• Published 20th Apr 2012
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Pony Split - Ark125

When a teen is transported to Equestria, he will discover that he is altered when ever he feels extreme emotions. Can he and Luna figure out

  • ...

Jet Lag

Pony Split

Chapter 28 – Jet Lag

Pure Heart's POV – 2 Weeks After Honeymoon

I woke up to another bright and shiny day. I turned to look at my wife and she was staring at me. I ginned, "What?"

"Oh, nothing. Just watching you sleep is all."

I chuckled, "You, my dear, have just achieved creeper status."

"Oh, so watching your spouse while they sleep is a crime now?"

I thought for a moment. "I guess not, though now I feel like I have a stalker," I teased.

She hoofed me in the shoulder, although not as hard as usual. "What's wrong Luna?"

She looked at me with her sparkling eyes, "Whatever do you mean?"

I sighed, "You know what I mean. You are hiding something, what is it?"

She looked away, "I-it is nothing. Really."

"Luna?" I said with my contempt tone. "Don't lie to me, I know there is something bothering you. As your eternal companion, I am here to help you through all your problems, no matter how big or small they may be." I reached over with my one wing and nudged her closer. "I love you, and I want to help you."

I didn't realize until then that she had begun to cry when she turned from me. The only reason I knew now was because of the moisture that had begun to collect between my pinions.

She spoke in a whispered tone, "I'm just so scared."

"Luna, you have nothing to fear. There is nothing in this world that could possibly hurt you. I mean your a goddess, how could you be afraid of anything with the power of the night at your beck and call. And if that isn't enough, you have me, the one that loves you with all of his heart and soul, to protect you whenever you are in trouble."

She continued to cry, "But that's just it. You don't have much longer, Pure Heart. I don't think I could live without you here. The very thought of us not being together keeps me up at night, frightened of being alone. Do you know what it's like to be alone?"

"...Yes, I do know what it feels like to be alone, though I have not felt it for a thousand years of banishment to the Moon. But all my life, I always felt it. Now I may have had the love of my huge family, I always thought that I would never find the one that would love me forever. I don't know if you knew this, but before I met you, I suffered from depression. I often thought that I wasn't worth the space I occupied or the air I breathed."

She turned to me, still sobbing. "You did?"

I nodded, "Yes, I even had made a couple attempts on... well, that isn't important. My point is: yes, I know how you feel. If anything ever happened to you, I would never be able to recover. That is why I devote my life to protect you. And if anything ever happens to me, well, you won't be alone." I pulled her into a hug and began to stroke her mane. "You have your sister, you have Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy, and everypony else. They all love you. But I promise you, even if I were to pass on, I would climb out of the very pits of Tartarus and beat down the armies of evil creatures with my bare hoofs to get back to you."

"Really?" She stopped crying, but continues to sniffle.

"Really really."

She through her arms around my neck, "Pure Heart, I am so lucky to have you."

I smirked, "Yes. Yes you are."

She hoofed me in the shoulder again, the same amount of energy she usually did. "There's the fire I know and love," I chuckled as I rubbed my shoulder.

She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back, encircling her with my one wing. We sat there for a while before I spoke. "Do you know when I first began to love you?"

"No, tell me."

"Well, I had just finished a two month service in another land. In my culture, this was kind of a way to tell if we were ready to face the world, but usually those who go on these expeditions go for at least two years."

"Why didn't you?" Luna inquired.

I rubbed the back of my head, "I was sent home early due to 'medical problems'." I gestured with air quotes.

"What does that mean?"

I sighed, "It means that I don't exactly want to talk about it, so let's just say it was leg injury."

"Okay, continue."

"Alright. So I came home early, and was immediately thrust back into the real world. It wasn't an easy adjustment, and I wasn't sure if I could handle it. But one day, I went to my friend's house to hang out with him and Marcus. You remember him, right?"

"Ah yes, the one who seemed quite obsessed with Miss Applejack."

"Yep. Well, this was the first time I had seen them in two months, and I was so excited to see them again. We did all of our usual things, play card games and watch videos. But Marcus had told me that we should watch this show. Now when he told me about it, I instantly felt like he had gone insane because he was talking about a show that was meant to be for little girls."

"Ah, this My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic show is what you are talking about, correct?"

"Yes it is. Now, I was reluctant at first, but after watching one episode, I knew I was hooked. I watched all the episodes in one night. I loved it. But there was one episode that I loved the most. The one where it introduced you. As soon as I saw you, I knew you were the one for me."

"Ahhh, Pure Heart." She kissed me tenderly on the lips.

A few more minutes later, I spoke again, "Come on, we should probably get ready. We have that big political conference today."

Her face twisted in annoyance. "Ugh, didn't we just have one a couple days ago," she whined.

"No, your thinking of the Equestrian ambassador convention."

"You know what I mean. They are all so... so..."

"Boring." I mused

"Disgustingly so. I think I'd rather be turned to stone by a cockatrice than listen to a bunch of democrats talking about the latest legislation for health care."

