow, we may as well have no security if you got those things through.”

Reagle chuckled. “Your inspectors were excellent if they weren’t we’d have gotten the second and third crossbow in along with a lot more grenades.”

Luna pointed a hoof at the hallway. “Can ye hold the foyer with such weapons while we coordinate the counter attack? The control tower is connected to the castle proper. We must venture to save the other ambassadors.”

Reagle chirped. “Certainly, if you’ll forgive us having these weapons.”

Luna leaned in and whispered. “Well then, King Hawkmor, thou art pardoned—” She gestured her hoof at the giant crossbow. “—if thee can prove thine big weapon is not just for show.”

Reagle deployed his wings and blushed.

The Griffins and Zebra wheeled the automatic crossbow into position in the antechamber of the great foyer.

Zaza playfully poked him in the chest with a hoof where his old wound was. “So you like Luna?”

Reagle crumpled in pain. “Bloody Helhiem!” He looked at Zaza’s stern face. “Okay, I deserve that. I’m a married Griffin. I’m a married Griffin.”

“May the leopard of doubt stalk you no more,” Zaza said, smiling.

“Sire! The enemy!” A Griffin bodyguard cawed.

Outside the antechamber they saw ponies bleeding shadows approach.

Reagle jumped to operate the weapon. The weapon started spitting bolts with the turn its crank. The barrage felled an advance squad. Zaza fed the machine’s top loader with bolts.

The Griffin guards added their minor crossbow fire to the barrage while Zebra warriors flung javelins.

Past the antechamber of the foyer, they saw what had happened to the guards. A bloody swath had been cut through. The walls were splattered.

“The other ambassadors are in grave danger,” said Nightshade.

They walked further until there was a fork in the castle paths.

Luna stopped. “Let us speak in candor now that the Griffin King is not near; there is only one we should be concerned about. Aldred’s son, Firestorm, represents the Dragon Dominion.”

“I’ll rescue Garble,” said Spike. “We can’t just rely on getting things together from the high control tower. We need feet on the ground.”

“Sir Spike, thou art brave to volunteer. But we cannot let thee go alone. Take Nightshade with thee.”

Spike protested. “No, Nightshade, you’ve got to protect the Princess.”

Nightshade looked between Luna and Spike for an agonizing moment. Her eyes finally fell on Luna. “Princess, I am your guard.”

“Nightshade we order thee—”

Spike interjected. “Luna stop! She’s right to choose you. I’m disposable.”

“Nay!” Luna blurted out louder than she intended. “How dare thee lecture about the value of mine life when thee hold so little for thine own!” She slapped him.

Spike felt his sore cheek. “I asked you to be honest with me. It’s my turn,” He hugged her, “I hold no great power or responsibility. Equestria will be alright without me but you hold the moon in the sky and the world on your shoulders.”

Luna’s eyes welled with tears as she snuggled harder into his hug. “Sir Spike, you hold me.”

Spike chuckled. “Stop jinxing me. Seriously, Luna I’m not going to die.” He drew the saber gifted to him by Luna. “I have this.”

He then pointed to his suit. “Rarity’s suit also is armored. I’ve got the best chance of making it out alive in there. Plus I’m a bucking dragon.”

“Go with mine blessing.” Luna kissed him full on the muzzle.

Spike returned the kiss for quick moment. It took more courage for Spike to run off then he thought. But Luna lit the fire of his spirit with her own, and he powered through his apprehension.

The wind whistled as Rarity and Zecora navigated the ridges of the castle walls. Rarity for the first time wished to trade her Unicorn horn for Pegasi wings.

“Why must Equestrians build all their castles in the sky? There are better places to fortify.”

“Zecora, I couldn’t agree more, darling. Let’s hurry, I’m sure Spikey and everyone will be waiting for us there.”

“Where we’re going: are you sure? Will the castle keep be secure?”

Rarity turned her head back to answer Zecora. “There’s nowhere else to go. It’s furthest from the barracks I know.”

The Zebra and Unicorn both smiled at each other. “In my ears I hear a wonderful chime. Rarity, did you just rhyme?

Rarity giggled. “Zecora, maybe I caught your flu. By ummm speaking with you.”

Zecora pouted. “That is outrageous! My style of speech is not contagious.”

Pinkie Pie had taught Rarity the value of laughter in harrowing situations. She laughed which caused Zecora to laugh in turn. The sheer drop of the castle walls and their precarious position were forgotten.

