• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 3,728 Views, 104 Comments

Pony Split - Ark125

When a teen is transported to Equestria, he will discover that he is altered when ever he feels extreme emotions. Can he and Luna figure out

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Pony Split

Chapter 6 - Papercut

I woke up with no idea where I was. Actually, I had no idea who I was! But I was really focusing on the fact that I had a brain splitting headache and my chest hurt like somepony had just stabbed me several times.

I was laid down and curled of into a fetal position, clutching my chest from this unbearable pain. I sat there for what seemed like hours. I tried to think of something else to ease my pain.

I tried thinking of how I had gotten here. 'Who am I, what am I doing here?'

I can answer that.

I spazzed, "Who said that?" There was no one around me.

Hey genius, I am in your head.

Wait, am I dead, and if so are you an angel or something.

Nope, just your everyday, run-of-the-mill, disembodied voice in your head.

Who are you?

I think the main question right now is: do you know who you are?

I really don't know. I could almost see a smile appear.

Okay, well I do.

Really, who am I?

You are Darkly Facade. A unicorn with extreme talents in the art of magic. Especially the dark kind.

Well, that is pretty cool I guess. I suddenly groaned in pain as I remembered my current state. This is the point at which I saw a pool of blood permeating from my head. Well, that must be the reason I can't remember anything. I must have hit my head on something and now I have no recollection of who I am.

Very good, now let me help you.

How can you help me, aren't you just a disembodied voice inside my head. I asked rather intrigued but also quite suspicious.

Yes, but I can take the pain away.

Okay, but what is the catch?

Well, the only way I can take away your pain is by becoming one with you. That way I can give you the necessary treatment to feel better. But, you have to invite me into your body.

So in exchange for relief, you gain control of my body.


Well, I have a quick question before I agree, will I still have all my normal functions in check?

Of course! You will have full use of your body. But whenever I deem fit, I will take possession of your body for my own needs as well as to help you along the way. So, what do you say, do we have a deal? I could almost hear him grinning.

I tried to think about it, but couldn't do to the head wound affecting my thinking patterns. Deal!

Okay, hold still, you will be fixed up within a moments notice. Then a purple aura started to surround my entire being. I felt instant relief as the pain just melted away.

Wow, I feel great.

You should. Now let's have a look at my handy work. Walk over to that pond over there. I looked up and saw the body of water. I walked over to it and looked at myself. I was had dark red coat with a brown mane and tail. I looked at my backside and saw what looked to be a tattoo of a crescent moon and stars. I looked at the water again and saw another image in the water. It was a purple unicorn with a spiked back green mane. I turned to look for him, but he was not there. You can only see my reflection, because, technically, I am you right now.

Well, I guess that makes sense. So what do we do now.

We now need to get ready to live out here for awhile.

That's great and all, but I don't know anything about surviving in the wild. I don't know anything about this forest or any of the creatures that might live here.

Don't worry, I have lots of tricks up my sleeves. I will teach you all that I know about how to survive out here as well as teach you strong magic to defend yourself from even the most threatening creatures. It won't be easy, but it will be undoubtedly worth it in the end.

Sounds good to me. When do we start this training?

Right now! Look out! Something took control of my body and I rolled away from a massive, scaly foot that nearly stomped me. I looked up and saw a huge reptilian creature with multiple heads come out from behind the trees.

What is that thing? I asked with obvious fear in my voice.

That would be a hydra. I was completely freaking out, I tried to run but I had no control. I saw myself be surrounded in the same purple aura as before and I somehow jumped really high. In a flash, I was back on the ground and covered in purple goo. I turned around to look at the hydra and saw it lying on the ground as well, only with a large hole in the middle of its body. It was dead.

Holy crap! Did we just do that.

Yep, now lets sit down before we pass out, that really took a lot of energy from me. I agreed and walked over to a tree and laid down in the shade.

That was pretty epic, you have to teach me how to do that later.

I will and much more. For now though, get some sleep. When you wake up, we begin skinning the beast and making a home from tanning the leather and making the bones into support structures.

Wow, that sounds completely disgusting. You are really a morbid, messed up guy, aren't you?

Yes, yes I am. Now go to sleep.

I yawned, Okay, but one last question, what do I call you, my morbid friend?

He thought for a moment, as if to decide to as what he should say, Just call me Ark. I nodded as I slowly drifted off to sleep.