• Published 27th Jun 2014
  • 999 Views, 38 Comments

Bootlegging - L_Wolf

Progress is good for most ponies, but some new inventions can be a double edge blade.

  • ...

Chapter One: How it Started

Chapter One
How it Started

“Congratulations, Apple Bloom, you passed!” A young stallion with a dusty blue coat, darker blue mane and tail and bright green eyes told her. He had been her driving teacher, cars being rather new still coming from Fillydelphia two years prior.

“Thank ya, Blue Note.” She smiled at the stallion. “Still ain’t got a cutie mark, though.” She sighed softly taking the license and putting it in her saddle bag.

“I'm sure you will earn it soon, Apple Bloom,” Blue Note told her, “Maybe it'll be a steering wheel and you can teach driving.” He chuckled, before fillies and colts started driving Blue Note had just been a music teacher. He had been the first in Ponyville to have a car of his own so volunteered to teach them how to drive.

Apple Bloom chuckled as well, “Maybe, but I should head home. Cider season starts soon and I need to help out, crowds seems to get bigger every year.” She smiled at him.

“Alright Apple Bloom, stay safe on the way home.” Blue Note told her.

She smiled at him waving before trotting her way back to the farm, she saw the normal line of ponies waiting but as she neared the front front gate of the farm she saw a gathering of ponies and could hear shouting.

“Whaddya mean we can't sell cider?!” Applejack's voice could be heard clearly over the crowd. “We been sellin' cider every year since Ponyville was founded!”

“I'm sorry Applejack, but it's the new law, alcoholic cider is banned, ponies drink it and then drive which causes accidents. To keep them safe the princesses outlawed alcoholic cider.” Mayor Mare replied, doing her best to keep the crowd of angry ponies around her from getting out of control.

Apple Bloom got to the front gate of Sweet Apple Acres and could clearly see what was happening now. Applejack was standing in front of the gate with Big Mac blocking it from the mayor, and what seemed to be ten police ponies. Twilight seemed to be in the middle trying to keep the peace.

“Did ya know ‘bout this, Twilight?” Applejack asked looking at her friend looking both angry a little hurt.

The group around them was split, some standing on Applejack's side, some standing on the mayor side glaring at each other. “This... is bad.” Apple Bloom muttered under her breath as she trotted over to Applejack.

“Well... yes, Applejack I did,” Twilight started looking away for a moment, “I tried to tell you but, you didn't really take it seriously; you said it couldn't happen and that this wouldn't affect you.”

“Dangit Twi, I thought you was just suggesting I not sell this year! You know cider season is a big part of the Apple family income. You could of tried harder to tell me it was outlawed. We already have twenty barrels made, what are we suppose to do with them if we can't sell them?” Applejack huffed shaking her head.

The Mayor's ears perked hearing they had twenty barrels of cider and nodded to the police ponies. The police ponies pushed their way past the group to the barrels checking them. “Like she said Mayor, pure apple cider.” one of the police ponies called causing everyone to turn and look at them.

“You know what to do,” the Mayor nodded at the police ponies.

The police ponies nodded turning the barrels over onto the sides exposing the bottoms before bucking them causing the cider to spill out onto the ground. That was the final straw for the gathered crowd who wanted cider.

The group tried to rush the police ponies before one of them, the one who spoke up earlier to take out another invention to come recently, a shotgun. He fired it into the ground in front of the ponies trying to rush forward. “Stay back!” He warned pumping the shotgun so it was ready. “I suggest you all go home, you're not getting cider.”

Apple Bloom watched quietly as the group of ponies started to leave grumbling, she folded her ears back looking at the police ponies before looking at Applejack who's ears where hanging low in defeat but her eyes shined with anger.

Once the crowd had left Mayor Mare and the police ponies also left. “Applejack, I really am sorry for what happen. I'm sure I can get the bits recoup the losses for those twenty barrels.” Twilight offered with a gentle smile.

“I do'n want yer bits Twi!” Applejack snapped at her, “Just get, I do'n wanna see ya right now...” Applejack hissed before turning and walking her way back to the farm house. Big Mac hesitated for a moment before following after his sister.

Twilight looked stunned before shaking her head, she looked at Apple Bloom, “I'm sorry Apple Bloom, I didn't mean for it to happen like this.” She offered softly.

“I know ya didn't Twi... but it did.” Apple Bloom said looking at the farmhouse avoiding Twilight's gaze. “Ya hurt Applejack pretty bad.” she added before sighing, “I know ya didn't mean to, but mending this fence ain't gonna be easy.”

Twilight sighed softly, “I know Apple Bloom, I'll try to make it up to her.” she nodded before turning to leave Apple Bloom alone.

Apple Bloom shook her head faintly looking at the ground where the police pony had shot the ground then at the broken barrels of cider starting to form a plan in her mind. “Ponies want cider... but it's illegal...” She muttered to herself as she tapped her chin softly.

“What are you muttering about?” came a familiar voice, and Apple Boom turned seeing Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looking at her, it had been Scootaloo who spoken to her.

Both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had gotten cutie marks already, Sweetie Belle's in performance magic and singing, Scootaloo's in acrobatics. Apple Bloom smiled at them both, “Oh, just thinking about a way to get a cutie mark is all.” She nodded at them, “But I don't think you two should get involved.”

The two looked at each other then at Apple Bloom, “Apple Bloom we're your friends, we want to help.” Sweetie Belle offered with Scootaloo nodding in agreement.

Apple Bloom sighed shaking her head, “I know you girls do, but please don't get involved in this... y'all are gonna get involved anyways aren't ya?”

The two smiled at her nodding, “You know us Apple Bloom, never one to sit out an adventure.” Scootaloo grinned at her.

Apple Bloom sighed again as she started to walk to the farm house with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle following her, “Fine, I'll tell you... Cider has been outlawed, but ponies still want it... so I'm going to give it to them. I'll have Applejack and Big Mac make it in secret, and at night I'll sell it to the ponies that want it.”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo paused looking at each other then at Apple Bloom, “That... that sounds really dangerous Apple Bloom,” Sweetie Belle gulped, “More than what we use to do for cutie marks.”

Apple Bloom stopped and looked at the two, “If you want to back out now, that's fine, just promise not to tell anyone.” She said giving the two a firm look. “And I mean tell no one...” She added narrowing her eyes.

Both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle took a step back from the look before nodding, “We said we would help, and we will just tell us what to do.” Sweetie Belle offered with a weak smile unsure of her friends new attitude.

Apple Bloom smiled, “Thanks girl, for now just head home, I'll get everything ready. Come back in Friday before the sun goes down and everything should be ready.”