• Published 27th Jun 2014
  • 991 Views, 38 Comments

Bootlegging - L_Wolf

Progress is good for most ponies, but some new inventions can be a double edge blade.

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Chapter Six: Road to Manehatten

Chapter Six
Road to Manehatten

Before leaving Hollow Shades she got herself some coffee and a snack to help wake her up for the stretch to Manehatten. Apple Bloom had wished she had taken a nap before leaving but it was too late for that now.

Apple Bloom used the main highway until she found the rural turn off she could follow most of the way to Manehatten and speed up. She knew she didn't have a set time to arrive, but she didn't want to risk unloading the cider during the day. The chance of getting caught was too great in Manehatten, even at night there was still a risk.

As she drove she saw headlights coming from the opposite directions and started to slow down swearing to herself, “Pony feathers... I had hoped these roads would be deserted.” She muttered trying to slow to the speed limit before the car was close enough to register her speed in case it was a cop.

When the car passed she relaxed not seeing any signs of it being a police car so she started to speed up as she let out a sigh of relief. “I need to calm down, I'm getting jumpy.” Apple Bloom sighed to herself slowing to take a corner only to see a police check point up a head.

“Oh horse apples...” Apple Bloom gasped coming to a stop two-hundred yards from the checkpoint, she knew the police ponies saw her as one started to approach the her. She closed her eyes trying to think of what to do.

“Celestia forgive me for what I am about to do.” Apple Bloom prayed before flooring it, the back wheels spinning out before catching and launching the car forward, the poor police pony didn't even see it coming as the front passenger side fender slammed into him sending him into the ditch.

Apple Bloom didn't pay any mind to that as she kept going weaving between the parked police cars and over the other police pony who tried to dive for cover. Apple Bloom flinched hearing the sick squish the pony made under the wheels of the car.

“I'm so sorry,” Apple Bloom whispered as she kept going forcing herself to keep from looking back. She hoped they were okay but couldn't stop, if they found the cider she would get in trouble, and they would link it to her sister and brother then they would be in trouble as well.

“It's for the best...” Apple Bloom kept reassuring herself as she drove along keeping her eyes open for signs of the police ponies following or other cars on the road. Images of police cars lining the road stopping her, then arresting her, her family and her friends flooding her mind.

Apple Bloom shook her head, “No, I won't let that happen... if anything I will be the only one to get in trouble for this.” she assured herself. “Nothing link back to my friends or family... I'll make sure of it.”

The image of the police pony trotting towards the car only to be run down came into her mind and she growled. “No, don't think about it... it had to be d... ah!” She slammed on the brakes turning the wheels sliding to a stop almost hitting a rock slide covering the road panting hard.

Apple Bloom turned off the engine and got out. She then went to check on the rock slide and trying to calm herself. “Oh Apple Bloom... what did you do...” She face hoofed, “Those police ponies where probably just trying to warn you about this.” She scolded herself feeling tears sting her eyes.

“Stop it... it's too late for that now...” Apple Boom muttered to herself, “You have work... you'll deal with these actions when it's finished.” She took a deep breath and started to check the rockslide.

Apple Bloom moved around and could see just enough room to squeeze by and continue on and started back to the car. Pausing she noticed a headlight out and could see blood on the fender where she hit the pony.

Knowing she couldn't go into Manehatten like that, Apple Bloom considered her options before her ears perked hearing the sound of rushing water. 'A natural spring maybe?' she thought to herself going to check, and she was right it was near the source of the slide, it must of weakened the rock causing it.

Apple Bloom went back to the car and go an old rag and her coffee cup, now empty. She filled the cup with water from the spring and poured it on the fender rubbing it with the rag. It didn't do much more then smudge the blood around but that gave her an idea.

Apple Bloom filled the cup with dirt and tossed it on the front of the car and rubbed it over the hood and fenders covering it with a fine layer to cover the blood up instead. With it being dark it was hard to tell if she got it all covered, but she hoped she did.

Once finished Apple Bloom started the car up and carefully made her way around the rock slide and started back on the road to Manehatten. She spotted a few houses as she went before spotting another check point.

Apple Bloom frowned but slowed as she got closer coming to stop. “Good morning... Officers...” She greeted as pleasantly as she could.

“Good morning miss, may I ask what your business on the road is?” A young mare asked looking at Apple Bloom, another was looking over the car making Apple Bloom uneasy.

“I live on this road, I was on my way to work.” Apple Bloom offered remembering the houses she passed.

“I see...” The mare said, which didn't feel Apple Bloom with hope and she was getting ready to floor it. “Drive careful,” The mare suddenly said, “Watch out for additional slides. A road crew should be out soon to put up some fencing and clear this road soon. Also get that headlight replaced.”

Apple Bloom smiled nodding at the officer, “Thank you, officer. I will fix the headlight soon as I can.” She said and started to drive through the road block letting out a sigh of relief, hurrying along her way before they decided to search her car.

Soon Apple Bloom was in Manehatten, and made her delivery. She was exhausted though, so she rented a room at a motel just outside of the city, and went to bed to get some rest. She would drive back to Sweet Apple Acres later in the afternoon, after washing the car.