• Published 27th Jun 2014
  • 995 Views, 38 Comments

Bootlegging - L_Wolf

Progress is good for most ponies, but some new inventions can be a double edge blade.

  • ...

Chapter Two: The Early Stages

Chapter Two
The Early Stages

“Dang it Apple Bloom, what's gotten into you?” Applejack huffed looking at her little sister. “Cider is illegal now and y’all want us to make more?”

Apple Bloom folded her ears back at looking at her older sister. “Why not? Like you said the Apple's have been making cider for years, and they just want us to stop? Ain't fair to us to, they didn’t even include us in the choice, they just decided it.”

Applejack huffed again before sighing shaking her head, “I don't know Apple Bloom it sounds risky, what if we get caught? Cider might been important part of the family business, but family is more important.”

“We'll just have to be careful, besides who's going to suspect a filly?” Apple Bloom gave Applejack a sly grin.

Applejack sighed again but gave in, “Alright fine, but the moment there is any hint of trouble we put an end to it alright?”

Apple Bloom smiled at Applejack, “Thank you sis, you wont regret it.” She grinned running off to start getting things ready.

Applejack shook her head looking down, “I already do.”

Apple Bloom made her way into town to find the customers who wanted cider during Applejack and the Mayor's confrontation on cider day.

She walked up to Rainbow Dash casually, “I heard about cider, that's to bad huh?”

Rainbow Dash looked at Apple Bloom, “Yea, to bad. I was looking forward to it this year.”

“What if someone was to say, leave one bottle of cider in your mailbox at night. How much would you be willing to pay?” Apple Bloom asked her gaze going to suddenly interesting rock on the ground.

“Maybe, five bits for one bottle?” Rainbow Dash offered.

“I'm not going to say it'll happen... but if there is five bits in the mail box tonight, it may be replaced with a bottle tonight.” Apple Boom mused as she trotted off to find another pony taking out a list to write the order. She used a code she and her friends came up with a few years back.

It was another failed effort to get her cutie mark but it came in handy when she wanted to keep secrets. It took her all day, but she got orders from all the ponies in town that had sided with Applejack. She also got a few suggestions as well but not all of them didn't pan out.

“So... Water Lily, to bad about the cider huh?” She asked walking up to a sea foam green unicorn with a blue mane and tail.

“Yea, to bad but what are you going to do?” Water Lily shrugged looking over at Apple Bloom.

“Well... rumor has it if you leave five bits in your mailbox... a bottle of cider might be there in the morning.” Apple Bloom suggested.

“I should turn you into the police trying to sell illegal cider.” Water Lily glared at Apple Bloom folding her ears back. “I might not like that law, but it is the law.”

“Whoa whoa, hold on now, I never said anything about selling anything,” Apple Bloom said raising her hooves.

“Don't give me that, come here, I'm taking you in!” Water Lily said trying to grab younger filly.

“Let me go!” Apple Bloom yelped turning and bucked out connecting with the unicorn hard on the chin knocking her to the ground.

Apple Bloom turned around quick seeing the unicorn lay on the ground blood running from her muzzle. “Dang it Apple Bloom that was a fool thing to do.” She muttered looking around, no ponies were nearby so she grabbed Water Lily's mane and dragged her into the alley nearby.

Water Lily was still out cold from her buck, she had gotten stronger by helping Applejack on the farm bucking trees and carrying baskets. “Now what... she'll tell the police...” She bit her bottom lip looking around the alley before something caught her eye.

She picked up an old knife sticking out of a dumpster before looking at Water Lily. “I... I couldn't...” she told herself folded her ears back looking back to the knife. She closed her eyes thinking about her family, “I have to for the farm... for my family.” She reassured herself looking up and down the ally not seeing anyone she walked over to Water Lily sitting on her haunches.

“Princess Celestia, forgive me for what I am about to do.” She whimpered softly before thrusting the knife quickly into Water Lily's throat quickly and painlessly ending the unicorn's life. She quickly let of the knife handle, scrambling away from the body and lost her lunch next to a dumpster.

After the events in the alley with Water Lily Apple Bloom galloped home as quickly as she could, she didn't think she could handle seeing anymore ponies today. She hurried inside and upstairs hearing Applejack call her name but she ignored it. She went straight to the bathroom and turned on the water to the shower climbing trying to wash away what she did.

“Apple Bloom? What's the matter with ya?” Applejack's voice came through the door calling to her.

Apple Bloom perked her ears looking to the door, she sighed softly, she couldn't tell her sister she killed someone today. “Nothing Applejack, I'll be out in a minute!” She called back biting her bottom lip, she hated to lie.

“Well... alright, supper is ready so don't to long or it'll get cold.” Applejack called to Apple Bloom heard her hoof steps grow softer as she trotted away.

Apple Bloom sighed softly closing her eyes shaking her head, “It had to be done, for the family.” She reassured herself. “You'll do it again to protect the family, that is what is important in the end.”

She finished her bath and got out drying herself she brushed her mane and tail out before she put a small bow near her left ear instead of her normal large bow. She then headed downstairs to enjoy supper with her family. Tonight she was going to go out and deliver the promised cider to the ponies who ordered it.