Spike ran into the dark castle. Blood-stains on walls told where soldiers had slumped and died in noble defense. He resolved he wouldn’t be another dark mark, he had reasons to live. As he passed the window slits of the walls he noticed the shadows of ponies and heard giggling. He shook his head for fear he’d gone crazy but then laughter followed.


Spike poked his head out wall slit. His face came up against hers.

“Spikey!” Rarity almost fell from the ledge.

“Rarity!” Spike lunged and caught her hooves.

After helping the Zebra and Unicorn mares up, Spike was deeply concerned.

“Rarity, Zecora, what are you doing here?”

“We were looking for you.” Rarity answered.

Zecora nodded along. “We thought the castle keep would be the best. We were convinced it would be the safest.”

Spike shook his head. “They got through to here too. I’m actually trying to rescue Garble. Luna’s gone off to the control tower hopefully to get reinforcements.”

“We’re coming with!”

Spike kindly dismissed Rarity. “No offense, but you’d two would just distract me.”

Zecora stared at her hoof nonchalantly. “Spike, you underestimate the power of Zebra Zerker. In battle, others run in terror.”

Thus far Zecora had been full of surprises. Things continued to click. He’d seen Zecora balance herself on a single bamboo pole. He didn’t doubt Zecora being a Zerker or dare to challenge the Zebra with such poise.

He turned to Rarity.

The fashionista huffed. “Spikey, really? I think I’ve proven myself to you. I got my magic.” Rarity looked at several suits of armor that were on display in the castle. She fired off her ‘come to life’ spell. The suits became animated by her aura and creaked to attention.

Spike raised his brows. “Okay, you can definitely help me.”

Deeper into the castle Spike heard resounding roars. He knew the familiar cry.

“It’s Garble!”

They found the crimson dragon in middle of the dining hall. The dining hall had an upper galley and the railing to it had been broken apart. Chairs and tables had been smashed or thrown to the side. Firestorm landed in front of them as he smacked down a fellow dragon. The dragon beneath stopped quivering and Firestorm leapt away from the shadows that bled out. He fired his dragon flame cremating the other dragon. He was staring a several charred bodies.

Spike cried out. “Garble?!”

Firestorm gave his instinctive exasperated retort. “My name is Firestorm!”

“Firestorm, we’ve got to get you out of here!” Spike cried.

Firestorm turned his head and noticed Spike. “What the buck is going on?! I had to roast my retainers… when they became crazy. They were servants… but they didn’t deserve this.”

Firestorm pointed a shaking claw at a couple of burnt lesser dragons. He stuttered. “Something entered them, some shadowy monsters. They attacked me.”

“Wicked spirits are possessing ponies and whoever they please. It is like rabies.” Zecora answered.

Firestorm shivered but he held his masculine posturing. “Whatever, I can handle ponies.”

“The whole garrison could have fallen.” said Spike. “You can’t fight a battalion.”

Firestorm became meek as he confessed. “It’s okay. I’ve summoned my dad. We should be okay if we hold out.”

“You can’t rely on your father. He can’t save you here!”

Firestorm sputtered. “It’s okay… my dad will come for me. He told me to stay put.” He held his claws to his head and almost curled up like a hatchling.

Spike was surprised by Firestorm’s fear.

Rarity strolled up to the dragon and placed a hoof lifting his chin gingerly. “Darling, how is your dad going to reach you in the middle of the castle?”

Firestorm stopped his cowering. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“Let’s go,” said Spike ushering his friend.

Luna and Nightshade found the airship-port control tower fully operational. A detachment of guards were waiting for orders. Luna shot off orders as quickly as she could speak. An operator pony struggled to keep up as he relayed the orders by manipulating the shutters of the control tower’s signal light. The circling cloud carriers responded with their own flashes in horse code.

Nightshade interpreted the signals to Luna. “Fancy Pants has gotten the message. The cloud carriers are deploying their aerial corps. Captain Rainbow Dash is with Princess Twilight and they are unharmed. They’re mobilizing our units as we speak.”

“Excellent.” Luna sighed. She swiftly pointed a hoof a half a dozen of the soldiers in the tower. “With me ,soldiers! We shall be the first into the breach! We have a castle to retake.”

Rarity and Zecora ran along Spike with Firestorm following their tail. The corridors and hallways of the castle were confusing in their layout but Spike was certain of his path.

“So far we’re in the clear, bro,” said Firestorm.

“Spike, how do you know this castle so well? It’s like a zig zag pattern on a dress, I’m confused,” said Rarity.

