• Published 27th Jun 2014
  • 995 Views, 38 Comments

Bootlegging - L_Wolf

Progress is good for most ponies, but some new inventions can be a double edge blade.

  • ...

Chapter Fourteen: Risky

Chapter 14

Apple Bloom woke up to the sound of something scraping against the floor of the room she was staying in. At first she thought she was imaging in it, but slowly the fog of sleep started to clear and she remembered the stallion from the club was in the room as well.

Apple Bloom opened her eyes slowly rolling over. The sky was starting to darken offering little light through the windows. Never the less she was still able to make out the form of the stallion struggling to drag himself across the floor towards the door.

She thought about just closing her eyes and going back to sleep, not like there was much he could in his current condition anyways. However, she couldn't just leave him like that either. Even if she was partly to blame for him being like that.

She moved as quietly as she could to her hooves getting out of the bed before clearing her throat. “Gonna to hurt yerself worse if ya keep that up.” She spoke once she was up.

The stallion froze before turning to look at her. “W... what... do you care... you did this to me...” He stammered looking up at her, Apple Bloom did her best not to flinch at his words. “Gonna finish me off now...?”

Apple Bloom shook her head slowly looking at him, “No, I'm not...” She sighed softly looking out the window, there was storm clouds hanging low over the city. “You're just going on a trip in a little while.” She lied moving towards the small kitchen area to get something to drink.

“A trip... to where?” He asked watching her.

Apple Bloom found a glass and filled it with water, she folded her ears back at the question taking a drink of the water. “To the zebra country.” She answered sighing again before turning to face him. “They'll take care of you, help you get better and start a new life.”

“I don't want a new life, I like my life here.” He snorted glaring up at her, she was relieved he bought the lie even if it made her feel a little sick having to lie to him. “What's to stop me from just yelling for help?”

Apple Bloom flicked her ears putting her glass down and taking out her shotgun. “I'll shove this in your mouth and pull the trigger.” She nods slightly. “Before anyone realizes what happen I'll be long gone and you're head will be a mist on the wall.”

The stallion shrinks back looking at the shotgun. “Fine...” He muttered in defeat shaking his head. “Who would’ve thought you ponies were so up tight.”

Apple Bloom snorted looking at him, “Ya should have kept yer hooves to yerself.” She snapped him putting her shotgun away, “I could have been on my way home instead of foal sitting ya. Was just suppose to deliver some cider and be on my way.”

He looks at her quietly, “So what... your some kind of liquor smuggler?”

“I guess so,” She nods at him lightly.

“Slippery road filly, you're already heading down a dark path. Eventually you'll cross a line you can't come back from.” He warned looking at her quietly.

Apple Bloom took another drink of her water looking out the window quietly. “How do you know? Y'all just some creep who touches mares who don't wanna be touched.” She snorted, though in the back of her mind she wondered, Have I already crossed that line? I've already killed ponies and I'm about to kill another.

“I've been around and seen things filly.” He said quietly watching her before looking away resting against the wall “Might be best if you walk away now.”

Apple Bloom was about to say something when she saw movement outside, she squinted to get a better look before cursing under her breath turning to him, “Who are ya?” She asked drawing her shotgun folding her ears back.

“I think you've figured it out, I'm Risky Throw, an undercover police pony.” He stated watching her as he shifted slightly. “I was asked to investigate the club but... that ended poorly as you can see.”

She folded her ears back looking out the window again before looking at him, “Horse feathers, bucking horse feathers!” She cursed again as she bucked the cabinets before trotting over to him and roughly pulled him onto her back causing him to cry out in pain.

“Easy filly!” Risky hissed in pain, “Put me down you're just going to make it worse if you try to run.”

“It's already too late for that!” She growled pushing the door open, “Now shut it.” She demanded, she took the shotgun in her muzzle and peeked out the room, it looked clear so she headed down it towards the stairs creeping down them slowly keeping her eyes open.

Risky squirmed on her back as she moved towards the back entrance of the building hoping it emptied out into the apply her car was parked in. “Just give up, things will be easier for you,” he tried to convince her as she moved.

She growled softly moving the shotgun to her hooves, “If y'all don't be quiet I'm going to knock ya out.” She hissed before putting the shotgun in her muzzle again.

She moved the back door leading the alley and pushed him off her back carefully so not to hurt his fore and hind legs. She reared up and peeked through the window. She spotted a police pony standing at the door.

“Damn it...” She whispered softly looking at Risky who had gone silent, she went over to him and pulled him onto her back again but a little different using his body to shield as much of her own as possible.

“What are you planning?” Risky asked her quietly unsure if he lined where this was going.

“I'm getting out of here, and unless you want to me, yerself, or anypony else to die, just be still and keep quiet.” She stated glancing over him narrowing her eyes before taking the shotgun in her muzzle again looking at the door taking a deep breath.