• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 3,731 Views, 104 Comments

Pony Split - Ark125

When a teen is transported to Equestria, he will discover that he is altered when ever he feels extreme emotions. Can he and Luna figure out

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Who Is She?

Pony Split

Chapter 7 – Who Is She?

I woke up hours later from a rather uneventful sleep. I looked around to see where I was, I then realized I was still in the forest.

Good morning.

I jumped in terror, only then realizing that it was just Ark.

A little jumpy today, are we?

"No, I just forgot that I had a disembodied voice in my head, that's all."

Sure. Anyways, today I am going to teach you how to manipulate the mind of lesser beings.

"I thought we were going to build a fort with parts from ol' scaly here."

We will, but unless you want to scrape out all the blood, guts, and tissue, I suggest we get help from some parasprites.


Parasprites. They are a little ball of cuteness that is similar to a fly. But they're extremely dangerous because of their ravenous appetite. Plus, they multiply like rodents. You leave one alone and turnaround for a second, there'll be two more when you face them again.

"Oh my gosh, they sound like the spawn of the demons."

They very well could be. But I digress. They are very easy to control with the right spell. Oh look, there's one now!

Sure enough, a little blue ball with wings, like a fly, came floating right by us. "OK, so how do we control it?"

Easy, I will show you. My body was taken control of again and a purple glow surrounded the parasprite. It's big aqua-green eyes started to glow purple. Then a voice, that wasn't my own, came out of my mouth.

"Split now!" Immediately the parasprite became two.

OK, now you try. Just remember, focus on the parasprite, then you just command it and it will do as you say.

"OK, I'll try it." I focused very hard on the first parasprite. It started to glow red, then its eyes started to glow red as well. "Split now!" The first parasprite split again.

Excellent! Now to control more than one, focus on the group as a whole.

I focused again, but this time on all three parasprites. "Split now!" All three split once again, so now there were six of them.

Good job. Now keep splitting them until you have 300 or so. I'm going to take a quick a rest.

"OK, then."

I kept practicing with the parasprites and splitting them until I had a few hundred of the big-eyed flies under my control. "Hey Ark, I'm finished, what is next?"

Well, now that we have all these parasprites, command them to start devouring the hydra. But remember to stop them from eating the bones and hide, we need them to build the shelter.

"Alrighty, then." I focused on the horde of insects and commanded them to eat the hydra but to leave the key items behind. They immediately turned into a massive frenzy, making buzzing and munching noises as I watched the hydra become a husk of its former self.

They finished the task within 15 minutes. All that was left of the hydra was its skin sagging on the bones that were inside.

Good. Now that the hydra's flesh and muscle is no longer there, command the parasprites to eat each other!

"What? But they just helped us, shouldn't we just let them go," I asked with utter disgust in my voice.

Of course not! They are pests and I do not want them causing me any trouble! Now command them to eat each other!

"I won't do it!"

Then I will...

My body was taken control of immediately and before I knew it, the parasprites had turned on each other.

I watched in horror as the parasprites proceeded to eat one another. But, in some way, I found it amusing.

I continued to watch until there was but one parasprite left. It turned to look at me. I could see the hunger in its eyes as it started to advance towards me.

"Holy crap! It is going to eat me!"

Kill it, before it kills you!

"How?" It was only a few yards away from me now.

Hold up your hoof and will the creature to combust!

I did as Ark said and, in an instant, the parasprite immediately flashed into flames and smoldered to ash. The ash then floated away in the breeze.

I stared at the spot where the parasprite had been only moments before. I then stared at my hoof for a little bit. I couldn't believe what had just done that. I felt sadness and guilt wash over me. But then that was quickly replaced with pride and a lust for more.

Well done, Darkly. You have taken a couple of steps closer towards ultimate power.

"How many steps are there exactly until I do achieve this 'ultimate power' of which you speak?"

He thought for a moment and then responded, Seven, I believe. You have already completed two steps, those being lust and pride. You still have 5 more steps to complete until you gain ultimate power, though.

"Okay then, so what is next?"

Next, you will cut away the skin and I will then tan it for use.

"Let's get started then." I immediately set off to start cutting away the tough hide from the hydra carcass.

Hours later, I had finally cut away all the skin and Ark was using magic to tan the hides. After the tanning was done, Ark taught me how levitate objects so I could start forming the structure of the fort. He instructed me where to place each individual bone.

After several more hours of intensive labor, the shelter was finally complete. Ark congratulated me on a job well done.

Now that we have a proper place in which to reside, we can begin planning the next steps.

"Yeah, I've been wondering about that," I said as we walked into the skeletal fortress.


"Well, why exactly do I want ultimate power anyways? I mean, it sounds great and all, but what am I going to do with it?"

A good question, I'm glad you asked. Let's got to our private quarters and I will explain more fully once there.

I agreed and walked up the spiral stair case, made from the spine of the hydra by twisting each vertebrae on its axis until the disks lined up in a way that made them function like stairs.

Once we had arrived in the bed chambers, Ark took control and shaded all the windows with curtains made from the tanned hide. He then said a few words in a different tongue and suddenly a light sprang from the floor. He started calling up images that appeared in the light.

"This is Equestria, the realm of which we currently reside," Ark explained, referring to the image of a map. "The rulers of Equestria are sisters that control the sun and moon. The eldest, Princess Celestia, controls the sun, while the younger, Princess Luna, controls the moon." Images of the two appeared.


"Yes? What is it?"

Well, it's just... the blue one... she looks sort of familiar.

"Nonsense, this is the first time you have ever seen her."

Okay, if you insist. Continue.

"Alright, where was I... Oh right! So, Celestia had a fight with her sister a thousand years ago..."

The presentation went on for about two hours, consisting of the history of Equestria and such. Ark eventually convinced me that Celestia was a tyrant that only let Luna come back after feeling pity for her. He explained that we would overthrow the evil ruler and let Luna take her place as the rightful ruler of Equestria, with us as her adviser, of course.

Wow, I had no idea. Well, now I can't wait to take that which Celestia holds most precious in order to make her surrender. And all those riches that they probably have, I can just imagine playing in it all day long.

"Good, you have just completed another step, greed."

Cool, four more to go. What do we do next?

"Next, I give you control of your body back."

I shivered as I slowly felt my self in control again. "Okay, now what?"

Now we get some rest, tomorrow we will be starting hardcore magic training and will do so for a few weeks. Along the way, you will most likely take a couple more steps towards the goal.

"Okay, you go ahead. I want some time to gather my thoughts without someone commenting on them all."

He chuckled, Okay, just don't stay up too late, we have a long, tiring month ahead. Ark slowly went off to sleep.

I walked over to the window and pulled back the curtain. It was night, the full moon was out as well as millions of stars.

I stared at the moon, Luna. Why does that name sound so familiar? It feels like there was some connection between us, but I don't know why. I sighed loudly and shrugged my shoulders as I walked over to my skeletal bed with hide blankets and got in. My last thought before falling asleep was, Who is she?