• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 3,728 Views, 104 Comments

Pony Split - Ark125

When a teen is transported to Equestria, he will discover that he is altered when ever he feels extreme emotions. Can he and Luna figure out

  • ...

While You Were Sleeping

Pony Split

Chapter 12 - While You Were Sleeping

Luna's POV

"What do you mean he is comatose?"

"As in he is alive, just not awake."

My heart sank, "But he will wake up, right?"

"Most likely, yes. But when, that is a different story."

"What is a coma exactly?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, a coma occurs when you sustain severe trauma to the head or by going through a great ordeal. When you become comatose, your brain function goes on extreme low alert. Almost like you are sleeping, but you show no signs of awareness. For instance, if I were asleep, you would be able to poke my face and I would react. Or if you were to shake me or try some other way of waking me up, I would. When in a vegetative state, however..."

Pinkie Pie stopped him for a second, "He's not a vegetable, he's a pony, silly!"

"Pinkie, that is just another way of saying he's in a coma," Twilight Sparkle explained. She looked back to the doctor and said, "Continue."

"Yes, as I was saying. When in a vegetative state, however, if you were to poke my face or try to wake me up by force, I would not respond at all."

"So, when he does wake up, what will happen?" I asked.

"He will most likely have to learn basic functions again such as walking and talking."

"How long can that take for him to do these things again?"

"Well, with the right therapy, it could take anywhere between a couple weeks to... never." He said that last word with a somber tone. We all gasped when he said it as well.

"So, like, what can we do to help him?" Rainbow Dash inquired.

The doctor shook his head, "Not much. All you can really do is pretend like he is awake and still talk to him."

"But I thought you said he would not respond to anything," Tia stated.

"I did, but just because he won't respond, doesn't mean he can't hear you."

"Okay, now even I'm confused," Twilight said.

He chuckled, "No need to be confused, it's really quite simple. You see, past patients have sometimes

said that they recall hearing voices or seeing events happen while in a coma. They even said that it was for that reason that they were able to wake up."

"Ohhhh," we all said in unison.

Silence took over the room for a moment.

"Can we see him please?" I asked.

"Of course, please follow me."

We all began to follow the doctor down the hallway to the ICU. As we reached the end of the hall, the doctor lead us into a room on the right. It was about the size of a normal bedroom with beige colored walls and a couple cushions and green chairs around the perimeter of the room.

As we walked in, the first thing I noticed was the beeping of a heart monitor and the quiet breathing of a pony on the hospital bed. "Um, where is he?"

The doctor sighed, "I'm not surprised you don't recognize him, since he is in a full body cast."

I took a closer look at the pony on the bed, and sure enough, it was Pure Heart. He was completely cover in gauze and such which hid his red coloration from view. I gasped as I realized it was him and quickly approached his bedside.

"If you will excuse me, I must fill out some documentation and see some other patients. Either a nurse or I will check up on him periodically. If you need anything, just ask."

With that the doctor stepped out.

We all stayed quiet for a few minutes, the only sound being the heart rate monitor steadily beeping and our combined soft breathing.

Tia then spoke up, "Ladies, let us give some time for Luna to be alone with Pure Heart." They all nodded in agreement and all began to walk out.

As they exited the room, Pinkie Pie spoke up, saying, "When he wakes up, I am going to throw him the bestest party ever. I wonder how long I have to plan? Oh well, I'll make it huge anyway since it might be a while."

I thought to myself, I hope it does not take too long. Please, wake up Pure Heart.

I then remembered what the doctor had said about talking to him and how it could possibly help. "Pure Heart," I whispered into his ear, "Please come back to me. I love you."

A couple hours later, Nurse Redheart came in and saw me watching over him. "Princess Luna." I turned to face her. "I am afraid visiting hours are over, so I must ask you to leave."

I was heartbroken. I did not play this card often but I tried, "But... I am royalty. Can you please make an exception."

She shook her head, "I'm sorry, but the only ponies allowed to stay after visiting hours are immediate family. So unless you are blood related or married, I must insist."

I thought it over in my head, then had an idea. "What if I am engaged to him?"

She looked a little shocked, but responded, "Yes, that would be appropriate. But, are you?"

I looked down at the near mummified stallion and smiled. "Yes... yes I am."