• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 3,731 Views, 104 Comments

Pony Split - Ark125

When a teen is transported to Equestria, he will discover that he is altered when ever he feels extreme emotions. Can he and Luna figure out

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Pony Split

Chapter 11 – Comatose

I rushed him into the hospital then gave the doctors information on what happened. They immediately rushed the unconscious unicorn into surgery. I watched as they wheeled him through the double doors with a sign labeled: E.R.

One hour later, my sister arrived along with the Elements of Harmony and Spike. Tia came over and asked, "What happened?"

"To tell you the truth, I'm not quite sure myself," I said with a sad tone.

"Just start from when you left and we'll go from there."

I nodded and began to recount the events that led up to this point.

"Wait; let me see if I got this right. You're saying that Pure Heart doesn't even know who he is anymore, that's just messed up!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"And that 'e did have an evil spirit inside his head," Applejack said.

"A-and he k-killed a dragon right before y-your eyes," Fluttershy whispered in disbelief.

I nodded sadly to all three queries.

"Wowie-zowie! He sounds like a big meanie, mean head," Pinkie Pie stated.

"No! I mean, sure he killed another being, but I believe he was confused and influenced by Ark," I reported and Pure Heart's defense.

Twilight spoke up, saying, "But he did end up releasing this dark entity upon Equestria, right?"

I looked down and rubbed my left foreleg across the other in consideration, "Yes but... only to get away from Ark. I mean if he did that, then there must be some good and in him still, don't you think?"

Tia, who had been silent the whole time, then expressed what she had been thinking, "Perhaps. But we still must be careful. Now, I believe you mentioned that he had used a weapon to split himself from Ark. I would like to have a look at it."

I had nearly forgotten about the blood covered sword at my side. I picked it up with my magic and placed it on the ground so we could all get a better look at it.

After being put out in the open, Rarity spoke up, "Wow, what a beautiful piece of workmanship. The way it shines with black elegance, the blue aura that seems to permeate from within. The off-white middle with the tints of red going up and down the shaft..."

"Uhh...Rarity, I believe that shaft is bone and the tints of red are blood," Twilight pointed out.

Rarity nearly passed out on the floor after realizing she was right.

"Whoa sugarcube, take it easy. I'm a goin' to take miss Rarity home. See y'all later." Applejack excused herself to escort the disgusted diva out.

Twilight Sparkle turned her attention back to the sword, then said "You said he yelled something before he was separated from Ark. Do you remember what it was?"

I thought for a moment, "I'm not sure... Wait! I believe he said 'Split!'" All of a sudden, the sword divided into three spikes, scaring all of us in the process.

"OMC! That was awesome!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Why in the world did it do that," Twilight Sparkle asked inquisitively.

Spike finally said something, "Princess Luna, what kind of cutie mark does Pure Heart have again?"

After he asked this, I was taken aback, "Well, when I first saw him, it was a gray heart, an azure moon, and a single 4-pointed star. But I'm not quite sure anymore since it changed."

Twilight caught on to what she thought Spike was getting at, "I see Spike, you think that them both having a moon and star as their cutie mark might have something to do with it, am I right?"

"Um, yeah. Let's go with that. I wasn't just wondering what his cutie mark looked like, just to know," he said, feigning his intelligence for what it wasn't.

"That might make sense," Tia speculated, "But we will have to check what his cutie mark looks like when we see him next."

"Agreed." We all said in unison.

After a couple of hours of waiting, a doctor walked into the waiting room, looking for us. He spotted us and walked over and introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Dr. Sternum Pain, but you may call me Dr. Stern."

I rushed over to him, "Dr. Stern, how bad is it? Is he going to be okay? Tell me!"

"Princess Luna, please calm down. You brought him in just at the right time, any longer and he would of bleed out. He also had 3 broken legs, 7 cracked ribs, a dislocated jaw, a couple punctured organs, and..."

"Oo... I know this one, and a partridge in a pear tree." We all turned to stare at Pinkie Pie. "What?"

