• Published 27th Jun 2014
  • 995 Views, 38 Comments

Bootlegging - L_Wolf

Progress is good for most ponies, but some new inventions can be a double edge blade.

  • ...

Chapter Eight: Business Meeting

Chapter Eight
Business Meeting

After making the purchase of the sub machine gun and the shotgun Apple Bloom decided the shotgun was a little long for her needs and sawed the barrel down to make it easier to fire from the driver seat if she needed. Though she honestly hoped she wouldn't need to use either gun.

She also fixed a holster up under her duster so she could carry it with her out of sight. It wasn't an ideal choice but she wasn't a good shot so a shotgun was a good choice.

By the time she finished sawing the barrel down and fixing the holster up she noticed it was getting close to the time of her meeting. With a deep breath she put the shotgun in the holster and a few extra shells in a pocket of her duster before heading to her car.

Apple Bloom had stored the sub machine gun under the passenger seat, so she could get at it pretty easily if she needed as well. She drove the car towards the diner and found a parking spot before heading inside of the Mariponie Diner.

She considered leaving the shotgun in her car, but she didn't know these ponies and thought better of it. “May I help you?” The concierge for the diner asked her as she came inside.

“Yea, I'm suppose to meet some ponies here for a meetin at ten p.m.” Apple Bloom said looking around quietly, the place was much more fancy than she expected.

“Name?” The concierge asked suspiciously looking Apple Bloom over taking in her decidedly lower class appearance.

“Apple Bloom,” She replied looking back up at the pony folding her ears back.

“Ah of course, Ms Apple Bloom, we've been expecting you.” The concierge smiled, and Apple Bloom noticed the change in his attitude almost instantly. “Please, follow me and I'll show you to your table.”

Apple Bloom nodded faintly following the pony to her table feeling out of place, the others in high class attire with fancy hairstyles and jewelry and she was just wearing an old duster. She could of swore a few gave her a look of disgust as she walked by.

“May I take your... coat?” The concierge asked when Apple Bloom was seated, but she shook her head no, “Alright then, here is a menu. A waitress will be by soon for your order.”

“Alright, thank ya.” She said taking the menu, but seeing the prices she wasn't sure if she really wanted anything to eat here. She just hoped the ponies she was suppose to meet would arrive soon. She started to feel uncomfortable and a little silly bringing her shotgun with all the other ponies around.

She didn't have to wait long as a stallion and mare approached her table, the stallion was heavy set and a unicorn wearing a fancy suit. The mare was slender wearing also wearing a suit. She didn't recognize either of them.

“So... your Apple Bloom, from Ponyville right?” The heavier unicorn asked. “I'm Mariponie, I own this diner. This is my associate Rossi... she takes care of things for me.”

Apple Bloom looked at the two quietly feeling even more uncomfortable. “Yes sir, I'm Apple Bloom.” She nodded at him softly, “I was told you had business for me.”

The stallion looked Apple Bloom over quietly, “Some... associates of mine, might have need of your, product, if you bring it to them at this address,” He said, being very vague though the mare passed Apple Bloom a piece of paper while he spoke. “There will be quiet a few bits in it for you.”

Apple Bloom took the paper and looked at it quietly, it had a date, time, number of bottles, and offer of bits on it. “I'll... consider, the offer.” She said though the amount of bits was hard to pass up.

“See that you do,” The stallion said looking at his menu, “Also... when we said no guns, we meant no guns. Try to remember that if when we invite you next time, and get yourself something nice to wear.”

Apple Bloom blushed at the scolding and the insult to her outfit, but she agreed that what she had didn't fit with the company, nor the diner she was at. Mariponie did permit her to dine with him and Rossi, but he insisted on ordering for her.

Once the rather late dinner was over and she left the diner it was almost midnight so she went back to the motel for the night. She had it for another day so she figured she would use it.

After getting into her room she tossed her duster onto the spare bed with her holster and shotgun. She climbed onto her bed sighing softly. “Do I really want to start making runs out here permanently...” she wondered to herself. “Just started the restaurant in Ponyville with my friends...”

She had dragged her friends into the business and now she was about to cut them out by working in Manehatten. She couldn't see herself asking her friends to do this kind of dangerous work considering what she had already done.

Apple Bloom knew Scootaloo would do it though, the high speed driving if a cop started chasing her was something Scootaloo would enjoy. And Sweetie Belle, Sweetie Belle would want to help, she knew that.

Apple Bloom groaned closing her eyes trying to fall asleep. “I can't ask them to put their lives at risk... or take the life of another pony if it came to that.” She told herself sighing as she rolled onto her side looking at the shotgun in the holster.

She knew she had to find a way to get them quit before they got in too deep, she just wasn't sure how. They were her friends though and she knew her friend would want to help her no matter what. “Cutie Mark Crusaders stick together, no matter what...” She muttered to herself closing her eyes drifting to sleep.