“I don’t. I just marked where I went.” He pointed to notch on the walls, he had carved a small line.

Zecora smiled. “You have marked the end and start. That was smart.”

“Thanks,” said Spike.

They heard a call through the hall. “Sir Spike!”

Spike smiled as around the corner they saw Luna with her Nightguards.

“Oh thank Celestia—” Rarity corrected herself. “I mean Luna.”

“Boy am I glad to see your namby pamby Princess.” Firestorm ribbed Spike with his elbow. “Or should I say your mare-friend.”

Luna galloped towards them. “Sir Spike, we are glad thou art unharmed.”

Spike blew a plume of fire sending Luna back. “Where is Nightshade?”

Luna recoiled. “Sir Spike, we sent Nightshade to rally the troops! Do you not recognize me?!”

Spike was fuming fire now. “The star constellations in your mane are all wrong. Luna’s true stars are different.”

‘Luna’ smiled revealing fangs for teeth. “Thou art most wise. How did thee know to check? How could thee have been so sure?”

“You just told me, you bastard!” He inundated the corridor with his flames.

Spike pulled everyone back with his outstretched wings. They ran back through the corridors.

“That was Amorpheus, wasn’t it?” Rarity shuddered.

Spike nodded. “We can’t escape that way now.”

Firestorm raised a claw. “I’m confused, why did you blast your princess?”

Zecora explained. “A demon was wearing her skin. That was not the Princess within.”

“She got possessed?”

“He’s an undead changeling, long story!” said Spike shutting Firestorm up.

They ran back to the dining hall. Spike paused at the many corridors that led to grand chamber.

“Okay Spike, where we going?” Firestorm asked.

Spike’s head swiveled to the many paths available. “I ughh…”

“Spikey darling, we could always fly out… if you could carry me?”

Spike blinked. The addition of Firestorm added the option flying out. He grabbed Rarity and kissed her in gratitude. “You’re brilliant!”

“Spikey!” Rarity kissed him back her muzzle moaning.

“I hate to interrupt such a sweet moment, but death waits for none.”

Amorpheus stood on the upper galley. He was in his true changeling form. His green mane still burned from Spike’s fire. His flesh had yet to fully heal and seal. The exposed burned portions turned his intimidating look into a truly horrifying visage. He sparked his horn. The nightmare puppet guards teleported into position in plume of dark emerald fire.

“You!” cried Spike drawing his saber and point to the nightmare puppets. “You hurt all these ponies! How can you do this?!”

Amorpheus frowned. “You broke our previous arrangement! You caused this. I argued against my master’s plans. I gave you an alternative.”

“Luna told me that once the nightmares take hold the hosts do not survive. You’re lying! This was your plan all along! You killed all these ponies!”

Amorpheus chuckled. “Death is merely a shifting of states. There are grander schemes abound! I shall see my love restored!”

“Dead is dead!” Spike shouted. “I’ll make you pay!” Spike let his rage burn, spewing out his flames.

Amorpheus formed a shield with his magic. He retreated as his magic wavered. He shouted orders. “Attack!”

The nightmare puppets growled springing at them.

The flurry of battle became a hurricane of hooves, claws, and dragon jaws. There were no words afforded as they fought for their lives. Through the storm he kept an eye Rarity and another on Firestorm. Zecora had disappeared from his sight but he saw in corner of his eye her work as she fought off the horde kicking many back. Spike and Firestorm kept blasting their flames while Rarity fired off spell bolts. The armor pieces Rarity had enchanted soon were destroyed. The three stood pressed back to back as enemies assailed them. Through it he couldn’t count how many times Luna’s saber had helped parry a strike or Rarity’s suit had absorbed a glancing blow.

Spike cut down one just for another to take its place. As wave after wave battered him, Spike’s circle of attention shrank until he was concentrated only on protecting Rarity. All the fire from his throat had long been expended yet he didn’t dare let his focus fail further. His sword arm was occupied parrying a lancer when he saw another charge at Rarity’s side. Spike took Nightshade’s lesson and gave the quick killing bite. Soon he was biting and swinging his sword madly to keep her safe. He couldn’t cut through the despair and fear though as his movements became sluggish due to his exhaustion. He fought through the red haze of his inner monster as his tongue became awash with blood. He was losing the battle, he was losing his strength, and he was losing himself.

“Attack! Guards, crowd control!” A booming voice jarred Spike out of his haze.

“Wonderbolts full assault!” cried another familiar voice.

