• Published 27th Jun 2014
  • 995 Views, 38 Comments

Bootlegging - L_Wolf

Progress is good for most ponies, but some new inventions can be a double edge blade.

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Chapter Five: To Hollow Shades

Chapter Five
To Hollow Shades

After leaving the farm Apple Bloom started towards the farm before checking the fuel level. Deciding she didn't want to stop unless she had to on the way to Manehatten she pulled into a refueling station on the way to the farm and filled up the tank.

Once she had the tank full she got back to Sweet Apple Acres and loaded the trunk with the cider. However, it was still early so she went into the farmhouse to get something to eat before leaving.

“Apple Bloom, are you sure you want to do this?” Applejack asked while preparing an early dinner for Apple Bloom. “Sellin cider locally is one thing... but drive to Manehatten, just seems to risky.”

“Ya Applejack, I'm sure, don't worry everythin will be fine.” Apple Bloom smiled at Applejack watching her cook.

Applejack didn't seem to sure but nodded sighing, “Alright little sis, just be careful this stuff ain’t worth riskin yer life over.”

“I know, I know.” Apple Bloom shook her head but smiled, “Ya told me that before. I'll be careful.”

Applejack looked at Apple Bloom for a moment then smiled giving her a plate she had prepared, fried potatoes with brown beans and a couple of pieces of green onion. “I know you'll be careful Apple Bloom... it's everypony else I ain't too sure bout.”

“Then I'll just have to be careful for myself and them.” Apple Bloom smiled at Applejack before she started to eat.

After Apple Bloom had finished eating she helped clean the kitchen and got herself ready for the night. She grabbed an old duster looking it over she pulled it on, before heading outside. “I'll see ya in the morning Applejack.”

“Drive careful Apple Bloom,” Applejack sighed hugging Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom hugged her sister back smiling, “Thanks sis, I'll be careful, just have to keep my eye out for the cops.”

Applejack nodded at Apple Bloom as she got into the car starting the engine. “Just don't give them a reason to pull you over and you should be fine.”

Apple Bloom pulled away from the barn and down the driveway towards the main road. She took a deep breath before taking the direction that lead towards Hollow Shades, if she could get their before midnight she could make Manehatten before morning for her delivery.

The roads at this time of day where pretty empty so she started to drive faster humming to herself. She reached down turning on the radio to see what it would pick up but she was out of range of Ponyville's local station by now.

She reached down to change the station when the flashing of a police car's lights caught her attention, “Pony feathers,” she cursed glancing in the rear view mirror. She started to slow before remember the cider in the trunk.

She caught sight of a turn onto a rural back road and grinned, “Let's play a little cat and mouse.” she muttered as she hit the brake and turned towards the rural back road before flooring the gas to making adjustments to keep the car stable she speeds down the road glancing in the rear view seeing the cop car fly by the turn she chuckled before seeing the headlights back around and give chase.

“Guess he does want to play.” She said keeping her hoof planted firmly on the gas she speeds down the rural back road doing her best to keep the car steady on the uneven street, she could see the wobbling head lights of the police car they were having trouble as well.

“By order of the Equestrian Highway Patrol, I order you to pull over.” She heard the one of the police ponies demand over a loudspeaker.

“Not likely,” She muttered keeping her eyes focused ahead seeing a sign for another turn off coming up she did slow, to take the turn instead of hitting the break she pulled the emergency brake turning the wheel sharp causing the car to slide.

She released the emergency break and feathered the gas pulling away noticing another sharp turn up ahead she turned again barely making the turn hearing the side of the car scraped up against the railing.

She looked in the rear view mirror just in time to see police car crashed into the rail and go flying over the hill wincing. “Can't stop... can't stop...” She repeated as she pulled away from the accident taking a deep breath, “They'll be okay.”

She stuck to the back roads using the straight away to make up for lost time and practiced sliding around the corners so she won't lose too much time. She made it to Hollow Shades before midnight.

The police car accident still bothered her however she kept reassuring her they would be fine and she had a job to do. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind as she found a fuel station in Hollow Shades that was still opened.

Apple Bloom stopped at the station and refilled the tank while checking her map to see if she can find a good route to Manehatten that would use the back roads more so she can keep up her speed and not worry too much about being pulled over by the Equestrian Highway Patrol.