• Published 27th Jun 2014
  • 999 Views, 38 Comments

Bootlegging - L_Wolf

Progress is good for most ponies, but some new inventions can be a double edge blade.

  • ...

Chapter Nine: Old & New Business

Chapter 9
Old & New Business

After waking up Apple Bloom took a shower relaxing under the hot stream of water. She was still trying to think of a way to talk Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo out of the cider business. The problem was regardless of how she thought about it resulted in the two either not listening to her or they hated her.

She sighed softly turning off the water shaking herself off before stepping out to dry herself, “Can I really let this ruin my friendships...?” Apple Bloom asked herself muttering under her breath hanging the towel on the towel bar before heading into the motel room pulling on her holster then her duster

Apple Bloom left the motel room and got into her car starting the engine driving around the office turning in the key as checked out. Once that was done she drove to a fuel station to top off the tank before returning to Ponyville.

The drive back to Ponyville was pretty uneventful and Apple Bloom pulled into Sweet Apple Acres shortly before noon parking behind the barn heading into the farm house. “Applejack, I'm home.” She called.

“Welcome home sugar cube, yer friends are here to see ya.” Applejack called from the kitchen. “Got worried when ya didn't get home yesterday.”

“Right... sorry bout that sis, I had some business come up while in Manehatten.” Apple Bloom said heading to the kitchen spotting Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, she had hoped to talk to them later.

“Business... with who?” Scootaloo asked looking at Apple Bloom, she and Sweetie Belle was sitting at the table while Applejack was making lunch.

“A couple of... associates I meet while in Manehatten. They offered me more business delivering our product to their.” Apple Bloom answered looking at the two. “So... if you could keep running the business here in Ponyville I could handle stuff in Manehatten.”

Apple Bloom knew she couldn't talk them out of working for her, but she hoped she could at least keep them in Ponyville. She looked at the two quietly hoping the would agree, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each for a moment.

“Alright, we can do that Apple Bloom, but who will bring the cider to the restaurant?” Sweetie Belle asked tilting her head.

“You're better with the customers Sweetie Belle, so I think Scootaloo should do that when the restaurant needs cider unless I'm here in Ponyville.” Apple Bloom nodded at the two smiling, as much as she hated either of them delivering cider, Scootaloo had done it before and she was faster.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle both nodded in agreement, “Alright I can do that Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo agreed. “Will you be gone long on these delivery runs?”

Apple Bloom shook her head faintly. “I should be gone too long, a day, two at the most for the most part.” She answered, she hoped it wouldn't take that long at least.

“What do ya know about these... associates yer working with?” Applejack asked setting lunch on the table for Apple Bloom and her friends. “They good ponies?”

Apple Bloom considered her answer carefully as she took a bite of the sandwich Applejack gave her, using the chewing to give her time. “Near as I can tell yes, one of them owns a successful and profitable diner.” Apple Bloom replied, but left out that she really wasn't that sure about Mariponie or Rossi.

Applejack peered at Apple Bloom quietly for a few moments, “Well... alright if ya say so sugar cube... just be careful with them city ponies.” Applejack finally said in response, but Apple Bloom got the feeling Applejack didn't believe her.

Apple Bloom nodded at Applejack softly, “I will sis, don't worry I'll be careful,” Apple Bloom reassured Applejack as best she could. “So how have things been going on the farm?”

“Pretty quiet, I must admit... the income from the cider is good. We're storing as much as we can for the business. But we do need to sell some of the apples as well or the police ponies will get suspicious.” Applejack answered.

Apple Bloom nods at Applejack softly. “I understand, speaking of...” Apple Bloom takes the remaining bits from her duster, as she moves the duster opens showing the holster with the shotgun.

“Apple Bloom is that a gun?!” Sweetie Belle squeaked when she saw it.

“Wow! Apple Bloom, can we get guns!?” Scootaloo asked looking excited.

Applejack was unsure of what to say at first before finally asking, “Apple Bloom is their somethin I need to know?”

Apple Bloom sighed before shaking her head, “Scootaloo, you and Sweetie Belle don't need guns.” She looks at them, Scootaloo sighed and Sweetie Belle looked relieved. She turned to Applejack shaking her head again. “No Applejack, everything is fine. It's just for protection.”

Applejack looked unsure and a little worried but nods softly. “Apple Bloom, I don't want to hear on the radio from a police pony that somethin happen to you. Promise me, if somethin seems wrong ya will quit okay?”

Apple Bloom nods at Applejack, “I promise, if I feel like it's getting out of hoof I'll quit.” She reassured Applejack smiling before passing her the bits. “This is what is left from the Manehatten delivery.”

Applejack took the bits and was more than a little impressed. “All of this? Even after getting the gun and fuel?”

Apple Bloom smiled at Applejack, “Yea, all of that, even after the fuel, food, motel room for two nights, and the gun.” She confirmed for Applejack, she decided not to mention the second gun.

“So... when is yer next delivery date?” Applejack asked looking at the bits before looking at Apple Bloom.

“I need to be there tomorrow, just before sunrise.” Apple Bloom answered sipping her drink. “If I accept the offer. If I leave tonight right before the sun goes down I shouldn't have any trouble making it in time.”

Applejack nodded in agreement, “Then I suppose after dinner we'll load the car so you can make your delivery.”

Apple Bloom nods at Applejack, “Yea, I want a reputation of being on time.” She stated as she got up stretching. "I'm going to take a quick nap.”

“Alright, I'll wake you up in a couple of hours.” Applejack said watching Apple Bloom head to her room.

Apple Bloom walked from the kitchen heading up stairs to her room sighing softly. She stretched out on her bed enjoying it. “At least... Sweetie and Scootaloo won't leave Ponyville for this...” She said as she drifted off to sleep.