• Published 27th Jun 2014
  • 995 Views, 38 Comments

Bootlegging - L_Wolf

Progress is good for most ponies, but some new inventions can be a double edge blade.

  • ...

Chapter Sixteen: Until The End

Chapter Sixteen
Until The End

The trip back to Ponyville for Apple Bloom was uneventful, and she had dozed off in her seat as. The low rumble of the engine and the soft hum of the wheels lulling her to sleep. The whole ordeal in Manehatten with Risky and escaping the police had left her drained.

She didn't sleep well however, her dreams were plagued with images of Risky pounding on the trunk lid as the car sank beneath the water in the bay begging her to be let out, and the police pony who she had to shoot.

She jerked in her seat sitting up panting softly looking around rubbing her eyes with a hoof before letting out a soft sigh. The bus was mostly empty, and the sky was starting to get dark, looking out the window she recognized she was very close to Ponyville now.

'How can I face Applejack with what I've done... she was worried about this happenin'...' Apple Bloom sighed softly again thinking to herself. 'I can't tell her the truth about what happen in Manehatten or what happen to my car.'

When the bus pulled into the bus depot she got to her hooves and made her way off. She decided to go to the restaurant to check up on things, she really didn't feel like going to the farm. The place seemed pretty lively, she smiled as she went inside.

“Apple Bloom you're back!” Sweetie called to her as she entered, “How was your trip?”

“It was... tirin', but fine.” Apple Bloom forced a smile as she lied. “Everythin' been goin' alright?”

“Yep, everything is going great.” Sweetie Belle smiled at her leading her to a staff room in the back while another pony took over Sweetie Belle's spot as greeter. “Though Scootaloo been hoping for more excitement.”

Apple Bloom shakes her head, “Sounds like Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom sighed. “Excitement isn't all it's cracked up to be.” She mutters softly under her breath.

“What was that?” Sweetie asked looking at Apple Bloom wiggling her ears a little at the muttering. “Apple Bloom... has something happen? You look... I don't know, sad... and troubled.”

Apple Bloom rubs her face with a hoof sighing, she gets up and looks around closing and locking the door to the staff room before taking out a bottle of cider she knew was hidden in the room.

“Apple Bloom...?” Sweetie asked looking concerned as Apple Bloom opened the bottle and took a drink from it sitting back down at the table.

“Somethin' has happened Sweetie... a lot has happened.” Apple Bloom started looking at the bottle. “I've killed ponies... too many ponies, from Water Lily to police ponies...” She took another drink from the cider bottle.

“You... you killed Water Lily...?” Sweetie Belle asked her eyes going wide looking at Apple Bloom, “Why? She was a sweet pony.” Her voice wasn't accusatory, she was more shocked and worried.

“She was going to tell the police.” Apple Bloom whimpered softly her eyes filling with tears. “I didn't want to kill her, I didn't want to kill any pony.” She wiped at her eyes, “Why did they have to pass this stupid law banning cider and cause all of this?” Apple Bloom asked looking at Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle was at a loss, she put a hoof on Apple Bloom's back rubbing it softly, “I don't know Apple Bloom.” Her horn glowed as she floated the cider bottle away from her pouring it out in the sink. “Come on, you need to go home and get some sleep. Where did you park?”

Apple Bloom sniffed rubbing her eyes, “My car is at the bottom of Manehatten bay...” Apple Bloom said softly. “W... with the body of an undercover cop in it...”

Sweetie Belle went a little pale but nods softly. “Well... it's a nice night we can walk.”

Apple Bloom sniffs softly nodding, Sweetie Belle unlocks the door and walks with Apple Bloom out of the staff room. “Cover for me please Peachy okay?” She told the pony at the greeting station.

“Yes ma'am,” Peachy nods at Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom as they left the restaurant.

Apple Bloom took a deep breath after they left the restaurant breathing in the night air, it helped her calm down. “Am I turnin' into a bad pony Sweetie Belle?”

Sweetie Belle was quiet for a few moments before looking over at Apple Bloom, “I... I don't know, I don't think so... but you have done some bad things.” Sweetie Belle said honestly. “I would like to believe, you did what you did for a good reason.”

Apple Bloom folds her ears back at Sweetie Belle's answer but nods slowly, “I... I would like to think... I did as well...” She sighed softly looking at the ground while they walked. “I keep tellin myself I did.”

“Maybe... we should just get out of this whole thing before it's too late...” Sweetie Belle suggested, “Scootaloo may be disappointed but the restaurant it doing well by itself... even without the cider sells.”

Apple Bloom nods softly smiling at Sweetie Belle, “That is nice to hear... and I would like that.” She agreed before sighing shaking her head. “I'm in to deep... I can't quit... I doubt Mariponi would let me... I know Rising Star won't. You and Scootaloo should before you get hurt though.”

Sweetie Belle looks at Apple Bloom quietly. “We can't let you do this alone... Crusader's forever, remember?” Sweetie Belle smiled at her, “We started this together, we'll end it together.”

Apple Bloom blinks looking at Sweetie Belle, “Sweetie...” She sighed before leaning against her, “That's sweet, but foolish, you shouldn't put yourself in danger like that for me. You have a chance at a nice, safe, life runnin' a successful business. Don't throw that away alright?”

Sweetie Belle smiles at her leaning back, “Sorry Apple Bloom, but you know Scootaloo won't quit if you can't and what kind of friend would I be if I do?” She shakes her head. “You're stuck with us.”

Apple Bloom sighs but shakes her head smiling at her. “Alright, alright, I know when I'm beat.” She looks up as they reached the gate to the farm, she opens the gate looking at Sweetie Belle. “Thanks for walking me home.”

“You're welcome Apple Bloom, get some rest alright?” Sweetie Belle smiles back at her before starting to walk back toward the town. Apple Bloom smiles closing the gate to the farm and walking towards the farmhouse. She felt relieved getting everything out in the open.