Spike, Rarity, and Firestorm looked in awe as the enemy was pushed back. Spike saw the blur of Luna, Nightshade, Rainbow and even Twilight past him. They were too busy in battle to even say hi.

Spike saw Zecora alive in the background and smiled. He took heavy breaths. Rarity was heaving as well. He was surprised then that one of them had strength to talk.

“Hey bro… there’s something you should know.”

“What is it, Garble?”

“I’ve been posing all my life… I’m not near to what I say I am. I’m not who people think I am either.”

Spike remembered Firestorm’s performance in battle. “Yeah, Garble you’re not a coward.”

“You were right about me liking males.”

Spike didn’t care or rather he knew. He rolled his eyes. “Dude, why are you telling me this now? You’re not going ask me out are ya?”

Firestorm’s tone was somber and discomforted Spike. “It’s just that my father wanted so much to have grandchildren. His dynasty depended on me. I feared to say…” Firestorm chuckled. “He’d kill me if he knew. Worse he’d hurt anyone I could love. It doesn’t no matter now.”

Spike turned to horror. Firestorm only stood by a lance lodged into his chest in between the pleats of his soft under-scales. Spike lay his friend down gently before Firestorm fell.

“Hey stay with me!”

Firestorm shook his head. “Lance in lungs… no saving…” The male dragon used the last of his strength to push his muzzle to Spike’s cheek. Spike jumped back from the kiss. The dragon prince smiled. “Yeah, you were right about me chasing your tail too…” His last gasp was followed by a spurt of blood on the white of Spike’s suit.

Spike staggered back. His friend was dead.

Who was Garble or Firestorm? Which was the real identity of the dragon? Figuratively and literally overshadowed by his father, his friend couldn’t even be himself save for his dying moments. Spike wept slightly for the tragedy that Garble for his faults might have made a good king if he ever overcame his father’s hold. It didn’t matter now.

“Spike,” Rarity gasped.

“Garble.” said Spike standing up.

“Sir Spike! We are glad to see thee well. We were worried—” Luna gasped too when she noticed Firestorm’s lifeless body.

Twilight trotted to them. “Spike, Rarity! I’m so happy you’re saf—” She stopped when she saw.

“He’s dead.” said Spike in finality without euphemism. His arm trembled in anger soon his body started trembling however saw it was not him when parts of the castle mortar shook off in flakes. The fortress rocked as they heard the digging and crumbling of stone.

The noise grew louder and soon the wall face of dining hall cracked with outlines of sunlight. The wall then was felled and Aldred stood. The titanic dragon poked his head in and tilted to see.

“Garble, my son, awaken.” Aldred prodded at the lifeless corpse of his son with a single claw. He was delicate at first but then shook the corpse. When Garble didn’t stir he pressed his snout to sniff.

Everyone was deathly silent. Spike felt wetness at his feet. His saw the source as another massive tear drop fell from Aldred’s eyes.

The great dragon’s trembling shook the masonry. “First a pony killed my brother… now I lose my only begotten son…”

Luna stepped forward. “Lord Aldred, we did not murder thy blood.”

“He was slain in your company! This Peace Summit was under your promise of protection!” Aldred’s shout sent gust of hellish hot air through them. The air was already dry with the all-consuming fire in throat. “It is the same!”

The already giant dragon was disturbingly growing larger as its muscles bulged.

“He’s succumbing to dragon rage…” said Spike recognizing the signs.

Luna shouted back in her Royal Canterlot voice. “A mindless massacre will not bring thy son from the dead!”

“It will bring justice.”

Luna added. “The culprits have fled. We do not know the true puppet master.”

Aldred gave a mad smile, his giant jagged teeth flashed in the sunlight. His voice was followed by the reverb of another. “It matters not. None shall flee. For my brother, I burned a village… for my son I shall burn the world!” His words were followed by a scream of fire.

All were astonished that they were untouched as the wave of flames washed over them. In the center Twilight strained as her Alicorn horn crackled with magic. Her purple shield had saved them all. The castle stonework still glowed with the melting heat of Aldred’s fire.

“Twilight, we thank thee for sharing thy brother’s talent in shield spells. We suspect not even our shield would have held against Aldred’s flame.”

Twilight panted as her shield popped. “What are we going to do now?”

The question skipped everyone until they turned towards Luna.

Luna lacked words as well.

“Holy Helhiem,” said Reagle entering the room.

They stared outwards at the window created by Aldred. Spike saw a vision so close to his nightmares he couldn’t tell whether he was dreaming or not.

Author's Note:

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