Dr. Stern just rolled his eyes and said, "Anyways, he was in really bad shape. But we stitched up all his gashes and set him in a full body cast. He was definitely lucky, though, had it been any worse, he would of..."

"Yes, I understand. Is he awake, can we see him," I pleaded.

The doctor looked down trodden all of a sudden.

Tia asked, "What is wrong, Dr. Stern?"

"Yeah, you look like you were just smacked in the face with a large sack of potatoes." We all turned to look at Pinkie Pie again, who just shrugged and said, "What? He does."

I rolled my eyes this time and turned my attention back to the doctor. He spoke, "Perhaps it would be best for us all to sit down." He ushered us to a corner of the room with large couches.

When we had all sat down, Dr. Stern paced back and forth for a couple of minutes. I got tired of this and said, "Doctor, we would all like to know what happened to our friend, so could you please tell us what is wrong."

He sighed and pulled of his glasses to massage the bridge of his snout as if he were thinking of the best way to break bad news. "Well, all of his external and internal injuries have been taken care of as I said before. He is in perfect health, and should be awake right now."

"Great, so let's go see him," Rainbow Dash declared.

"Hold on Ms. Dash, I said he should be awake by now, as in, he should have regained consciousness after the anesthesia wore off."

"How long ago was it supposed to wear off," Twilight asked with unease.

Dr. Stern looked down and said, "...3 hours ago..."

We all gasped, completely shocked at this news.

"So, what does that mean for him? I mean, this kind of thing happens all the time, right Dr. Stern," Spike asked.

He shook his head, "No, it doesn't."

I was sobbing at this point, "What are you trying to say? That he is dead?"

"No! No, no, no. He is very much alive. He just isn't conscious."

Rainbow Dash was getting impatient, "Listen doc, stop giving us the run around! Spit it out already, what is wrong with him?"

(S/N: Hey everypony! Just a quick side note. So I decided to have a little fun with the ending for this chapter. I am making two paths to the same ending. If you don't want to ruin the mood for the moment, then consider this the end of chapter 11. I'm just warning you now because I decided that I want to add some funny doctor terminology into the mix. Like I said, they both lead to the same ending of the chapter. So read on!)

"I am sorry, I just can't say it. Nurse Redheart, will you please come break the news to them."

Nurse Redheart walked into the room and said, "Of course. While I do that, why don't you go help the patient in Room 208, he needs help with his medicine."

"Thank you." He then walked out of the room in shame.

"I apologize for my co-worker, he can be very emotional."

"That is fine, now will you please tell us what is going on?"

"Yes. Your friend, Pure Heart, has turned...comatose..."

(S/N: This is where the funny ending is. So basically, I will start back from when Rainbow Dash annoyed, right before that first side note. Then just use the same ending from above. Now, without further ado, here is the funny. Enjoy!)

Dr. Stern took a long sigh and said, "I am sorry, but your friend is..."

They all leaned in closer, "Yes?"

"He is..."



"OMC! Dr. Stern, stop torturing these mares!" Nurse Redheart walked into the room.

"I'm sorry, but I like to build up the suspense," he chuckled.

"I swear! You can act so gorky! I mean seriously, do you suffer from Acute Pneumoencephalopathy?"

"Yes...but I..."

"No buts! Now, go check on the patient in Room 208, it is time for his medicine."

"Okay..." He walked out of the room in shame.

Nurse Redheart then turned to us and said, "I apologize for my co-worker. He reads too many soap operas."

We were all completely shocked at what had just occurred. Twilight finally got up enough nerve to ask, "Nurse Redheart, those things you said about him, what exactly do they mean?"

"Oh, it's just medical slang. Gork means comatose or braindead, which I was referring to the latter sense. Acute Pneumoencephalopathy means airhead."

Pinkie Pie turned to Twilight and said, "Yeah Twilight, yeesh, even I knew that."

This time everypony rolled their eyes.

"Anyways, back to Pure Heart, can somepony please just tell me what is wrong him?"