• Published 27th Jun 2014
  • 995 Views, 38 Comments

Bootlegging - L_Wolf

Progress is good for most ponies, but some new inventions can be a double edge blade.

  • ...

Chapter Seventeen: Home Sweet Home

Chapter Seventeen
Home Sweet Home

The talk with Sweetie Belle had made Apple Bloom feel better, but she was still worried about what would happen next. There was a lot of heat in Manehatten with the shoot out between her and the cops, as well as the high speed chase through the city.

She was also worried if they would find her car in at the bottom of the bay with Risky's body in the trunk. She didn't suspect they would, but there was always a chance, and if they did it would trace right back to her and the farm.

She sighed shaking her head walking to the farmhouse and pushing the door open, “Applejack? Big Mac? I'm home.” She called as she went inside looking around, it was quiet and she wondered if they had gone to bed. “They don't normally go to bed this early...” She muttered softly to herself.

She cocked her head to the side twitching an ear listening before noticing what time it was, “Then again...” She sighed softly realizing how late it was closing the door quietly she made her way to her room.

She actually slept better than she thought she would with all that had happened, her dreams were still plagued with images of ponies dying they had been brief enough to allow her some rest.

However as the night went on her dreams twisted to images of Sweetie Belle being forced to work for Rising Star and Scootaloo being gun downed in the streets of Manehatten by police ponies. More police ponies raiding the farm gunning down her sister and brother as they try to defend their home. Herself being locked away only to be executed in front of her classmates.

“Apple Bloom, I'm so disappointed in you,” Cheerilee told her body as it swung from the gallows. “Getting your friends and family killed like that. I thought I taught you better than that.”

“Pft, should've known you'd get your cutie mark in being a loser,” Diamond Tiara told her looking at her flank, which had a cutie mark of a stylized hanging thumbs down on it.

“Yea, our underground cider business was so much better.” Silver Spoon laughed shaking her head, “We even bought your one living friend with the profit. Right Sweetie Belle?” Silver Spoon looked over at Sweetie Belle.

“That's right, everything is so much better now without you.” Sweetie Belle smiled, looking posh wearing a small tiara and pearl necklaces blending into a mix of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. “Just a shame about Scootaloo.”

The body of Scootaloo staggered up to her, blood dripping from the bullet wounds and from her mouth. “You did this to me! I should’ve known you would get me killed, you ruin everything!” The undead pegasus launched into the air at Apple Bloom's hanging dead body tearing into it.

She sat up in with a scream of surprise, panting hard looking around her bedroom. The sun was up, however she wasn't sure what time it was. She heard someone approaching and looked to the door seeing Applejack come in, “Sugar cube, when ya' get in?”

“Late last night,” Apple Bloom answered calming down as she got out of bed, she was still wearing her duster and holster.

“I see, y'all have been pretty tired sleepin' like that, take a shower and come downstairs. I'll have breakfast waitin' for ya alright?” Applejack smiled at her leaving the room to head downstairs to fix breakfast for Apple Bloom.

“Alright sis,” Apple Bloom called after her slipping off her duster and holster putting both on a chair before heading to the bathroom to wash up.

She let out a deep sigh of relief feeling the hot water hit her coat relaxing her. Her muscles relaxed and untensed as the stress of the past few days starting to melt away. However the dream still bothered her, she didn't understand what it meant.

“Do I really ruin everything...?” She asked herself quietly looking at the drain as the water swirled down it. She shakes her head, “No, it's just a stupid dream it means nothing.” She shakes her head sling water off her mane.

She got herself cleaned off and dried before heading downstairs breathing in the scent of the breakfast Applejack had made, smelled like pancakes. She smiled to herself before twitching her ear and frowning softly hearing the radio playing in the background reporting the news about the gunfight in Manehatten.

“Apple Bloom, y'all know anythin' bout that?” Applejack asked her as she came into the dining room and took a seat at the table giving her a concerned and worried look.

Apple Bloom took a deep breath, but nods at her sister, “Yea, the delivery to Manehatten didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped...” She looked at the table quietly, “As I'm sure you heard on the radio... what has the radio been sayin'?” She asked softly.

Applejack gave Apple Bloom a plate with a few pancakes and a cup of orange juice. “An undercover pony didn't checked in so they sent in a recovery team, a shootout took place between some mafia ponies and the recovery ponies.”

Apple Bloom remained quiet taking a drink of her juice, nodding softly looking at her plate suddenly not that hungry. After a few moments of silence she looked at Applejack, “Anything else?”

“They also was talk of a high speed chase through lower Manehatten, but the car managed to get away before the pegasi could be called in to help track it.” Applejack sighed looking at Apple Bloom, “I'm guessin' that was you?”

Apple Bloom took a bite of her pancake nodding at Applejack.

“I suspected as much... dang it Apple Bloom this is the kinda thing I wanted ya to avoid in Manehatten.” Applejack grumbled looking away shaking her head. “Gettin mixed up with them city ponies always causes trouble.”

“Ah know sis,” she sighed shaking her head. “I tried to avoid it but I had no choi-”

“Of course ya had a choice!” Applejack suddenly turned yelling at her cutting her off. “There is always a choice, ya tell em no!”

Apple Bloom folded her ears back looking at Applejack, “But-”

“No buts!” Applejack cut her off again, “If they tell ya do something wrong you tell them no, and get out before it gets too far.”

Apple Bloom looked down before stomping a hoof, “They didn't give me that choice!” Apple Bloom snapped back at her sister, “Ah just went to deliver my order like ah was suppose to, but when I went to collect the bits they dragged that poor undercover pony in and told me ah had to help torture him or ah'd take his place!” Apple Bloom continued as tears started to swell in her eyes. “Ah didn't have a choice!”

Applejack folded her ears back looking at Apple Bloom as she listens to her sister yell at her. “Apple Bloom...” She pulled her sister into a hug nuzzling her shoulder. “I'm sorry... I didn't know it was that bad... I should have had more faith in your judgment. It's just... ya been reckless lately.”

Apple Bloom nuzzled back hug as she hugs her sister, “Ah know sis... am sorry...” She rubs her eyes against her sister's shoulder, “I've just been wrapped up in what I'm doin... I haven't been thinkin' bout the consequences.”

“What are ya going to do?” Applejack asked looking at Apple Bloom.

She shakes her head softly taking a deep breath calming herself. “I don't know... I'm gonna need to think about it.” She said softly looking at Applejack. “I'm not going to Manehatten anytime soon... specially without a car.” She sighed softly.

Applejack blinks looking at Apple Bloom, “What happened to yer car?”

Apple Bloom looked away folding her ears back, “It's... in Manehatten bay...” she muttered, leaving out the part about Risky being in the trunk.

Applejack sighed but nods slowly, “I see...” She hugged Apple Bloom again, “At least yer safe and home. I just hope it stays that way... at least for a while.”

Apple Bloom hugged her back nodding softly. “So do I.”