• Published 27th Jun 2014
  • 999 Views, 38 Comments

Bootlegging - L_Wolf

Progress is good for most ponies, but some new inventions can be a double edge blade.

  • ...

Chapter Three: First Night Run

Chapter Three
First Night Run

The sun was going setting and her friends had arrived to help. Apple Bloom's mind was still on what happen with Water Lily even though she tried to put it out of thoughts. She had never seen a dead pony before other than Granny Smith who passed away from old age a year earlier.

“Alright, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle this is what we're going to do.” Apple Bloom started as she moved around a table in the barn. “Big Mac and Applejack have been making this cider, Sweetie Belle I want you to put the new labels on it. Me and Scootaloo will put them into saddlebags, and once the saddle bags are full me and Scootaloo will deliver the cider to the customers.”

Sweetie Belle looked at the label, which read 'Apple Shine' before looking at Apple Bloom, “Why do I have stay behind and put the labels on, I want to deliver them as well.” Sweetie Belle sulked.

“Because me and Scootaloo are faster, if something goes wrong we'll have a better chance of getting away.” Apple Bloom said giving Sweetie Belle a weak smile.

An image of Water Lily flashed in Apple Bloom's mind, only to have Water Lily replaced with Sweetie Belle and then Scootaloo, she winced before adding. “I would hate for something to happen to one of my friends.”

“Alright Apple Bloom, you just be careful as well.” Sweetie Belle agreed, “I heard they found a pony in an alley with her throat cut.” Sweetie Belle shivered. “What kind of pony would do that?”

Apple Bloom bit her bottom lip nodding, “Yea... what kind of pony...” She muttered to herself, “Anyways, time is wastin let's get to work.” She said trying to change the subject.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom then at each other confused by Apple Bloom's reaction to the news before they started to help label and put the bottles into the saddlebags.

Once the saddlebags were full Apple Bloom put one on while Scootaloo put the other one on. “Alright, Scootaloo this is what you need to do.” She said taking out the notepad and gave a slip of paper to Scootaloo. “Go to the addresses on this list and check the mailbox, if there is five bits in it take the bits and leave one bottle. Also keep your eyes open for any police ponies and don't let them see you.”

“Got it Apple Bloom, I'll be back in a flash.” Scootaloo smiled before heading out of the barn and hopped onto her scooter heading towards Ponyville.

“Sweetie Belle, keep labeling the bottles that way we can restock and head back out and hopefully be done before midnight.” Apple Bloom smiled at Sweetie Belle.

“Alright Apple Bloom,” Sweetie Belle agreed, though less enthusiastic than Scootaloo at her role in this.

“Sorry Sweetie Belle, maybe next time we'll have something more exciting for you.” Apple Bloom smiled before heading out of the barn and took a shortcut to town through the apple orchard.

Once she reached the fence looked out over Ponyville. She took a deep breath before slipping through the fence and into town checking her list she headed to the first house checking for the bits, she grinned taking them and put the bottle. “This might work after all,” she smirked as she headed to the next house on the list.

During the night she and Scootaloo moved from house to house on their lists swapping bits for bottles of cider before heading back to the barn to restock the saddlebags and deposit the bits into a lock box.

Once they had finished the delivers Apple Bloom relaxed, “That went smoothly but I don't think doing these kinds of delivers is the best way of doing this. It might be easier if we can get them to us... not here on the farm though.”

“There is an old restaurant in town, that might work.” Scootaloo suggested, “It's got a large storage room perfect storing the cider and access to the back alley so customers can order in out of sight of the police ponies.”

Apple Bloom smiled nodding at Scootaloo, “That's good thinking, I can got my license so I can get a car to carry the cider from the farm to the restaurant.”

“I can run the restaurant itself, to keep up appearances.” Sweetie Belle offered, but the other two gave her a blank look. “If we're seen around an empty restaurant all the time ponies will get suspicious of us. However, if the restaurant has customers in it they won't think anything of it.”

“Good thinking Sweetie Belle.” Scootaloo smiled at her while Apple Bloom nodded her head in agreement. “We might even earn some extra bits that way.”

Apple Bloom smiled, they had a good plan of action, now they just had to get it going. She looked over at the lock box, it wasn't going to be cheap though. “Gotta spend bits to make bits.” She muttered to herself getting the attention of her friends.

“What was that?” Sweetie Belle asked tilting her head.

“We might have to make a few more night time delivers. Buying a car, and a restaurant isn't going to be cheap... and I don't want to ask Applejack or Big Mac for the bits.” Apple Bloom explained to her friends.

“What about Rarity? I maybe able to get some bits from her.” Sweetie Belle suggested but Apple Bloom shook her head no.

“I don't want to borrow bits from anyone. Don't worry, I'll had it... you two go on home and get some sleep.” Apple Bloom smiled at them.

“Alright Apple Bloom, good night.” Scootaloo said as she and Sweetie Belle left Apple Bloom alone to think.

Apple Bloom glanced at the bottles of cider left that wasn't needed for delivery, “Well Apple Bloom, how are you going to handle this?” She asked herself taking one of the bottles, “Raise the price of cider... or make more...”

She opened the bottle and poured half into a different bottle before filling both the rest of the way with water. “Granny Smith would be disappointed in you... but times are desperate.” She told herself as she started to do the same with the rest of the bottles.