I smiled, "Maybe we'll get lucky and two of them will get into a hoof fight over whether to raise or lower taxes."

"If only..." she sighed.

"Come on, I'll race you to the shower."

"Your on."

After taking a shower, together, we brushed each others manes and got dressed in our royal garbs.

We walked out of the room and into the corridor.

"Good morning your majesties." The guard in front of our door said.

"Good morning Captain Reed."

"May I escort you and the princess to breakfast?"


A couple minutes later, we were in the dining hall, eating our daisy and fruit salads.

Celestia came in, "Good morning you two."

"Good morning Tia," said Luna.

"Good morning Celestia. How did you sleep last night?"

"Great. Although, I have to say it's odd to see you up and around."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, usually Luna sleeps during the day and is awake all night. You know, her being the night goddess and all."

"Tia! Shh!" Luna exclaimed.

"Wait, you sleep during the day? I can't believe I was so ignorant. Is there anything else I should know, Luna?"

"Weeeelllll... I didn't wake up before you this morning, I was actually awake all night long."

"You didn't sleep at all! Wait, that means you were up all night staring at me! CREEPER OVERLOAD!"

"Hey, I was just trying to adjust to your sleeping schedule."

"Luna, you have some serious jet lag issues going on here."


"What I mean is, I should be the one adjusting to your sleep schedule. I mean, your the goddess of the Moon, you are the embodiment of the night. How do you expect to sustain yourself if you don't sleep."

"I just wanted to make sure you stay healthy." She turned away.

"Look at me." She turned to look me in the face. "From now on, you will sleep during the day and stay awake at night. I will adjust my sleep schedule to yours."


"No buts. Go back to our room, drink some tea to help you relax, and go to bed."

"Fine." She got up and stomped out of the dining room.

"Captain Reed."

The guard stepped out of the shadows. "Yes my liege?"

"Okay, first of all, that was awesome. Second of all, please escort Princess Luna to her room." I motioned him closer and whispered in his ear. "Take this powder and mix it into her tea. Make sure she drinks the entire cup."

"What is it?"

"Something to help her relax."

"Yes sir." He took the powder and followed my upset wife out of the room.

As soon as I was sure they were out of ear shot, I started banging my head onto the table.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

"Uh, Pure Heart?" Celestia concerned.

I held up my hoof, while resting my head on the table, signaling her to give me a minute.

I brought up my head high and finally slammed it into the table as hard as I could. "STUPID!" The table cracked then split in half where I had pounded my head.

After resting for a moment, I sat up and said, "Yes, Tia?"

Her mouth was completely agape, her eyes wide open in shock "Are you okay?"

"Never better. Why do you ask?"

She gestured to her own head to point out something on mine. I reached up and felt something wet. I looked my hoof... blood. I held up a spoon to see my face. There was a trickle of blood coming from my forehead.

I chuckled, "Well that is going to need some stitches. Or super glue, although that didn't go over so well last time."

I had a flashback to a couple of months earlier, back on Earth when I was in the distant land trying to fix my glasses with tape, a paperclip, and a tube of krazy glue. And, well, let's just say that wiping sweat off your face after using super glue is a bad idea. That was fun trying to explain to what happened to the paramedics.

Celestia brought me out of it by coughing.

"Sorry, flashback. You were saying."

"Yes, doesn't that hurt?"

"Meh. Merely a flesh wound."

"You broke the table in half," she said with a sadistic look.

"Well I might have a concussion tomorrow, but really, I'm fine," I said with a grin, holding a napkin to my head to stop the bleeding.

"...Okay. Anyways, what are you going to do to adjust to my sister's sleep schedule?"

"I'll manage. I'm really focusing on your sister right now."

"I hope you know that she isn't sleeping because she is scared for you."

"I know."

"So how do you plan on rectifying this?"

I sighed, "I have no idea, do you?"

She thought for a moment, "Well it seems to me what has her upset is your current lifespan."

I looked back at my one wing and fluttered it, remembering that discussion between me and Luna. "Right, but what do I have to sacrifice to do that?"

She shook her head, "That I do not know. I guess we will just have to hope that an opportunity presents itself."

"...Alright. Thanks Tia."

"No problem. What are you going to do now?"

"Well somepony still has to go to that conference."

"Don't worry about that, you go be with my sister."

"You sure?"

"Well we certainly don't want Luna to turn into stone now, do we?"

"Yeah I guess your ri... Hey wait a second! Were you listening in on our conversation?"

She held up her hoof to her muzzle, raising her eyebrows, and said, "Maybe..."

"You were!"

"... I demand a lawyer!" She said playfully.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever..."

As I began to get up and walk out, she stopped me.

"By the way, what did you give Captain Reed to put in my sister's tea?"

I laughed, "Just a heavy sedative to help her sleep."

"Well, as long as you never do that to me," she said as she picked up her own cup of tea.

"Oh, then you might not want to drink that tea."

Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as she spurted out the liquid.

"Psych! Don't troll with me!" I laughed as I teleported out.

Celestia grabbed a napkin and dabbed her face, "What am I gonna do with those two?"